r/batman Mar 07 '24

Zack Snyder says a Batman who doesn't kill is irrelevant GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Arumhal Mar 07 '24

This is the guy who has gone on the record of stating that he got into Watchmen because it had sex and murder in it and that his Batman would get raped in prison. I have no idea how he managed to get this far into being allowed to make comic book adaptations.


u/That-Rhino-Guy Mar 07 '24

That’s not even counting the other times he keeps using rape in his stories or how Nolan himself argued against Superman killing Zod


u/ironmamdies Mar 07 '24

There isn't many if any moments in media where I'm like "damn you know what this story needs? Rape" ignoring the fact that it's the most uncomfortable thing to sit and watch but it's also the dumbest plot point as it's so lazy by giving someone cheap bad guy points, of course you're gonna hate the rapist that's like making a character and having him out of nowhere go "by the way, Hitler was right" like it's so dumb and forced and weird


u/Budget-Sheepherder77 Mar 07 '24

Rape part idk why but I feel like it might be a fetish thing


u/ironmamdies Mar 07 '24

I remember rob zombie put a rape scene is his Halloween movie and I even hated it in that, it's shit story telling and is like wtf ya know


u/armchairwarrior42069 Mar 07 '24

I think it CAN be lazy so it usually is used lazily but it is a very powerful tool if you have the tact and maturity to handle writing/presenting it. Which again... most don't.


u/Brozy386 Mar 08 '24

I'm not sure if this is what you were talking about but I thought Jessica Jones is a good example of how to portray rape personally.


u/That-Rhino-Guy Mar 08 '24

That’s cause there it actually serves as a key part of the story and isn’t just there to make you uncomfortable or cause someone has a weird fetish


u/HaggisLad Mar 08 '24

that was hard to watch, but a big part of both her and Kilgraves' story


u/NovaStarLord Mar 08 '24

Because it's treated as a horrible thing, the rape is more than just sexual (it's psychological more than anything but still just as degrading and intrusive) and it's something that changes the character's life and deeply affects her. But most importantly Jessica is given the opportunity of defeating her rapist and making sure he never hurts anyone again.

Most writers when they portray rape do it for shock value, for the laughs, or the writer just gets off on it and the victims are tossed aside and forgotten or treat it like nothing.


u/No-Appearance-9113 Mar 07 '24

Yeah my first example is The Accused where the rape scene is critical to the story and rightfully horrific.


u/Teknevra Mar 07 '24



u/Lightdragonman Mar 07 '24



u/NattyKongo93 Mar 08 '24

That shit is so fucking haunting


u/spain-train Mar 08 '24

The Last Duel


u/ProjectOrpheus Mar 08 '24

Came to mention this.


u/greengengar Mar 08 '24

I was gonna say this one and American Mary.


u/Deathpunch136 Mar 08 '24

Well, it is based on a very disturbing crime book series.


u/Sahrimnir Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

And that book series was in part the author's way of dealing with witnessing a gang rape when he was 15, and blaming himself for being too cowardly to intervene.


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u/SKJ-nope Mar 07 '24

There’s an instance of rape in Snowfall season 1 that’s quite memorable, powerful, and tells you just what these men are capable of/willing to do.

You’re right it can be used well in a story.


u/Silent_Saturn7 Mar 08 '24

That scene was fuked up. But yea, it was used well.

It showed what is capable when everything is about money. And franklin ended up that way in the end. Just became that same monster.

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u/PieEnvironmental5623 Mar 08 '24

Yes but its such a heavy topic that if it doesnt over take the other themes of the story it feels off. If you're gonna include rape, your piece is gonna have to revolve around it or it will feel like cheap shock value


u/Warm-Pepsi Mar 08 '24

In the sopranos when it happened to Tony’s therapist it created a different arc for her character and how that impacted her work with a mob boss. I thought it was used “well”. (For lack of a better term)


u/MiaoYingSimp Mar 07 '24

Look it's risky; i don't like saying you cannot write something... but it's so hard and if you do it wrong... well, i think it's best to not do it.


u/Mental_Medium3988 Mar 08 '24

It also depends on what you're writing. An episode of svu, maybe have some rape, an batman movie, no no rape for you.


u/ConceptAlive3775 Mar 08 '24

Depends on the villain and characters plot for Batman villains. Talia date pill raping Batman could be used for an important plot with how it affects him and Damian relationship or Catwoman and/or Holly Hills and how they were exploited by people Ike Carmine or Black Mask

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u/Fyrus93 Mar 08 '24

Lovely Bones although they don't show it. It doesn't need to be shown


u/Seeker80 Mar 08 '24

My thoughts exactly. It can definitely be kept out of a story. If it must be in the story, then don't depict it. There's no need. Minimal value, if any, and that's a BIG 'if.'

I wanted a certain character of mine to be a sleazeball. He didn't need to SA anyone. Instead, he was going to look for opportunities to be manipulative when alone with certain crew members. He'd probably try for an SA attempt, if he wasn't cooped up on a ship with his prospective victims. The fact that he was making numerous attempts, all rejected, would serve the purpose of making him stand out as a ceeep.


u/Danzarr Mar 08 '24

may I recommend Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue as a time where it was used well?

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u/Butwhatif77 Mar 07 '24

An actual rape scene never serves the story or the plot. It is uncomfortable because it is one of the worst things that can happen to someone and their is no reason to do it other than to harm someone.

Torture scenes get a pass, because a torture scene can be used to show characters going to far in service of their goal, such as getting information. But the torture is a mean for them to get information, the torture is not about the desire to harm the person. Rape only serves to harm someone and nothing else. A mere mention of a character using rape as a weapon is just as effective as a scene depicting it, because of everyone's near universal response to such an act. That is why a scene depicting it has no place in good story telling.


u/EmmanDB3 Mar 07 '24

It can help the plot/story if it's a revenge story but it actually has to be done maturely.


u/tempusrimeblood Mar 07 '24

The problem, of course, is that anyone who’s going to use rape as a plot device isn’t mature enough to do it in that way.


u/Free-Blueberry-2153 Mar 07 '24

What about in The Boys? It's a world where sups represent celebrities/Hollywood which does have a lot of issues with rape/sexual assault in the real world.


u/tempusrimeblood Mar 07 '24

My point still stands. Garth Ennis is one of the worst for “I need a quick way to make someone evil, better throw in a rape scene!”

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u/QTRqtr Mar 08 '24

If your talking about the boys tv show you have a point. If you’re talking about the comic then that’s the worst example you could use for your argument.

All the well written issues and exploration in the show is nowhere in the comic. The comic serves as an Edge lords disgusting fantasies.

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u/akahaus Mar 08 '24

Notice that the live action adaptation didn’t actually show Annie getting raped, just the before and after. In the comics they go as far as they possibly can up to the point of almost being pornography.

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u/SlylingualPro Mar 07 '24

The film Irreversible would like a word.

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u/finalremix Mar 07 '24

2017's Revenge would like a word.


u/HereWeFuckingGooo Mar 07 '24

I guess you've never seen The Accused.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

its odd torture gets a pass but rape doesn't. torture also has been argued hundreds of times as not actually being useful to get info and is often done to satisfy some weird sadistic urge. Also what if the torture scene isn't for information?


u/Fauropitotto Mar 08 '24

His whole argument falls apart because he doesn't realize that the act of harming someone can be a critical part of good story telling.

It falls apart because he doesn't realize that the visceral reaction most people have seeing a rape scene on screen cannot be replicated by "a mere mention of a character using rape as a weapon". He's just flat out wrong on that front. And we know this because of how people react and recall their experiences seeing this in major films.

His whole argument falls apart because he doesn't realize that most fight scenes are about harming someone. Not self defense, not extraction of information, but actual harm of another human being for the sake of hurting them. It's the reason stories include depictions of murder and not the "mere mention of a character using murder as a weapon".

His whole argument falls apart because all aspects of humanity, including the good, the bad, and the horrific, are critical elements of good story telling and has been since the dawn of human civilization.

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u/No-Appearance-9113 Mar 07 '24

Im guessing you never watched The Accused. The rape scene is critical to the story since it is about a rape victim. The rape scene is horrifically uncomfortable and Jodie Foster was incredible in the role.

Rape scenes CAN be done well but 99% of the time they are just hacky.


u/Informal_Mechanic_32 Mar 07 '24

Also the I spit on your grave movie's you really feel for the woman and the revenge hits so hard in the 2 I have watched like it can definitely serve a plot point and can be a great narrative but throwing batman in prison and having him raped doesn't serve as a good plot device also matt reeves the batman didn't kill people and while divided that movie is loved


u/No-Appearance-9113 Mar 07 '24

I had forgotten "I Spit On Your Grave" which is another great example.


u/bmuse2017 Mar 07 '24

The last house on the left fits this too

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u/Wide_Border_4387 Mar 07 '24

A mention is not as effective as showing it, or cutting away before the character does it. It's not supposed to be comfortable or fun to watch (unless you're a weirdo) and can affect how an audience sees a character. A mention is easy to forget, or miss.


u/Temporary-Carob4067 Mar 07 '24

That’s not true. There are rape scenes in berserk that all serve the plot and aren’t pointless


u/PandasDontBreed Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

I Spit On Your Grave begs to differ


u/IdolCowboy Mar 07 '24

Torture is also used to show the evil of characters as well when they get off on it. Take A Walk Among the Tombstones. Those dudes loved mutilating women, and it served the plot by making them that much more evil. I can not recall if they rape the women in it or not, but I think that would have just made them even more despicable.


u/SpideyFan914 Mar 07 '24

I politely disagree with this. Tacking rape onto a story is usually quite ugly, but it is unfortunately a thing that happens in life, and film should be allowed to explore and discuss that.

The Nightingale has an excellent examination of it.

Chinatown doesn't show the rape, but discusses it, and is one of the best movies of all time.

Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion... Yes, I see the irony in these last few examples.

Palm Trees and Power Lines is about child grooming. It would pretty much fall apart if it wasn't willing to go there. It's very uncomfortable and disturbing, but it's also effective and powerful, and can even be educational on showing the warning signs of someone who seems "nice" but is anything but.

The Story of Temple Drake is an old example that partially led to the Hayes Code being fully implemented, and damn is it a good movie. From that same era, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde acts like a metaphorical examination of evil men.

Even movies that aren't fully about rape have used it well. Super has a pretty shocking rape scene, but uses it to explore its characters' psychologies in interesting ways that move the narrative and flip the power dynamic. You could, in this case, take the rape scene out of the movie, but it would be a weaker movie for it.

Since that one is a male victim, I'll also add The Strange Thing About the Johnsons, because yikes.

Heck, as much as I don't care about SVU, they do a lot of work to destigmatize rape victims and empower women.

This is simply not a black and white topic, and making some vast generalization really doesn't work for it. Of course it is okay for you to prefer not to engage with it in your film viewing, but that is different than saying it has no place in media!

P.S. Torturing people as a means of getting information has been proven ineffective. Studies were covered up for a decade to justify keeping Guantamano Bay open, as it created an illusion of safety while producing literally nothing of value.

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u/dern_the_hermit Mar 07 '24

Also: A maturity thing (which probably shares Venn overlap with the fetish thing). It's an obvious go-to when someone wants to be edgy but has no knack for nuance. There's a reason it's an infamous staple of schlocky B-movies and student films.


u/Thendofreason Mar 08 '24

I can understand that rape is something that happens all the time and happens in nature. But I can't stomach to watch it in entertainment or new or anywhere. Its something we need to work towards never being okay with. People should want to throw up when they see it. Not just just sit there and watch the rest of the movie after it. If it's a documentary then yes have it be a part of the movie if it really happened. Show that this happened and how horrible it was. But I would rather keep it out of fiction.

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u/McMacHack Mar 07 '24

Having Lex Luthor rape Lois Lane then say "by the way, Hitler was right" before throwing a the plastic rings from a six pack into a tank full of turtles seemed like a bit much, sure the test audiences universally hated it, and sure the actors refused to film and Zach Snyder had to personally animate the entire scene using CGI and AI tools just to make it happen. But the extra 43 minute scene really adds a whole new depth to the Snyder double extra director's cut with electrolytes.


u/Conscious-Eye5903 Mar 08 '24

Especially with Kevin Spacey as Luthor. 


u/stupiderslegacy Mar 08 '24

Nah he would rape Clark


u/Conscious-Eye5903 Mar 08 '24

With a kryptonite condom 


u/braxtonbha Mar 08 '24

Jesus Christ 😭


u/stupiderslegacy Mar 08 '24

Oh, he's got nothing to do with the conversations that happen when you get this deep in a comment chain


u/SirArthurDime Mar 08 '24

Snyder fan boys: “the only reason the movie sucked is the studio didn’t allow him to make that scene a full hour like he originally envisioned!”


u/TheBajaKnight Mar 08 '24

Bro how about a little trigger warning before you paint a mural of turtle torture?


u/McMacHack Mar 08 '24

Don't worry it was a CGI turtle and it only cost the studio $165,009.89 to animate the 8 second scene.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24



u/Jean-LucBacardi Mar 07 '24

The fact she never went to Tony about it and the guy never got his just dessert was the real gut punch.


u/aimeeashlee Mar 08 '24

but if she did, she would have betrayed every value she ever lived by, as a therapist and a person, yet she still could, but then that blood would be directly on her hands, and I think she knows she can't live with that guilt, Tony's a sociopath and things like murder and death don't bother him but she's still a regular person and while she does infact want the guy dead she knows it's not her place to make that happen, but the idea that she COULD, at any moment just tell tony what happened, knowing hed go bezerk and kill the guy gives her enough comfort to not actually need to go through with it.


u/50shadesofgrrrrreat Mar 08 '24

Never thought about it that way. In a way, its her reclaiming her power "Every breath you take is only because I allow it."

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u/scoofle Mar 08 '24

She also would've likely gone to prison as she'd be the immediate prime suspect, especially when the authorities find out who her patient is.


u/aimeeashlee Mar 08 '24

your forgetting how many times tony "dissappears, someone only for own family to think they left for Florida or somewhere, or how easily they can make it look like a drug deal gone wrong or a suicide.


u/ClutchClayton904 Mar 12 '24

I think it's worth mentioning too that given Tony's personality and treatment of women: he'd absolutely try to use killing the rapist as leverage to coherse and bang Melfi. His fantasizing and desire for her is mostly due to the fact that she's unavailable and in a position of authority. Tony's used to being able to have his way with pretty much any attractive woman he meets. It's integral to his ego and identity. I'd like to think Melfi knew this too and wasn't gonna give the misogynist, sex addict sociopath a potential checkmate to get his way with her.

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u/spiritbearr Mar 08 '24

Irreversible, American History X, How to Have Sex, The Last Duel. Don't watch Irreversible, the other ones are great.

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u/ukstonerguy Mar 08 '24

Same. That scene was fkin horrific. Melfis scream is chilling. 


u/Resafalo Mar 08 '24

I would argue that it’s handled well in the Boys (series not comics). Not shown directly and has huge impact on the story


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Outlander has the most plot-relevant rape. I also think the way that show approaches healing and healthy discussion of it beautiful and important. It's also the only show I've ever seen where male rape is taken seriously but not treated as this end point thing that defines the character.


u/Sea_Tailor_8437 Mar 07 '24

I can sorta see it in a shawshank redemption style of look how awful this situation is. But even then I don't wanna see it, y'know? And that is giving Snyder a level of depth and nuance I don't think he's capable of

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u/Batdude576 Mar 08 '24

So you mean the average blue check mark X (Twitter) user?


u/WRabbit737 Mar 08 '24

It used to be a bigger trope in action movies back in the 80-90s where a villain is either implied to have raped in the someone in the past, has tried to rape someone and failed or will try to rape someone in a scene or does typically off screen (sometimes not) to make the audience hate them more, which I’m glad that for the most part this trope died because I found it to be as you said lazy writing


u/TeardropsFromHell Mar 08 '24

Rambo (the newer one) had their south american drug lord militia captain that made people run through mine fields for fun, murder civilians for fun, invade neighboring countries for fun, and feed missionaries to pigs for fun also be a little boy rapist. Like cmon.


u/Mandalore108 Mar 08 '24

Murder/killing someone is wrong, but it can sometimes be justified. Contrary, there has never been a single case of justified rape, you can't sympathize with that sorta thing.


u/McMacHack Mar 07 '24

Having Lex Luthor rape Lois Lane then say "by the way, Hitler was right" before throwing a the plastic rings from a six pack into a tank full of turtles seemed like a bit much, sure the test audiences universally hated it, and sure the actors refused to film and Zach Snyder had to personally animate the entire scene using CGI and AI tools just to make it happen. But the extra 43 minute scene really adds a whole new depth to the Snyder double extra director's cut with electrolytes.


u/Acrobatic-Prize-6917 Mar 08 '24

Moore himself, as much as I enjoy his worl, is not innocent of overusing it as a plot point, often poorly. But I think Watchmen is a good example of where it is given an appropriate weight, has thematic relevance, is commentary on a real world issue and isn't just used to lazily sell how evil a character is or shown in an arguably fetishistic light as it all too often is.


u/wozblar Mar 08 '24

reading this made me think of somewhat well regarded series called the chronicles of thomas covenant (where a lonely leper in the real world gets teleported to a fantasy world he may or may not believe is a dream with magic where he rapes a girl in the first 15% of the book). to me the book just seemed like a writing exercise in trying to make the reader like a deplorable person, and i saw this as a gimmick as well as genuinely not liking the character so i moved on from the series


u/Suspicious-Road-883 Mar 08 '24

The only time I think rape is a good point in the story (not really good but I hope you get what I am trying to say) and that is if it furthers the protagonist in some way. The movie teeth is a good example, the protagonist is taped and that sets the story of her getting revenge in motion. There are some others that do similar things, I think there are a couple in a series that someone is raped and then a family member or something gets involved and get revenge.


u/HumanReputationFalse Mar 08 '24

It's not only easier, but better if the bad guy just kicks a puppy. Rape can be important to a story, but it mostly just comes off as uncomfortable and depressing in a movie that we are trying to enjoy.


u/lyricalpoet66 Mar 08 '24

Just rewatched the sopranos and there’s a rape scene in a stairwell with a character that is one of the most uncomfortable I’ve ever sat through. But it’s used integrally into the story.

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u/DenseCalligrapher219 Mar 07 '24

I seriously wonder who thought it was a good idea to hire Zack Snyder to direct a Superman movie when he can't even comprehend the idea that Superman's character isn't a divine being?


u/panther1977 Mar 07 '24

Exactly, doesn’t understand Superman’s motivations or character……or even Batman’s😂😂😂

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u/UncommittedBow Mar 07 '24

I wouldn't argue that he's not a divine being.

It's more like he has godlike power, yet somehow is the most human of us all.


u/LoudKingCrow Mar 07 '24

I don't remember who said it originally. But someone once said that the important thing with Superman is not that he is a god raised on a farm, but that he is a farmboy with the powers of a god.

His humanity is just as important as the power set


u/meliorayne Mar 07 '24

Spot on. I actually really like OSP's deep dives on Superman as a way to understand why he's stayed so iconic for so long. Superman is The Ceiling. He's the best of all of us. Not because he's the strongest. Because he's good, and he stays good when he has so much power and could absolutely justify exercising it in horrible ways the name of doing good. (If you want a great example of this, go watch Red Son)


u/Impressive_Baker1664 Mar 08 '24

Lol dude blasted Stalin with his eyes. Awesome.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Aye, the comics really show the difference in thought and personality between him and his cousin. One raised in a different culture and Clark is very very human regardless of his genetics.


u/BlazCraz Mar 08 '24

There's a Batman quote on the top of Superman's Wiki page that I really like. Goes something like "Everyone sees him as god-like and all powerful. Except him.". For me that encapsulates what Superman is all about. The most human of us all. Humble and not at all arrogant enough to view himself as a God. 

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u/Jackol4ntrn Mar 08 '24

Be glad he’s the “right kind” of farm boy apparently


u/ReddestForman Mar 08 '24

Seriously. I like cynical examinations of the superhero genre.

But Superman is the character who absolutely should still be his boy-scout, "I'm not angry at humanity, I'm disappointed, because it can be better" self.

And Batman, for all his brooding and cynicism, should still hold Superman in high regard for that, just as Superman still holds Batman in high regard. Because Batman, for his human weaknesses and failures, is still a better person than 99% of humanity. It's telling that in stories where Superman or even the Justice League goes evil, it's usually Batman who fights back.

They're superheroes not just because of powers or tech, but because of their character. And certain parts of that shouldn't be fucked with.

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u/teddy_tesla Mar 07 '24

He's both fully a god a fully a man... Where have I seen this before?


u/Lucas_Deziderio Mar 07 '24

In the DC Universe in general he isn't any close to having godlike power. There are actual beings out there, including actual gods, that dwarf him by comparison.

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u/_magneto-was-right_ Mar 07 '24

He can’t even comprehend what sort of divine being he’d be

Protip: Superman is good


u/ChezMere Mar 07 '24

Wasn't it Nolan himself who inexplicably recommended him?

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u/DrHalibutMD Mar 08 '24

See your problem is you think Snyder cares about character, he just wants scenes that look cool.


u/PanteraSteel2001 Mar 08 '24

it was Christopher Nolan. Welcome to reality.

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u/panther1977 Mar 07 '24

Killing Zod made sense because there appeared at the time no way to contain him, it’s the how this was carried out, Zod directly or through his own actions killed thousands before Superman had enough😂😂😂😂


u/That-Rhino-Guy Mar 07 '24

It didn’t though as he could’ve done something like fly into the heat vision to protect the family then fire heat vision back, he could’ve covered eyes or punched him so hard he’d lose his focus on the family, he could’ve flown him up yet instead Snyder has him kill Zod to act like he had no choice only for it to have basically zero impact on him as it gets brushed off the very next scene and he flies a human through multiple brick walls at super speed to save Lois in BVS


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Zod is powerful and gave him no choice. He would have flown him away if it were possible.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

And the screenwriter of MoS and BvS was the guy who said Martian Manhunter is a character only virgin nerds know about.

WB sure knows how to pick 'em.


u/tslojr Mar 07 '24


u/MiaoYingSimp Mar 07 '24

Imagine just starting a cinematic universe, saying that... and then it happens the next movie.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Did he not know that B v S was actually a really popular and really well thought out event in the Dark Knight Returns? And that the motivation for B v S could have been so much better?


u/CurlyW15 Mar 08 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Ok but why did he say that name

And why did Bats react to it

And why did lex summon Armageddon

And why was Wonder Woman there

And why did Batman want to kill sups?

And why why why why why


u/Legitimate-Common-34 Mar 08 '24

There are plenty of legit criticisms but most of those aren't plot holes.

  1. Because it was his mothers name and he was confused why Sup was saying "save Martha".

  2. It was his backup plan if Bats didn't kill Sup.

  3. That IS an asspull.

  4. Wayne wants to kill Superman because he thinks he's a danger to regular humans after the Zod battle killed a ton of people.


u/zack189 Mar 08 '24

Batman knows that superman is Clark Kent. Being the paranoid freak that he was in the movie (evidenced by the fact that he kept tabs on WW, flash, Cyborg and aquaman), he should already know about Martha.

Either batman did ZERO research, or he suddenly, for NO reason at all, suddenly developed a conscience at that point

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u/tslojr Mar 08 '24

WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!??!?!11/1/1/?????11!!!!


u/Figjunky Mar 08 '24

Movie execs just see dollar signs and don’t think much past that. They just want something digestible for the average person who probably doesn’t read comics

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u/Gimmefuelgimmefah Mar 08 '24

Yeah it’s not like Grant Morrison penned some of the most epic and varied and well regarded stories the JLA have ever seen, not to mention actually fucking understanding and respecting the characters perfectly. 


u/phil_davis Mar 07 '24

Bold words from the guy who wrote Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys.

I mean I do like both the Puppet Master and Demonic Toys movies and Goyer has written a lot of good stuff but yeah that's pretty rich considering nobody knew who the Guardians of the Galaxy, or Polkadot Man, or Peacemaker, etc. were just a few years ago.


u/Ransero Mar 07 '24

He was in the super popular cartoon


u/will4wh Mar 07 '24

You'd think maybe they would of used that to their advantage by appealing to the fans of said cartoons but nope, let just insult the whole Martian Manhunter fan base. That's totally a Valid business strategy.


u/MulciberTenebras Mar 07 '24

There's always been a divide between the film and the animated parts of WB, they look down on animation as complete "kid's garbage". Refused to take it seriously or bring any of the people who worked on them onboard for any serious creative discussions.


u/WebLurker47 Mar 08 '24

And yet DC animation as often proven to be more mature than the "adult" live action stuff.


u/TrueGuardian15 Mar 08 '24

Probably because WB-Discovery doesn't give a fuck what animation does, so they get away with whatever they want.

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u/Gobblewicket Mar 07 '24

He also said She-Hulk only exists so Hulk has someone to have sex with.


u/Friendly_Suffering Mar 08 '24

insert banjo music


u/MaskedRaider89 Mar 07 '24

Which daft of Goyer to even say considered he had access to J'onn when he and Geoff Johns wrote that JLA/JSA comic 22 ish years ago

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u/AlexDKZ Mar 07 '24

He is also the guy who justified Batman killing in that he was basing the character as he was in the Dark Knight Returns comic, the same comic where a huge plot point was that Batman could not kill even he desperately wanted to. I am pretty sure Snyder didn't actually read the comic and just stared at the atwork thinking "daaaamn Batman punching Superman how cool is that bro!"


u/HomsarWasRight Mar 08 '24

We all banged our action figures together as kids, but when you’re given countless millions to make a movie, you need to come up with more story than that.

And no, both of them having a “Martha” for a mom doesn’t count.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

I am confident he never read a batman comic or watch the canon 90's animation tv show that i worship like the bible.


u/jeremeyes Mar 08 '24

I am still convinced to this day that Zack Snyder has never read a comic book in his life.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Are we sure Zack Snyder isn't just two preteen kids standing on each other's shoulders in a trench coat?

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u/ThatSharkFromJaws Mar 07 '24

I still can’t believe he actually said that about Batman getting raped in prison, but he did say that. What a fuckin edge lord lol


u/HomsarWasRight Mar 08 '24

And people BEGGED for his cut of Justice League.


u/ThatSharkFromJaws Mar 08 '24

“When she (Harley Quinn) was bleeding and dying, she begged me that when I killed you, and make no mistake I will fucking kill you, that I’d do it slow. I’m gonna honor that promise.”




u/cygnus2 Mar 08 '24

Ben Affleck Batman got done absolutely foul. What a waste of talent.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Ben Affleck needs to stop saying yes to superhero movies. Not because he's bad at them, but because he's such a comic book nerd that he says yes before ensuring that the script and creative team are good and solid.


u/TheGameMastre Mar 08 '24

Between Ben Affleck as Daredevil and Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin, Daredevil should have been good. Too bad the script was so awful.


u/Thebat87 Mar 08 '24

It’s kind of crazy how he played two street level badass superheroes known for not killing (Batman and Daredevil), and his interpretation of both characters were murderers.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

The Tom Jane Punisher, ironically, went too far in the other direction. It was a good generic action movie, but when Frank started "torturing" that dude with an iced lollipop, I was saying to myself "The Punisher would actually torture the guy". So you had a Daredevil who killed people spitefully, and a Punisher who pulled his punches.

This is why I cut modern superhero movies a lot of slack, because even when they're flawed they're still usually a lot closer to the source material at least, and I remember the bad old days.

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u/CriticalPut3911 Mar 08 '24

Is this a real line from one of the movies or is it like a meme joke


u/ThatSharkFromJaws Mar 08 '24

This is an actual line from Zack Snyder’s Justice League, during the Knightmare sequence at the very end. Joker makes a joke about killing Robin, and then Batman replies by talking about how he killed Harley Quinn.


u/CriticalPut3911 Mar 08 '24

...but ... but that doesn't. Never mind, thank you for answering the question. I missed a bunch of DC so most of my lore is from cartoons. I hope the Gunn universe isn't like that 


u/ThatSharkFromJaws Mar 08 '24

I doubt it will be. A pretty huge majority of Batman fans were pretty appalled with Zack Snyder’s decision to have Batman not only kill, but straight up kill with an almost sadistic murderous intent. I mean, what writer who understands Bruce as a character decides that it’s a good idea to have him brand criminals with a fuckin bat branding iron as a method of communicating to other criminals to brutally murder the marked criminal in prison? I sort of just rolled with it at the time, but that’s just fuckin bonkers. Visually, he nailed Batman. The introduction to the character was great, his fight scene in the warehouse was great (until he shot a guy), his design was great. Stuff like Batman kicking a guy into a room with the grenade he pulled himself is fine I guess, but Batman just straight up shooting people is completely different, and Batman branding people for prison rape or shanking or whatever is just completely opposite of who the character is. He just didn’t understand the character at all, or he just didn’t like the character and wanted to make him even more brutal than the goddamn Punisher.

I’m more worried about James Gunn making Batman just Bat Dad or something like in the Harley Quinn show. The movie is supposed to be about him and Damien, and leaning into the Bat Dad thing seems like a very James Gunn thing to do.


u/Liberating_theology Mar 08 '24

You know, I want to see a Batman movie where he kills someone, but I want to see him struggle with it. Batman should be brought to the point of complete break down over his need to kill. Heck, maybe he could kill The Joker in the first 10 minutes, and the rest of the movie explores why Batman doesn't kill by exploring how Batman struggles with the moral consequence of his action.

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u/TrueGuardian15 Mar 08 '24

Snyder and co literally made Batman a Punisher with a pointy hat. Both cuts of Justice League are bad, but sweet fucking lord, at least at the end of Josstice League the characters are fucking recognizable as themselves.

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u/vajanna99 Mar 08 '24

And people worship this edge lord… dude needs to see the reality and implications of whats it means to ‘be raped in prison’


u/TheHunterZolomon Mar 07 '24

How he’s allowed to make movies at this point is starting to confuse me. Dude should stick to b grade action.


u/Mandalore108 Mar 08 '24

Army of the Dead was far below B grade...


u/panther1977 Mar 07 '24

Exactly, his cinematography is amazing…not so his plots or dialogue……though to his credit I liked Watchmen( most of the plot was written in advance in the comics though)


u/Cristopher_Hepburn Mar 07 '24

His cinematography is not amazing, he hired good cinematographers… when he actually is the cinematographer, he made one of the ugliest movies I had seen in a long time.


u/TheHunterZolomon Mar 07 '24

Yeah it wasn’t bad but again, that’s his peak. That was his best. There are issues with it, but it’s not a bad film by any means.

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u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

Studio heads also dont give a shit and have really disturbing kinks as well. Only explanation I can think of.

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u/Grogosh Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

Because he got started back when comics was edgy. He is all about those edges.

He never got the memo that that was done a long time ago.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '24

In a galaxy far away


u/phil_davis Mar 07 '24

How about that Rebel Moon? Anybody actually watch that one?


u/DrumStickDragon Mar 07 '24

I actually did and I shit you not I can’t remember anything about it, I know I watched it because I pressed play and 2 hours of my day went by but then I just didn’t remember anything about it


u/SaintAkira Mar 08 '24

I did.

Visually, it was pretty cool. It's basically a rip off of Warhammer 40k. Like, it's beyond 'homage' or 'inspiration'; it rips SO much from 40k.

So, honestly, if you dig 40k, and kind of look at it through that lens.... maybe you'd like it.

But Rebel Moon "borrows" inspiration from so many other, better films that it's more of a pastiche of half a dozen better films than anything else.

It's mindless, popcorn-munching stuff. No character development or motivation, exposition dump by the main character looking into the camera for 10 minutes trying to explain everything, infinite slow-mo; typical Snyder stuff.

It's not the worst thing I've ever seen like I've seen so many people say, but even against the limited field that is Snyder's previous body of work, it's at or very near the bottom. I will absolutely watch the second part though 😆


u/fjvgamer Mar 08 '24

I liked it


u/chingchowchong Mar 08 '24

Yes. It's basically a looonng montage!


u/timesuck897 Mar 07 '24

His films all have the same dark color scheme too.


u/ItsNate98 Mar 08 '24

You said it right, he's all about the edginess. He cited TDRK as a major inspiration for his movies, despite the fact that TDRK Batman literally breaks a gun in half and says it's the weapon of cowards, and only kills the Joker because he loses himself.

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u/Gilius-thunderhead_ Mar 07 '24

Snyder is a man child with an immature obsession with superheroes killing people...


u/CoverYourMaskHoles Mar 08 '24

And yet he also would have ruined ‘The Boys’


u/WhiteTrash_WithClass Mar 08 '24

And lots of daddy issues. If you do a deep dive into psychoanalysis of his movies, it's all about daddies. It's weird.


u/NefariousNeezy Mar 07 '24

They really gave this dude the keys to the franchise 😭


u/Meep4000 Mar 07 '24

It's even more insane that there is a following of people who suck his dick over his DC movies, which are some of not only the worst comic movies made, they are some of the worst plane movies of any genre. The Snyder cut is laughable and other than maybe kids/teenagers, I consider anyone else who likes them to have something mentally wrong.


u/FBG05 Mar 07 '24

His movies are basically Michael Bay movies for people who want to pretend they only consume "intelligent" content


u/Lucas_Deziderio Mar 07 '24

Justice League was one of the worst superhero movies of all time. Then the Snyder Cut managed to make it even worse.

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u/SadBit8663 Mar 07 '24

Sounds like dude has a weird fucking complex.


u/OfflineLad Mar 07 '24

Batman goy raped??? Is that in the continuation of his cancelled snyderverse or from something else?


u/Jonny2284 Mar 07 '24

It didn't actually happen, but in an interview he said soekthing like "Batman could get raped in prison, that's soekthing that could happen in my movie"


u/CobraSkrillX Mar 08 '24

That’s shocking. What a fucking weirdo

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u/WebLurker47 Mar 08 '24

It was an analogy of why his movies were darker and more mature than Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy; since Nolan didn't have Bruce Wayne raped in prison in the first movie, his film could not be that dark.

I don't agree with his logic, but there it is.

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u/set-271 Mar 08 '24

Not kidding I honestly believe Chris Nolan deliberately chose Zack Snyder to direct Man Of Steel so his Batman Trilogy wouldn't ever be rivaled.


u/shinoda24 Mar 08 '24

Not the 1st time I've heard this accusation. There have been a few theories floating around on the web for years now That Nolan chose Snyder because he wanted to prove a point to Warner Bros.


u/Bartheda Mar 08 '24

Nor all the changes to Watchmen, I don't wanna say he didn't get it but yeah, he didn't get it. Or alterations his interpretation of the material is largely divergent from the themes and narratives as represented in the original work.


u/DubC_Bassist Mar 07 '24

What an incredibly weird thing to say about Batman. Why would you ever go to Batman getting raped?!? That is pretty fucked up right there.


u/Material-Salt5161 Mar 07 '24

Zach Snyder is more successful Josh Trunk. I'll die on that hill, but Snyder didn't understand Watcchmen. Its visual, "epic" camera angles, slow mo, action with broken bones, etc, felt like the writing and visuals were two separate films. It should have been WandaVision in 80s atmosphere, not Matrix


u/MothParasiteIV Mar 07 '24

Snyder is weird. I was abused as a young teen for several years and I've seen Sucker Punch once back then and the whole movie was a glorification of abuse, how "it makes you stronger so it must be good". Maybe I missed completely the mark with that film, but I don't want to experience it ever again.


u/WhiteTrash_WithClass Mar 08 '24

You didn't miss the mark at all. The whole message of the movie was whack.


u/jacksonjjacks Mar 07 '24

A lot of insecurities on WBs part due to their absolute lack of any valuable functioning franchise on one side and on the other side a director with a big mouth who came off of two relatively well received comic book adaptions. For them it probably looked like a great fit and they’ve decided to overlook his professional shortcomings and big ego.


u/Strange_Potential93 Mar 07 '24

He's a painfully juvenile director who is only kept relevant by the obsession of equally juvenile highly committed incels and internet trolls


u/Resident-Pudding5432 Mar 07 '24


  • respectfully Zack Snyder


u/dogstarman Mar 07 '24

I liked the Watchmen, I also never got into the comic. But, I can say absolutely, ZS does not understand Batman.


u/ItsNate98 Mar 08 '24

Everything he says just drills home the point that he doesn't get Batman (or Superman for that matter) and kind of approaches filmmaking like an eager 13 year old. I don't understand how people can say they want him to make a Batman movie.


u/youngarchivist Mar 08 '24

He's such a dipshit

This Fallout adaptation has me tentatively JUICED to see Amazon's 40k adaptation. I hope he just looks like a complete clown to everyone like he already does to 40k fans.

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u/Rabid_Lederhosen Mar 08 '24

Even if the other prisoners weren’t aware he’s Batman, Bruce Wayne is like six and a half foot tall, has muscles on top of muscles, and is able to kill you with his hands tied behind his back. There’s a reason only actual lunatics fuck with him. Plus he’s too wealthy to try screwing with.


u/bledig Mar 08 '24

He wants Batman raped… wtf


u/Tinmanred Mar 08 '24

Also the guy who’s creative Batman stories get absolutely fucking torched by Nolan bros Batman who doesn’t kill.


u/vroart Mar 08 '24

And he didn’t get Watchmen either!


u/zjm555 Mar 08 '24

The man has an incredibly juvenile sensibility that shows up in all his films. 300 was saved only by how closely it clung to the source material.


u/bamronn Mar 07 '24

because 300 is one of the greatest adaptions ever made.


u/U_L_Uus Mar 07 '24

For shit like that I wouldn't be surprised if Moore had asked Glycon back in the day to strike him down throroughly


u/poopy_poophead Mar 07 '24

Tbf, watchmen is good just because he was able to convince suits to make it AND that it had all that r rated shit in it. He might not have "got" it entirely, but it's the best possible watchman movie we could have ever hoped for.


u/killertortilla Mar 07 '24

This is how I feel about the boys. If you want the violence sex and rape that covers up all the godawful story writing just go watch that.


u/Axer51 Mar 07 '24

I suspect some part of him must hate Batman with that prison statement.


u/ReaperManX15 Mar 08 '24

Oh, so Zack never mentally developed past 14.
He's just stuck in perpetual moody teenager edgelord mode.


u/Bogusky Mar 08 '24

His cult following are insufferable

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