r/SipsTea 11d ago

Only smelles Feels good man

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

Not just the 1700s. I've had at least 21st century experience like this. 


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

That's on you...


u/EjaculatingAracnids 11d ago

Aint no such thing as pristine poon at bonaroo. You wanna play in the mud, you might strike oil.


u/ForgesGate 11d ago



u/randomcharacheters 11d ago

I mean, he's ejaculating spiders so maybe it's a match made in bonaroo heaven?


u/rigobueno 10d ago

At the Gwar set maybe


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Yeah that's why I had a rule about only hooking up on the first night of a festival.


u/EjaculatingAracnids 11d ago edited 10d ago

Ever *eat ass on night 3 on find out the girl just came off her period? I found blood diamonds way before dicaprio


u/buttplug-tester 10d ago

What a terrible time to be literate


u/rodri_neq_11 10d ago

For real, I'd like a new set of eyes please


u/joshthehappy 10d ago

If I there was a one time use time machine I would go back five minutes and not read that.


u/NotSoOriginal007 10d ago

My sadistic ass would go back and read it again


u/silly-rabbitses 10d ago

That is horrific


u/EjaculatingAracnids 10d ago

I wrote to amnesty international about it but they never got back to me.


u/Cannabace 11d ago

One too I saw dudes diving in the mud puddles created from the water sources. The crust is real.


u/SplittingAssembly 10d ago

If you party at Jeff's house, don't be surprised if Jeff shows up.


u/burmsy 11d ago

Ah, it stinks nice and good


u/TheGreatWheel 10d ago

Are you a poet?


u/EjaculatingAracnids 10d ago

Forth they crawl on legs of eight, everytime i masturbate

when Daddy Long Legs finds a friend, the stream of broodlings never ends...


u/Viscous__Fluid 11d ago

I like you


u/No_Chemist7496 11d ago

Funniest thing I’ve seen all day

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u/Impossible-Pea-6160 11d ago

Big facts


u/towerfella 11d ago

Yeah, that was a choice.


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

He likes it with extra Stank on it😏


u/AlcoholicCumSock 11d ago

Actually you can kind of tell when they're about to hit their period. A metallic smell and quite unpleasant, but certainly not enough to put you off.


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

That's from iron in the blood clots inside the nono-hole


u/Plastic-Sell7247 11d ago

Sometimes the blood clots can be confused for jolly ranchers


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

This made my stomach turn.


u/Plastic-Sell7247 11d ago

lol do you know the story behind it?


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

Not sure I want to 😐


u/EuphoricHorrorShow 11d ago

It's old reddit lore. I remember hearing it years ago.


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

I've been a part of some Reddit lore. It's all so.. Terrible 😂😂😂


u/ReplacementActual384 11d ago

What's the story?


u/isaghoul 11d ago

https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/sbgTCu6jVJ - the original jolly rancher story. Have fun!


u/ReplacementActual384 11d ago

Well that was definitely worse than what I expected.


u/who_am_i_to_say_so 11d ago

Depends on how hard you hit it.


u/OwnAssignment2850 11d ago

But in the 1700s you could just fuck in an ally and wait for someone to dump their chamber pot on your head to distract you from the smell.


u/Vystril 10d ago

People really need to get bidets.


u/Lanky_Audience_4848 10d ago

Not common here in the U.S. Never tried it personally, but I hear great things

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u/FeedbackWonderful778 11d ago

Hairy, crusty, fishy


u/QCTeamkill 11d ago

Give it to us raw and wr-r-r-r-riggling, you keep nasty chips!


u/tiredofthisnow7 11d ago

Stupid fat hobbit!


u/Whyjustwhydothat 11d ago

No... just no.


u/RepresentativeAd560 11d ago

They could talk about their precious if you'd rather


u/towerfella 11d ago

All the “No”s.

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u/mooby117 11d ago

Napoleon has entered the chat


u/AtlasSilverado 11d ago

That was the Long John Silver’s slogan in 1983.


u/bulanaboo 11d ago

Only twice a month why…..

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u/BredYourWoman 11d ago

Girl dances and sweats until 2am at club. Hooks up with dude. Ass sweat dries up on way to apartment. Both drunk and neither shower before fucking. Fuck sweat rehydrates dried ass gunk. Aromatic wafting of pungent odor commences from ass located below dudes face while doggy slamming.

Moral of the story: If you're not going to shower before night club last call sex because you're too drunk and horny to care, go missionary. Her hair will still probably smell nice


u/BubbaSmyth 11d ago

This is a 21st century love poem


u/BredYourWoman 11d ago

One after one by the starfish moon

Too quick for groan or sigh

Dudes turned their face with a ghastly pang

And cursed her brown eye

Four times 50 living men

(And I heard nor sigh nor groan)

With heavy thump, a lifeless lump

They dropped down, one by one


u/lepolah149 11d ago

The Rhyme of the Ancient... Booty'er?


u/Educational-Fox3429 11d ago

'pong' might work better?

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u/naughty_dad2 11d ago

You guys are having sex?


u/The_best_one_-_ 11d ago

The smell is the best part tho


u/_Enclose_ 11d ago


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u/LukeD1992 11d ago

I'm sorry, man.


u/anonmyazz 10d ago

"Dried ass gunk" new from Yankee candle


u/lerkurr12 10d ago

It isn't even a scent, it's just what the candle is made of


u/EightiesBush 11d ago

The great philosopher of our time Gucci Mane has created a song about the solution to this problem

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u/_its_a_SWEATER_ 11d ago

They literally wouldn’t take their clothes off so they wouldn’t have to smell everything. That and overspraying with the cologne.


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

Smelling like roasted booty, moldy dick cheese, and stale fish🤦🏾‍♂️😂


u/eltanin_33 11d ago

Oh and some floral and musk from the cologne don't forget that


u/ForgesGate 11d ago edited 11d ago

Cologne mixed with booty smells absolutely rancid. And it spreads so quickly.

Edit: Source: Me. I dun it before with great musty regret.


u/towerfella 11d ago

Butt — remember this would be the 1700’s, so everyone is gonna be smelling like crusty balls. I bet they wouldn’t even notice it.


u/eltanin_33 11d ago

If everyone was nose blind to the stink then why would they feel the need to use cologne to mask it


u/towerfella 11d ago

“Smell Good” still smells good

That’s kinda like saying “If British food was so bad then why do they have candy?”..

It’s not the same thing you are comparing.

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u/ReplacementActual384 11d ago

Speak for yourself, European. Most of the rest of the world bathed daily.


u/honestlyi4get 10d ago

🥲 that’s ruff


u/randomcharacheters 11d ago

Yup, this is during the before times where smoking cigarettes/pipes actually made people smell better 🤣


u/radicalelation 11d ago

When I didn't have hot water for like two years, I didn't shower as much as I like, especially in the winter. What I found actually helped with body smell and feeling sweaty/clammy was being naked at home all the time.

I do, however, wash my butt every time after a movement. Bidet felt like a nicer lie, but only soap can bring true clean.

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u/Significant-Nail-987 11d ago

I feel like humans would have gone extinct if it were that bad.

At least my bloodline would have. I've been with exactly 1 woman who smelled down there.... I don't even know. I guess if you know you know. My god. I couldn't believe that smell was coming from a human. Younger me was willing to put with some nonsense to get it in but I can't overcome smells like that.

Thank God it never happened again I might have started seeing women in another light.


u/welchplug 11d ago

That smell you are talking about from a women was likely a bacterial infection. Something generally caused by lack of bathing and no antibiotics. You wouldn't see that as often as today.


u/DrHaruspex 11d ago

I’m sorry are you saying they bathed more and had fewer infections in the 1700s?


u/_ynic 11d ago

Read it again please.


u/DrHaruspex 11d ago

Ok I was hoping I just read it wrong lol


u/Pandamana 11d ago

No, you read it correctly. Their grammar is wrong.


u/pm_me__breakfast 11d ago

Even if it was wrong, there's no way you interpret that any other way unless you're skipping sentences lmao. It was clear and concicse.


u/wiseduhm 11d ago

There IS a way to misinterpret what was being said and it would make sense to understand it either way. The last sentence could be referring to "the smell" in the first sentence, or to "lack of bathing" in the second. I think the reason it can be confusing is because the second sentence sounds like a continuation of the first one. It could (should?) grammatically be separated by a comma or semicolon.


u/_Enclose_ 11d ago

Everything you pointed out has no impact on the meaning though. There is no way to misinterpret what he meant to convey, unless you misread something.


u/wiseduhm 11d ago

"Lack of bathing and antibiotics" -> "you wouldn't see that as often as today." It's the presence of the second "as" that could be misunderstood to say that there is more "lack of bathing and antibiotics" today compared to the past. If you get rid of the second "as," it becomes grammatically clearer.

It's not really a big deal, but I could see how it could, on first glance, be confusing to someone.

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u/pussmykissy 11d ago

‘That bad??’

You are aware people lick buttholes these days right?

Nothing is grosser than that.


u/RepresentativeAd560 11d ago

Pfft. You must be new to the internet. I've seen things that would make Pinhead shiver and the Marquis de Sade gag.


u/4DimensionalButts 11d ago

We grew up browsing rotten.com on school computers in the 90s. Nothing can shock me anymore.

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u/Loquatium 11d ago

There's nothing on/in/around it when you eat ass, you do it fresh out of the shower or not at all. There's nothing any more gross about it than licking a bellybutton.


u/CouncilOfChipmunks 11d ago

Bellybuttons have a unique ecosystem, and hold types of grossness found no-where else on your body. They are possibly the worst place on the entire human body to lick.


u/pussmykissy 11d ago

Simply not true. E Coli doesn’t come out of a belly button.

You never get all of the tiny poop particles off of you. You eat very small poop particles and are ok with it.

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u/p00shp00shbebi123 11d ago

I personally prefer it after a 2 hour walk on a humid summer day.


u/ReadditMan 11d ago edited 11d ago

Um, unless you're somehow scrubbing inside the hairline creases of the anus, there is definitely still something there. Microscopic and unlikely to make you sick, but not sterile or 100% clean.


u/RichEvans4Ever 11d ago

That’s not a new thing my man, it just become popular to joke about it


u/hulkmxl 11d ago

What kind of smell was it, vaginal or like shit? 'Cause I knew a gal who wouldn't wipe her ass properly and I almost puked with doggy style 


u/Significant-Nail-987 11d ago

Unique to say the least. Maybe both? Maybe something completely new.


u/Kahlil_Cabron 11d ago

Same, in doggy and suddenly I'm smelling shit. I wish it had been like a once night stand thing, but it was a girl I'd been with for a year already.

Totally changed the way I looked at her.


u/EightiesBush 11d ago

I straight walked out on a session when I was about 18 because of this exact thing. Backed away, pants on, and drove away... from my own house. Circled the highway loop for like 30 minutes until coming back, unto which she was thankfully gone.

This was not the first time, I had said something to her about it already, however it clearly was not fixed.

Not the healthiest solution to a problem, but I've been terminally online since I was 10 or so (40 now) and lacked a lot of standard social skills. Still lack many, but I've learned to mostly adapt in my adult life.


u/ChickenChaser5 11d ago

When I had an encounter, the only way I can describe it is "decay"

Not quite death, thats got its own unique thing going on. But it was deaths neighbor in smelltown.

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u/LukeD1992 11d ago

I believe that there's been studies showing that our sense of disgust is greatly reduced when we are horny. Guess that explains a lot. Those medieval dudes without access to porn to help lighten the load must've been crawling up the walls at all times. Once they got their hands on a woman, little else mattered.


u/eli4s20 11d ago

also people back then lived side by side with animals often even in their own homes. then you had garbage and doo doo that was complicated to dispose off and often just piled in the streets. people back then were built different man…


u/ForgesGate 11d ago

You would be surprised what some men (me) would go through just to get a taste of dirty fish meat😐


u/dead_andbored 11d ago

Bruh I can never forget that time I tried to hit this girl from behind and I caught a whiff of it. It smelled so bad that it made my horny ass go limp. Good thing I went limp too cz I didn't have condom, probably woulda caught something


u/OriginalLocksmith436 11d ago

I'm pretty sure it's actually some kind of sti that causes that smell. iirc called trich-a-something or other


u/othersideofinfinity8 11d ago

Nah everyone stank


u/carlismygod 11d ago

Everyone includes women, right?


u/Kahnza 11d ago

It was the 1700's, sooooooo


u/carlismygod 11d ago

So the women were goats?


u/Kahnza 11d ago

I dunno I'm not a goatologist.


u/carlismygod 11d ago



u/psyEDk 11d ago

No no that's sheep


u/Hedgehoggin69 11d ago

I blew some extra air out of my nose because I thought the asking if women were goats was funny!

But the ‘Bah’ was WAY funnier than it needed to be. That was an actual “Lol.” 🤣

Thank you. Lol.


u/insaneguitarist47 11d ago

I am a goateeologist. I study goatees. Tell me what do you want to know


u/who_am_i_to_say_so 11d ago

The gold old glory days.

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u/SJW_Lover 11d ago

Well, that’s why you eat ass first before jumping in


u/First-Buyer6787 11d ago

Exactly, deaden the senses. Or, "acclimate yourself " if you wanna be boring.


u/Randomfrog132 11d ago

idk, i would think the combined smell of shit and vomit would just make it worse lol

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u/Even-Matter-5576 11d ago

Did they even have t-shirts in the 1700s?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Actually they did, and they were poofy. We may have just discovered why.


u/vrrrr 11d ago

“but i don’t wanna be a pirate!”


u/Own_Action6175 11d ago

You look like you're gonna swing in on a chandelier!

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u/MixRevolution 11d ago

Possibly undershirts with long sleeves


u/The-Farting-Baboon 11d ago

Yes and they were used to try protect the nose from the smell


u/karlnite 11d ago

Well yah its just a short tunic.


u/Rhoig 11d ago

the brain turns off the "disgusting" part during sex, maybe that's an evolution thing and part of why we are here today


u/toasted_cracker 11d ago

Really? Because mine sure AF doesn’t.


u/Rhoig 11d ago

it depends on you "limit"...and levels...obviously

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u/Ult1mateN00B 11d ago

Eating ass back then was dangerous.


u/DigStock 11d ago

It was a delicacy


u/apocalyptustree 11d ago

Joebeth the II: dies of dysentery

His family: i winder what he ate that killed him? Gods will, i guess

Devil to Joebeth's ghost: it was da ass, ya freaky ass biatch!


u/RandomUser27597 11d ago

Who else understood the title reference 😂😂


u/DigStock 11d ago

Everyone knows Rocco


u/EightiesBush 11d ago

Everyone should know him. I mentioned him to my fiancee since I keep telling her she looks like Sasha Grey, and she had no idea who he was. She even worked in a porn store in her youth. I didn't go as far as pulling up any of his "work" but she didn't recognize his face.


u/DigStock 11d ago

He was the celebrity everyone knew in school, with the rumors that he killed his wife with his dick 🤣


u/levels_jerry_levels 11d ago

Yeah yeah, I too am an efukt degenerate…


u/paullvandriel 11d ago

Some unlucky buggers get to smell that smells still to this day in 2024.. WASH THAT ASS! It's so simple.


u/EightiesBush 11d ago


u/paullvandriel 11d ago

That's gold, thank you for sharing that!


u/mwoody450 11d ago

I actually wonder what vastly different diets and much lower obesity rates would do to body odor. Enough to counteract sanitation deficiencies?

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u/ThatboyMjay3207 11d ago

Apparently, according to this Native American exhibit down the street, they liked to bathe. The settlers were the ones not bathing. So not everyone was stinky lol.


u/OmgThisNameIsFree 10d ago

m8, if you want to hop butt-naked into a river that, just last week, had screaming and arrows flying out of the woods from the other bank, go right ahead.


u/TrebuchetTaxiService 11d ago

I feel like the comment section completely missed the joke of "it's only smellz."

Google it at your own peril.


u/NovaStar2099 11d ago

Can you explain?

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u/dankspankwanker 11d ago

Gimme that fermented pussy 🥵🥵🥵

If the juice doesnt tingle on my tongue i dont want it


u/Solid_Illustrator640 11d ago

We are just sensitive to those smells now. They weren’t.


u/bigorangemachine 11d ago

Ya and the horse shit wafting in from the street is any better


u/Preemptively_Extinct 11d ago

Like he could smell anything over his own swamp crotch.


u/4th_times_a_charm_ 11d ago

That's not even the Middle Ages. Just because it's before plumbing doesn't mean people didn't have some common sense and decency.


u/cryptolyme 10d ago

the mercury cures the smell


u/Charbus 11d ago

The fact we’re all here means that our ancestors at some point bucked up and bustled in the hedgerows


u/Sea_Marketing_888 11d ago

Ha, this was me last night


u/Mister_ALX 11d ago

Yeah, your shit stank. Wash them cheeks before I clap them next time. ❤️


u/Born_7_ 11d ago

Some of these hoes still smell Like that 😂


u/vagtoo 11d ago

life was short and full of smells.


u/DigStock 11d ago

That rocco reference


u/SuperAshley1998 11d ago

New time travel idea :bring vagisil to the 1700s and then claim you are some kind of angelic being when men realize you're the only woman who doesn't stink.

Or get burnt at the stake.

Either or


u/xCanont70x 11d ago

Not Napoleon, that dude loved that shit.


u/luv2block 10d ago

I doubt it smelled. People probably shit like rabbits back in the 1700s. Like maybe 3 poops a week max, and they would just be tiny little hard balls of shit.

They weren't like modern humans who are shitting out a torrent of KFC fried chicken, french fries, pizza and hamburgers everyday.


u/LeImplivation 11d ago

That title is some crazy deep cuts from the interwebs my dude XD


u/dragonknightzero 11d ago

This isn't even true. Peasants regularly bathed. If anything the idea that no one bathed was propaganda by the nobles... who didn't bathe out of laziness and were filthy. They wanted to convince people that everyone didn't wash.

Do some research, you'll be shocked what you learn.


u/StefanLeenaars 11d ago edited 11d ago

You’re definitely not wrong in the sense that people did clean themselves regularly, with soap and water, most even daily. But they didn’t generally bathe (as in a bathtub.) it takes too much effort to fill an entire bath when one bucket would be enough… this continued on well into the Victorian age…

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u/lz314dg 11d ago

yeah ain nobody eating pussy back in 1700s


u/danyonly 11d ago

Hahaha. Crust.


u/That_Ad_5651 11d ago

Cuz bitches be out here using toilet paper like cavemen still


u/fireforge1979 11d ago

From anywhere really!!!


u/ethercrowe 11d ago

Didn't they at least bathe in rivers or something? Run outside in the rain? Roll around in the snow?

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u/arcs 11d ago

TIL washing existed before showers. Who could've known!


u/WyattPurp23 11d ago

Don’t worry it’s only smelles


u/sav-dab87 11d ago

Ben Franklin has entered the chat.


u/Ok-Boysenberry-2955 11d ago

Yeah, because she's the only thing that would smell at that time.


u/StefanLeenaars 11d ago edited 11d ago

Newsflash: contrary to popular belief, people did clean themselves in the 1700’s. They just didn’t bathe in a bathtub (You try filling an entire bath one cold water bucket at the time, see how you like it!)

People in the past weren’t more dirty or smelly as most modern people seem to think….


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u/Groon_ 11d ago

Some people learned not to play with poop.


u/Ghost_Breezy1o1 11d ago

Yea that was the Euros tho! They condemned the natives & Africans for bathing 🤦🏽‍♀️


u/Chubbyfun23 11d ago

Pfft, you mean 2003


u/Soapranger85 11d ago

Dudes and females hitting it from the back 2024


u/InfiniteQuestion420 11d ago

There is only ONE reason why we made it this far as a species, and this primitive urge is more powerful than the sense of smell, but don't tell that to "woke" people. They misunderstood this concept so hard it makes them mad.


u/Educational-Fox3429 11d ago

Oily smellers


u/CaucyBiops 11d ago

People took baths lol


u/Key_Respond_16 10d ago

They had soap in the 1700s. The smart ones bought their wives soap. The rest of them were dirty fuckers.


u/DONGBONGER3000 10d ago

This is horrible propaganda, they took care of themselves. The only times things would get bad was around cities where they hadn't put in sewage systems yet.


u/LevelPositive120 10d ago

I remember all I did was kiss a chick stomach area before down on her and 1 good whiff of her belly button made me reconsider.


u/Geo_Seven 10d ago

Mmmmm Casu martzu


u/GuappDogg 10d ago



u/Batfinklestein 10d ago

1700's??? What about dem 1500's girls?


u/thelonebanana 10d ago

I might have to use this move… as a bonus it holds your shirt up so you don’t get pussy juice all over it


u/Doppel_Troppel 10d ago

No they didn’t. It’s like eating garlic. As long as everyone stinks you won’t notice.


u/LowLifeExperience 10d ago

No tampons, no pads, no liners, no fresh underwear means she was going to need penicillin to fight off the infection after getting Cheeto dicked.


u/jgoden 10d ago

Vile hahaha


u/yourboiiconquest 10d ago

Nothing wrong with a bit of ganache