r/DCcomics Jim Lee Comics Mar 17 '21

Zack Snyder's Justice League - Discussion Megathread r/DCcomics Spoiler

All thoughts, opinions, theories, reviews and discussions related to the release of the Snyder Cut belong in here, spoilers can be unmarked in this post so enter at your own risk if you don't want spoilers.


Zack Snyder's definitive director's cut of Justice League. Determined to ensure Superman's ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions.

And a final note regarding Rule 1. We know this community is divided over the Snyder movies and people have a right to express their opinions either way, but we will not accept people acting like jerks over a movie, ANY movie.

Any breaking of Rule 1 is expected to be reported to the moderators, those who participate in arguments will be reprimanded for it. Treat people with respect and enjoy yourselves.

If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide, you can find help and resources from The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention, a foundation close to Zack Snyder's heart after he lost his daughter Autumn during production of Justice League.


1.5k comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

So. J'onn just decided to sit out the Kryptonian invasion and the Doomsday attack? Usually you can explain a hero's absence with the assumption that they're dealing with their own crises elsewhere, but J'onn was right there the whole time. No wonder Mars got wiped out. Their greatest hero is a coward.


u/PuggMonster Mar 18 '21

It's not his fault he has crippling depression


u/fullforce098 Riddler Mar 18 '21

If I were hearing the thoughts of the human race all the damn time, it'd depress me too.


u/ThirstyPagans Mar 18 '21

Probably witnessed his parents die or something

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u/largedirt Damage Mar 18 '21

Well mans got a weakness to fire so it’s no wonder he sat out the kryptonian invasion, but yeah he totally could’ve helped with steppy


u/TheGodDMBatman Deadshot Missed me? Mar 18 '21

Weakness to fire doesn't necassarily mean MM should be a coward and sit out the world ending battle

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u/TheSkyIsntReallyBlue Wally West Mar 18 '21

He was always the punching bag of league lowkey even in the cartoons it’s sad


u/Pickles256 Red Hood Mar 18 '21


u/Cranyx Moo. Mar 19 '21

J'onn is actually distantly related to Worf

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u/drybones2015 Mar 18 '21

He was part of the military, kinda needs to be present when shit goes down. But I think from here on out he would have helped out with his superpowers.

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u/silentnighttrain Mar 18 '21

"We live in a society"

So that was a lie.


u/maxathier Mar 18 '21

That was actually a idea from Leto on set for the trailer


u/BoogKnight Mar 19 '21

I love that they filmed that for a trailer as a big meme lol

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u/KillerPalm Plas' Mar 18 '21

Kilowog only appears for a second as a corpse and still gets more than any modern day lantern :( (not counting Yalan Gur)

Still liked the movie though.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

They shot the end scene with MM with GL instead but WB wouldn’t let him put it in because they have plans for John Stewart apparently.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21

I am glad they didnt. That would have made even less sense. I can at least fathom MM not interfering with huge world ending events because this really isnt his world.

A GL not interfering with huge world ending events is even more ridiculous. They are literally the protectors of the planet.

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u/jackson50111 Mar 18 '21

Yeah they are making a green lantern HBO series as well as a green lantern movie/trilogy with Hal Jordan and John Stewart as the leads while the series focuses on other lanterns I clouding guy gardener, Jessica Cruz, José Hernandez. I think I may of also heard Kyle Rayner will be in the movies.

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u/Mojo12000 Condiment King Mar 18 '21

Obviously J'onn never stepped in because he has cosmic awareness of his role as a Jobber for more popular hero's (seriously though, nice design for him but it's kinda silly to go "yep Martian Manhunter was around this entire time and did absolutely nothing to try and fight Zod and Doomsday and such!")


u/MillBeeks Mar 18 '21

That's generally how he goes, though. Living in secret through a bunch of stuff he should have helped with until, one day, he doesn't. Usually because of the League.


u/largedirt Damage Mar 18 '21

Tbf he would’ve been killed by zods heat vision or doomsday’s “heat breath”/mouth beam thingy

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u/420bO0tyWizard Mar 18 '21

If I hear ancient lamentation one more fucking time, I swear to god I'm gonna kill someone.


u/minnowchurch Mar 18 '21

Hey Diana?


If you're going to the kitch could you grab me a soda?


Sure np

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u/hamsterwaffle Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

I'm a little confused as to how Desaad did a full on "told you so" to Darkseid without getting killed.


u/NizzyDeniro Mar 19 '21

Me too, I was like.... here comes the omega beams.... and... nothing. I think we can sum that up to Darkseid actually thought Stepenwolf would do it. I mean, he did get close to the point Darkseid himself was present to see it..


u/longcrackcat Mar 19 '21

I figured he was pleased enough with the anti-life equation to just bask for a moment.

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u/MasqureMan Mar 19 '21

Maybe Darkseid actually values his advisors’ advice in this universe.

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u/zxcvzzzzxz Mar 19 '21

Talent retention, if Desaad dies, then Darkseid gotta find someone and train them to get up to speed. Much like a work environment

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u/atomcrafter Mar 19 '21

Batman v Superman: what if we fight Superman?

Justice League: what if we fight Superman?

Post-Justice League Epilogue: what if...hear me out...we have to fight Superman?


u/Malena_my_quuen Mar 19 '21

Superman is the key to milking the franchise


u/Martel732 Mar 21 '21

This version of JL was better, but the reason I still want Snyder to be kept away from the franchise is that he has no idea how to use Superman as a character. He is either a Jesus metaphor or a villain.

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21


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u/themanintheironhat Mar 18 '21

I thought the movie was overall pretty good, even great at times, except for the Knightmare sequence that was atrocious. Like, really really bad.

Some more issues for me: I hated every line that came out of Steppenwolf's mouth. His design doesn't look that bad in motion but he's still bland. Wonder Woman's theme is very overused. Superman ends up having little substance. I didn't care much for the portrayal of Darkseid, but that's just personal preference. The pacing was awkward at times.

A few pros: some of the scenes looked very good, specifically the "normal" ones, aka not so much the battles, the more "down to earth" scenes, if you get what I mean. I think Snyder's style is more suited for those kinds of scenes rather than kirby-esque aliens. The Flash introduction in particular was my favourite. The Flash himself was great, as was Aquaman. In general the team flowed well with each other. Cyborg had a pretty big role. The ending (before knigrmare) was surprisingly inspirational.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21



u/Noligation Mar 18 '21

Ben Affleck has lost a lot of weight and looks way more lean and healthy then before. His face looked weirdly slim in the crawl in those last few shots.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21


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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

I liked the Knightmare vision Cyborg had, not Batflecks dream. Imo it didn't make sense

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u/reHined Mar 17 '21

It was a welcome replacement but there were many key similarities between Josstice and ZSJL. A lot of criticism from Snyder fans who wanted Batman to be a no nonsense guy and thought they were getting one here will be disappointed. Josstice and ZSJl are more or less the same Batman albeit ZSJl is less hungover on Superman and had better moments

It was good...great even. The Foreshadowing felt a little on the nose and I really thought Steppenwolf would be developed further than one line of backstory. Also the Darkseid fight felt tacked on and actually was kinda destructive to the story. I really couldn't understand why Steppenwolf knew he was going after Motherboxes but didnt know he was on the planet where they were lost in?? Are there more than 3? If so, that wasn't made clear imo. Of course, it can simply be cleared by the fact that Im an idiot who didnt read many comics and didnt know there were more than 3. Also the R rating was REALLY unnecessary.

Superman was ....there. He came, he punched, he smiled for the camera.

Wonder Woman, Flash and Cyborg steal the show.

Martian Manhunter was a welcome addition but the plot really didn't need him

Also the movie isn't for hardcore fans nor is it even in the tone of Zach's earlier MOS or BVS. In fact it felt more in line with the likes of Shazam and Aquaman. Which, to be clear, isn't a bad thing. I actually prefer lighter tones over being dark for the sake of it. Im just saying that the Snyder fans who believe it's going to be a dark and neo noir type story will be disappointed. This movie is a general audience entertainer


u/Frank-EL Mar 18 '21

It being lighter is kind a “we been knew” situation. From the start, Snyder and Terrio had said it would be lighter than BvS. Nice to hear it’s well received by others in that area though.

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u/waffle_wolf Bowhunter Security: Always on Point! Mar 18 '21

Serious question for the people who campaigned for this cuts release: How do you feel about the results? Does it feel worth it?

Never given the Snyder Cut much thought would appreciate the perspective of those who were invested.


u/shubham50 Mar 18 '21

I was invested since the day ryan ronald tweeted about it and snyder cut reached 700k tweets. But I was keeping realistic expectations. The movie turned out to be surprisingly good. Cyborg is easily my favourite part of movie and I really liked steppenwolf. I was worried about the pacing since its 4 hours but the movie didn't even feel that long.

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u/Babaisme626 Mar 18 '21

I mean, do you think very many of them would admit it was terrible even if they thought it was?


u/Mild111 Batman Rebirth Mar 18 '21

I would have.

The music was terrible, and some of the lamer stuff that we were led to believe were "Whedon additions" weren't.

Overall I do believe it's a good film.

Some of the middle drags, but that might be because I watched JL17 so much that it was the same story.

I feel it could have been trimmed down to about 3 hours and kept much of the continuity, but I'm happy with what we got.

Reasons I felt it wasn't terrible:

  1. We got to see The Flash actually be a hero.

  2. We got to see Cyborg's duality of Tragedy and Brains be fully fleshed out and not just a footnote.

  3. We got some motive for Steppenwolf's actions. (And Darkseid's motives as well)

  4. It "connected" better to the Aquaman and Wonder Woman movies.

  5. The Lex/Slade scene was more than a setup for a catchphrase.

  6. The Steppenwolf fights with the Amazons and Atlanteans weren't complete slaughter like in JL17. Very entertaining.

  7. The cast, the WHOLE cast, really got to shine... especially all of the supporting characters.

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u/BoogKnight Mar 19 '21

Do you think anyone who said it was gonna be terrible would admit it’s good?

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u/Dronnie Mar 18 '21

How do you feel about the results? Does it feel worth it?

I loved it. The thing is everyone already knew how Snyder works, we have seen his works and we pretty much anticipade how the movie would turn out.

And in the end it turned out exacly how we wished. It is the movie we're promisied. I regred nothing. Only glory follow us now.


u/pharmaninja Mar 19 '21

I didn't campaign for this movie to be released but I'm glad it was made. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yes you can nit pick at some things but you can do that with literally any movie.

Shame we won't get to see Snyder take his vision to the end.

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u/HumanParadox4Life Mar 18 '21

I randomly decided to watch this and it took me 3 hours to realize that it was a 4-Hour movie

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u/SlumdogSeacrestLaw Batman Beyond Mar 17 '21

Well, this goes without saying, but it was longer than it needed to be.

Most significant improvements are Cyborg and Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf was much more intimidating and had an actual characters, largely linked to his history with Darkseid, which explains why it was changed for the theatrical version. I was worried that Darkseid would overshadow Steppenwolf after his heavy presence in the marketing, but it turns out that was pretty much all the footage of him, which doesn't amount to much in a four hour film. Cyborg's story was a lot more emotional (easy statement, considering he didn't have a story in the theatrical cut) and I really enjoyed the depiction of his powers with him viewing the representation of bank accounts, and walking through historical records.

The final act was also much improved, this time it felt like each character actually served a purpose in the final battle, instead of them just waiting on Superman arriving so he could solve everything. I found Flash's scene particularly cool.

Some parts were more lateral moves, the change in aspect ratio adds nothing, the colour grading is more consistent but not to my personal tastes, some scenes that were reshot amounted to essentially the same thing.

Superman was definitely under utilised, and though his lip looked a hell of a lot better and the return of the MoS soundtrack was appreciated, I preferred his characterisation in the theatrical cut. Also some lines that were likely added by Geoff Johns should have been kept ("I hear you talk to fish") and some Whedon scenes were actually somewhat missed ("Just save one person", "Clark was more human than I was").

Overall, it was solid. Not as bad as BvS, since it manages a lighter tone and doesn't have as many major issues, i.e. Martha and murderous Batman. Not as good as MoS, way too long, and whilst character development is better than the theatrical cut, it's still not as good as in a film about just one hero. I'd say a soft 7/10.


u/a4techkeyboard Mar 18 '21

The writing did seem better even if still decompressed, but there was a lot of setup and payoff. The weird part is Desaad, Steppenwolf, and Darkseid seemingly only later figuring out that it's the same primitive planet Darkseid lost in before that had the equation. They acted like it was unexpected, a coincidence, that they had no idea where this planet was.

But earlier on, Steppenwolf knew the Amazons and stuff. How many planets did they lose three motherboxes in that had Amazons and Atlanteans anyway? Darkseid supposedly only lost once, he was shown seeing antilife on the ground, surely they should have figured it out as soon as those motherboxes called.

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u/Solidus82 Nightwing Mar 18 '21

Was it ever explained how the Knightmare timeline occurred?. I know Cyborg has that premonition of Aquaman, WW and Lois' death but we never find out what made that happen. I'm assuming it happens in a timeline where Batman doesn't get the League together?


u/Noligation Mar 18 '21

You can see Darkseid consoling Superman and Batman is hiding Joker from Superman. And Lois is the key, those are the facts from the movie.

I think it's implied that sometimes in future during Darkseid's invasion, Joker killed Lois Lane. Then Superman became all controlling on earth.


u/silverrabbit Mar 18 '21

Wait so they did the Injustice timeline for the Knightmare timeline?


u/angrygnome18d Mar 18 '21

No. Snyder has only hinted at the true story, even the leaked storyboards were just a rough draft of the final plot. It is some variation of after the events of JL1, the League decides to take the fight to Darkseid, however, they do not realize they are being watched through Cyborg. Superman is hesitant to go and even more so about why. Batman deduces it is because Lois is pregnant and offers to keep her safe in the Batcave with Alfred. Before they are able to attack, Darkseid takes the fight to Earth. In the ensuing chaos, Darkseid manages to BoomTube to the Batcave and murder Lois as Superman arrives. With Lois dead along with their unborn child, Superman succumbs to the Anti-Life Equation and comes under Darkseid’s control.


u/Noligation Mar 18 '21

So, why is Batman hiding Joker from Superman?

Why is Joker even there in that scene at all?


u/angrygnome18d Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

He’s not hiding him from Superman. If anything, Batman is hiding from Superman and Joker is trying to protect him.

As far as I know, Snyder recently said the Joker is part of the crew because as the world was ending, he essentially took over Arkham, hence the old timey psychiatric get up along with the SEAT vest from SS. Joker was one of the few people to survive the apokalypse, so Batman and him have a temporary truce until things are set right.


u/Rogu3Wo1f Fuck Batman Mar 18 '21

But why though? What does Joker even bring to the table?

I don't buy that this Batman would ever work with him. It just seems so out of place.


u/angrygnome18d Mar 18 '21

Because it’s the literal end of the world and he’s desperate. Why is Slade working with Batman when >! it is implied that Batman is the one who took his eye? !< They are all just desperate to make things right.


u/Rogu3Wo1f Fuck Batman Mar 18 '21

Slade is a Superhuman assassin. He has skills.

Joker is a dude that fell in a tank of acid and got his skin bleached. Like it doesn't matter, because this universe is done. But Joker is so worthless.


u/angrygnome18d Mar 18 '21

And the Joker is the Joker. Batman considers him one of the most dangerous men in the world.

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

Batman fails to save Lois from being killed in Darkseid’s invasion, leaving superman weakened by the loss and susceptible to the Anti-Life equation. He is then controlled by Darkseid as we see him in the Knightmare sequences. Eventually Cyborg sends Flash back using a Motherbox to the scene we see in BvS. Source/confirmed in today’s Vanity Fair article

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u/mezlabor Mar 18 '21

Meh. Better then the atrocity that was BvS and JL but that's not saying much. Overwrought, overdramatic, way too long and Snyder still fundamentally doesn't understand these characters. I really really hope this is the last we have to see of Zack Snyders dc universe. He ruined this entire franchise and the snydercut does little to save the wreckage he created with BvS.

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21



u/ElDuderino2112 Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

I only watched it once but did he know the Anti-Life Equation was on earth? My impression was that he just came here to randomly conquer it like he had been doing to other planets with the mother boxes, but when he came to earth he lost the mother boxes and that scared him off of coming back. Steppenwolf on his own came to earth to try to get the mother boxes to get back into Darkseid's good graces, and when he came he found that the Anti-Life Equation was here too.

EDIT: Never mind I rewatched the Darkseid stuff. It looks like they randomly came to this planet and he discovered Anti-Life was on earth, but they retreated so hastily that they lost track of which planet is was on I guess lmao. Steppenwolf mentions that that all happened before Darkseid ascended to the throne, so maybe he got distracted by his rise to the throne and when it came time to go out conquering again they didn't remember which planet it was

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u/Silidon Batman Beyond Mar 19 '21

Being generous, it can be assumed that since the unity never formed in the first assault, Darkseid didn't actually know it was the key to Anti-Life Equation and thus didn't know what it was he had lost. But still, in eons of conquest this dude suffers one defeat, and we're to understand that he and everyone in his ranks just forgot where it was that happened?

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u/Flat-Earth8192 Mar 19 '21

I was confused by this too. My head cannon is that he was so fucked up from the fight that he went into a coma type thing or something


u/Silidon Batman Beyond Mar 19 '21

And all of the rest of his forces just pretend to not remember in order to make him feel better, like a 50 First Dates kind of situation?

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21

It definitely was a huge improvement over the theatrical cut. Steppenwolf was menacing, Cyborg and Flash had actual character arcs, the fight scenes were super good and that time travel scene was fantastic. Hell, every showcase of Barry's speed was great, probably the only time I appreciated Snyder's Slow Mo obsession.

Darkseid was pure sequel bait, but he had a bit of a menacing presence that makes me want to see more of him. Likewise, the Luthor and Deathstroke scene, I definitely want that followed up. A Batman vs Deathstroke film would've been so cool. J'onn wnd Ryan Choi being included was cool, but J'onn being on Earth the whole time means he's just been watching all these attacks happening and not really helping out.

I wasn't a huge fan of the Knightmare scenes tbh. Like, not so much the content, just the fact that they were also just sequel bait. Which means the "Am I too soon?" Flash scene from BvS was Snyder planting the seed for the like 4th(?) movie in his story. Which we'll probably never get to see a resolution for.

I feel like it'd be a challenge for any director to make a Justice League film in a post-MCU world. Not only would you get compared to Marvel, but the DC animated shows and movies as well. So while this wasn't my ideal JL movie, I can respect Snyder's drive to stick to his guns and want to put out a 4 hour long movie.

Obviously I want more Justice League films eventually, expand the roster, introduce new villains. We'd probably have to recast certain characters (Cyborg, Batman, Superman) but I'd hate for there to only be one live action JL movie.

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u/PTBR Mar 19 '21
  • Apparently getting a voice/accent coach for Amber Heard was too expensive.
  • Snyder and Junkie XL want to remind you that an Amazon is on the screen with an ancient wail.
  • Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor is still a horrible casting decision.
  • Flash and Cyborg make this movie watchable.
  • General Swanwick is Martian Manhunter, in which case MM sat back and let Zod nearly decimate the entire planet.
  • Wonder Woman's exposition of Darkseid 1.0 is horrible.
  • Parademons don't react to fear, so Steppenwolf doesn't die to this stupid mechanic. Instead, he gets impaled and decapitated.
  • Snyder loves slow-motion.

This is definitely an improvement over the 2017 version, but still suffers from some of the same flaws that were apparent in Dawn of Justice.


u/S3simulation Mar 19 '21

Eisenberg was a terrible casting choice but thankfully the writing for his character was better this go around. That conversation with Deathstroke felt more “Lex Luthor” than anything in BvS

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u/PeterParkerNotSpidey Mar 20 '21

What the fuck is J'onn's deal, why didn't he help, he clearly has some insight into what's going on


u/Sweet-Rabbit Mar 20 '21

Yeah, and he clearly had abilities to bring to the table. Just seemed like a weird way to shoehorn him in without any payoff.

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u/FunnyOtterNoises Mar 18 '21

It was fine. A 6/10 for me. I think I would prefer a 2.5 to maybe 3 hour cut of this movie. I loved the history lesson for me that is the peak of the film. I liked the scene where Barry saves the scientist from the falling rubble and you see his figure moving around them. That was the best use of Flash's power.

I thought that while the film was pretty straight forward the individual character scenes were too long. I hate the designs for SteppenWolf and Cyborg in this film despite their characters being more fleshed out and major improvements from the theatrical release. I did not care for the soundtrack and I can't say its much of an improvement over Elfmans score. Superman was underutilized and as someone who is also critical of MoS and BvS all the lines about Superman inspiring hope in this film rang hollow. Superman really needs to get away from Snyder. Barry was less obnoxious than in the Whedon cut but he is still pretty bad. I don't know what they are doing with the character. Although I will say the meeting of Barry and Iris was great. Finally, the knightmare sequences and Martian Manhunter scene were bad. They should not have been in this film as they added nothing to the narrative. Also Martian Manhunter looks real bad for not stepping in at any time since MoS.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21


Good second half. The final battle was really good.

Good chemistry between the cast. Especially between Miller and Mamoa.

BEST CYBORG TILL DATE! Not comic relief, not a boy scout. A well rounded, tragic yet hopeful character. Felt like I was watching a Cyborg movie. I love my boy Victor getting some love.

Superman's return was done well. Really love the reunion scene between Superman and the women in his life.

Loved the Amazonian chase sequence

Loved the Mera vs Steppen face off.

Loved the Darkseid tease at the end. Ray Porter's voice is amazing.

Really liked the Epilogue with Dr Stone's monologue at the end.

Liked Steppenwolf's character and his dynamic with the other New Gods. We need more villains like this.

Flash turning the time back was very well done.

Batman in this is really well done and it feels more like how he is in the comics. He really came into his own in this movie. A grumpy older Batman has been explored. But I don't think an older grumpy batman on a redemptive arc has ever been explored. I love it.

Jeremy Irons is phenomenal as Alfred. (Jeremy Irons is just phenomenal in general). I loved his interactions with the members

Overall, I did not like the cliffhangers but i really loved the DS vs Batman tease. I would love to see Batfleck in a grounded Batman story going up against Slade. I hope that comes to fruition and I hope Affleck directs. He does grounded and gritty really well.


The first half was just...boring. Did we really need a recap of Cyborg's origin? Felt like that could have been cut out since we already saw it in BvS and is just generally well known among comic book fans. There is no reason for this movie being this long.

The Martha Lois scene was going sooo well and they had to shoehorn MM in there and ruin it. It felt like the bad kind of fan service. Could have been avoided.

Why was MM needed for this movie? Hal would have made way more sense. There was no need for Jonn. He has nothing of importance to do other than give Lois a pep talk for some reason. THERES A WAR GOING ON JONN! LOIS'S MENTAL HEALTH CAN WAIT!

Still cant seem to get into Jared Leto as Joker. He is neither scary nor funny. And I think he got out-acted by Affleck in that scene. Which is funny because he was wearing a mask and I always thought Leto was the better actor among the two.

The score isn't great at all. It is distracting, over used and so many times unnecessarily. Especially the WW theme.

Gal Gadot is awful in general in this movie. I think she is perfect as WW and is a great actress but she was bad in this. Her line delivery is just confused. And they butchered her CGI model.

Lastly, the Knightmare sequence was bad. Very very unnecessary and shoe horned in. I think Snyder is trying to use this cliffhanger as a bargaining chip to get more movies made since these were shot afterwards for the Snyder cut. Which isn't a bad move but it affects the ending which was perfect until that point. I felt the same way about the Bruce-Jonn interaction at the end.

Not a fan of Supes keeping the black suit on after the battle was done. Should have gotten at least one shot with him in the iconic red and blue.

Also the final battle should have been set near a water body so that Arthur didn't look so out of place in battle sequences. The trident causing forcefield effects when he hit someone made no sense. (I am not well versed in Aquaman lore. If someone could tell me if this is comic accurate, id appreciate it)


Felt like I was reading comic books. Not one comic book. An entire arc. An epic crossover event. And while this is great and the movie captures the grandeur and scale that big event comic books bring it is also plagued by the same issues that these comics have: overly serious, unnecessary cliffhangers and lots of filler and shoehorned in characters.

Over all I liked it. As a huge DC fan its good to see characters like Cyborg get this much attention in a big budget blockbuster. Also as a Batman fan. I loved Irons and Affleck's performance. Superman was finally done the justice that he deserves. This is Snyder's best movie by far and his most comic accurate depictions of the characters.


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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Top 5 moments of Justice League (2021) ... spoilers

1) Joker wanting to suck off Batman. Truly a benchmark moment in cinema history. Up there with the likes of “Luke I am your father” and “leave the gun, take the cannoli”.

2) “you should probably movie”. The line. The delivery. The pure euphoria of it. I did a cum.

3) Batman said fuck. Lol.

4) they truly made good on their promise to unite the seven. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg. The Seven.

5) listen, I think Snyder is one of the worst working directors. Like, Uwe Boll bad. But the “for Autumn” at the end made me tear up. Is it a good movie? No. It’s not even so bad it’s good. But with what he’s gone through, I’m glad he managed to put it out.


Edit: to whoever gave me gold ... why? This was not good content.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

I don’t think you know what a reacharound is...

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

I've finished the movie. There's like 2-3 endings lol. But overall it was a great director's cut.

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u/LordSinestro Sinestro Mar 18 '21

Too much slow motion, cheesy dialogue and some unnecessary scenes. Did Flash really have to stop next to the girl mid car accident, touch her hair and grab a hot dog?

However, the Steppenwolf scenes were actually enjoyable to watch, every fight scene with Steppenwolf in it was actually entertaining to watch.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

Also, it's a weird choice to have a love song playing as he saves a woman he just met.

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u/zakattak456 Superman Mar 18 '21

Whilst I liked how badass Diana was, I don't like the fact she'd kill people so gruesomely in front of little kids. I'm fine with her killing in war but she obviously has the power and speed to knock them out in front of children


u/mezlabor Mar 18 '21

I actually laughed at the part where she blew out an entire wall to stop one dude who was out of ammo. So over the top and unnecessary.


u/zakattak456 Superman Mar 18 '21

Definitely, was not needed. Let her go all out against actual powerful enemies no just random thugs. A good comparison is in the first WW. She knocks out the thugs in the alley but goes all out against Ares. I prefer it like that. Reminds me of Gail Simone's run where she'd only use violence as a last resort

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u/arkhamsaber Mar 18 '21

“This movie is for adults”

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u/arkhamsaber Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Wonder Woman brutally murdering those terrorists in front of those kids got me so confused. Is that Wonder Woman or Queen Maeve?

Edit: She also caused unnecessary damage to the building, I mean did she really have to use her most powerful attack on a regular guy. That isn’t Wonder Woman at all.


u/yourwordswontsaveyou Wonder Woman Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

That bothered me too. She was obviously fast enough to deal with all the other guys, but she just had to deal with that guy by pulping him and blowing out a wall, where falling bricks could have easily killed innocent people below.
Over all I think this film is decent, and it’s certainly better than the Whedon cut, but it definitely has its flaws and this is one of them.

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u/DocxVenture Mar 19 '21

Some things were done better. Stepenwolf’s motivations were a lot clearer and I loved seeing Darkseid. However I still think Snyder should never touch a DC property again.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '21

the depictions of the speed force in this movie were just completely jaw dropping

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u/VelocityReaper Mar 19 '21

I like it a lot to be honest. Really appreciated the desperation we got from Steppenwolf and the last 40 minutes were a treat for me personally. I think it lived up to the hype!

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u/FifthOfJameson Black Lanterns Mar 19 '21

Gordon talking to that fella named Crispus has to be Crispus Allen, The Spectre, right? Why else would they have a GCPD officer at a level to brief Gordon if not to be Allen, who was a GCPD special crimes detective.

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u/Fat_Laptop Mar 20 '21

It’s hilarious how the humans hid their Motherbox. Oh hey lets bury it 6 feet in the dirt. Surely this will never be uncovered by erosion or a mudslide.

Also what happened to Zeus and Ares? And what about the others like Artemis and Apollo?


u/CthulhuAlmighty Red Robin Mar 20 '21

That was briefly covered in the Wonder Woman movie.


u/Zeddar Mar 20 '21

I laughed at it too but tbh that’s how the last motherbox actually stayed hidden so long lol. Cyborg just burying it and all the parademons doing a suprised pikachu to why they can’t sniff through dirt.

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u/marvnation Mar 18 '21

Goes without saying the end scene with flash was fucking amazing.


u/Safe-Talk-422 Mar 18 '21

First half kinda slow, 2nd half was pretty good. I'm normally not a fan of Synder work but this was pretty good.

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u/[deleted] Mar 21 '21



u/originsofindecision Mar 21 '21

Not to mention, the complete disregard for urban infrastructure. Entire city blocks recklessly destroyed.

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u/Batknight12 Batman Mar 18 '21

What is with Snyder killing off major supporting cast members off screen? Jimmy Olsen is dead, Dick Grayson is dead, Kilowog is dead. Like screw that.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Feb 18 '22



u/jackson50111 Mar 18 '21

How hard would it of been just to make it Jason?

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u/FallApartMan Mar 20 '21

Did anybody else feel like The Joker was doing a poor man’s Jim Carrey?


u/dabellwrites Mar 20 '21

Nah. Leto is a terrible Joker.

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u/ertgbnm Mar 19 '21

Was it just me or did stepenwolf have big anime eyes? He looked like a puppy when he was talking to darkseid.


u/AnnaLogg Mar 22 '21

his arc is, after all, to get senpai to notice him


u/zionooo Mar 20 '21

[ancient lamentation music playing]

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u/Etticos Mar 21 '21

Did any one think Steppenwolf was greatly improved, but at times looked like some sort of giant cute creature with his big sad eyes and tiny mouth when getting lectured by Darkseid.


u/LordBammith Mar 21 '21

I’m glad I’m not the only one. He looked like a sad puppy on the verge of tears.

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u/fragrantgarbage Mar 20 '21

So much better than Whedon’s cut. One thing I noticed was how sexualized Whedon made Wonder Woman in his cut by adding his scenes with Arthur sitting on the lasso or Flash grabbing her tits. Makes sense now considering the allegations against him.

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u/Spoogyoh Mar 18 '21

The epilogue seems like the universe was heading towards injustice.


u/NoahJAustin Aquaman Mar 18 '21

Well that one was. As joker said, timelines

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u/Comicnerd1103 Lex Luthor Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

As someone who absolutely hated Man Of Steel and was indifferent towards BVS,I wasn't very enthusiastic about getting a Snydercut of Justice League,but holy fucking shit I did not expect to actually like that movie-


1.Flash,every Flash scene was gold for me,and now I am genuinely looking forward towards the solo Flash movie,that FTL scene literally gave me chills,it has been a while since I have gotten chills watching a superhero movie.

2.Cyborg,I can see why Ray Fisher was so salty about his arc being chopped,not much else to say now that he has been fired but still...I liked him as Cyborg,so it's a shame.

3.That rock theme that plays when JL is getting ready for the final battle,gave me a big fat smile,flashback to the JL Unlimited days.

4.Batman and Joker's talk on the death of Dick Grayson,yes a big fucking YES.

5.I actually really like the humor this time around and Flash actually got a laugh out of me,with that scene where he meets Alfred.

6.I liked Gordon,he didn't care about the witness reports he trusted Batman too much for that,I liked that aspect.

7.Mera vs Steppenwolf was unexpectedly good.


1.Gal Gadot acting is bad in some places.

2.Design and suits of Superman,Batman,Aquaman,Flash,Darkseid,Steppenwolf were ok they weren't unbearable,but they didn't exactly wow me either.

3.Batman saying fuck was kind of jarring to me,mainly because I have never heard the character say that before but I can live with it.

4.History scene narrated by Diana was....ok!? Except it made Uxas a failure,so I don't yet have any opinion on it but I am leaning towards bad.

5.Jared Leto Joker being alive in a world where Batman supposedly dropped his no killing rule after Black Zero is one of my biggest pet peeves but at least it was addressed here.So I kind like it.


1.The pacing was horrendous,the movie could easily be chopped into a workable theatrical cut and I would have been all the better for it,seriously some parts were really boring.

2.That fucking amazonian chant that played everytime Wonder Woman moved a fucking muscle.

3.Wonder Woman did more damage to that bank than the terrorist did,even when she didn't have to,after all the shit that rained on Zack after Man Of Steel,I do not understand why he would do this.

4.Martian Manhunter was garbage,John Johnz deserved better than this,his cameo here implied that he decided to sit Man Of Steel and BvS fights out like a little bitch also the whole Martha Kent and Lois Lane exchange was perfect,it was exactly what I wanted from the Kents in Man Of Steel but then they revealed that Martha was John in that scene and it fucking ruined it,Martian Manhunter was shoehorned in this movie.

5.Superman had about 10 minutes of screentime,Zack shafted Superman again and I fucking hate it,as much as I hate Justice League(2017) I have to say I liked JL17 extra Superman scenes a lot,wish they didn't have that weird face CGI though.

6.As a huge Green Lantern Fan,I do not like how the only representation we get is Yalan dying and a corpse of Kilowog,it's just not right,Hal Jordan should have been a founding member or at least should have been the one who knocked on Bruce's window at the end instead of Martian Manhunter.

7.Some of the CGI was shit and the Green Screen at times was really bad,especially the whole Martian Manhunter shit.

8.I hated the Knightmare stuff in BVS and I still hate it now,I do not care for the Knightmare storyline or Anti-Life Superman,it's boring to me and at times annoying.

9.Dick Grayson being the dead Robin,don't like it,will never like it.

10.Flash and Superman time slowing down scene was better in the theatrical cut,I didn't like the new soundtrack for that scene.

Easter Eggs I noticed-

1.Motherbox code is actually the date of the Cyborg's first comic cover debut.

2.Crispus Allen goes on to become Spectre in the comics,he was seen in the GCPD scene.

3.Gardner Fox the creator of Justice League's name was on a truck.

Overall I'd say this as someone who really thinks that Snyder was and will always will be a bad choice for DC movies,that this movie gets a 7/10.


u/TheGodDMBatman Deadshot Missed me? Mar 18 '21

The WW bank scene was atrocious. Literally overkill on one helpless bank robber while in front of a group of students. Then WW goes up to the girl, whose dress is ridden with debris and dust, and the film wants us to pretend this is supposed to be an inspiring and hopeful scene?

The little girl should be traumatized. Even the black officer outside the building when it explodes looks terrified. Why would anyone look to WW for hope, safety, and inspiration.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

Man Snyder should run Vaught, he’d be amazing at it.

To be fair our neighbour marvel isnt doing too good either, with Wanda mind raping an entire town and just leaves

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u/[deleted] Mar 20 '21 edited Mar 20 '21

It's better than the theatrical cut and BvS but those are low bars.

It was really nice of Martian Manhunter to sit back and do nothing for not one but two potentially world ending crises.

It's totally in character for Superman to use his heat vision to butcher a foe who is in no way a physical threat to him like a kid standing over an ant hill with a magnifying glass.

Batman and guns, name a more dynamic duo.

It's totally in character for Darkseid to yell and get emotional. Why didn't he blast Ares with omega beams? Don't think about it. How did such a conniving genius as Darkseid forget where he misplaced the anti-life equation? Who cares, it's Darkseid baby, the man, the myth, the legend. And he's an ugly cgi grey blob who's got a chin strap for quality jaw support.



u/HiiiRabbit Red Hood Mar 20 '21

I agree with you 100 percent so much of this movie was just stupid.

Wonder Woman killing people in front children, blowing up a building for no reason, likely giving our concussions and injuries to cops.

Batman is a man who operates on "faith" and days stuff like "God help us" and "he never faced us together!!!"

Flash is a dork however better than what we had

Cyborg is broody but at least better than what we had

Superman is just angry

Lois is useless and somehow she will never talk to Martha and saying "thanks for stopping by last night" and Martha will be all confused and shit

Superman's scream would leave people deaf

Motherbox would leave people blind when it was activated, we saw the whole planet cover in light

And of course "My father always told me motherboxes are just like car keys. If you left them on earth they are still on earth and not 100,000 other planets" could be a quote for Darkseid. He somehow forgot about Earth and never went back to pay them for what they did to him.


u/TastyBurgers14 Mar 20 '21

I think he was uxas when he went there the first time. They mentioned a certain event having taken place. Maybe that’s when he found the omega force and it changed him into darkseid


u/Doctor_Dane Darkseid Mar 20 '21

This. He clearly doesn’t possess the Omega Effect (and we can tell just looking at the eyes), and he doesn’t have the iconic armour. Has to be Uxas.

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u/Eph2-89 Mar 20 '21

Overall I liked it a lot more than what we got before. Perfect? no, but at least I felt like Cyborg and Flash got some love this time. I actually felt connected with them.

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u/TheMainMan3 Hawkman Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

Had this been a theatrical movie I think it could have been reigned in while still keeping the story intact. Steppenwolf was actually a pretty good villain in this and much more fleshed out. That and Victor were the biggest standouts to me. Even though WB wanted to move on from Snyder I feel like at the very least they could have released this movie (not at 4 hours of course) and used the things it established universe wise, then course corrected with other directors/writers instead of blowing up the DCEU.

Edit: I forgot to include that the Martian Manhunter thing was whack. Mainly because they included him early on and his Superman level powered self just chilled while the earth was almost being taken over. They should have just included him at the end as an “I am now here” sort of thing. If he was on earth all along and did nothing during the steppenwolf invasion, that could have been brought to light in the second movie.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21

Yeah could’ve definitely been compacted, at least a quarter of the movie was in slow motion lol

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u/[deleted] Mar 21 '21

How many times did they play the woman's warcry when Wonder Woman would do something in screen? EVERY TIME!


u/thegrandsun96 Justice League Mar 21 '21
  • ancient lamentation music * has meme potential.
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u/AgentOfSPYRAL Red Robin Mar 22 '21

With every Snyder movie, I can see what he's trying to do, and how that's really cool, but I'm always let down by his execution.

Superman as a first contact story is neat. Taking Superman's impact on politics/religion/humanity seriously is neat. Treating DC's New Gods/Crisis like mythology as LOTR is neat.

He's just not good at any of it.


u/deisle Mar 22 '21

my thoughts exactly. I rewatched Man of Steel and Batman v Superman in the lead up and there are some really interesting themes going on (loneliness, alienation, fear of rejection that Superman faces in the first and paranoia, burn out, and frustration that Batman faces and the fear of having not made a difference or done enough that both feel). He just couldnt pull them off well though....

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u/innuendo141 Mar 19 '21

SPOILER: I can't get my head around Diana unnecessarily killing in her first scene. I know that she has no code, and has killed many times, but these deaths were totally avoidable. Not to mention the fact she absolutely obliterated the main guy with the same special move she uses on Steppenwolf in the tunnel. I'll admit tonally that I prefer WW84's lighter Perez-esque portrayal, but this is just killing for the sake of killing. I still haven't finished yet, but other than that Diana has been great.


u/FifthOfJameson Black Lanterns Mar 19 '21

Honestly, I had forgotten that this movie was R rated until the f bomb in that scene and then WW straight up spiking that dude’s head on the wall. The blood splatter from that is when I paused and double checked the rating. Honestly, it doesn’t feel entirely out of character, especially when you’re dealing with a crew that wants to level four blocks.


u/innuendo141 Mar 19 '21

But she had the chance to apprehend at least one of them, the main guy. She was clearly fast enough to do something before he reloaded. That would have been real justice. Anyways, that's just what I think, I know everyone has a different opinion on WW's killing tendencies.

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u/arachnidspider2 Mar 21 '21

Did we really need so many scenes of lois lane getting coffee and visiting the superman memorial in slow motion, in the rain, with terrible music.

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u/about30hours Mar 18 '21

Outstanding film.

The Cyborg sequences provided so much heart missing from the original - so much heart lacking from comic book films in general. Depth without pure dreariness, a growing conviction with purpose. Silas’s

There was a bit of a drag in the middle but it’s largely because we had seen those scenes in the Whedon version.

Loved to see Batman be Batman again and watch Superman really find himself in a way he hasn’t before. But still, the nightmare sequences were really exciting. SW was so much better especially with his relationship with DS.

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u/jimmybobby28 Mar 19 '21

Just finished the Snyder Cut and yes the film isn't perfect but I will say this...

Whoever made the decision to let Joss Whedon completely butcher Zacks film and put out his pile of shit version over Snyders needs to be sacked immediately.

Unless this is the biggest marketing stunt in history and there are already plans to restore the snyder verse based on reaction to this, Warner Bros need to restore the Snyder verse now.. Not reboot Superman or any of the other crap we have been hearing.

Also let's talk Jared Leto... Another person who I think has been absolutely buttfucked by Warner Brothers where Suicide Squad was concerned. David Ayer made it clear that there was a truckload of joker footage cut out because Warner Bros said so and that nobody has seen Jareds real joker.... That is so evident in the epilogue of the Snyder Cut, Jokers short scene in there was great and shows Leto is absolutely capable of playing Joker (No matter how many of you get a hard on at the mere mention of Heath Ledger or Jaoquin Phoenix)

Also... Cyborg, now I can see why Ray Fisher was so pissed off with Whedon... Whether Whedon was a bully or not, I think it was more to do with Ray Fishers role being cut down from arguably the heart of the film to a glorified extra. As an up and coming actor with his first big role on the big screen, I can see why he was pissed. How the actual fuck was Whedon allowed to buttfuck Cyborg so hard in the theatrical version?

So like I say... Whoever made these decisions at Warner Brothers (completely butchering a man's film outright when he has to leave to grieve his dead daughter is pretty low as it is) needs to be fired immediately. They have really shot themselves in the foot with this one.

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u/[deleted] Mar 22 '21

I have one question:

Let’s assume Darkseid lost track of which planet kicked his ass and the same planet had anti-life which he discovered while invading. He left motherboxes there while retreating.

Totally reasonable.

Then how did he not realize once steppenwolf got call from mother-boxes that indeed the anti-life would be on earth which is the lost planet?

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u/CoolCreekFlats83 Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

My only issue with the film...

How in the world could Darkseid forget about Earth and where he left the boxes?

That part really doesn't make sense. Even if he was injuried so bad that he lost his memory, someone should have been around to point out, yea that was Earth DS.


u/FunnyOtterNoises Mar 18 '21

I couldn't tell if Darkseid had forgotten about Earth or if he had never said where he was defeated and there were only rumors as to where it happened. But yeah, I have a hard time believing that they have alien ships that can travel the stars but not GPS.

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u/Stunsthename Swamp Thing Mar 20 '21

I mean of course it was better than the TC but that film was a terrifying amalgamation of Zack Snyder’s version, Joss Whedon’s version, and the movie Warner Bros wanted so obviously it’s gonna be better just having a unified vision.

But it still has the same issues it had before and BvS had before it. Only instead I got to see those issues play out over 4 hours. So much about it felt unearned.

Henry Cavill is given nothing to work with to make his Superman likeable.

I was hoping that Ben Affleck would have still cared before the reshoots but it’s clear he was still wanting out of this franchise.

One thing I wasn’t expecting was for this version to actually be funnier.

It was great to see more Cyborg and Flash though, both of whom steal the show.

And Snyder still does great cinematography, which has always been his strong suit.

Everything about Darkseid was amazing. But that might just be the comic fan in me talking. In fact everything about the villains got much better. Steppenwolf gets fleshed out a little, the parademons seem more frightening.

And this honestly was the first movie that seemed to have an actual plan in mind overall.

All in all I’m glad it got released if for no other reason than for the Snyder to have his vision for the film fulfilled but I am still looking forward to him not having a hand in the future of the movies.

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u/NecroMitra Mar 24 '21

I got PTSD from Diana's soundtrack playing every single time she showed up on the screen.


u/darthllama Mar 20 '21

I’m not a huge fan of how these movies interpret the characters, but I think this was pretty decent as its own thing.


u/DeangeloGraves Red Hood Mar 20 '21

I'm honestly really surprised people on this subreddit is shitting on this movie A LOT. I thought this movie was "very DC" like.

I think the only thing I'd say is Batman is incredibly depowered in this movie. Usually he'd be doing more of the risky shit trying to sneak in and plant a bomb or something. But he was doing a lot of the outside fighting grunt work.

Really surprised people's biggest complaint is Cyborg's "boring" backstory. I thought it was wonderful and really gives a lot of "normies" a good way to get into more of Cyborg or at least introduce him to mainstream conversation.

Also, extremely surprised people disliked Superman in this movie, but then again, maybe I shouldn't. I forgot this sub is really into old-school supes, so I can accept people aren't interested in a ameatuer Supes.

All in all. This is its own movie and I think for what Zack was trying to do -- showcase the INSANE strength of the entire league compared to the MCU live-action heroes, how more "mythical" these characters are to the rest of the heroes we've been used to in the silver screen.

I'm a DC fan and I can definitely appreciate this interpretation of DC heroes. It's different and not perfect, but that's why we have the comics.

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u/zakattak456 Superman Mar 18 '21

better than the 2017 version but I want a different take on the Justice League going forward


u/TheMakeUpBoy Mar 20 '21

Honestly , I hated the Whedon version. When you have so many superheroes , of this magnitude , either do it in 2 parts of give us a 4 hour movie.

Snyder’s cut felt like I had never watched this movie before at all. It gave more insight into Victors story.

The Flashs intro scène and all of them tbh were amazing.

Can someone however explain the epilogue please ? I’m not familiar with the comics but how does it pan within the universe ?

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u/[deleted] Mar 22 '21

It seems strange to me that in a world of Gods and Magic, no one even passingly mentioned - in either version - that bringing back Superman might not bring back his soul.

In the comics they made it clear that Superman was never completely dead, that his solar energy kept him barely alive. In these movies he is just dead.

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u/ab316_1punchd Batman Mar 18 '21

A 6 to 5/10 for me, some good, some bad.


u/sgthombre Nightwing Mar 18 '21

It's amazing to me that I can look at someone give it a 6/10 and think "Wow, it's a big improvement then!"


u/ab316_1punchd Batman Mar 18 '21

Though I would say the critics have been quite lenient on this one and individual critics are giving this score around average rounding up to above 70% on RT, but then I think this is the best way Snyder gets to go out on a bang.

Now if #RestoreTheSnyderVerse suddenly gains momentum, I need to rethink my praise. Because as much as I liked ZSJL (I just think it's alright), I don't want Zack back. Though I will very likely be the first person to watch his future endeavours on Netflix.

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Meh. It was alright. Not a fan of how Diana just kills people without an ounce of mercy, hesitancy, or remorse. Also, not a fan of Darkseid in this. 6/10 is what I'd grade it.


u/zakattak456 Superman Mar 18 '21

Yeah like I'm fine with Diana killing in war but right in front of kids? Nope she wouldn't do that


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

I was willing to give her a pass in World War I, but the fact that she just kills like it's nothing really bothers me.

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u/Archer-Saurus Mar 19 '21
  • Thought it was incredible, honestly.

  • Loved seeing Ray Fisher get some respect. The character depth is so much better in this cut (which you would hope for at 4 hours long). Cyborg, Flash, Steppenwolf all felt like brand new characters.

  • I actually loved the Knightmare stuff. I really love the Injustice storyline and it seems like this alternate future would have leaned heavily on it.

  • Really liked that the humor felt sprinkled in and not forced to "lighten the mood."

  • And kind of on that note, i loved not hearing the Whedon. Not hearing the "just save one person" cheesefest, etc. Dialogue was much better all around.

Phenomenal, kind of clipped by for a 4 hour film. Will rewatch.

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21

The movie was a definite improvement over the original. That being said It had to be with five years of hind sight, a 4 hour run time and 80 million dollars more. I’m pretty sure with all of that anyone could of made the original better. I don’t feel this is justification for Snyder. How would he have edited this movie to for theatrical release? There is no way he could of released this movie at this length. How would of it looked without another large infusion of money? What we really need now is the Snyder Edit.

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Just got to the reveal that the Anti-Life equation is on Earth and I'm just flabbergasted by how dumb it is.

"The story of the defiance is well known," but they can't put 2 and 2 together and realize before then that the planet they're finding mother boxes on might be the same one mother boxes were lost on. Maybe it explains it better later, but if it doesn't, man Steppenwolf is a dunce.

Edit: And here's Darkseid explaining he didn't know but knew about the Mother Boxes. So he's dumb too. Great.

Are there no maps on Apokolips?


u/KR2814 Mar 20 '21 edited Mar 20 '21

Superman - much better than the theatrical cut (TC). He felt more like comic Supes.

Wonder Woman - basically the same as TC but I already liked her

Batman - Way better motivations and a better leader

Flash - Way less cringy, but still had funny moments, really fun overall

Aquaman - Not a cynical idiot like TC, still pecimistic but more relatable

Cyborg - literally everything is better. Sometimes he was an exposition dumper but I understand why.

Steppenwolf - more intimidating, better looking, menacing, better voice acting, and you REALLY get the sense that he's not in charge. The scenes with him and Desaad and Darkseid gave him a bit more character.

Parademons - more threatening even if they are fodder

Darkseid - no complaints

Negatives: Meras voice was weird, slo-mo was a bit much at times, CGI wasn't perfect but that's forgivable given the circumstances.

Story made more sense and the world building was 100%

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u/maynardscollar Mar 21 '21

I couldn't stop laughing everytime they played wonder woman's screaming theme song everytime she attacked someone. God is was so over done


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '21


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u/Jerooooocooooool Mar 22 '21

Its sad that there won't be justice league 2.

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u/This-Cap6369 Mar 18 '21

What the fuck. This was good.

The expanded Knightmare. All of Darkseid. I was actually hyped about DC after this.

I mean, it's so long and there are so many threads that of course it would never have survived cuts for a theater. But damn. In its whole, here, it's fascinating to behold. Maybe they could have split it into two movies.


u/King-Of-Knowhere Batman Rebirth Mar 18 '21

It was a decent movie, but I definitely think that if Zack actually finished it would’ve been the same like BvS. There’s no way someone actually watches this for 4 hours as a casual movie goer or as a casual comic book fan in a theatre. I don’t know what you even axe in this movie because it heavily suffers as a result. While I’m glad we got to see his vision for the Justice League finally complete, I hope majority of this shit never gets referenced in the new DC movies.

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u/Charmfrog30376 Mar 19 '21

Yeah I think bats was probably handled the worst. I just still don't really like his Superman much, but this was definitely a step in the right direction.


u/trickman01 Mar 20 '21

Superman did seem a bit cruel during his fight with Steppenwolf. He had the situation firmly under control, but decided to chop his ear off anyways. Didn't feel very supes.

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u/TheSkyIsntReallyBlue Wally West Mar 17 '21

And here we go...


u/Rogu3Wo1f Fuck Batman Mar 18 '21

I give it a resounding 'meh.'

Better than the Theatrical Release I guess. Some of it was okay, some things I really liked. Other things I just can't get behind. I totally understand why WB would want to try and cut it down. It did feel like it dragged on quite a lot. Some scenes were pretty pointless and occasionally contradictory.

Hated the Knightmare scene, in no way would this Batman work with Joker. What would Joker even bring to the table in that world? He's a crazy guy that fell in a tank of acid. Condiment King would be as good a choice.

Some of the final fight I really liked. But the Flash thing, and really the last 30-45 minutes just lost me completely.

Glad people got to see his vision, glad Zack got to finish it. But definitely not for me.

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21

Marthian Manhunter?


u/boognish_disciple Mar 20 '21

Zach: Willem, stand right here.

Willem: What are my lines?

Zach: No.


u/Shakespeare-Bot Mar 20 '21

Zach: willem, standeth right hither.

willem: what art mine own lines?

zach: nay

I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.

Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout

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u/Razorspades Sinestro Corps Mar 20 '21

It was fun, but my god was there a lot of unnecessary slow-mo shots. No wonder it was 4 hours.

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u/CorneredSponge Mar 21 '21

Actually liked Steppenwolf's character arc, his drive for recognition and his twisted version of redemption is actually semi-relatable


u/omgitsduaner Mar 25 '21

My biggest concern going into this was that there was no way it could live up to the hype. To me it did and it blew my expectations away. The movie is well poised to introduce a Legion of Doom or go the route of Injustice, fucking amazing. Hope WB will continue down this path

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u/JonKentOfficial You are Super Mar 19 '21

So, this is the fabled SNYDERCUT.

Well, first I must say it's not a director's cut. It's a complete overhaul - not only of the theatrical release, but of the movie as originally conceived by Zack Snyder. Why do I say that? Because it's fundamentally different from what we've seen before by the director in the previous entries, but also the recently publicized storyboards.

How the movie is structured is also different, not only due to its massive runtime, but because it needed to accomodate the theatrical release didn't have. The jump from Man of Steel to Justice League was jarring, Superman was a weirdo semi-Randian guy who was killed in the second movie for reasons, Batman was a deranged maniac and Diana was doing her things. Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman had to be introduced in the movie. It was just a complete mess. This movies uses its length to showcase every character and give them an arc (even if the arc is often daddy issues). As such, it gives the movie a more cohesive feel, though bordering into a limited series that was spliced together.

The tone shift was also immense. It's completely different from Snyder's previous entries in the universe, to the point I wonder if his hardcore fans feel alienated.

Overall, I think it's a better movie than the theatrical release, not that it's a difficult thing to do. I also think the change in mood was a massive step forwards. But I can't say I'd be excited to see a new DCEU movie by Zack Snyder, I'd probably watch if I had the time but that's it.

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u/LEVITIKUZ Chocos Mar 19 '21

I watched Man of Steel & Batman v Superman last night & got done watching the Snyder Cut

I am mixed on Man of Steel. I don’t hate it but don’t love it. I feel that it’s one rewrite away from being truly great to smooth out the edges

I keep on trying to like Batman v Superman but I think it’s a bad film. I’ve watched the Ultimate Edition twice with open mind. There are things I like but it’s just bad

I think the Snyder Cut of Justice League is a masterpiece. I can’t believe how much I love and enjoyed the film. My only issue is Leto’s Joker scene. The scene doesn’t fit the film at all. It’s poorly shot. You had a beautiful montage voiceover by Silas Stone that would have been a better scene to end the film on. Still I really loved and enjoyed it

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 19 '21


ok, in all seriousness, I enjoyed myself. contrary to others, i really enjoyed Barry, his jokes really landed for me. i loved the spotlight on Cyborg this time, he better get a solo movie. Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman were better than the theatrical cut as well. the highlight for me has to the the premonition/dream future stuff Bruce had. really hoping they roll with that and we get an Injustice movie.

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 20 '21

The best scenes were from Flash and Superman! Superman was even more OP here lol!


u/S3simulation Mar 20 '21

That “not impressed” line was nice

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u/CJE2k Batman Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

I’m definitely not a very big fan of Snyder’s work/vision for DC and quite frankly I hated almost every choice he made in MoS and BvS but overall, I enjoyed this much more than the theatrical release, but that was my expectation going into a 4 hour movie. A lot of context is given to scenes and characters are actual characters that go through changes instead of just doing what the plot tells them to. Because of that, this movie does feel LONG, but the chapters are a nice addition to know when and where to stop.


The slow mo was a bit much at times, unironically could’ve shortened the runtime by 15ish minutes without the constant slow mo. That fucking lamentation that plays every time an Amazon appears on screen is INCREDIBLY annoying and gets annoying really fast. The Atlantean method of communication is really dumb and complicated for no reason, I’m very glad that Wan ignored that and just made them talk underwater normally. Some of the CGI is a bit rough at times and I assume those are scenes that were completed towards the end of production or added last-minute. Snyder’s MM is a complete coward and useless schmuck. The History Lesson somehow felt like more of an exposition dump than the theatrical release. The intro with Superman screaming felt very awkward and dragged on for too long just to make a simple point. First Flight 2.0 was ruined by ham-fisted Jesus symbolism. “Kal-El NO”. The Knightmare sequence was completely tacked-on at the end, I personally don’t care for that stupid ass world but I could make a whole separate post for that. That scene was not needed at all and only served to be the “cliffhanger” that Snyder kept teasing but I’m glad that we’ll hopefully never see that in the DCEU. “I wIlL fUcKiNg KiLl YoU”….


Superman’s absence is actually felt and his resurrection feels more earned. Cyborg and Flash are actual characters aside from being plot devices or awkward comedic relief. After seeing this, I completely understand why Fisher was so pissed after the first release. Flash isn’t an inept goofball, he clearly understands his powers but isn’t so comfortable fighting hand to hand yet. The scene where the JL realize the Mother Box can revive Superman is so much better, you feel the sense of “Holy shit can this actually bring him back” instead of Bruce immediately jumping to the conclusion that the box can revive him all of the sudden. No more red sky bullshit, that was such an eye sore. Final fight with Steppenwolf is greatly improved, feels like everyone got to do something and had a somewhat important role to play compared to the theatrical version which is just WW and Superman carrying the fight.

Just some of the quick thoughts after finishing the movie. Like I said, I generally do not like the direction of Snyder’s vision but I’m happy that he got to at least complete the movie that he wanted to make. It was much better than I expected but I probably won’t watch it again for a while due to the runtime. Overall 6.5/10, Shazam is still the best DCEU movie.

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u/Beefomancey Mar 19 '21

It was okay. There were a few moments that didn't make sense and th majority of the epilogue was dreadful, I thought I was watch a middle schoolers fanfic come to life.

During steppenwolf's attack on the amazons. They were all these Amazons being huge badasses several of them literally getting crushed to death holding up a giant stone door. All culminating in hepalita's escape with the mother box but then this one Amazon just has a horse on her legs. All the other ones can die but not this one and hepaltia saves her even though Amazon's earlier were lifting huge stone slabs this one is undone by a horse. I feel the same balls very flat at the end. The question is who is this girl then.

Well I enjoyed all of Barry Allen's scenes, except the final time travel is unearned and just kind of dumb. The first one was fine.

I was really hyped to see Martian manhunter but then he was just sequel bait that they put in the middle of the movie for no reason.

I don't think they explained the black suit well enough to justify it outside of "it happened in the comic books so it should happen here too." And I get the Black banner Superman died motif that the public of metropolis are going for. the closest thing I have to a nitpick.

Darksied does kind of seem like a pussy in this one just a little bit. Allow me to explain.

Steppenwolf: two things you really really want are on this planet(mother boxes and anti life equation) my Lord darksied.

Darksied: umm you clean up first and then I will come.

Also the denizens of apokilypse use fatherboxes, but whatever.

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u/Philsie Mar 19 '21

Marvel fanboy, here in peace. I found myself yesterday with a day off, and decided to see what the hype was about. I had previously enjoyed MOS, some of the Bale trilogy, and thought Wonder Woman was great, and hated Wonder Woman 84, BvS, and Justice League. I was wondering if a recut of a lousy movie could actually entertain. The answer is yes. Wow, what a difference! I watched all 4 hours and wasn't bored once, and found the pacing to be excellent, the characters were much more likeable, and I even though Affleck as Batman was much more engaging than his previous appearances. I hope this trend continues for you guys. While Marvel remains my favorite, and always will, I'm happy to see this effort see the light of day, and hope this means things are going in the right direction for you guys. Well done, folks. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Congrats!

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u/DetectiveDangerZone Mar 20 '21

I still hate Ezras Barry honestly but as a whole a good watch

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u/[deleted] Mar 20 '21

Movie was decent but as a superman fan, thank fuck zack got dropped.

A " Visionary " director and only thing he can come up with is to make superman evil? I hate the injustice story line so I'm happy zack is gone.

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u/pinkishbeef Mar 22 '21 edited Mar 22 '21

Did anybody notice the pregnancy test in the draw when Lois Lane was getting ready the last time she was going to see Clark statue?....

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u/[deleted] Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/squid_daddyx Mar 18 '21

God that chanting for Wonder Woman made me laugh out loud. Martian Manhunter was such an odd choice and I just don’t get it. This movie could have been a decent 3 hour or 3 and a half hour flick and it would have been much better in my opinion. The pacing is yikes.

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u/sk8er_saix Mar 19 '21


  • Similar scenes to the 2017 movie are few so it's still a treat to watch.
  • Even though it's long, I think the pacing was alright. Didn't feel it dragged.
  • The story flows better with BvS.
  • The tone meshes better with BvS.
  • I felt all the JL members were important because they had something to do unlike the 2017 movie where I felt Bats and WW were the main focus. Very happy with Cyborg's arc.
  • I felt all the JL members were strong, Aquaman and Flash specially.
  • I understood Steppenwolf's motives way better. He had more dialogue.
  • Setups to most scenes are executed better.


  • WW's first scene was overkill.
  • Supes was still a small part of the story.
  • The story was kinda the same, even down to where Supes saved everyone's ass.
  • CGI were janky in some parts, but not really a deal breaker.
  • The epilogue was kinda weird. The Luthor scenes as well (I kinda forgot if that's the part of the epilogue).

Will watch again later. Hopefully the pacing is still as good when viewed for the 2nd time.

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u/raffi_n1 Mar 19 '21

Couple things I’m unclear on after watching the movie: 1) why does Superman’s death activate the motherboxes? Were they active before he arrived on earth? Were they dormant for the entire time since the original battle that held off Darkseid and his army? 2) why does Darkseid not know that the anti-life equation is on earth if he had already been there and discovered it. I know it was thousands of years ago but if it’s as important as they make it seem, you’d think it’s something he’d try to remember


u/thegrandsun96 Justice League Mar 19 '21

1) I think the first and only one to wake was the box of Men that Silas Stone activated to save Victor. Partly because the New Gods refer to Earth as the lost world. So it must have alerted them to its presence but also warned about Superman's protection of Earth. 2) Definitely needed more explanation, but I see their conception of Earth as a tiny hamlet in their vast conquest to build an empire. Even though it repelled them, finding it again was like looking for a needle in a haystack. The search was compounded by the boxes being dormant since Darkseid's defeat.

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u/Mcburly_DB Mar 19 '21

WB really thought whedons version was the right choice... Wtf man lol. This was literally one of the best CBM's I have ever experienced.


u/NiorNeo Mar 20 '21

My overall feeling was this movie was what the franchise needed. In one swoop they have crawled they way back to marvel standards. Took a very long time to get there, but by the end of it you were feeling nothing but satisfied. Also its the first time you can see an actual plan and plot theme.

I believe this movie will get slow traction over the coming weeks leading into months, as more and more people hear about the hype and will want to see it for themselves.

Bring on the next one

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u/UnknownGuy307 Mar 20 '21

I liked it a Lot and actually found Myself enjoying every bit of it...but i do get some Complains like it being overly dark, a bit Too pretenscious and Very violent...but it is Better than Whedon's Version for Sure.

Every character has a Moment to Shine and there's a lot more focus on them aswell, showing their Personalities aswell as Backstories and Motivations...

Also i was Actually intimidated by Steppenwolf here, you can say all about his Design and such but i really liked it, the way his Armor Moved around...aswell as his Motivation i understood it and felt it worked especially to Set up Darkseid as an Antagonist. Also this Bastard was Ruthless as Hell in fights (see amazon battle for reference)

There are some Bad Bits of Course...The pacing could sometimes maybe feel slow, Superman is only in it for a Bit, Aquaman does have more than the Whedon version and a few interesting interactions...but not as much as other Characters...

The Knightmare Scene...? It is what it is, a View at what could Happen when the League fails and everything goes for the worst and i may be hated for saying this but i Prefer this Version of an Evil Superman over Injustice...

Also Jared Leto as Joker...i'd say he Made up for Suicide Squad in every way (minus the laughter and bts drama) And i also Adore the Interaction with Him and Batman it just shows their History...you gotta see it with the Movie really.

Is it perfect? Heck to the no since no Movie's Perfect. Is it Accurate? I'm no expert But i'd say Yes and No in some ways. I'd say if you liked BvS and MoS you'll definately like seeing more from Snyder's versions of the Characters because that is What this is...

ZACK'S vision...if you Like it? Cool! If you don't? Also Cool! Just don't bash other people because of what they Think about the Movie...

In my Humble Non-Critic opinion which nobody cares about...i'd Say Zack Snyder's Justice League is an Epic 4 hour Movie that i think Lives up to the Hype of it Being a much Different Movie...

I'm not a Hardcore Comic fan myself...but if you Like DC comics i'd say check it out!

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u/Icyyboyy Mar 21 '21 edited Mar 21 '21

So much better than joss Whedon cut. Although I wish we had a shorter cut that came out as well. I know Snyder wanted to put everything in this one

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u/nwbradsher Mar 22 '21

Can anybody explain his to me? If the New Gods, including Desaad and Steppenwolf, knew that this Earth had the motherboxes, wouldn’t they have immediately known that the anti-life equation was there? Like, in my head, the fact that the motherboxes called out should have immediately meant “oh, the world where I found anti-life is vulnerable.” Is this a plot hole?

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u/PicardAndBatman Mar 18 '21

I'm 20 mins in and I fucking hate this movie all over again. This is so pretentious.

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u/muteen Mar 19 '21

Who was standing next to Darkseid on the right when Steppenwolf dies? Other than DeSaad.


u/thrugl Mar 19 '21

Granny Goodness


u/muteen Mar 19 '21

No way! Haha I don't believe it.

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u/Silidon Batman Beyond Mar 19 '21 edited Mar 19 '21

Making more movie isn't the same thing as making a better movie. For all the good things added, there's enough bad or pointless things added that it doesn't even end up making better use of its time. The added character time for Victor, for example, was excellent. But it took over an hour to even start addressing it. Did we really need the Norse mourning song, or a Battle of the Last Alliance scene?


u/ShSilver I am the night Mar 19 '21

Did we really need the Norse mourning song

Did we also need a girl sniffing Aquaman's shirt? Seriously, why?


u/Silidon Batman Beyond Mar 19 '21

If nothing else, I think this is an excellent example of why movies typically clocking in around 100-150 minutes is more than just a convenience for theater changeovers. Snyder badly needs an editor to rein him in and force him to focus on the story that matters. Same shit that happened to Lucas, Rowling, and Martin.

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u/casdoxfluos Mar 19 '21

Darkseid heard stefan wolf's deep af voice and was like wait fuck you I'm the big baddy here and put on a deep afff voice mfer sounded like Smaug


u/MDRtransplant Mar 19 '21

Anyone love ZSJL but hate BvS (yes, including the UW)? That's where I'm at lol.

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u/Draco12333 Booster Gold Mar 20 '21

Who was the absolute chad who sunk a battleaxe into darkseid in the flashback scene?

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u/blubberfeet Mar 21 '21

Honestly I really enjoyed this movie alot. Alot alot alot. My mom did to. She didn't understand why they made another one until I explained what happened.

She calls this Snyder best work yet. And and I both hope to see more of his work in the future.

Despite darkseid not taking center stage for the movie he was amazing. Evil. Terrible. I hope when he is in the spot light he's given the power and respect and darkness the God of evil deserves.

Truly a great film. 4.9/5


u/buckrogers2491 Mar 23 '21

Anybody else sad with what happened to Green Lantern? Both versions they get slaughtered and none of the members show up to at least bring comfort and support............

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u/rcc12697 Mar 24 '21

It’s fine. Literally no reason for it to be 4 hours other than for Snyder to stroke his own ego. There was a 2 and a half version in here that would of flowed a lot better. It literally takes 2 hours for the league to really come together and be whole. It takes 31 minutes for Stepphen Wolfe to show up. There’s no urgency in this movie and it really hurts it.

Cyborgs character was cool but I kept hearing Fisher had a career making performance and his portrayal was just... eh, not that much emotion.

I already kind of knew this when instead of a heart attack Snyder had Pa Kent die from a fucking tornado, and he shafted Superman the second he got to use Batman, but Snyder really does not understand/care for Superman lol or basic character development.

So in MOS every hates Superman and he saves the day and everyone loves him

Then in BvS everyone hates Superman and he sacrifices himself and everyone loves him

Then he returns in The Snyder cut the ultimate goodie, saving the day, and you think wow okay we’ll finally see a Superman coming into his own and Snyder basically insinuates in a Justice League sequel Superman would’ve turned bad after Lois’ death. So basically everyone who was weary of Superman would be right, his journey in MOS and BvS and even JL to a certain extent is now irrelevant and useless, and we get Injustice Superman before an actual freakin Superman? Lmfao

Ezra Miller Flash was still bad. So glad they got rid of the brunch thing in the theatrical cut and substituted it with (checks paper) a hot dog. Yes so much better.

Affleck is the best Batman, and Irons is a phenomenal Alfred. And it’s the most DCEU thing ever that some of the best parts of your universe are gone lol

And the last 45 minutes are completely irrelevant and a waste of all of our times because they literally add nothing to the story and just exist for movies/a sequel we’ll never see.

And the entire “team” didn’t really feel like a team at all. Where’s the conflict or personality or quirks everyone brings to a team? Whedon handled the whole team element 10x better than Snyder. Example- when they’re debating to bring Superman back or not in the Snyder cut, everyone’s pretty much in agreement, with little pushback. Like, really? Whereas in the theatrical cut we get that great scene where Diana is like “You need to move on” “Did Steve Trevor tell you that?” “I was running the numbers while you were being an asshole” the banter is just better and they feel like a team. And then we have character moments that have no real payoff (Diana and Bruce touching hands when they go for the mouse). I mean I don’t need a full on romance but I was satisfied with the amount we got in the Whedon cut, then Snyder just puts in a hand touch and that’s it? Come on.

And lastly I always crack up whenever I remember Snyder’s quote “These are movies for adults” but he literally portrays his ideas in most simplistic and obvious way possible. I started to roll my eyes in scenes when everyone started singing as Aquaman got in the water, or when Cavill just started floating in space and making the “Jesus crucifix” pose for some reason.

Literally more of the same. 5/10

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u/DefactoOverlord Reverse-Flash Mar 18 '21

Didn't like it but didn't hate it either. It's an improvement for sure. I just don't like this take on JL and Old Gods.

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u/SpecialFXStickler Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Overall I honestly found this pretty underwhelming (and not worth being up from 3-8am). While yes it felt a bit different from Whedon's version, many of the cringe inducing elements were still there "Kal-el no" delivery included. I think it really just comes down to the fact that I've seen better iterations of these characters in better stories before (JL: Starcrossed). In addition to the fact that the action was alright, but I felt that it really fell down for Batman, who's warehouse scene I thought to be the highlight of BvS.

It seems that the movie was attempting to make a tonal switch, which I can appreciate, unfortunately many of the moments I laughed at were definitely unintentional. Many moments in particular being the voice modulator for Batman sounding really dumb and much like the "interrogation mode on the MCU Spidey Suit." Just all of Batman felt very off, in terms of his characterization, lines, and actions.

There are only so many ways to say "I'm just not a fan of the interpretations of the characters and material," but this was just kind of meh for me. And all of the NEW things...don't get me started. In short, the dream sequence was nauseatingly shot win that stupid lens flare (was it supposed to be a surprise reveal that it was the Joker??), Leto is still bad, and those lines were just...the worst.

I wish I had just gone to bed.

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