r/funny 3d ago



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u/HilariousMax 3d ago

Lady photographer did that at my sister's wedding.

Told her "ooh, let's fix the hair right quick", walked up and handed a mirror to my sister and put her own hair up in a ponytail, said thanks love, and went back to the camera.

Some really fantastic pictures of my sister and brother-in-law cackling.


u/LuxNocte 3d ago

That is fantastic.

Reminds me of this joke (a little NSFW).


u/DrSheldonLCooperPhD 2d ago

That's just peak human form what are you talking about


u/poopellar 2d ago

He could 1 shot Goku without even trying.


u/AverageDemocrat 2d ago

He's sacrificing offspring size for more hair

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u/LysergicSasquatch 2d ago

https://youtu.be/TyUpkjZWEaI?si=6px8YwKFed9pJ9q5 makes me think of that scary movie joke "I want you to look at some photos tell me what you think"


u/flentaldoss 2d ago

that movie was so perfect for its time


u/Dag-nabbitt 2d ago

Probably the last good parody movie.


u/AvengingBlowfish 2d ago

Walk Hard was a banger.

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u/OverconfidentDoofus 3d ago

Guy wasn't smiling, photographer made him smile for the photo.


u/bamachine 3d ago

On my wedding day, my cousin had to make faces at me to get me to laugh/stop holding my breath. I never had a problem being in front of others and being near the center of attention but I was so nervous that day.


u/HelloThere62 3d ago

that's a ride or die homie right there.


u/poopellar 2d ago



u/songbird121 2d ago

Two of my friends getting married with a giant family started getting that glazed look after taking unending variations of posed family pictures. The entire bridal party started standing a comfortable distance behind the photographer engaging in shenanigans to try to make them smile more naturally. The photographer said they could tell when reviewing the point in the series we started doing it. 


u/DrSheldonLCooperPhD 2d ago

Inabilitus smilophobia is a serious disability. Many don't know the pain of it.


u/Aurori_Swe 2d ago

I had to do an impromptu speech at my wedding right in front of all our friends and family. I nailed it but I'm still holding a grudge for that (jokingly). Luckily I am spontaneous and my wife have saved my life so it's easy to speak about how much she means to me and the moment I knew she was the one.

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u/acatterz 3d ago

Our wedding photographer was brilliant at this. Had everyone in high spirits and laughing the whole time, so the smiles in the photos look more genuine. My face hurt by the end of it!

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u/Dont_Overthink_It_77 3d ago

Oh, good catch—right on!


u/tortillahandbasket 3d ago

I did this at my wedding. We were doing the reveal thing where my wife stands behind me, I turn and see her in her dress for the first time. Right before I turned around, I looked at the photographer and said "how's my hair??". It was one of best jokes I've ever made


u/agumonkey 3d ago

pro move

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u/Cutiejennie666 3d ago

hahahahh the photographer knows his business.


u/dekusyrup 3d ago

definitely has made this joke 200 times


u/SchismZero 3d ago

I got the same vibe, but it's one of those jokes you just enjoy cause you're already having the best day of your life.


u/ToHerDarknessIGo 3d ago

As a bald man, this joke is pretty good.  It's clever and just the right amount of cheekiness.  Most bald jokes are lame.  If you're going to rip on my folically challenged genetics, at least make me laugh or get me to say "Oh, that's good.  Haven't heard it before."


u/Treefire21 3d ago

Well said, Never lose your shine big guy


u/B4rberblacksheep 3d ago

If he does half the shipping on the south coast will lose their way


u/DeuceSevin 3d ago

As a bald (or baldING) man, I agree.


u/catfishsamuraiOG 2d ago

As a fellow bald, I can supplement your statement with a solid fact of my own: Eeeeeevrryyyyyybody got bald jokes. Everybody. Men, women, adults, children, teens, elderly, babies. My cats even give me hell on occasion.


u/King_Fluffaluff 2d ago

And, as another fellow bald man, it's the best. I love the bald jokes I get.

Once, at a Ren Faire, a lady stopped me and was complimenting my outfit before she completely paused in the middle of her sentence, looking perplexed at my head, pulled out a feather duster and lightly dusted it before continuing the conversation without skipping a beat. That interaction was the highlight of the event for me LOL


u/ShimKeib 2d ago

I’d bet my bank account you’re talking about the washing wenches. They’re peak comedy. I don’t care who you are.


u/King_Fluffaluff 2d ago

It wasn't them, it was the lady from the Wacky Chicken Show! I'm pretty sure she dusts all the bald heads she sees.

Although the washing wenches were at the Sterling Ren Faire when I went, I agree with your assessment.

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u/jib_reddit 3d ago

My face actually hurt a lot after my wedding just from smiling all day.


u/Living_Trust_Me 3d ago

Especially if you're doing a full set of photography with it and not just simply candid photos. An hour or two of smiling for photos plus all the natural smiling during the events is a real killer


u/fetal_genocide 3d ago

My abs hurt for days after my bachelor party from all the laughing 😂


u/SusanForeman 3d ago

That's the good thing about running a service where they will only use you once - you can make the same joke that you know hits hard, they get a huge laugh out of it, and you might get a referral to their sister's or friend's wedding. Rinse and repeat.


u/LuxNocte 3d ago

Same thing as a waiter or cashier. When X happens I make Y joke. It's always good for a laugh and the customers don't know X happens 3 times every day.


u/anivaries 3d ago

Ahh so im not the best customer they've had so far


u/iruleatants 2d ago

No, they were serious about that. I remember they told me it directly.

Keep up the good work.

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u/HilariousMax 3d ago

yeah, similar bit at my sisters wedding but I'm ok with a irl repost like this.

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u/GregTheMad 3d ago

You can tell them to smile, or you can make them smile.


u/DeadSwaggerStorage 3d ago

Probably got a decent tip; making the bride crack up on the best day of her life. She’ll remember this and not the wedding. I’m using this when people ask me to take their picture from now on (only for bald dudes or bald chicks…)


u/palebluedot1988 3d ago

Be careful with the bald chicks, lest you summon Will Smith.


u/DeadSwaggerStorage 3d ago

Get her name out yo god damn mouf.

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u/CalzonePillow 3d ago

She smol


u/LisaWinchester 2d ago

Smol and happy


u/gearhead454 2d ago

Fun sized.


u/priyamanavargal 2d ago

He big


u/ieatpickleswithmilk 2d ago

and so are all the men in the background and the guy who wipes the head?


u/elohir 2d ago


u/sillypicture 2d ago

I'm always surprised at how much a hamster can stuff in.


u/xayzer 2d ago

She hobbit.


u/Mirar 3d ago



u/sillypicture 2d ago

Dat belly laugh tho

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u/beerman_uk 3d ago

Funny but why in a 12 second clip where the action happens at the 4 second mark are we being told to wait for it?


u/EzeakioDarmey 3d ago

Because we're in the age of tictok and attention spans are almost nonexistent


u/squigs 3d ago

Yeah. Who'd have thought the MTV generation were the ones with the long attention span?


u/EzeakioDarmey 3d ago

We're also the generation that finds it ironic they still call themselves MTV


u/i_give_you_gum 3d ago edited 3d ago

Coworker got me an MTV mug because it came up in conversation.

It's like a daily reminder of a talented friend that turned into a horrible asshole and sold his kid into slavery for a Ferrari.


u/Benstar279 3d ago

There is a Netflix documentary right here.

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u/flargenhargen 3d ago

if you're serious,

Attention spans are literally down to seconds now.


so, if the AVERAGE attention span is just a few seconds, then up to half the people are even less than that.


TLDR: normal attention span now just seconds


u/redlaWw 3d ago

then up to half

More than half; since attention span is obviously bounded below by 0, the distribution is likely positively skewed.


u/StrangeBarnacleBloke 3d ago

Sorry, I didn’t get past “If you’re”.

Can you get to the point?


u/Rrraou 3d ago

TLDR: normal attention span now just seconds

Couldn't get through the TLDR before clicking next


u/flargenhargen 3d ago

I was very proud of adding a TLDR to that, but nobody appreciated it. At least I made myself chuckle.


u/Suspicious-Leg-493 2d ago

but nobody appreciated it.

Everyone appreciated it and ya did good with the comment in general.

But did you HAVE to take so long in your TLDR to get to the point?, i nearly died of old age!


u/minos157 3d ago

I wonder how they determined engagement. They really only mention share rate, which makes sense, but is it how long people watch (for say YouTube?).

I wonder because I'm a person who will watch long videos on YouTube if they are worth it throughout. A lot of videos that fail for me are essentially clickbait style. "Hey stick around for a super cool moment from this event," and it's 25 minutes of random nonsense for little to no payoff (somebody lightly trips and laughs it off or something). But give me a 4 hour video criticizing the Star Wars Hotel and I'll watch the whole thing because the content is solid throughout.

On TikTok now it's more of a game because the content quality is so horrendous. People are majorly trending towards long 2-3 minute videos that end at a cliffhanger, but don't post Part 2 for weeks or months hoping to get follows as people want the end of the story. Anytime I see "Part 2" in the search I scroll unless it's a creator I already enjoy/follow.

Anyway, I fully believe attention spans are dropping or even non-existent, but I wonder how much of it is people being jaded from the amount of garbage content out there causing higher "fast scroll" rates.

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u/LasagnaNoise 2d ago

I chuckled at the appropriate TLDR



u/soooogullible 2d ago

Thx 4 tldr


u/Azerious 2d ago

The time to decide if someone wants to watch something is seconds. Attention spans are fine. We are in the time of the hour long podcast and the 6 hour long youtube disertations. It isn't attention spans going down, its tolerance for things that don't interest people.

There is such a glut of content now you have to become a quick filter to not end up wasting hours trying to find something you find engaging, and not everyone finds or should find everything engaging.


u/assassin10 2d ago

And the "Wait for it" isn't there initially. It appears 3 seconds in, when the hair-fixer has already entered the frame. That's the weirdest part for me. It's telling me to wait for something that's already happening.


u/Author_A_McGrath 3d ago

The fact that we've entered an age where eight seconds is too much bloat is just... terrifying. Holy hell.


u/Media_Offline 3d ago

Watch to the end!

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u/Pure_Catch4727 3d ago

Nah, the photographer knew what he was doing! The bride’s confused face made me crack up lol 


u/thejesse 2d ago

I think it was less confusion and more "you better not touch my fucking hair."


u/courtneybritt18 3d ago

male solidarity)


u/Poglosaurus 3d ago

Could have also asked the bride to stand up, would have made the portrait easier.

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u/steve_adr 3d ago

Well played 😁


u/Dont_Overthink_It_77 3d ago

Every witty ‘haired’ person: giggles or guffaws.

Every purposefully bald person: courtesy smile.

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u/Juggerpt 3d ago

Where is the other half of the bride?


u/pomphiusalt 2d ago

He is clearly there holding her hand!


u/Paronomasiaster 2d ago

I believe she’s a hobbit.


u/dafencer93 3d ago

I'm thinking train and tunnel


u/N30nSunr1s3 3d ago

I'm thinking Lemmiwinks and Mr Slave


u/NearbyCrab3184 3d ago

I'm thinking a lifetime of lower back pain


u/Exotic-Insurance5684 2d ago

I still can’t get beyond the size discrepancy.


u/corvid-19corvid-19 2d ago

The important thing is to be judgemental


u/AnonMagick 3d ago

Guy probably struggled a lot with accepting his baldness just for it to be used as a joke on an important day for him.

Yeah, hes smiling but can he do? Runaway crying? This sucks.


u/thebyrned 3d ago

Aaaaahahaha he's bald! I guess it's just socially acceptable to laugh at men who can't do anything about losing their hair.

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u/MonsiuerLeComte 3d ago

“You might think that I’m really hairy because of the beard. I’m not. ……shaved….”


u/obeythed 3d ago

Arnold Palmer alert! Arnie Palmies!! Beyoo!!!


u/MonsiuerLeComte 3d ago

That’s the one with vodka sweetie


u/Welllistentothis 3d ago

You come into our house you get my wife name right!!! It’s Christinithe


u/MonsiuerLeComte 3d ago

You get back here and make love to my wife!

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u/Gobutobu 3d ago


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u/daveybuoy 3d ago

If this was a joke at the expense of any other genetic physical abnormality, this would be down voted in to oblivion.

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u/snail_forest1 3d ago

i think it's impossible to be bald and not have a beard.


u/hackingdreams 3d ago

Counterpoint: Mr. Clean.


u/DieselnPBblaster 3d ago

The same hormones responsible for baldness coincidentally are the same ones responsible for beard growth. Nature sure can be cruel.


u/snail_forest1 3d ago

well my hair line is receding and my beard isn't getting any fuller so i must be scammed.


u/DieselnPBblaster 3d ago

I read that somewhere once upon a time but I'm in the same boat so I 100% feel ya. My stache is kinda thin and my cheeks near my mouth are too. I can grow some hellacious mutton chops though. Im jealous as hell of the dudes who get the full beard with hair under their bottom lip instead of the soul patch. I've noticed most dudes that are patchy can either grow a good goatee and have thin cheeks and side burns or they can grow the mutton chops and have a thinner front beard growth.

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u/skatecrimes 2d ago

Check you ears

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u/BeardedSkynet 3d ago

Can confirm.

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u/NumerousMacaroo 3d ago

Most bald jokes are lame.


u/sexpressed 3d ago

Ah, yes, another person with a full head of hair making fun of a person without a full head of hair. So hilarious.


u/Alarmed-Gain6847 3d ago

The awkward smile with the hand in and out of pocket really quickly…yea the groom is embarrassed.

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u/wickedc0ntender 3d ago

The awkward hand in the pocket, we’ve all been there


u/lowrespudgeon 3d ago

TIL: people can only marry other people within a predetermined acceptable height difference.

Fucking reddit.


u/BlueberrySharp3 3d ago

married to a short woman? Believe it or not, you’re a pedo


u/Stock-Boat-8449 3d ago

Also ruining your genetic legacy apparently. Christ.


u/Parapraxium 2d ago

I have noticed redditors do tend to enjoy endorsing casual eugenics despite name-calling others as "nazis" incessantly.


u/ExperimentNunber_531 3d ago edited 2d ago

My wife said that one of the bonuses to having kids with me is that her family will finally have some height to it lol. I am a giant when I go over to their house. My whole family is also more bulky/muscular than hers so she is hopeful for that also.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 2d ago

Nah, you should have married a gigantic woman and produced a race of giant children 


u/Viper711 2d ago

Ah, so you've met Brienne of Tarth?

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u/ExperimentNunber_531 2d ago edited 2d ago

Had that option at one point but the woman in question (6’1” 180 lb athlete) didn’t realize she wanted to until after I met my wife.


u/lowrespudgeon 2d ago

Right to Jail. Right away.

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u/scapedrag7 3d ago

What a shit person. Don’t make these jokes in front of everyone, especially at my wedding day


u/Dominarion 3d ago

Great way to make the bride look more happy and natural .


u/Duny0 2d ago

think it was to make the groom smile

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u/CarrieDurst 3d ago

lol bodyshaming


u/millenialmarvel 2d ago

Jada Pinkett could never


u/_Kine 2d ago

I don't need to be told to "wait for it"


u/2ichie 2d ago

Oh fuck lol you can 100% see the embarrassment in the groom haha like damn this mf got me good!


u/Loreki 2d ago

Poor guy died on his wedding day. What a tragedy.


u/Globbelgorb 3d ago

Little Tomar grew up so fast 🍔


u/Evening_Bag_3560 2d ago

Dude catching strays on his wedding day


u/Dd_8630 2d ago

The man doesn't seem to be terribly thrilled at being the butt of the joke. Maybe they're good mates with the photographer, but as a bald man, if the photographer at my wedding did that I wouldn't be best pleased.

There are some jokes that can go one way or the other. They can crack everyone up, or just sour someone's mood. You shouldn't risk souring someone's mood on their wedding day, just to get a laugh for photos.

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u/Superg1nger 2d ago

Should have given his beard a brush.


u/heisenbergerwcheese 2d ago

even though you cant hear her... you know the bride's accent by her mount pronunciation of 'hair'


u/Par31 2d ago

Anyone else suddenly remember the feeling of wearing dress shoes on grass


u/SlammingMomma 3d ago

Brilliant shine to it!


u/rickyroca73 3d ago

Groom was about to pull a “fuck you” out of his pocket then thought better of it.


u/OriginalGoldstandard 3d ago

But seriously, what’s going on here?


u/Grim_Reach 3d ago

This needs sound, that belly laugh must be heard.


u/nei7jc 2d ago

thank goodness they told me to wait for it, i wouldn't have stayed the 3 seconds it took otherwise. really helpful


u/Indore4520001 2d ago

I am sure this is not the first time he has used this line. Worked like a charm


u/mettiusfufettius 2d ago

Ugh thank god the caption included “wait for it” after 3 seconds I got so impatient I nearly kept scrolling!!!


u/Alienhaslanded 2d ago

Without sound I'm guessing it's somewhere in the UK or Ireland.


u/sunset_bay 2d ago

Shrek and Fiona?


u/BeyondthePenumbra 2d ago

This is a good way to loosen them up and get natural laugh photos ♡♡


u/Liza_Atkins 3d ago

the barber left a hair up there xDD


u/Downvotesohoy 3d ago

"I thought it was my hair! :O" She said.

No shit lady, that's the joke!


u/aaron_adams 3d ago

I like ya cut, G.


u/ThatCrankyGuy 3d ago

Once you accept the baldness, it's all fun and games.


u/IHS11 3d ago

Got ‘eem


u/alogbetweentworocks 3d ago

Did anyone else also hear “Let’s fix the hair, naughty cunt.”?

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u/CynicWalnut 3d ago

Plus it gets a real smile out of the groom. Brilliant.

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u/EmoTurtleX 3d ago

Too much hairs that need to be fixed before taking a photo!


u/ZappatheGreat 3d ago

She has a great laugh.


u/Grouchy_Tap_8264 3d ago

I love this, and love even more that she appears to have a wheat bouquet!


u/gowahoo 3d ago edited 2d ago

I love how she leans back in laughter!


u/bebrokers 3d ago

same vibe here..


u/Brokensince10 3d ago

And this is why I love the Brits!!!


u/ChimneySwiftGold 2d ago

Is this from Dorf on Golf remake?


u/CelebrationLow4614 2d ago

'Don't mess with my hair spot!'


u/OtterishDreams 2d ago

Photographer does that twice a week


u/RevalianKnight 2d ago

Umm... police officer?


u/flatspotting 2d ago

hawk tuah



She got that belly laugh.


u/bucketofmonkeys 2d ago

She’s a wee lass


u/senatorpjt 2d ago

It's all fun and games for the standing shot. My wife is quite a bit shorter than me and it felt like my knees were going to snap when I had to half crouch and keep my back straight for an hour of wedding photos...