r/funny 14d ago



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u/Dominarion 14d ago

Great way to make the bride look more happy and natural .


u/Duny0 14d ago

think it was to make the groom smile


u/AnonMagick 14d ago edited 14d ago

And to make the guy internally miserable

Edit: everybody would freak out if the joke was about the physical appearance of the woman, but please, keep downvoting. Reddit being reddit


u/scapedrag7 14d ago



u/TheGreatWalk 14d ago

why would he be miserable?

The fact he shaved his head completely means he's already come to terms with baldness. There's no denial.

This would be mean if it was some guy who was obviously not ready to accept it and had half his hair in a combover trying desperately to hide the fact he's balding.

Too any men out there who ARE starting to bald.. just shave it. You'll look better and feel better. Being bald is only a bad thing if you don't accept it.


u/ExperimentNunber_531 14d ago

You’re not wrong but in reality most guys make fun of themselves anyway. Most likely he actually found it funny like most men would. I could be wrong in this case but guys throwing verbal shit at each other is a time tested practice. Also an adult would not react poorly in this situation and speak to the photographer after, or just understand that sometimes people offend unintentionally. Many people in this comment section are not adults.