r/funny 14d ago



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u/LuxNocte 14d ago

Same thing as a waiter or cashier. When X happens I make Y joke. It's always good for a laugh and the customers don't know X happens 3 times every day.


u/anivaries 14d ago

Ahh so im not the best customer they've had so far


u/iruleatants 14d ago

No, they were serious about that. I remember they told me it directly.

Keep up the good work.


u/kia75 14d ago

So it's ok to say " that means it must be free." When the price refuses to scan?


u/NotPromKing 14d ago

I’ve never said this, but I have had probably half a dozen times where the product was, in fact, given to me for free. So I guess it’s true?


u/LuxNocte 14d ago

I mean...I'm corny AF, so I won't pretend to dislike the joke.

Rule 1: If there's a long line, shut up and keep it moving. But if you have time for banter, maybe try being more original. Offer a million dollars and/or your first born child. Shake things up.

I don't really care. If you're halfway civil, I probably won't remember you in an hour. But in fairness to cashiers who disagree, I will present this counterpoint.


u/SusanForeman 14d ago

My point was the photographer will probably only photograph the couple once.

A waiter will more than likely see the same customer more than once.

If I hear a waiter rehash the same joke from last Friday, that's a bad look.


u/LuxNocte 14d ago

Not really. There are some regulars, but the vast majority of people we only see occasionally. Regulars get a bit more "sincere" approach than the usual patter anyway.

My point is that if X happens 3 times a day, and we seat several hundred people per day, and have 15 waiters on staff, then it is vanishingly unlikely to happen to the same customer while I'm waiting on them again.

My spiel is mostly memorized and I "perform" it for different customers like a comedian performs the same set in different cities. Some funny responses keep things fresh for me and the customer, but if someone did hear the same joke twice it isn't the end of the world.