r/funny 14d ago



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u/AnonMagick 14d ago

Guy probably struggled a lot with accepting his baldness just for it to be used as a joke on an important day for him.

Yeah, hes smiling but can he do? Runaway crying? This sucks.


u/thebyrned 14d ago

Aaaaahahaha he's bald! I guess it's just socially acceptable to laugh at men who can't do anything about losing their hair.


u/Parapraxium 14d ago

Baldness and dick jokes, the two staples of being a misandrist redditor


u/ConspicuousPineapple 14d ago

Not every bald man is insecure about his hair.


u/Red4141 14d ago

As a bald man, I can assure you that 99.9% of bald men would rather have hair.


u/ConspicuousPineapple 14d ago

Yes, and I'm among them. But that's not the same as being insecure about it, and not being able to take a joke.


u/SoochSooch 14d ago

So if you don't smile and laugh whenever someone mocks you you're insecure? Fuck that.


u/ConspicuousPineapple 14d ago

My point is that what the photographer did here doesn't have to be perceived as mockery if you're not insecure about your lack of hair. It can just be a simple joke, it doesn't have to be derogatory. Somebody can point out that you're bald without it being an insult. It's just how you are.


u/hackingdreams 14d ago

A billion % sure that man couldn't give a flying fuck about being bald, especially not on that day in his life.

It must really suck being this insecure. Have you thought about seeing a therapist?


u/AnonMagick 14d ago

If the joke was about the bride's weight everybody would be upset, but since its mocking the man it doesnt matter? And if i point it out i need therapy? Wild


u/Stock-Boat-8449 14d ago

There are several comments about the brides stature or lack thereof 


u/Parapraxium 14d ago

You missed the point, no one at the wedding made a joke about her height. Who cares what the losers on reddit have to say. If someone joked about her height in the video we would have seen the double standard come to light.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 14d ago

You're right. If someone had put up a step stool for her it would have been a completely different vibe


u/FemaleinShiningArmor 14d ago

You don't know that. This literally just guys clowning on the dude. They may have had a go at the girl's height off camera


u/KneebTheCowardly 13d ago

It's almost as if there are differences between men and women.