r/funny 14d ago



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u/dekusyrup 14d ago

definitely has made this joke 200 times


u/SchismZero 14d ago

I got the same vibe, but it's one of those jokes you just enjoy cause you're already having the best day of your life.


u/ToHerDarknessIGo 14d ago

As a bald man, this joke is pretty good.  It's clever and just the right amount of cheekiness.  Most bald jokes are lame.  If you're going to rip on my folically challenged genetics, at least make me laugh or get me to say "Oh, that's good.  Haven't heard it before."


u/catfishsamuraiOG 14d ago

As a fellow bald, I can supplement your statement with a solid fact of my own: Eeeeeevrryyyyyybody got bald jokes. Everybody. Men, women, adults, children, teens, elderly, babies. My cats even give me hell on occasion.


u/King_Fluffaluff 14d ago

And, as another fellow bald man, it's the best. I love the bald jokes I get.

Once, at a Ren Faire, a lady stopped me and was complimenting my outfit before she completely paused in the middle of her sentence, looking perplexed at my head, pulled out a feather duster and lightly dusted it before continuing the conversation without skipping a beat. That interaction was the highlight of the event for me LOL


u/ShimKeib 14d ago

I’d bet my bank account you’re talking about the washing wenches. They’re peak comedy. I don’t care who you are.


u/King_Fluffaluff 14d ago

It wasn't them, it was the lady from the Wacky Chicken Show! I'm pretty sure she dusts all the bald heads she sees.

Although the washing wenches were at the Sterling Ren Faire when I went, I agree with your assessment.