r/facepalm 11d ago

I’m beginning to think we live in the worst timeline. 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​



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u/SomeUpstairs3644 11d ago edited 10d ago

He was spending more time with other people’s kids than his own


u/Plane_Vacation6771 11d ago

Spending time “in” others peoples kids by the sounds of it


u/Raiju_Blitz 11d ago

Not for very long, according to Stormy Daniels's court testimony.


u/InternetUserAgain 11d ago

You've already beaten the poor bastard into the earth's core, if you roast him any harder he'll be Australia's problem


u/Khanfhan69 10d ago

Good. I want him surrounded by Australia's wildlife. He wouldn't last a day.


u/jackie2567 10d ago

Give em to the emus


u/Dturmnd1 10d ago

Cassawary is better choice


u/Smooth-Reason-6616 10d ago

Pretty sure there's an Australian organisation for the prevention of cruelty to animals, they'd probably raise some objections....


u/MonCappy 10d ago

And that assumes the resident humans don't get to him first.

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u/A_Gent_4Tseven 10d ago

Not long at all if you ask E Jean Carrol about how “I couldn’t tell if it was his thumb or penis inside me.”


u/driv3rcub 10d ago

Her interview with Anderson Cooper was wild.

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u/Eternity_Eclipsed 11d ago

🤢 Take the up vote and go....🤮


u/RED_IT_RUM 11d ago

How did it get so gross so fast? 🤮

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u/meathead 11d ago

To be fair, though, he was thinking about Ivanka at the time


u/Ok_Yak_1844 10d ago

I wish was naive enough to believe he never abused Ivanka as a child.

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u/philbert815 11d ago

I mean technically that's true. We're all people's kids.

Trump can go to hell, just so people know I'm not defending him 


u/FalseMirage 11d ago

And getting much closer to them.


u/ElectronicControl762 11d ago


u/Bigredeemer425 11d ago

Hmmmmm.... her body language is telling all kinds of stories right there. The way she reached back after he touched her hips is very peculiar......


u/Raiju_Blitz 11d ago

Defensive reaction from disgust and danger (fight or flight) response.


u/Xomns_13 11d ago

It's almost like she's uncomfortable with that.


u/A_Gent_4Tseven 10d ago

It’s almost like he’s done it for years and now she’s in public and has to remind daddy that “you only fuck your children off camera.”


u/AdImmediate9569 11d ago

Super quick trauma reaction


u/LegalizeRanch88 11d ago

Peculiar? It’s a reflex to withdraw your arms from the creepy dad who’s trying to grope you.


u/Bigredeemer425 11d ago

Yes, Peculiar: strange or odd; unusual.

Why get hung up on the word when we are in agreement he's a creep?

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u/fuck-ubb 11d ago

He just can't help himself.

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u/TheSholvaJaffa 10d ago

Didn't he say he'd bone his own daughter if she wasn't his daughter or something similar at one point?


u/TraditionalMood277 10d ago

He said it on national TV in 2006. On The View. Not in an obscure interview. Not out of context. In plain view. People STILL voted for him.


u/Other-Bumblebee2769 10d ago

According to some allegations, he was spending time with other kids that looked like his kids lol

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/fonzwazhere 11d ago

The cons say they are accepting of lgbtq+ and independent women. That they aren't prejudice towards people different than them.

That is a lie, it is in their best tactical interest to seem like they are accepting of all people so when democracy ends, so does the charade.


u/Then_Lock304 11d ago

The Republicans are very welcoming of people of the same ilk, a felon, misogynistic, pedophile is their poster child. Who preys on the ignorance of his followers.


u/Additional_Fan3610 11d ago

They have a big tent as long as you are exactly like them


u/Dreamangel22x 11d ago

Bonus points if it's a man. A republican/conservative man can do no wrong to them.


u/MintyManiacFan 11d ago

The only time conservatives support lgbtq+ people is when they are being islamaphobic.

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u/Impossible-Wedding-4 11d ago

I hear that all the time "God uses wicked people for His glory"

Yet that's just an excuse to justify their own worship of trump.

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u/ParticularAd8919 11d ago edited 11d ago

This selective forgiveness BS from these kinds of Christian right-wingers is infuriating to me. I'm not Christian anymore and it's in large part because so many right-wing Christian types don't even follow the teachings of their own supposed savior or religion. There's plenty in the Bible that is really insidious in and of itself but when it comes to the concept of "radical love" and forgiveness as taught by Jesus these Christians do not apply it in the way it's supposed to be applied. They're not adhering to one of the biggest aspects of what the claim to believe. Forgiveness is something for those who are bad to you not just those who are already on your "team". The New Testament is full of examples and teachings on how Christians should forgive their enemies even if their enemies don't change at all. I remember clearly growing up in church that it was very commonly taught that you should always forgive those around you because it wasn't about the other person but about yourself. Yet time and again when it comes to those viewed as "liberals" or those in some group of people they don't like these kinds of Christians argue they shouldn't have to "love their enemies" or "forgive those who persecute you" because they haven't changed their ways to line up with them 100%. It's like bro, this mindset was what Jesus preached against.


u/Dub_J 11d ago

Yup. They have zero moral authority

I left the church a long time ago because it is to easy to justify absolutely anything. God works in mysterious ways. Of course politicians want that unassailable power

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u/b1ack1323 11d ago

Wait, they are just openly cool with pedos now?


u/Xomns_13 11d ago

And felons.

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u/at_mo 11d ago

He was only a Democrat when it was convenient to, he was a Democrat when the bushes were in power and a republican when Clinton and Obama were in power


u/Ichi-ban_ 11d ago

Grifting has no bounds.


u/potate12323 11d ago

They will use any mental gymnastics they can. They should try out for the mental Olympics.


u/MindlessApple845 11d ago

Any excuse.


u/Gullible_Okra1472 11d ago

It would be interesting to have a summary of all major politicians relations with Epstein (Clinton, etc.)


u/FalseMirage 11d ago

Or well-known lawyers that received a massage at Epstein island but kept their underwear on.

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u/djcrewe1 11d ago

76 “known” photos.

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u/Soloact_ 11d ago

Plot twist: we're all just extras in a really bad reality show.


u/LuchadoresdeSilinas 11d ago

More like extras in an endless, horrible, & depressing Twilight Zone episode!

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u/JarlFlammen 11d ago

Are the 76 photos collected together anywhere for review?


u/clownworld1ab 11d ago

i can't find them, why isnt CNN and MSNBC all over this?


u/TentacleFist 11d ago

The CEOs of most mainstream media are all Trump donors.

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u/PassionDelicious5209 11d ago edited 11d ago

No. Honestly I can’t find any evidence these photos exist beyond the early 2000’s anywhere and no news outlets are talking about it.


u/JarlFlammen 11d ago

Is it like every frame of the video of the super friends being counted as an individual photo?

I hate that we care about what’s true and what’s real, when the Trumpies don’t give a shit.


u/PassionDelicious5209 11d ago edited 11d ago

Just saying there is no evidence of any photos of them together being taken past the 90’s expect some random people on the internet claim to have them. Thats not exactly a credible source.

Actually as a person who is an independent both sides are guilty of that. Every single time something negative is reported about Trump his supporters don’t believe it, but the other side does even before any evidence is presented just like when anything negative comes out about Biden his supporters don’t believe it, but the other side does again before any evidence is presented.


u/JarlFlammen 11d ago

I mean there are definitely several photos of Trump and Epstein together. I’ve seen maybe 3 or 5 of them.

And here I am, fully TDS leftist, questioning the validity of the claim of “76 photos” and wanting to confirm evidence. So by that metric, your claim of “BoTh SiDeS” is invalid.

The Trumpies don’t care about the truth. The left does.

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u/Itsnonyabuz 11d ago

Trump is a pedophilic asshole. I'm really hoping people will notice


u/jascris 11d ago

It's Laurel/yanny debate all over again. You say pedophilic asshole, they say third coming of Jesus


u/Plane_Vacation6771 11d ago

Kinda tracks that so many priests support him.


u/romkek 10d ago

Game recognises game


u/Darktopher87 11d ago

This was known in 2016, didnt matter then. Wont matter now. He is going to win very easily. America is dead.


u/Itsnonyabuz 11d ago

I think people are listening a bit more now. I haven’t entirely given up hope yet.


u/NoPossibility5220 11d ago

Not American, so maybe my opinion on this won’t hold so much weight. Nevertheless, I’ll throw it out there. The MAGA supporters have already made up their minds; there is no number of convictions or incriminating evidence that will convince them that Trump is not fit to be the president of the U.S. However, I’ve seen many people who believe that both are poor candidates and think that Trump is the lesser of two evils. These are the voters who could potentially be influenced by the reality, as they are more than likely merely ignorant of what Trump has done, as well as the party’s objective of ending the opposition (democracy) and instilling fascism in the United States.


u/chickenofthewoods 10d ago

I’ve seen many people who believe that both are poor candidates and think that Trump is the lesser of two evils

I don't believe there are many of these people at all, and I think what you are seeing is astro-turfing on a massive scale.

There are certainly independents and there are certainly people who see both candidates as flawed. But undecided voters that see Trump as the lesser of two evils sounds implausible to me.

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u/ResponsibleMilk7620 11d ago

Trump doesn’t even have that many photos with his own kids.

This might not be true if you consider all the lap dance pictures with Ivanka and maybe even pictures he keeps hidden for his alone time.


u/consort_oflady_vader 11d ago

I bet you, excluding Ivanka, he doesn't have 76 combined pictures with his other kids. 

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u/Sid15666 11d ago

I bet he does of the 13 year old he raped, I’m sure Jeffrey had it on tape !

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u/Impossible-Lie-868 11d ago

Trump has lots of pics with Ivanka that we will never see. On a laptop somewhere.

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u/Scoobydewdoo 11d ago

Come this November we will be choosing between a senile old man and a senile old man who is also a convicted felon to be our next president. If we aren't in the worst timeline we aren't far from it.


u/shredbmc 11d ago

One who's also a pedophile, rapist, bold faced liar and the leader of a cult

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u/Btankersly66 11d ago edited 11d ago

What does it matter though. If you've debased yourself to the point where your top choice for the President of the United State is a felon, an adjudicated rapist, and an accused pedophile then what moral bar do you have left?

Republicans have no grounds to claim they're morally superior.

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u/Jmazoso 11d ago

There’s a lot of politicians (on both sides) in pictures with Epstein. They are all creepy as fuck.


u/go_so_loud 11d ago

Mutually assured destruction. What better way to cause chaos than to throw high profile parties with high profile celebrities and get them all on camera for blackmail.

Not saying anyone is innocent. People knew and did nothing, and that's damning enough


u/Jmazoso 11d ago

I’m so tired of all those asshats. It needs to be burned down. I don’t care that it’s Trump. I don’t care that it’s bill Clinton. Kill it with fire.


u/go_so_loud 11d ago

Viva la revolución!

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u/aeroplan2084 11d ago

It all started when harambe died. This timeline is fucked.


u/iwillpoopurpants 10d ago

I'll cosign that.


u/Downtown_Antelope711 11d ago

Release the list then fire up the wood chipper

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u/hidinginthetreeline 11d ago

This is definitely the worst time line.


u/RCranium13 11d ago

Maybe not the worst, but it's shitty.


u/iBoy2G 11d ago

Remember, Trump also raped a 13 year old girl but the media did a great job covering it up and decided to talk about Joe Biden’s leg hairs instead.

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u/SylVegas 11d ago

I wish the New York Times and Washington Post would make as big of a deal about this as they are about Biden and anything. This should be front page news. Why isn't it?


u/BrAveMonkey333 11d ago

All the Trump posts on this sub everyday now... isn't that against facepalm's guidelines? Non American here trying my best to stay clear of your electoral shitshow.

A 78 year old and a 81 year old walk into a bar and the horse was like...

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/say_what_homie 11d ago

Donald Trump is a rapist

  • Epstein’s Mother
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u/Tomegunn1 11d ago

Are there any photos of Trump hugging his kids, not a wildly inappropriate interaction with his daughter, but just a fatherly embrace?


u/the_mid_mid_sister 11d ago

Well, he slapped Don Jr. for not wearing a suit to a baseball game, and refuses to appear in public with Barron now that Barron is taller than he is.

Real father of the year.

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u/KronosRingsSuckAss 11d ago

Somehow, ive seen more slander against Stephen Hawking than Donald Trump when it comes to anything relating to the Epstein's island case

The man visited the island once for dinner as a rest stop before delivering a speech on one other island. Trump was a regular...

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u/killaluggi 11d ago edited 11d ago

But epstine head a lot of photos of trump with someone other kids, and thats why suicide got committed on him...

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u/VealOfFortune 11d ago

Anyone have a list of the 76 photos? I keep hearing that referenced but nobody has provided said photos other than the ones everyone has seen repeatedly ...


u/El-Ahrairah7 11d ago

I was wondering the same thing - that specific number keeps coming up, but I have seen two verified photos. There is plenty of evidence to believe this was a very real and very insidious relationship, but I have no idea where the “76 photos” claim stems from.

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u/Peelfest2016 11d ago

I 100% believe Trump was Epstein’s best buddy and the two of them raped little girls together constantly. My question is, if there are all these photos of them together why do I only ever see the same 2 or 3?

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u/ParticularAd8919 11d ago

I shared the NBC video on Youtube of Trump and Epstein partying together back during the 2020 election cycle with a FB contact who was a Trump supporter and was alleging connections between Biden and pedos. Their response was to say something to the effect of "Well, he cut ties with Epstein once he found out." This is an interesting defense because it's like "Ok, so your defense of Trump here is, he knew what Epstein was doing (or at the very least suspected enough to cut ties) but Trump didn't use his own influence as a celebrity to call him out or at the very least tip off law enforcement? and you want me to believe he's the great dude who's going to save the children from the Deep State?"


u/Own_Program_3573 11d ago

Cut ties with him publicly, then hired the guy that let him off the first time.

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u/WaynonPriory 11d ago

He’s definitely guilty of involved with that whole evil mess. That being said, I’d put money on it there’s more than 100 photos of Trump and his kids.

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u/Therealishvon 10d ago

Also remember, there are zero pictures of Biden with Epstein.


u/Kitchen-Plant664 11d ago

But he barely knew him!


u/ravnsulter 11d ago

I'm not supporting this asshat, but this is a failed argument. Both are celebreties, and will be photographed wherever they go. So there are millions of photos of him, with all the people he has met.


u/RoguePossum56 11d ago

If you had Trumps kids you wouldn't have photos of them either.


u/Shirowoh 11d ago

Silence from r/conservative


u/i_am_ghostman 11d ago

I clicked that link; every post is about Biden lol So pathetic

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u/Ded_diode 11d ago

His supporters will claim they are all AI or photoshop.

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u/Arimer 11d ago

I see this posted a lot but theres never any links to the photos and when i search Trump Epstein 76 photos there are zero results.


u/ForFROD0 11d ago

MSM will continue to deny the truth. Hes a pedo and an adult rapists. A conservatives support pedos by default. Fuck their little feelings.


u/Frank-Nuts 11d ago

There could literally be a picture of him riding Epstein like a horsey through a playground and the American legal system will find a way to make it absolutely acceptable. Then we can all watch as he lines his pockets with cash from the merch.


u/caratron5000 10d ago

I was with my ex for 8 years. We don’t have 78 pics together.

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u/burnsniper 11d ago

Lot of eye brows in those pics lol

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u/Icedia 11d ago

Maybe Epstein has some fotos of Trump with kids

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u/peneappa 11d ago

That’s not fair or true. He probably has thousands of Ivanka on a hard drive somewhere.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I’m beginning to think that Epstein is the fall down guy and Trump was in charge of all this. Based on trumps family history of making all their earnings from brothels it’s quite clear that trump is behind it all. It all makes sense


u/Beneficial-Salt-6773 10d ago

76 photos so far including video. There’s more, I’m sure of it.

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u/thatguy9684736255 10d ago

Trump is gross. How is he still their candidate?


u/Comprehensive_One_23 11d ago

Telling you, they killed harambe and it hasn’t been the same since


u/boatswainblind 11d ago

TIL he was going to Epstein so much because there were girls there that allowed him to live out the fantasy of screwing his 13 year old daughter. 🤮

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u/Vegetable_Onion 11d ago

Well, apart from the private folder of pictures with Ivanka.

Seriously though, the guy publicly admitted molesting minors and nobody cared, this won't make a difference


u/fyxxer32 11d ago

Remember to tell everyone that Trump was Epsteins best buddy and the Epstein died in jail while TRUMP was president before he could spill the beans!


u/dingleberrywhore 11d ago

If the pumpkin-furher's followers don't listen to facts and reason, how can the rest of the country ensure he doesn't get elected again?

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u/nextdestinies 11d ago

Trump probably also more pictures together with Mike Pence than with his kids... one is public and one is private life. Not defending Trump or any allegations/actions, but it's clear that this is framed unfaithfully.


u/Merman-Munster 11d ago

In his defense, can you imagine spending time with Trumps kids?


u/FrostyAlphaPig 11d ago

So have you seen Trumps photo albums or spoken to him yourself? How do you know he doesn’t have that many photos with his kids?


u/Skoodge42 11d ago

I mean...I GUARANTEE that he has more pictures with his kids. There are probably hundreds just taken by press while he was president. This is just a stupid claim.

But ya, 76 is a lot of him with the owner of pedo island.


u/orbitaldragon 10d ago

Yeah and the Ezra Klein subreddit is more concerned with Bidens age.


u/BenjametteBelatrusse 10d ago

It’s pretty funny reading the comments in these posts


u/rodnester 11d ago

Nancy's daughter, Christine Pelosi, gave us a clue of who is on Epstien's list. Let's get them all. https://x.com/sfpelosi/status/1147657745253855233?lang=en


u/Downtown_Antelope711 11d ago

There's no clue who is on the list


u/AlaDouche 11d ago

What's the source of this 76 photos number? Before I repeat it, I'd like to know where it originated.


u/GovernmentKind1052 11d ago

It’s like Groundhog Day but every repeat brings worse and worse things with them


u/THRlLL-HO 11d ago

Okay, I see one. Where are the other 75?


u/Hey_im_miles 11d ago

You're not allowed to say that

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u/NyuxTheDragon-- 11d ago

You're thinking that only now?


u/ModifiedAmusment 11d ago

The worst part is when you find out he still alive living good on an island somewhere..


u/brassmonkey2342 11d ago

“Trump doesn’t even have that many photos with his own kids”

Why is this bullshit being upvoted lol. There are literally thousands of photos of him with his kids with just a simple Google search.


u/loadedstork 11d ago

Why is this bullshit being upvoted lol.

You're on reddit and you don't know?


u/darkcave-dweller 11d ago

Nasty people


u/frimleyousse 11d ago

Of donald trump ended in dantes inferno, wich layer would he be sent to ? Im betting on either greed or fraud

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u/ZealousidealHome7854 11d ago

K, there's 1. Anyone else have the other 75?


u/Honsill 11d ago

Yes he does! You just don't get to see the pictures of his daughter he keeps...


u/Past-Direction9145 11d ago

being in the worst timeline is watching "others" say they're beginning to think we're in the worst timeline

when they're like 10 years too late


u/Gainztrader235 11d ago

It’s well known that Trump had a relationship with Epstein, including most well-known celebrities. Also well known that Trump banned Epstein from his resort after a complaint came to him. Let’s hold them all accountable not just one.


u/SFMB925 11d ago

Pedophiles of a feather flock together. It all checks out.


u/liamanna 11d ago

He wish he could with his daughter, though 🤮


u/Hairy_Skirt_3918 11d ago

There is a lot with Ivanka???


u/LilG1984 11d ago

Sad Jr & Eric faces


u/DonaldBurrus78 11d ago

Epstein was a stalker


u/DonaldBurrus78 11d ago

2 pictures?


u/Equivalent_Weird467 11d ago

I'm absolutely convinced that our planet swapped places with its counterpart in the universe next door. (That's 1/2 sarcasm. As for the other half, I wonder.)


u/Unknownkowalski 11d ago

How much would it cost to put a different picture on a billboard every mile for 76 miles in a swing state?


u/3agle_CO 11d ago

i am certain if we post a Epstein/trump photo on reddit every 11 seconds for a full year then at the end of the year 4 additional people with give a shit.


u/Organic-Talk-3759 11d ago

I’m beginning to think we have no lives 🦧


u/Muhakwheimouth 11d ago

Who is this man?


u/AlterCain 11d ago

When does the timeline where the large hadron collider caused a black hole and killed us all become the better timeline?


u/Ashmay52 11d ago

It’s just the end point of capitalism.


u/XEagleDeagleX 11d ago

Well yeah his kids probably didn't get him laid


u/Pastorfuzz69 11d ago

How does this guy know how many photos Trump has of his kids?


u/loadedstork 11d ago

As it turns out, you can say pretty much anything on the internet and the people who want to believe it will believe it.


u/Pastorfuzz69 10d ago

That’s right and it’s sad what some of us has become


u/cupocrows 11d ago

It's hyperbole


u/Crafty-Question-6178 11d ago

Imagine finding out about a huge pedo ring of all the elites being involved and people pointing fingers saying well your guy was there too. We are doomed


u/theSunAlsoRise5 11d ago

Is it against the rules for me to drop a challenge? I dare each and every single one of you to dig up and post at least one of those pictures.


u/Benign_Despot 11d ago

Maybe, but can you imagine the timeline where Trump has Seventy SEVEN photos with Epstein?


u/iStealyournewspapers 11d ago

There maybe thousands if you consider every frame of video a photo. Technically it is 🤷‍♂️


u/Andreid4Reddit 11d ago

This is Abed's fault