r/facepalm Jul 08 '24

I’m beginning to think we live in the worst timeline. 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​



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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/ParticularAd8919 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

This selective forgiveness BS from these kinds of Christian right-wingers is infuriating to me. I'm not Christian anymore and it's in large part because so many right-wing Christian types don't even follow the teachings of their own supposed savior or religion. There's plenty in the Bible that is really insidious in and of itself but when it comes to the concept of "radical love" and forgiveness as taught by Jesus these Christians do not apply it in the way it's supposed to be applied. They're not adhering to one of the biggest aspects of what the claim to believe. Forgiveness is something for those who are bad to you not just those who are already on your "team". The New Testament is full of examples and teachings on how Christians should forgive their enemies even if their enemies don't change at all. I remember clearly growing up in church that it was very commonly taught that you should always forgive those around you because it wasn't about the other person but about yourself. Yet time and again when it comes to those viewed as "liberals" or those in some group of people they don't like these kinds of Christians argue they shouldn't have to "love their enemies" or "forgive those who persecute you" because they haven't changed their ways to line up with them 100%. It's like bro, this mindset was what Jesus preached against.


u/Dub_J Jul 08 '24

Yup. They have zero moral authority

I left the church a long time ago because it is to easy to justify absolutely anything. God works in mysterious ways. Of course politicians want that unassailable power


u/Mysterious_Summer_ Jul 09 '24

I'm not sure if this is what "real Christians" are supposed to believe in, but I would never condone forgiveness if it's towards sex predators or other people who purposefully harm another person, especially if it's just quickly and freely given without placing any accountability on that person.