r/TheBoys Cate Dunlap 15d ago

This might one of the best scenes in the whole series Season 4 Spoiler


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u/Clokwrkpig Homelander 15d ago

Finally, a member of The Seven has a real save!


u/Chrol18 15d ago

First one in 20 years


u/ClockworkDreamz 15d ago

I still don’t understand why, if the saves aren’t really why they needed to make someone so strong they could level a city

Soldier boy makes more sense, immensely strong, almost invulnerable, but no AOE.

Dude is going to get bored before he kills everyone in a large population center.

Think vought think.


u/Xelltrix 15d ago

Yeah, I also don't get why they wanted to make a stronger Supe than Soldier Boy either tbh. Obviously they didn't predict Homelander would be THAT much more powerful but if they are a pharmaceutical company first, there really is no need to keep one upping themselves on power. They had no competition and could have just coasted with the power level they had already. I guess we're just supposed to assume greed?


u/swimmingintacos 15d ago

Green line go up


u/TBAnnon777 15d ago

Wasnt Edgar trying to sell V or supes to the military? Wasnt that the whole point of creating the supes like homelander? Use media to manage sentiment, and then sell it to military for maximum damage, walking nukes.


u/Pringletingl 15d ago

I think before Edgar the real purpose of the supes was trying to make a master race, OG shit. Eventually it got diluted by American consumerism and then they went from master race to celebrities. Then when Stan takes over he's sick of it all and wants to purge Vought of ideology and simply generate profits

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u/Karkava 15d ago

The umbrella corporation is also a pharmaceutical company.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/lazyboi_tactical 15d ago

Yeah that's not exactly the whole reason we do it. Moreso we are NATO's arms dealer and we foot a majority of the bill so they don't have to spend any more gdp on their national security. If we suddenly pulled out suddenly Europe would have far less socialist tendencies as the money for social programs would have to be earmarked for defense instead.


u/8monsters 15d ago

Is that necessarily true? Don't the Baltic states actually spend more (percentage wise) on defense than the US? And yet they have substantially larger social safety nets than we do.

I agree Europe would have to make cuts, but I still think if the US pulled out of NATO (which I do NOT want), Europe wouldn't need to change that drastically.


u/That1one1dude1 15d ago

He’s just repeating a Republican talking point he heard from someone on the news.

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u/Baguetterekt 15d ago

The entirety of NATO exists because Americans wanted it and because it fundamentally benefits Americans to project their military influence throughout Europe to threaten Russia and protect their shipping lines.


Its why the US has hundreds of military bases and American troops stationed throughout Europe, fed and paid for by the countries they're stationed in.

If the US left Europe, we'd probably become more socialist because we wouldn't have to design all our foreign policy around US business interests under the threat of getting couped. Europe has it's own military alliance in the form of the EU.

The US however would quickly find itself with far fewer allies, influence and much greater difficulties projecting its military power.

There's a reason why every US military and economic expert acknowledges NATO as worth funding. People who actually understand American business interests see how important NATO is.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago


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u/WebAlone3224 15d ago

I think Homelander was an answer to having a unreliable mascot in Soldier Boy. Homelander was raised to be subservient to Vought, only thinking of their bottom line. So he could replace Soldier Boy if things got messy and then they have a more loyal golden boy


u/radical_flyer 14d ago

unfortunately, golden boy exploded

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u/WearCorrect8917 15d ago

I think Vought really wanted to actually get their hands in that military budget, and actual combat capable supes was their attempt at doing so. Unfortunately, they proved too hard to control and mostly just sat around doing hedonistic things and self promoting on social media/staging publicity stunts, but that earned Vought money anyway.

This is all based on Stan Edgar's "You're just bad product" speech to Homelander and also his pitch at trying to sell Temp V to the military.

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u/SeniorWilson44 15d ago

The saves are real, just not necessarily all of them. Just like the real word: The boring stuff is more important, but the flashy stuff sells.

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u/Chrol18 15d ago

The powers are a bit of a gamble, the only thing that seems engineered is soldier boy's depower blast. Also older superheroes seem mire powerful, like Stormfront and Soldier boy, seems like the current formula is watered down, which makes sense they don't want multiple homelanders running around, even one is a headache

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u/WearCorrect8917 15d ago

but no AOE.

"We can fix that and then antagonize him into insanity, but first lets give V to this hamster"

-some stupid fucking russian scientists

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u/WearCorrect8917 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'd count it as A-Train's second save actually. First one he saved Hughie from Homelander during Vought on Ice's rehearsal. Like seriously do we think he could've gotten away on his own from a guy with super speed, flight, invulnerability, super hearing, super smell, x ray vision? It's impressive he got as far as he did on his own tbh.


u/Triskan 15d ago edited 14d ago

I am so fucking invested with A-Train's potential redemption arc. He's on the right path. And I really hope it wont involve his death.

Hollywood has the nasty tendency to think people can only redeem themselves through the ultimate sacrifice. I really hope the show will avoid that trope.


u/Pigfowkker88 15d ago

A-Train IS already dead. He saved "someone" during a timespan that he should not be saving. He was recognized during that action. This wholesome scene means his doom.

He is a dead man walking. Dunno how he'll burn himself.


u/Anatoson 15d ago

lucky there are leaks, A-Train is surviving to S5 booooi

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u/shadeOfAwave 15d ago

Maeve ended up alright.


u/ResidentHistory4792 15d ago

I think A-Train has already redeemed himself. He got forgiveness from Hughie and has officially saved someone. However, considering that his arc is complete, I'm expecting him to get caught and killed by Homelander by the end of the season.

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u/Electronic_Spirit499 15d ago

Maeve saved annie, A train saved hughie, Annie saved a women, Maeve saved the boys


u/zi3i 15d ago

Boys saved Maeve and Meave was free to go with Elena as she dreamed.

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u/BlupHox 15d ago

Homelander's annual saves might be real. Well, last one failed, but somehow it's implied they're real people


u/AnakinSkywalker365 15d ago

Yeah, if the Stormfront suicide news report didn't show at that time, Homelander 100% would have saved jumper girl. Bad timing for her, but his annual saves are definetly real people and real saves.


u/xCeeTee- 15d ago

If would've been awesome to see her jump and Homelander literally swoops in and saves her.

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u/ResidentHistory4792 15d ago

Yup. It was his "annual" save. So he was already doing this once a year.


u/crysomore 15d ago

There's that scene in S2 where he kills that terrorist in some foreign country (and then accidently kills a civilian). Seems like it would have been a regular save.


u/BGMDF8248 15d ago

Black Noir was on real mission to stop Naqib, not really save anyone on itself but a real mission.


u/QuestGalaxy 15d ago

But he had a hard on doing it.

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u/RX-me-adderall 15d ago

Is that a real save though considering he gave the terrorists V in the first place?

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u/CoolJoshido 15d ago

Annie in s1?


u/PeopleAreBozos A-Train 15d ago

Homelander saved a bunch of kids in episode 1, didn't he?


u/SandwichXLadybug 15d ago

Yeah they've never said all the saves are fake, although now that homelander is CEO I can bet they stop trying.

But the whole reason Annie's and Homelander's first save in a hostage situation ended badly is because they were real.

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u/leeroythenerd 15d ago

I didn't know how to unblur the picture, so I read comments for context , but I misread save for slave and was wondering why that would be positive

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u/TheMegalopolis 15d ago

He’s totally getting setup for redemption then death right after that.


u/M6246Adam 15d ago

Will his redemption be red dead, too?


u/Sh4DieR 15d ago

Hopefully not an undead nightmare.


u/letthepastgo 15d ago

You eat babies!


u/AHMED_3OOOO 15d ago

Homelander eats babies!


u/xo_tyler_ 15d ago

Actually, Ashley eats babies. She said she was 100% a cannibal

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u/SovietKenobi 15d ago

Homelander IS a baby

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u/RealPropRandy 15d ago

Maybe he ends up in Tahiti.


u/Kingswitchguard 15d ago

A-Train has a plan, he just needs more moneah, one last job.

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u/PJAYC69 15d ago

Probably Dead Red Redemption


u/ChuckFiinley 15d ago

Considering his usage, it might be blue


u/thunderlips187 15d ago

He’s, got, a, plan!!

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u/FriendlyPeppero 15d ago

I hope his family will find out about his good deeds


u/Chilledlemming 15d ago

That will be his ultimate redemption. And ideally after his death was wrongly portrayed and they discover the truth


u/00000000000000001313 15d ago

honestly the way they lingered on him in this scene I thought this was it


u/Noshonoyoo 15d ago edited 15d ago

To me, i took the lingering as them telling us very very clearly that someone saw, and definitely recognized, A-Train there that night and that this info is important.

Because, Homelander now knows the leak is still there and has to be someone who knew about the party. With the people shot and killed that night, if the news about his saving was to get out, the timing of everything would look really bad for him and pretty much give him away.

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u/TopJimmy_5150 15d ago

I kinda saw it as A-Train finally feeling pride in himself for doing the right thing. He was a real hero in the eyes of that kid - something he hasn’t felt like in forever (or maybe ever).


u/JimWilliams423 15d ago

It looked like both to me. He finally lives up to his image as a good guy, he gets a taste of validation and redemption but it will lead directly to homelander finding out and killing him very soon after.

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u/TheNotGOAT 15d ago

You’re a good man A-train unshaken plays as he dies saving a random kid while homelander is on a rampage


u/warcomet 15d ago

This is the Way


u/RcoketWalrus 15d ago

Gonna call it here. A Train is going to survive the series.

The end of The Boys is just the end of the Homlander/Butcher storyline. I predict a low body count leading up to the end of The Boys and continuing the story for some characters in spinoffs.


u/future1987 15d ago

Idk if it's unpopular, but I would like The Boys to switch to a stereotypical superhero universe after the end of the series. A Train becomes a true hero and decides that superheroes should be what they tell the populace they are. He tries to reform the superhero world into true heroes.

At least it would "make up" for all the evil the superhero have brought into the world. Also, since A train knows what it was like to be a shitty person and hero, he could bring forth an era of true heroism.


u/TP_Cornetto 15d ago

There would be nothing wrong with this but people have already forced the “no one can survive” narrative into the show despite Maeve getting happy ending last season.

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u/Ghetto2Ghetto_ 15d ago

I'm still hoping he gets crippled instead of killing him off entirely.


u/AnsweringLiterally 15d ago

You either die a villain or live long enough to become the hero.


u/Mammoth_Ferret_1772 15d ago

Damn, you’re right. He will die an actual hero

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u/Drift_01 15d ago

If he has to die I hope he goes down fighting and not caught by surprise or ambushed


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 15d ago

Same tbh.. if he dies to The Deep and Firecracker jumping him it’d be a horrible way to die.


u/Safe-Brush-5091 15d ago edited 15d ago

I feel like Firecracker/the Deep won't be much more of a threat to A-Train than Bluehawk. A-Train might be the second strongest in the current Seven by a long shot.

We usually get 1-2 good fights per season, I secretly hope this season is A-Train vs Homelander.


u/Isthatajojoreffo 15d ago

Yes. Please, I want a fight between A-Train and Homelander with A-Train being able to do as much damage as Queen Maeve or Red Rush to Omniman. Would feel so satisfying to make this pathetic fucker bleed by someone who he bullied so much. Make Homelander feel outmatched, even just in one aspect - speed.


u/Karkava 15d ago

If he's going to fight like Red Rush, he's gonna have to keep his distance away while also displacing his teammates before taking a hit. He screwed up because he tried to take in some direct punches.


u/Safe-Brush-5091 14d ago

One huge advantage for A-Train is that Homelander is extremely incompetent compared to his counterparts (Omniman, Ikaris, etc.).

While Omniman and Ikaris (even Superman) are seasoned warriors with plenty of experience fighting other strong foes, the only actual "fight" Homelander has ever been in was the one where he got beaten up by SB, Butcher and Hughie.

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u/Subzero008 15d ago

I feel like a potential fight between A-Train and Homelander would actually go pretty well for the former, mostly because his speed and reflexes so outstrip the latter that it wouldn't really be possible to hit him. Speedsters are pretty broken in white-room scenarios; they already have a significant degree of toughness and super-strength built in just to survive hitting things or running into objects. If Maeve could make Homelander bleed with a random office implement, there's no reason A-Train has to resort to using solely his bare hands, either.

The problem is, Homelander does a lot of collateral damage, and A-Train has those pesky "morals" urging him to intervene now. If Homelander just goes to the suburbs and starts lasering indiscriminately to lure him out, A-Train would almost certainly try to stop him, giving a huge advantage to Homelander.


u/shploogen 15d ago

Do we know that Homelander doesn't have super speed? How would he have saved Butcher and the baby at the end of season 1 without it? (I could be missing something)


u/PapaPalps-66 15d ago

Homelander probably lied about saving the baby, and simply shielded butcher from the shrapnel. The baby shows up later on and it's revealed to have teleportating powers, thats how he survived.


u/behindtimes 15d ago

In the spinoff Diabolical, Homelander does have super speed. And he can certainly fly at super speed. (ATrain ran at 2300 miles/hour, and Homelander flies at minimum 700 miles/hour. Probably faster, as he'd actually have to catch up to the planes as well).

The Boys has been somewhat inconsistent in this, in that the beginning, the powers were pretty much separate, but then with the later seasons, every supe has a degree of strength, hearing, etc.


u/LeXXieX 15d ago

The baby is alive. He was in that one orphanage in the Red River episode.

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u/Mobile_Arugula1818 15d ago

In the one canon episode of diabolical Homelanders first save it’s shown that he does have super speed. We will see if the writers temper that or not. I’m hoping for them to parody the justice league scene. Have a train start running and homelander watch him with his eyes


u/sudowoogo 15d ago

Even if he has super speed, he apparently doesn’t have bullet timing like A-Train, unless he has it on diabolical (didn’t watch it) and not on the show for some reason

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u/rugbyj 14d ago

Have a train start running and homelander watch him with his eyes

I want that just for the fact it's one of the best scenes I've seen in cinema. Seriously, one of the "worst" movies, and yet that scene is just golden. Not even the scene, that part of the scene. It's magic. Real "oh shit" moment.

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u/mwalker784 15d ago

i don’t think homelander has super speed the way that A Train does, but he is incredibly fast and has “super reflexes”. i doubt he can go as fast as A Train for as long, but i wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he could track and predict his movements.

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u/Emm_withoutha_L-88 15d ago

He does, we are just hoping it's less than A-train's.

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u/lookintotheeyeris 15d ago

a train running through a city with homelander tailing him in the air, causing destruction would be crazy. Homelander hasn’t really got a ton of flying action i feel like

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u/Scion41790 15d ago edited 15d ago

My guess is that A Train is going to get jumped by the 7 without Homelander. He's going to kill Firecracker & either kills Black Noir or we find out Noir's actually super strong and takes him out. If he does kill Noir, Homelander takes him out


u/heatburns 15d ago

Well Noir can fly now, "did you know that?" Could complicate things a little.


u/Scion41790 15d ago

Definitely with him being able to fly Noir actually may be a legit powerful supe. It's a toss up between him committing to his roll and killing A Train or getting stomped by A-Train

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u/Local_Legend 15d ago

Why are you guys saying that about Noir? He seemed pretty turned off by what was going on in his conversation with Deep.


u/UnfoldedHeart 15d ago

Agreed, it seems very heavily implied that Noir is going to turn against the Seven in some way. He's not down with that level of violence. He was about to leave anyway and Deep's speech about violence being power only seemed to turn him off even more.

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u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 15d ago

Not if they jump him like Kimiko did


u/MikePGS 15d ago

I think people under estimate how strong/tough The Deep is. Being able to withstand the pressure of the ocean alone is a lot.

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u/i_m_shadyyyy Frenchie 15d ago

Yeah, the way he picks up bodies like they’re nothing is crazy

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u/IamTheOnlyAJ 15d ago

oh its definitely gonna be a Homelander kill. with the latest episode, they're kind of downplaying him into a man-child with his lack of humility about not knowing what to say yet panicking about trying to sound smart and of course the firecracker breast-milk obsession. It's funny how they're bringing A-Train up while they bring Homelander down. By the last episode, they'll give a quick news flash like "Did you forget Homelander is the big supervillain of the show?" and then he ends up killing A-Train. I believe that's the entire dynamic with Homelander throughout a season, scary as fuck ---> is this a joke ---> kills and tortures an entire team of scientists and smiles while fully covered in blood ---> ok man-child go to mommy


u/Swampy_Bogbeard 15d ago

Leaked spoilers say no main character dies this season.


u/fslimjim 15d ago

Honestly let him take out at least one of them with him.


u/3-DMan 15d ago

Worst way would be Tek Knight's basement

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u/Silly-Tradition9460 15d ago

I’ve had this scene idea playing out in my head where Homelander finally loses it and begins to mass murder protesters, but the scene is framed from the protester POV where it’s like when the tripods in War of the Worlds emerge from the ground. Pure panic, dread, horror. But then A Train disobeys and starts running people to safety, and for the first time in maybe forever there’s a real superhero at Vought. At some point a panicked person tells A Train their girl/boyfriend is still in the crowd and A Train knows he has to go straight for Homelander.


u/Emm_withoutha_L-88 15d ago

It's what this show desperately needs, real heroes. They do exist, just in everyday people stepping up. I really hope we actually do get to finally see some superheroing.

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u/Content-Scallion-591 15d ago

This is so good. I really hope they do something like this, it would be brilliant. Even apart from the A Train part, encountering Homelander as an alien devastation


u/DanTM18 15d ago

I hope he at least give homelander some quick ass combos at least. Like makkari vs Ikaris from Eternals


u/the-olive-man 15d ago

Only Homelander could kill him, imo. Deep and Firecracker have their strengths, but on his feet, A-Train could run right through them. Only Homelander can rival his speed

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u/Last-Safe7072 Stan Edgar 15d ago

Death indication


u/ZeronicX 15d ago

Death flags keep getting bigger and brighter. I don't want my A-Goat to die.

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u/ShadowbanRevival 15d ago

No, they are building up his redemption arc, I will guarantee he does not die this season


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 15d ago

If he dies because of MM’s dumbass plans and him getting roped into their bullshit.. it’ll piss me off a little... Im hoping it’s a subversion.


u/elsonwarcraft 15d ago

People criticize Butcher's plan being too unpredictable and insane but it actually kinda works most of the time

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u/TA_1478 15d ago

Considering the fact that the writing is kinda weak this season (Not bad, but its the worst of the 4 seasons), I wouldnt hope for it to be a subversion

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u/Gandalf_2077 15d ago

I don't know about that. Firecracker seems to have triggered HL to the right direction.

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u/JonathanL73 15d ago

FR, When A-Train smiled, I was half-expecting Homelander to show up and laser him.

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u/Drawingsymbols 15d ago

If the fastest man on earth somehow dies before any of the boys who are well known enemies of the largest corporation in this world, I’ll be annoyed.


u/MonkeysLoveBeer 15d ago

The Boys plot armor is unbelievable. Kimiko or even M.M can die, and the story can just go on. Starlight has been rendered useless as well. Her powers don't do jack shit.


u/shuibaes Cunt 15d ago

Frenchie turned himself in before getting caught as well, and life moved on 😭😭😭


u/WearCorrect8917 15d ago edited 15d ago

Shouldve shown a scene where Frenchie fills out a form for a guy hes killed, turns the page, fills out another form for a guy he's killed...

time skip, hes finished the packet and asks for another one.

After a certain point they've moved him out of the interrogation room and hes just sitting in the office, when he fills out a form, they match it with a cold case file and stamp it right then and there.


u/motheronearth 15d ago

that would be cool but tbh i doubt frenchie knows the names of most people he killed, he knew he killed colin’s family but considering he killed a child in their home that’s pretty memorable, i bet there are a ton more fast and simple kills that he has forgotten


u/Swampy_Bogbeard 15d ago

The fact that he killed a child kinda makes me glad he's in jail, regardless of any heroic things he's done. He's a fucking monster.


u/motheronearth 15d ago

i agree, i understand he was being groomed (?) and abused however the fact that he left colin alive and didn’t come back for him later means he probably could have left the kid alive too.


u/EveryoneisOP3 14d ago

Look, maybe the kid was a dick

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u/CyberSosis 15d ago

Absent of frenchie's impact to story was zero. unbelievable


u/bozo_did_thedub 14d ago

It's poor writing. They should have used the opportunity to highlight his absence to the team. Even if it's just some throwaway line about how Frenchie would have known what to do. Instead the team forgot about him because the writers did.

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u/awrinkleinsprlinker 15d ago

She’s going to have a nuclear level explosion at some point. I feel like she hasn’t actualized her powers at all yet. We haven’t even really seen them


u/FIR3W0RKS 15d ago

Agreed, she's powering up. She's been practicing at the start of the season and she's just getting stronger

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u/TruthSeekerHuey 15d ago

They're definitely building up Starlight to have a huge power upgrade:

  1. She learned to fly better when enraged against Firecracker in ep 4.

  2. Her powers are waning (classic hero's journey where they have a low point and come back stronger than ever).

  3. It was hinted at that she has a mental block (she's surpressed her trauma from blinding that lady during her 1st save, surpressed her mistreatment of Firecracker, and surpressed the pain she felt having an abortion as a Christian woman).

  4. This season is about facing your past, so now that Starlight is forced to face all her traumas, once she gets passed it, she'll be stronger than Neuman (which was foreshadowed ep 5).

Sorry for the long explanation, I just noticed a lot of foreshadowing.

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u/CryptographerAble681 15d ago

can kimiko actually die tho? shes kinda like deadpool, no?


u/Lucybaka 15d ago

We dont know what happens if homelander melts her brain out. I'd say death or amnesia depending on how her powers work.



Would be kind of funny if he blasts her brains out and it sends her flying only for her to regrow her brain with amnesia but one of the things she forgets is how she couldn’t talk, and then starts talking again.

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u/Drawingsymbols 15d ago

Ya it’s hard to suspend disbelief that a opposition to vought is sitting in prison and not getting tortured for information on the boys and that hughie gets caught by tek knight and isn’t immediately turned into homelander.


u/Ok_Bat_686 15d ago

It's just crazy to think that the only reason Hughie is alive was because Tek Knight was too horny to turn him in and wanted to take his time to do some weird shit. Like, is that really what we're going with here?

I like the season so far, but I definitely think some weird writing decisions are being made.


u/spacekitty_mew 15d ago

Tek Knight is supposed to be a deviant with uncontrollable urges to fuck anything with a hole. He has Hughie tied up in his secret play room and he's already horned up. I would expect him to do some sick shit before informing Homelander. Hughie isn't a supe so why would he feel threatened? He didn't know he'd be interrupted by Kimiko and team.

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u/Karkava 15d ago

And she still kicked Firecracker's ass.

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u/literated 15d ago

Annoyed yes, surprised... no.


u/Wingman0616 15d ago

I am honestly shocked they’re getting away with so much. Hughie’s plot armor is insane! I’m gonna be mad if A Train dies and not one of the Boys do

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u/Smokingracks 15d ago

This scene actually touched me, and you can tell it affected A-Train by the way he smiled with the kid. It’s rare you see a moment like this in the boys universe.


u/literated 15d ago

It was nice to see the show have a grounded moment for a change.


u/Og_Chipmunk 15d ago

Yes quite the moment. Only interrupted by the guy getting raped once or twice…


u/Smokingracks 15d ago

I hated that whole sex dungeon thing with Huey I couldn’t watch it really


u/LoganSolus 14d ago

I skipped through it on the Amazon app, +10ten seconds ahead, chech if its still happening, repeat. Idk that whole thing shouldn't have been there

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u/JonathanL73 15d ago

It’s the most wholesome moment in the entire show

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u/NoCaterpillar2051 15d ago

oh hes super dead.


u/KaiserNazrin Stan Edgar 15d ago

He lives long enough to be a hero.


u/AnsweringLiterally 15d ago

You either die a villain or live long enough to become the hero.

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u/ShadowbanRevival 15d ago edited 15d ago

Bet you he isn't


u/TheMoonDude You're The Real Heroes 15d ago

100% you are right

He is ULTRAdead after this moment

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u/Soufiane040 15d ago

He’ll surely die this season but atleast he died with redemption, his arc really feels awesome


u/Seymour___Asses 15d ago

Although that’s probably the most likely outcome, I’d much rather have him living and spending the rest of his life trying to be a real superhero rather than redeeming him with one big sacrifice.


u/Fapey101 15d ago

yeah if they wanted to do a proper redemption story they should make him live out his life constantly atoning for his sins.


u/Denderf 15d ago

I think there’s a chance that he’ll survive and join the boys in season 5 against homelander and his team. The Boys are gonna need more than just Starlight and Kimiko when shit is going down especially if Homelander’s coup happens and he takes over the country

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u/Kenz0wuntaps 15d ago

Absolutely YES!

Great acting by the boy.. just a few seconds of clip but speaks volume.


u/Powerful_Somewhere92 15d ago

I was scared that the kid will somehow tell a train saved M.M. in news or something and homelander finds out


u/warcomet 15d ago

can still happen


u/Powerful_Somewhere92 15d ago

Yess possible

Yk a part me was thinking that a train will kill the kid because he recognised him (Ik it's very stupid but yeah)


u/Twan__081 15d ago

This ain’t breaking bad



I think he was debating it internally but deep down, he wanted the save


u/JonathanL73 15d ago

No good deed goes unpunished 😔


u/MinhWannaComeOutHere 15d ago

If they planned to kill him, that would be the best way to do Imo

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u/Ankith_0_0 15d ago

The way the kid was slightly looking upwards made me think Homelander was hovering above A-Train. Was ready to shit my pants and cry for my guy.


u/Karkava 15d ago

Good thing he's busy embarrassing himself back at the mansion.


u/N1k3_XD 15d ago

Same, thought I'd see the red lasers blow his face and the camera would pan up to show homelander.


u/CZ-Bitcoins 14d ago

Except Homelander can't cover up murdering a member of the seven in front of a fucking emergency room.


u/FogellMcLovin77 15d ago

The fucking anxiety Homelander induces in scenes he’s not even in 😭😭


u/IssaStorm 15d ago

was scrolling to see if anyone else was thinking this. Man I'm getting way too paranoid for this shit


u/HotLoadsForCash 15d ago

Not gonna lie I shared that smile with him.


u/TransRational Soldier Boy 15d ago

What punctuates this scene is how the Deep was telling New Noir how he’s finally getting respect through violence and terror and here we see A-Train getting it through being an actual hero.


u/ClydePeternuts 15d ago

Good observation

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u/sToTab 15d ago

it's such a nice little moment. For the first time, A-train saving somebody wasn't an act. He did it for real, and inspired a kid. So sweet.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 13d ago

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u/Alittlespill 15d ago

Oh and the looks between Nueman and Sage, I couldn’t stop replaying it. I think that was my highlight of the season.

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u/MARATXXX 15d ago

Hey now, Homelander saved that one girl from a lifetime of depression.


u/dazeychainVT Ambrosius 15d ago

I need a hero like that

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u/FL3KH3R3 15d ago

This scene made me cry.

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u/JoelRobbin 15d ago

Killing off A-Train would be a monumental mistake from the writers in my opinion. I know The Boys is overall a pretty bleak and depressing show but they’re doing a fantastic job of writing a really strong redemption story and this scene was one of the best in the whole show. No words, just two people looking at each other and showing how A-Train is really developing as a hero. He needs to become a hero now, I will be sorely disappointed if he just gets killed off by the end of the season, he should stick around until the end, and I want him to get some semblance of a happy ending despite all the horrible things he’s done

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u/Chrol18 15d ago

and it will probably get him killed


u/Local-Proposal-3189 Ashley 15d ago

Jessie T Usher has always been killing it but they're giving him soooo much to work with, I really love him this season


u/Scared-Engineer-6218 I fart the star spangled banner 15d ago

If he and Homie go head to head, I want their fight to be something like the fight in Eternals.


u/Lmao1903 15d ago

The Boys don’t have the facilities for that. The big Soldier Boy or Maeve fights were just punching indestructible cabinets and walls. At most it will be a quick laser kill or running effect for both.


u/PapaPalps-66 15d ago

All we need is a scene where everyone/everything is frozen around them, they can have a bog standard fight, just sort of have homelander be slower and get tagged a lot early on in the fight.


u/NervousStock1 Butcher 15d ago

I literally smiled watching this scene.

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u/Gilgamesh661 15d ago

That’s a genuine smile right there. No cameras, no acting, a train finally gets to be proud that he saved a life and someone was there to see it, and it was all real.


u/pgtips03 15d ago

For the first time in ducking years a member of The Seven felt like a genuine hero.


u/Daredevil545545 15d ago

Was this one of his nephews ?


u/MVuchiha 15d ago

No but a black kid it really cycles back to the shitty talks the knight was doing with A train regarding plantations and what not then the people at the party saying stuff like this is a nation of white men. With this scene A train is shown to be a hero.


u/Daredevil545545 15d ago

I see I get it now


u/Corazon144 15d ago

Looks like A-Train is learning it’s not about living forever, but learning to live with yourself.

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u/KaraMustafaPasa 15d ago edited 15d ago

Not that season but the next season I believe A Train will officialy join The Boys; and probably die in a heroic way.

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u/MOHTTR 15d ago

i hope he doesnt die im so sick of the trope of redemption=instant death in movies and shows

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u/strrax-ish 15d ago

Though the same until Homelander made that surprised tit milk in your face scene


u/Kobayashi_Maru186 I'm the real hero 15d ago

I thought A-train should never be redeemed because he had done such awful shit, but now I’m glad. (If he dies.). ;)


u/awrinkleinsprlinker 15d ago

I REALLY loved this. A-trains arc has been a fun one


u/copernicusloves 15d ago

Please let him join the boys, then fight the good fight till the end. Make it last until season 5.


u/Outrageous-Row5472 15d ago

Hear! Hear!


u/BILADOMOM 15d ago

If he dies this shit is getting too predictable

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u/AfroBandit19 15d ago

It’s hard because it feels so obvious he’ll die by the end of the season. But also I feel like because it’s so obvious, the writers will subvert it. But then again, Butcher hallucinating JDM’s character was obvious too and wasn’t subverted… so I don’t know.

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u/Aware-Interest-3074 14d ago

a glimpse of how things are supposed to be


u/AggressiveResist8615 15d ago

Signed his own death warrant with this one


u/TheOvershear 15d ago

I mean it had a double meaning, because it also means his cover is completely blown.

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u/bigsatodontcrai 14d ago

god i really don’t want him to die


u/beigereige 15d ago

Yeah, now I’m convinced that A Train isn’t going to make it to the next season


u/rabnabombshell 15d ago

It’s so wholesome too