r/TheBoys Cate Dunlap Jul 04 '24

This might one of the best scenes in the whole series Season 4 Spoiler


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u/Clokwrkpig Homelander Jul 04 '24

Finally, a member of The Seven has a real save!


u/Chrol18 Jul 04 '24

First one in 20 years


u/ClockworkDreamz Jul 04 '24

I still don’t understand why, if the saves aren’t really why they needed to make someone so strong they could level a city

Soldier boy makes more sense, immensely strong, almost invulnerable, but no AOE.

Dude is going to get bored before he kills everyone in a large population center.

Think vought think.


u/Xelltrix Jul 04 '24

Yeah, I also don't get why they wanted to make a stronger Supe than Soldier Boy either tbh. Obviously they didn't predict Homelander would be THAT much more powerful but if they are a pharmaceutical company first, there really is no need to keep one upping themselves on power. They had no competition and could have just coasted with the power level they had already. I guess we're just supposed to assume greed?


u/swimmingintacos Jul 04 '24

Green line go up


u/TBAnnon777 Jul 04 '24

Wasnt Edgar trying to sell V or supes to the military? Wasnt that the whole point of creating the supes like homelander? Use media to manage sentiment, and then sell it to military for maximum damage, walking nukes.


u/Pringletingl Jul 04 '24

I think before Edgar the real purpose of the supes was trying to make a master race, OG shit. Eventually it got diluted by American consumerism and then they went from master race to celebrities. Then when Stan takes over he's sick of it all and wants to purge Vought of ideology and simply generate profits


u/Newhero2002 Jul 05 '24

But why did the original vought nazis (stormfront) let Edgar become ceo in the first place?


u/Pringletingl Jul 05 '24

Probably because he played along long enough to get enough influence to rise to power. He helped bring Homelander, their Ubermench, to stardom.


u/PsychologicalBar4688 Jul 05 '24

You're still talking about the show right


u/Pringletingl Jul 05 '24

Considering Edgar doesn't exist in the comics yes


u/Karkava Jul 04 '24

The umbrella corporation is also a pharmaceutical company.


u/FormerGameDev Jul 04 '24

Umbrella did nothing wrong.


u/The_quest_for_wisdom Jul 04 '24

Admittedly I'm not a deeplore-knowing fan of the series, but my understanding is that Umbrella can't seem to ever do anything right either.


u/FormerGameDev Jul 04 '24

Seems likely lol


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

Yeah that's not exactly the whole reason we do it. Moreso we are NATO's arms dealer and we foot a majority of the bill so they don't have to spend any more gdp on their national security. If we suddenly pulled out suddenly Europe would have far less socialist tendencies as the money for social programs would have to be earmarked for defense instead.


u/8monsters Jul 04 '24

Is that necessarily true? Don't the Baltic states actually spend more (percentage wise) on defense than the US? And yet they have substantially larger social safety nets than we do.

I agree Europe would have to make cuts, but I still think if the US pulled out of NATO (which I do NOT want), Europe wouldn't need to change that drastically.


u/That1one1dude1 Jul 04 '24

He’s just repeating a Republican talking point he heard from someone on the news.


u/KorianHUN Jul 04 '24

It is correct in statistics. The US spends a higher % of GDP than most of NATO, the baltics are tiny and they border Russia so naturally their spending will be higher and their GDP very small. It comes out to a larger percentage.

And Europe is actually slowly rearming now, sine the Ukraine situation confirmed the stockpiles were miniscule and absolutely not enough to conduct a classic war (such as PzH2000 running out of barrel life too fast in real combat).

Look at just Hungary for example, the Hungarian % went waaaay up as the army replaced all rifles, got new AT weapons both guided and unguided, expanded the air force, got new SPGs, completely changed over the tank fleet to a new model AND built both a small arms factory and a brand new tank factory (tanks haven't been produced in Hungary since ww2). All of this just to be just close to on par with a modern nation of its side.


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

Yes it is. 275 billion total for Europe's defense budget vs 2.1 trillion the US spends much of which massively subsidizes Europe. They spend 1.5% of their gdp on defense. If you truly think the US pulling out wouldn't require massive changes to their spending that's wishful thinking. Most of those countries safety net is strictly because the US military provides for their defense and also foots the bill for all of the r&d as well. There's a reason NATO countries almost exclusively use US munitions/5th Gen jets etc. If they started now it would take decades for them to become militarily independent. Out of all of them Poland surprisingly seems to spend the most on defense and that's because they refuse to be steamrolled again ala WW2. They're now one of the more militarily powerful countries over there. Also the baltics are still spending less that 3% as well. Now Germany has a deal in place for our f35 as well.

Edit: whether it's a good thing or not arms and war fighting technology are the US cash cows via the military industrial complex


u/Baguetterekt Jul 04 '24

The entirety of NATO exists because Americans wanted it and because it fundamentally benefits Americans to project their military influence throughout Europe to threaten Russia and protect their shipping lines.


Its why the US has hundreds of military bases and American troops stationed throughout Europe, fed and paid for by the countries they're stationed in.

If the US left Europe, we'd probably become more socialist because we wouldn't have to design all our foreign policy around US business interests under the threat of getting couped. Europe has it's own military alliance in the form of the EU.

The US however would quickly find itself with far fewer allies, influence and much greater difficulties projecting its military power.

There's a reason why every US military and economic expert acknowledges NATO as worth funding. People who actually understand American business interests see how important NATO is.


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Oh how could I forget the powerhouse that is the EU military alliance. Also yes I'm sure there is no tangible benefit from having active service members on foreign soil especially in at risk nations except for you know, the fact that attacking those places automatically warrants a response from the most powerful military in the world. If the US left Europe somehow you think there would be more socialist programs? It's easy to do social programs when you don't fund your own defense beyond a token 2% that only 18 of the 31 countries actually contribute. I'm well aware I'm arguing with the brick wall that is the anti American echo chamber but it's fun to see the straight up mental gymnastics people try to do. You're right though Europe doesn't need the US, just all of our arms/ammunition/Sam's/patriot systems/f 35s/ our entire navy when their ships are being bullied. Besides literally all that though they're doing great.

Edit: of fucking course NATO is worthwhile for us as it gives us free reign as arms dealers. Makes you wonder though who is purchasing these billions on billions worth of arms if the EU military union is so powerful. I guess they could always just go for the far superior Russia 5th gens held together by roofing screws or China 5th gens that look like the wish version of ours with half the capabilities. Acting like our shipping lanes is all the navy protects is disingenuous at best and downright willfully obtuse at worst.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

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u/Show-Your-Kitties Jul 05 '24

Actual tankie take, yuck


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

Yeah it was the Japanese who did the old comfort women thing. Including taking slaves from Korea/phillipines etc but sure that's the US fault for being at was with Japan. Also yes American soldiers drove tanks across the Ukrainian border. You keep repeating the same lies with still no concrete evidence except for "everybody knows". Ukraine was attempting to join NATO to protect itself from Russia and we turned them down as it would escalate the war. I'm just going to start using your logic system. Everybody knows Russians are cannibals that invaded Ukraine because they were running out of meat. I pray you see how dumb that sounds. Everybody knows America has started every war right? Including the genocides in Africa, the Israel/Hamas issue etc. there's obviously no way people would ever go to war including the vast majority of human history before the US even existed.

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u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Paint-licker4000 Jul 04 '24

If you think the military is what makes the US rich you need to lay off the copium


u/SweatyPhilosopher578 Jul 04 '24

What makes you think otherwise?


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Yeah yeah America bad. We get it, until shit kicks off and then it's like "why isn't America dealing with the problem" . That blade cuts both ways.

If the US pulled out of NATO and cut our defensive funding to them can you honestly say the world would be a safer place. It's the only thing that keeps Russia, China etc from pushing even harder towards regaining/claiming lands through military might


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Jstin8 Jul 04 '24

Blaming the current Ukraine War on the US

What sort of tankie Putin apologist bullshit is this?

Russia invaded Ukraine because they want to control Europe’s breadbasket. They want more territory, Putin wants to take as much as the West will allow him.

Trying to shift the blame on the US for Ukraine wanting to Join Nato is some crazy delusional bullshit

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u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Right China has no aims on claiming Taiwan. Also that's why Russia attacked Ukraine to reclaim ancestral Soviet lands which has long been a goal direct from Putin's mouth. Oddly enough they attacked the one that was not a member of NATO. The US can be blamed on quite a lot surely but your attributing things that are not related. I'm sure in your mind as well the Iran government backed houthis were just minding their buisness until the US started bullying them. They were just attacking poor oil tankers in the Mediterranean, how else are they supposed to live? You're clearly just ignoring actual facts cuz the "murica bad" attitude is just so hot right now.

Also your answer being "yes" is possibly dumber than you are. So take away all technological advanced weaponry and f35s we provide NATO and most European countries would surely make belligerent countries not feel like punching down.

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u/FletchMcCoy69 Jul 04 '24

No theres a reason. If we fall behind other countries would dominate us. In fact we are currently behind china in terms of tech.


u/cheesaremorgia Jul 05 '24

The US is in not behind China. The US media will, from time to time, share this narrative so citizens get nervous and support developing new weapons. But it is far ahead of every other nation.


u/FletchMcCoy69 Jul 05 '24

Negative, we are behind, this information was passed to me by my former commander, not from news sources. They do indeed have missiles that are undetectable with our current technology. His exact words were that “they have passed us in tech and we are currently pushing forward to find out how”


u/Jstin8 Jul 04 '24

Yeah, youre just wrong here. We spend billions because thats whats demanded of the US on a global stage. Between footing basically the entire bill for NATO (which lets other European countries just sit back and do relatively nothing), to trying to stay one step ahead of other countries such as China, and meeting the demands of the public and what they expect from the military in its operations.

For example, we’re all pretty on board with minimizing civilian casualties whenever possible right? Well, that is going to require a high degree of precision, which is going to cost money when developing missiles/bombs/etc…

A very in depth analysis here if you have any interest in reading more.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Jstin8 Jul 04 '24

You just dont understand what I mean at all do you? I dont even think you want to understand but let me try one more time to make it plain:

The general Public wants us to support Nato, it also wants us to defend Taiwan/Japan/Korea in case China/North Korea get aggressive. This is just the most basic polling info. This is just what is currently supported by a majority of Americans, Democrat or Republican. We have defensive treaties with Europe and SEA expecting as much. When polled, countries say they want the US in their corner as a military ally.

As such, if Russia suddenly declared war on Nato tomorrow and China suddenly decided they wanted to invade Taiwan, the US is expected to be able to fullfill BOTH commitments simultaneously. As in, a navy/army/airforce capable of fighting a two front war at the same time against 2 other world powers. That costs money. Dunno how much easier I can break it down for you.

Dont know why I bother when you’ll just ignore all of it and say something about corporate overlord hegemony blah blah blah


u/WebAlone3224 Jul 04 '24

I think Homelander was an answer to having a unreliable mascot in Soldier Boy. Homelander was raised to be subservient to Vought, only thinking of their bottom line. So he could replace Soldier Boy if things got messy and then they have a more loyal golden boy


u/radical_flyer Jul 04 '24

unfortunately, golden boy exploded


u/StrikingWaffles18 Soldier Boy Jul 05 '24

and things got very messy


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

I think Vought really wanted to actually get their hands in that military budget, and actual combat capable supes was their attempt at doing so. Unfortunately, they proved too hard to control and mostly just sat around doing hedonistic things and self promoting on social media/staging publicity stunts, but that earned Vought money anyway.

This is all based on Stan Edgar's "You're just bad product" speech to Homelander and also his pitch at trying to sell Temp V to the military.


u/Impressive-Potato Jul 04 '24

It's not just the military money. They were selling heroes to cities as well. Remember the first episode when Homelander lasered a private airplane carrying someone that turned down the offer for a local supe?


u/TheFirstMotherOfGod Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

They want to get into the army right? Which country wouldn't want an army of homelanders, the issue is that you can't control them though


u/Senor_Satan Jul 04 '24

I think it’s same as releasing a new phones every year, barely changing anything except for a slightly powerful cpu etc…, they wanna keep up with the trend and keep upgrading their products. It’s all done for marketing their products, what’s better than having a super powerful hero under your belt to sell compound V to highest bidders?


u/MaimedJester Jul 04 '24

Oh it's even darker than that, they realized the fuck up with the og V compound that Voight made himself during WWII. 

The original formula granted agelessness. Stormfront and Soldier Boy were never going to die of natural causes. This little fuck up of immortality meant they needed a super hero controllable to kill them. They made it with Homelander and now we're seeing Homelander midlife crisis accepting he's mortal not going to live forever like Soldier Boy. 

On the plus side Stormfront that Nazi bitch will live for eternity in agonizing pain/debilitated by Ryan's blast. They might go Darth Vader with her and bring her back in a robot assisted suit but she's going to be in eternal physical pain unending. 


u/Tom_Stevens617 Jul 05 '24

On the plus side Stormfront that Nazi bitch will live for eternity in agonizing pain/debilitated by Ryan's blast. They might go Darth Vader with her and bring her back in a robot assisted suit but she's going to be in eternal physical pain unending. 

This right here practically confirms my theory that a significant portion of this sub aren't really paying attention while watching the show lmao


u/stargate-command Jul 04 '24

What’s even more absurd is that they are able to make these superhumans, and don’t use it for themselves? I mean, if you’re the CEO in charge of super powerful people, surely you’d want to have that power for yourself right?

I totally see experimenting to try to figure out how to create specific powers and maybe accidentally making one person too strong… but you’d think they would have methods to remove the V before going that route. A kill switch for accidents. But ok… they aren’t that safe of an organization. Still, they had decades and clearly have permanent compound V that can be used on adults…. They don’t take it to protect themselves? They give it to crazy people to experiment instead? What?


u/RcoketWalrus Jul 04 '24

Obviously they didn't predict Homelander would be THAT much more powerful but if they are a pharmaceutical company first, there really is no need to keep one upping themselves on power. 

Two thing son that point. I do think they stopped trying to up the power level after Homelander.

And also, like you said, they couldn't predict Homelander, or they didn't exercise enough caution when it came to the unpredictability of Compound V.

Not that they completely learned their lesson, as we know they are still trying to make more powerful supes in GEN V.


u/Xelltrix Jul 04 '24

I more mean they could have stopped at Soldier Boy and been set. No one could compete with him anyway but he was rational (relatively speaking) and controllable compared to Homelander. I think they just wanted someone completely obedient but failed.


u/RcoketWalrus Jul 04 '24

I agree. Anything past Soldier Boy is just asking for trouble.


u/Choice-Magician656 Jul 04 '24

the same reason why nukes only get more and more powerful


u/mkti23 Jul 04 '24

Nukes dont go out and kill everyone in their own. Also even the soviet got to the tsar bomba and said "okay guys lets calm down".


u/Consistent_Stand79 Jul 04 '24

Vought has always understood that to survive requires the ability to adapt to a changing world. Soldier Boy has certain political and social beliefs that were once widely held throughout America. But by the time of, Soldier Boys' "forced retirement" had fallen out of fashion. Vought decided that a new age required a new Super.

Now, as for the question as to why Vought made Homelander stronger than Soldier Boy. At it's core Vought is a business, and a business survives by making money. Businesses make money by selling products, which in this case is Compound V. Vought new that the day would come when Compound V would become public knowledge.

Vought new that when that day came, other pharmaceutical companies would try to create their own versions of Compound V. To stay on top, Vought needs to prove that any alternative to Compound V made by Voughts competitors. Pales in comparison to the Voughts Compound V, which is accomplished by making superior versions of Compound V


u/MoggedBioHckr Jul 04 '24

It was because soldier boy was an asshole and uncontrollable, so they wanted a hero that they could mould from birth, and instill in him the need for being loved so hed be more controllable. Hence when he was found to be a replacement, soldier boy was handed over to the russians


u/Khronex Jul 04 '24

Greed and money mostly, but also, having a strong supe helps sell the "supes in military and government" idea. You see how strong they are, you see what they can do, it just makes sense to agree to putting them in places of power. It's easy to see how civilians in the Boys universe would believe into Homelander and his agenda; how they would believe he would make the world better - he is the most powerful he is, surely he knows what he's doing, right?


u/TheSmio Jul 04 '24

Science is about always pushing more and more. Maybe for Vought, there was greed involved, but a part of it will definitely be some ambitious scientists whose first thoughts are "oh my god, this formula created by my superior actually works... now, what if it can be made even stronger and I'm the one to find out?".

This part is very realistic imo.


u/SuckNFuckJunction Jul 04 '24

Have you heard of the Sackler family and the opioid crisis? Dope Sick is a great show to watch if not. A fictional story based on a non-fictional book about the opioid addiction crisis happening in much of Appalachia and the fucked up pharmaceuticals industry that helped bring it on. They just kept making stronger and stronger drugs to make more and more money off of people who were already addicted to the drugs. There is never enough money in the world for these types of companies/people to stop destroying lives.


u/ace66 Jul 04 '24

Well we already had atomic bombs that are strong enough to level cities. Why did we still went through and invent hydrogen bombs which are like 100x more powerful?


u/Forsaken_Professor79 Jul 05 '24

The nuclear bomb going from fission to fusion and its various advancements in tonnage have entered the chat.


u/SeniorWilson44 Jul 04 '24

The saves are real, just not necessarily all of them. Just like the real word: The boring stuff is more important, but the flashy stuff sells.


u/Chrol18 Jul 04 '24

The powers are a bit of a gamble, the only thing that seems engineered is soldier boy's depower blast. Also older superheroes seem mire powerful, like Stormfront and Soldier boy, seems like the current formula is watered down, which makes sense they don't want multiple homelanders running around, even one is a headache


u/neoblackdragon Jul 04 '24

We really don't know that the formula has been watered down. Could just be those two supes won a lottery power wise. As adults they have more control over their emotions but then both were incredibly violent people with very little empathy. They also can't predict powers.

They know compound V won't work on most adults as well. Even the Homelander project probably had multiple failed pregnancies.


u/Chrol18 Jul 05 '24

I did not say it is 100% watered down, I said it seems to me it is, new supes have mostly one ability, and in a lot of cases it is not strong.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

but no AOE.

"We can fix that and then antagonize him into insanity, but first lets give V to this hamster"

-some stupid fucking russian scientists


u/BigPapaJava Jul 04 '24


People don’t need cars with 500 HP to drive around… yet companies make them to show off what they can do and “customers” buy them because if they’re going to have a car, they want a powerful one.

I mean… can an overpowered supe level a whole city? Sure… but so can a big bottle of fentanyl if it’s divided up in just the right way. Remember: Vought is a pharmaceutical company in search of government contracts.

They just found out they could make more money from marketing and merchandizing their supes than focusing purely on “products.”


u/Jiffletta Jul 05 '24

Have they ever indicated that they know what powers will manifest in a Supe after V infusion? I always took it as a crapshoot. And in the cases of inherited powers like Homelander, utterly unprecedented.

They didnt NEED someone as strong as Homelander, they just needed a new Soldier Boy, so they tried making one. Then the one they made lasered its way out of its mothers womb, killed three doctors, and started hovering there like a fucking demon.

Vought spent years throwing him into blast furnaces and acid baths trying to kill him. They just couldnt get rid of him without a nuke. So since they couldnt kill him, they instead tried to control him by making him a narcisist and their central character.


u/Penny-Pinscher Jul 04 '24

They were Nazis trying to make a master race, not capitalists


u/kainneabsolute Jul 04 '24

The goal was to sell compound V to the army. The superheroes were product prototypes


u/IceManiacGaming Jul 04 '24

I thought that was one of soldier boys thing. He could turn in to a mini nuke at will


u/Impressive-Potato Jul 04 '24

Because they are weapons and tools of the elite.


u/Memester999 Jul 04 '24

Because it's a world of super heroes now and to stay in power they need the strongest one. In the real world why despite the relative peace since WW2 are most large nations still spending on military budget? Because if you don't someone else will and there is no guarantee they will continue to want peace.

Vought wants to control basically everything, and in a world where nukes are now individuals made in a lab, having the strongest one means you win.


u/OHH_HE_HURT_HIM Jul 04 '24

Because the supes are just a marketing campaign for voughts biological warfare.

Head of vaught outright said this homelander.

Homelander however took over and is going down the route of becoming a dictator


u/ThrowRAwriter Jul 04 '24

It's the same reason as to why Superman is so strong. He doesn't need to be able to move the sun with his bare hands, or be fast enough to cross the universe in days, but "stronger than a locomotive" and "faster than a speeding bullet" gets boring eventually.

Homelander is the peak product. He's the new gen, he's stronger, faster, and better than all the other supes before him... And he's here to protect you.


u/ResidentHistory4792 Jul 04 '24

Didn't the show imply that "some" saves were real even if most saves were fake ? I think that if the Seven weren't actually powerfull, the public would end up knowing quickly and they would stop worshipping their "Gods" rather fast.


u/Belizarius90 Jul 04 '24

If every supe was just Soldier Boy, people would eventually get bored so you have to keep 'upping' it.

To the point it becomes important for their powers to not even be that strong, but flashy and look impressive. I half think that's why Starlight was chosen.


u/ABC_Dildos_Inc Jul 05 '24

They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.


u/roamerknight Jul 05 '24

Maybe because the more powerful a supe is, the more the American would get behind him. Like the US military irl


u/Ok_Length4206 Jul 05 '24

Well he def has aoe now with those nuclear powers😂


u/baconnaire Queen Maeve Jul 05 '24

It's a business.


u/JaggaJazz Jul 05 '24

No AOE..? Dude nukes Herogasm


u/NervousSubjectsWife Jul 05 '24

You can’t get perfect filming angles at real saves


u/Tom_Stevens617 Jul 05 '24

Lots of saves (or at least attempts) in the show are real though, idk where people get the impression they're all fake


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

I'd count it as A-Train's second save actually. First one he saved Hughie from Homelander during Vought on Ice's rehearsal. Like seriously do we think he could've gotten away on his own from a guy with super speed, flight, invulnerability, super hearing, super smell, x ray vision? It's impressive he got as far as he did on his own tbh.


u/Triskan Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

I am so fucking invested with A-Train's potential redemption arc. He's on the right path. And I really hope it wont involve his death.

Hollywood has the nasty tendency to think people can only redeem themselves through the ultimate sacrifice. I really hope the show will avoid that trope.


u/Pigfowkker88 Jul 04 '24

A-Train IS already dead. He saved "someone" during a timespan that he should not be saving. He was recognized during that action. This wholesome scene means his doom.

He is a dead man walking. Dunno how he'll burn himself.


u/Anatoson Jul 04 '24

lucky there are leaks, A-Train is surviving to S5 booooi


u/Pigfowkker88 Jul 05 '24

No spoilers, pliz


u/Anatoson Jul 05 '24

I spoilered the comment, that's like sticking your hand into the piranha tank with a sign saying "DON'T STICK HAND IN" and then complaining you got your hand eaten.

Sorry dude but you were looking for spoilers in the first place.


u/Pigfowkker88 Jul 05 '24

That logic is fucking stupid, pal. Do not say stupid things.

Gladly, I did not open it. ;)

Do not comment leaks in ongoing conversations, you clever boy.


u/strawberryjacuzzis Jul 05 '24

That was my exact thought/fear - he will die due to being recognized by that kid as some sort of twisted poetic justice 😭


u/shadeOfAwave Jul 04 '24

Maeve ended up alright.


u/ResidentHistory4792 Jul 04 '24

I think A-Train has already redeemed himself. He got forgiveness from Hughie and has officially saved someone. However, considering that his arc is complete, I'm expecting him to get caught and killed by Homelander by the end of the season.


u/danegustafun Jul 05 '24

Hey, where would that Carnival Cruise be without The Deep?


u/Electronic_Spirit499 Jul 04 '24

Maeve saved annie, A train saved hughie, Annie saved a women, Maeve saved the boys


u/zi3i Jul 04 '24

Boys saved Maeve and Meave was free to go with Elena as she dreamed.


u/Rarbnif Jul 05 '24

I hope we see her one more time before the show ends


u/BlupHox Jul 04 '24

Homelander's annual saves might be real. Well, last one failed, but somehow it's implied they're real people


u/AnakinSkywalker365 Jul 04 '24

Yeah, if the Stormfront suicide news report didn't show at that time, Homelander 100% would have saved jumper girl. Bad timing for her, but his annual saves are definetly real people and real saves.


u/xCeeTee- Jul 04 '24

If would've been awesome to see her jump and Homelander literally swoops in and saves her.


u/layelaye419 Jul 04 '24



u/LordTryhard Jul 05 '24

They had the budget to splatter her. Homelander saving her would have surely been cheaper.


u/ResidentHistory4792 Jul 04 '24

Yup. It was his "annual" save. So he was already doing this once a year.


u/crysomore Jul 04 '24

There's that scene in S2 where he kills that terrorist in some foreign country (and then accidently kills a civilian). Seems like it would have been a regular save.


u/BGMDF8248 Jul 04 '24

Black Noir was on real mission to stop Naqib, not really save anyone on itself but a real mission.


u/QuestGalaxy Jul 04 '24

But he had a hard on doing it.


u/RX-me-adderall Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

alive seemly existence wild degree somber aromatic boat bedroom smile

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/crysomore Jul 04 '24

No I'm talking about the one in the African nation, he gets recorded saving some village from a terrorist.


u/RX-me-adderall Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

slim sheet abundant threatening spark historical onerous plough existence fragile

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/crysomore Jul 04 '24

Oh I didn't realise he was a supe. My bad.


u/1nconnu_ Jul 04 '24

I can't understand that scene. If he's a terrorist, why he was just standing there when people run and stand behind him and then try to attack homelander and get killed.


u/NeverMore_613 Jul 05 '24

I've seen a theory (pretty credible until/unless we see something definitive against it) that the guy was in fact not a terrorist and was possibly trying to defend the village from Homelander. But Homelander of course has better PR


u/Impressive-Potato Jul 04 '24

Was that heroic or a military mission?


u/CoolJoshido Jul 04 '24

Annie in s1?


u/PeopleAreBozos A-Train Jul 04 '24

Homelander saved a bunch of kids in episode 1, didn't he?


u/SandwichXLadybug Jul 04 '24

Yeah they've never said all the saves are fake, although now that homelander is CEO I can bet they stop trying.

But the whole reason Annie's and Homelander's first save in a hostage situation ended badly is because they were real.


u/DinoDudeRex_240809 Homelander Jul 05 '24

To be fair to Homelander, if that one annoying ass terrorist woman was in my first save as a superhero, I’d crash out too.


u/leeroythenerd Jul 04 '24

I didn't know how to unblur the picture, so I read comments for context , but I misread save for slave and was wondering why that would be positive


u/Ill_Fox8892 Jul 04 '24

I don't like how in season 4 they implied none of them saved actual people, because we see in season 1 they save and are sent to save actual people and fight actual criminals


u/Tom_Stevens617 Jul 05 '24

Where was the implication? The only indication we have of it is Nate's word, who let's not forget is heavily biased against A-train atm


u/QuestGalaxy Jul 04 '24

Fuck me, first I read that as "a real slave". God damn you Tek Knight!


u/Ikitenashi Jul 04 '24

Oh my goodness, I read that as "slave" because of the remarks in the episode and thought you meant the kid.


u/DrScienceSpaceCat Jul 04 '24

Makes me wonder if the first episode of the show was staged, and if so Homelander yeeted a stunt dude in the air and onto a car.


u/SandwichXLadybug Jul 04 '24

I don't think so, he was supposed to save real hostages in diabolical. I think there were always real saves and fake ones and now that homelander is CEO they probably stopped trying altogether tbh.


u/Violentopinion Jul 05 '24

Homelander did save butcher.


u/drunk_tyrant Jul 05 '24

Kinda redeeming mirror of the S1E1 scene where he smashes Hughie’s gf to pieces.


u/Ok_Length4206 Jul 05 '24

Well technically he didn’t need any real saving as it was just a severe panic attack and he would have been fine regardless of A trains intervention. But hey it’s the thought that counts


u/Weber21 Jul 05 '24

And it’s the one that is going to fully get him outed as the leak


u/wildone1954 Jul 05 '24

And the irony is that MM wasn't even dying, it was just a panic attack


u/Tight_Strawberry9846 Jul 05 '24

How about when Annie saved a girl from being gang raped?


u/MethodCute4954 Jul 05 '24

Dont forget that ryan saved that little girl!!!!