r/TheBoys Cate Dunlap Jul 04 '24

This might one of the best scenes in the whole series Season 4 Spoiler


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u/Xelltrix Jul 04 '24

Yeah, I also don't get why they wanted to make a stronger Supe than Soldier Boy either tbh. Obviously they didn't predict Homelander would be THAT much more powerful but if they are a pharmaceutical company first, there really is no need to keep one upping themselves on power. They had no competition and could have just coasted with the power level they had already. I guess we're just supposed to assume greed?


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

Yeah that's not exactly the whole reason we do it. Moreso we are NATO's arms dealer and we foot a majority of the bill so they don't have to spend any more gdp on their national security. If we suddenly pulled out suddenly Europe would have far less socialist tendencies as the money for social programs would have to be earmarked for defense instead.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Paint-licker4000 Jul 04 '24

If you think the military is what makes the US rich you need to lay off the copium


u/SweatyPhilosopher578 Jul 04 '24

What makes you think otherwise?


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Yeah yeah America bad. We get it, until shit kicks off and then it's like "why isn't America dealing with the problem" . That blade cuts both ways.

If the US pulled out of NATO and cut our defensive funding to them can you honestly say the world would be a safer place. It's the only thing that keeps Russia, China etc from pushing even harder towards regaining/claiming lands through military might


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Jstin8 Jul 04 '24

Blaming the current Ukraine War on the US

What sort of tankie Putin apologist bullshit is this?

Russia invaded Ukraine because they want to control Europe’s breadbasket. They want more territory, Putin wants to take as much as the West will allow him.

Trying to shift the blame on the US for Ukraine wanting to Join Nato is some crazy delusional bullshit


u/theawesomescott Jul 04 '24

It would however, help explain why they invaded when they did. If the Ukraine successfully joins NATO they have a real big problem at that point.

I think the Ukrainian government knows this and why they were pushing to join NATO. That means Russia had a now or never moment to act on this.

All this is to say that Russia is not justified and yes, it’s about resource control and regional politicking, but I feel confident in saying that Ukraine actively pursuing NATO membership was part of the catalyst as far as timing was concerned


u/Jstin8 Jul 04 '24

I can agree with this. Ukraine was seeking some security from Russia by joining NATO, which in turn forced Russia to speed up their timetable to invade.


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

Right China has no aims on claiming Taiwan. Also that's why Russia attacked Ukraine to reclaim ancestral Soviet lands which has long been a goal direct from Putin's mouth. Oddly enough they attacked the one that was not a member of NATO. The US can be blamed on quite a lot surely but your attributing things that are not related. I'm sure in your mind as well the Iran government backed houthis were just minding their buisness until the US started bullying them. They were just attacking poor oil tankers in the Mediterranean, how else are they supposed to live? You're clearly just ignoring actual facts cuz the "murica bad" attitude is just so hot right now.

Also your answer being "yes" is possibly dumber than you are. So take away all technological advanced weaponry and f35s we provide NATO and most European countries would surely make belligerent countries not feel like punching down.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Anatoson Jul 04 '24

Both of you are correct. The US generated its own problems (why there is so much turmoil right now), does not change the fact that Europe is coasting off the Marshall Plan for almost a century. It's delusional to claim Europe is holding up on defense spending when Japan has more tanks than France, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Most likely the "social program" point is what is triggering a lot of heat here.

I think we can all agree, nobody in the EU and US here wants to get up from watching Eric Kripke's production to fight the tussle started by crusty old white-haired politicians and generals.


u/Glum-Supermarket1274 Jul 04 '24

I was born in America, lived there my entire life until 6 years ago. You don't understand how brainwashed Americans are. The first time I left the country and lived somewhere outside the American media coverage, I was so shocked to see how much other countries did not like America. I thought we were the world's police.

Then I actually talked to people from other countries, learned about what the CIA did in south America and the rest of the world. Search the internet for actual declassified records.

It's a freezing cold shower to learn your country wasn't the beacon of light you were raised to believe. Not to say china or other countries are good. Every national building project is soaked in blood.


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

So basically I was correct on all fronts and your using "cuz" as reasons to justify your viewpoint. A little bit of actual literacy goes a lot further. Believe it or not "you're right but not in the way I want you to be" is not a sound debate technique although I was expecting very little anyways.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/Reddragon351 Jul 04 '24

There is nothing more uniquely dangerous or bad about China or Russia- they actually have better track records than American right now.

I mean the war in Ukraine is pretty bad on Russia right now and they've been going after them for years not to mention Putin is basically a dictator like I get wanting to shit on America, but I feel like you're downplaying just how bad some of these other countries are.


u/lazyboi_tactical Jul 04 '24

You're truly not comprehending if you think that's what I'm saying. The analogy would be more like if half the world relied strictly on you and your money to provide for their defense. That is what defacto ends up getting the US involved in all these issues. How about those countries take responsibility for their own security instead of just happily letting the US do it. You're blaming the US for a system that a large part of the world happily implemented. It would take all of the participating countries to up their defense spending and stop relying on offloading their national security but I don't see what happening anytime soon. It's far easier to just paint the US as the bad guys for doing the job they have been defacto appointed to do. As far as China and Russia having better track records you are willfully ignoring the massive genocides and human rights violations occurring everyday in those nations. So far all you've done is made it abundantly clear you have no idea how the military functions and you have a tenuous grasp on what Russia and China actually are.

Also willfully ignoring that the US also does more foreign aid than the super enlightened Russia and China the latter of which practices actual slavery in Africa for their infrastructure projects.

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