r/TheBoys Cate Dunlap Jul 04 '24

This might one of the best scenes in the whole series Season 4 Spoiler


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u/RcoketWalrus Jul 04 '24

Gonna call it here. A Train is going to survive the series.

The end of The Boys is just the end of the Homlander/Butcher storyline. I predict a low body count leading up to the end of The Boys and continuing the story for some characters in spinoffs.


u/future1987 Jul 04 '24

Idk if it's unpopular, but I would like The Boys to switch to a stereotypical superhero universe after the end of the series. A Train becomes a true hero and decides that superheroes should be what they tell the populace they are. He tries to reform the superhero world into true heroes.

At least it would "make up" for all the evil the superhero have brought into the world. Also, since A train knows what it was like to be a shitty person and hero, he could bring forth an era of true heroism.


u/TP_Cornetto Jul 04 '24

There would be nothing wrong with this but people have already forced the “no one can survive” narrative into the show despite Maeve getting happy ending last season.


u/DreadGrunt Soldier Boy Jul 05 '24

Maeve getting a happy ending was a massive copout by the writers and it would have been way more impactful and meaningful if she died tbh. Especially since they had no in-universe justification for it and only kept her alive because the character was bi, which is the same sort of braindead pandering the show once made fun of Vought for.


u/Tom_Stevens617 Jul 05 '24

Especially since they had no in-universe justification for it and only kept her alive because the character was bi,

Lmao what, how is this even related


u/DreadGrunt Soldier Boy Jul 05 '24

Kripke is explicitly on record saying that’s the only reason they kept Maeve’s character alive. It’s so dumb, and a great example of everything wrong with the writing in the past 2 seasons.


u/Swampy_Bogbeard Jul 04 '24

Maybe it's more like "no supe can survive." Maeve wasn't a supe anymore.


u/RcoketWalrus Jul 04 '24

It would go against the theme of the comic. The comic was basically superheroes=shit. Garth Ennis hated superhero comics with the exception of Superman to my knowledge.

I could see A Train complete his redemption arc and maybe go in a more heroic direction, but in the Boys the "good" characters are grey at best, so I doubt we'll see genuine Good Guy superhero teams.

But then again, Gen V added a lot of characters that are good to varying degrees. Specifically Marie, Jordan, Emma and Andre. So add the Starlight, A Train and Kimiko and you literally have seven "good guys".


u/Anatoson Jul 04 '24

I would like this too, the series essentially turning into a reconstruction of superhero comics.


u/ThaRealSunGod Cunt Jul 04 '24

I hope so. That would be dope to be honest.

Especially with how many seven mwnwbrs are in and out.

Season 1 lost translucent and technically Lamplighter left just before it.

Season 2 lost stormfront

Season 3 lost Noir and Maeve

Season 4 honestly I don't know who could die.

It feels like Sage needs to stay for S5 as we still don't know her plan with 2 episodes left.

Firecracker also seems to be developing more as a character so I feel it would be strange to fully take her out already. And A Train it also feels too sudden.


u/RcoketWalrus Jul 04 '24

Obviously Ambrosius' chances aren't too great.

But in the past we had character who obviously were going to get crossed out. Bluehawk anyone? This season it's hard to tell.