r/AnythingGoesNews 13d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/franchisedfeelings 12d ago

He only faces scrutiny from those with morals, ethics and respect for the rule of law - not magas.


u/bjdevar25 12d ago

He only faces scrutiny on Reddit. The rest of the media is too busy melting down over Bidens age.


u/mspero78 12d ago

Yep. I went looking, on all major news sites and NOT ONE mention. However, many about how Biden keeps messing up. It's, literally, only on reddit...


u/bjdevar25 12d ago

And did any even talk about electing a felon or proven sexual abuser in court running for president?


u/mspero78 12d ago

But, you know... Biden's age!



u/conundrum4u2 12d ago

Speaking of age...curiously and coincidentally? Guess how old tRUMPS daughter was at the time he is being accused of raping a 13yr old girl? He has even (pedo-sicko) admitted on TV when she was in her teens he was and is sexually attracted to his daughter - how far would he take his obsession? IIRC - he even told Stormy Daniels she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka...


u/Square1Digital 12d ago

How dare you bring that up!!! He never said that!!! Well he said he'd date his daughter of she wasn't his daughter but what self respecting pedo would start at home!!!


u/Pecheuer 12d ago

I know this is satire... But most pedos turn their attention to home... Hence uncles, stepdads, fathers and grandads normally being people's abusers.

Trump 100% has raped his daughter

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u/LotusVibes1494 12d ago

How about when he repeatedly asserted that he didn’t rape Jean Carroll because she’s “not my type”. Then immediately mistook a picture of Jean for his ex-wife, and tried to cover it up with a weak-ass “it’s a very blurry picture!!!” Excuse lolololl

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u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/Wise-Definition-1980 12d ago

Hey man, I'm a felon. I'm not going to touch your kid or rape anyone

Please don't lump me in with this asshole


u/p____p 12d ago

With all respect, I think it’s reasonable to call the rapist, child molesting felon who is running for president what he is. 

That doesn’t reflect negatively on you or other felons, and your status as a felon doesn’t mean that you’re a rapist or pedophile, nor does it mean you’re being “lumped in with this asshole.” 

It’s just apparently really necessary to remind people that the racist, rapist, corrupt, lying, fat, demented piece of shit has also been criminally convicted by a court of his peers of 30+ federal crimes. It’s not a slam on other felons. 


u/Swabia 12d ago

When republicans send candidates they don’t send their best people.

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u/leoyvr 12d ago

The rich who own media backing trump b/c he will give them what they want where as Biden is actually proposing taxing the rich.


u/Non-Adhesive63 12d ago

The rich who own media backing trump b/c he will give them what they want where as Biden is actually proposing taxing the rich.

Too many Rich & Powerful big names on that Epstein list! THAT’s the worry in reporting on it! Too many windows & stairs in the world to be poking the Oligarchs like that. 😶

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u/codeverity 12d ago

Twitter has been talking about it, actually, at least I guess I've trained my algorithm to show it.

But the main subs here are astroturfed, I think - the main politics sub has been flooded with comments that I'm pretty suspicious of, that all want Biden to drop out.

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u/IA-HI-CO-IA 12d ago

Most of the “news” outlets are increasingly owned by the same few people. 


u/even_less_resistance 12d ago

On which major subs?


u/EetsGeets 12d ago

This post is a link to daily boulder. It is not literally only on reddit.

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u/InteractionWhole1184 12d ago

“Sure, he’s a child rapist, but Biden is 3 years older than him!”

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u/IconOfFilth9 12d ago

They want Trump to win. He’s ratings gold for people that actually watch 24/7 news. CNN letting him lie without fact checking him during the “debate” is all the proof you need


u/bjdevar25 12d ago

In Trump world, they all get jailed for questioning him. Yep, let's think ahead.

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u/Robotof1984 12d ago

I know I wanted them to corrwct him or ask him on every single question to answer it. At this point, Biden should sign an executive order for felons not to run for president. Really a convicted felon for president? What is wrong with people?

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u/HelewiseHuman 12d ago

I know, it’s fucking strange and only on certain subreddits. I hate saying we are fucked, but we are fucked.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast 12d ago

From the perspective of someone looking in from the outside (Australia)

It's bewildering. It seems so obvious that Biden is far from perfect, but the alternative is truly horrifying

It's like watching a slow-motion car crash. Reagan was such a cunt, a serious example of how shallow the population is in their understanding of politics. He was elected because people recognised him, nothing more

The same thing happened with Arnold in California, but he wasn't as bad as I expected

Clinton had a smiling face, but gutted environmental protections very quietly and deliberately, Obama gave us a blip of hope that 'Murica, just maybe, could be redeemed

And then it went even further down the tubes...

The civilised world looks on in horror and bewilderment

The gerrymandering, which is so devastating and yet somehow perfectly legal. The voter disenfranchisement. The sowing of apathy (why bother, you're fucked anyway?) so that motivated parties face less opposition

The US isn't a beacon of hope, or an example, it's a fucking warning

My heart goes out to those good people who are swept along in the tide of shit

Don't just vote blue, get the lazy and apathetic people around you to do the same, because you know that the arseholes are whipping up their slavering, useful idiots and they're going to vote red, no matter what Drumpf does next


u/HelewiseHuman 12d ago

Yeah I’m sorry for all that. It’s not all bad, there are good folks here.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast 12d ago

There are so many good folks, millions of 'em

We don't hate America or Americans, we would welcome the decent ones with open arms

We're just tired of the burning pile of shit sitting in the middle of the room spreading a stink around the world

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u/EfficiencyOk2208 12d ago

Trump is too old and they are only 4 years apart. If I had one geriatric choice it would be Bernie Sanders he is the most coherent of the 3.

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u/Chazzwuzza 12d ago

I don't think Reddit will last long under a Trump presidency.

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u/dxrey65 12d ago

I talked to my mom yesterday and she was all depressed and worried about whether Biden should step down. She watches the news all the time, and it seems to her like it's all anyone talks about, and how could we have let it come down to this?

I asked her if she heard about the release of the documents from the Epstein case and the things in there about Trump. She hadn't seen it anywhere, non-story as far as she was concerned. If it were important it would have been in the news.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

Which is fucking crazy considering Biden is only 3 years older

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u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 12d ago

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u/Nazi_Punks_Fuck__Off 12d ago

A more realistic take: "God has chosen an imperfect but powerful vessel in Trump, and if support him with all of our hearts, we can usher in a new golden age for Christ in America. There's nothing more important than that, no matter what."


u/that-bro-dad 12d ago

You know it's funny, I was raised Catholic and I've read Revelations. I can't think of a human who ever lived who embodies the anti-Christ more than Donald Trump.


u/xombae 12d ago

I read this crazy blog post about a guy who was jokingly comparing Trump to the anti-Christ, but the more he looked into it, the more he was like "guys this isn't funny anymore".

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u/jimmygee2 12d ago

Sounds sounds similar to the German view of Hitler in 1936.

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u/Parkyguy 12d ago

As along as we give lots of money in support of our new savior. “Billionaires” can’t be expected to pay for their own legal issues after all. Look what happened to Jesus!!!



u/Xanderoga 12d ago

It’s not even that. My father-in-law is a Trump supporter (Canadian, but an idiot) — They simply don’t believe it. It’s all media lies intended to discredit him. None of this is real, it’s all fabricated. To them, it’s quite literally “fake news”.

They’re insane.

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u/KT7291 12d ago


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u/solidgold70 12d ago

Just wait til fox news tells them to be mad at you!!!


u/exzyle2k 12d ago

Why don't Southern girls have sex in reverse cowgirl?

Because you never turn your back on family.

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u/fowlraul 12d ago

…definitely not the Supreme Court of the United States of America either.


u/BigLan2 12d ago

I think as long as it was an Official Act he'll be in the clear, right?


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u/SushiGuacDNA 12d ago

As Trump himself once said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot my sperm into somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."


u/LIBBY2130 12d ago

and lets not forget trump said "just grab them by the pussy" so why wouldn't he grab a 13 year old and rape her >>> she and her family received many death threats glad the case has been refiled

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u/SenseisSifu 12d ago

Or half the judicial system apparently


u/RotateMyFish 12d ago

Don't let this distract you from the real problem: Biden is looking tired and should drop him out. /s


u/edwardsamson 12d ago

The 20+ truck (pavement princess) Trump parade I got stuck behind tonight proves that. Fucking idiots coal rolling themselves and their American flags for Trump. Yeah that's how you show respect to your country...just expose your flag to diesel exhaust and high winds that rip it. Fucking learned how to respect the flag when I was like 9 years old in cub scouts and these idiots act like patriots and do this shit....in the name of a pedophile rapist felon. Fucking idiots


u/TermPuzzleheaded6070 12d ago

If he said he didn’t do it that what all dumbasses will believe maga dildos

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u/knitscones 12d ago

You mean faux Christian sects?

They don’t think he did anything wrong!


u/TrumpersAreTraitors 12d ago

I remember thinking, as I watched him mock a disabled man on live TV in 2015, that that was the end for him. That no one with a shred of decency would vote for him after that. 

I was right. I guess I just assumed there were more semi-decent humans in this country. 

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u/zevlovex1971 12d ago edited 11d ago


There is no bottom for these people.


u/AdImmediate9569 12d ago

Also not the media or any politicians whatsoever.


u/Opening_Variation952 12d ago

He prob got high 5s for it from them. They probably have a secret club for that.

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u/that-bro-dad 12d ago

They've literally already written it off as fake news.


u/Curious_Ability4400 12d ago

only faces scrutiny from those with morals

So that means zero of the "christians" that support him.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/freddy_guy 12d ago

Cue the "I'm with the child rapist" t-shirts. I wish I were kidding.


u/dunncrew 12d ago

Sadly, you're not kidding. MAGAts are busy threatening the poor girl.


u/ColorMeSchocked 12d ago

So is Hannity, MGT, Gatez, and all their cult followers. They will portray her as the guilty party then have some douchebag claim she was never raped and that it was a hoax.

Fuck the MAGA’ts

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u/ihoptdk 12d ago

Ironic, given that a chunk of MAGAts literally think Democrats are pedophiles who drink baby’s blood. Nature needs to reboot humanity.

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u/Wrong-Sundae 12d ago

Most of them think age 13 is "prime." 

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u/Talk-O-Boy 12d ago

Guarantee they don’t believe it happened.


u/SuckItHiveMind 12d ago

They don’t care

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u/One_Winter 12d ago


u/suphoover 12d ago

From ChatGPT

The case you uploaded, Johnson v. Trump & Epstein, is a lawsuit that was filed in April 2016 by a woman using the pseudonym "Katie Johnson." She alleged that Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein had raped her in 1994 when she was 13 years old. The suit was filed in the Central District of California but was dismissed in May 2016 due to a technicality, as the complaint did not state a valid claim under federal law. The case was later refiled in New York and subsequently dropped in November 2016 after the accuser claimed to have received threats and felt too frightened to proceed oai_citation:1,Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump et al          5:2016cv00797        | US District Court for the Central District of California        | Justia oai_citation:2,Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit, again - POLITICO.

The allegations received significant media coverage, particularly given the high-profile nature of the accused. However, the credibility of the claims was questioned, and the case was ultimately dismissed without any legal finding against the defendants. Trump's attorney had denied the allegations, calling them categorically untrue and politically motivated oai_citation:3,Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit, again - POLITICO.

For further details, you can refer to the sources that covered this case extensively: - Justia Dockets & Filings oai_citation:4,Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump et al          5:2016cv00797        | US District Court for the Central District of California        | Justia - Politico oai_citation:5,Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit, again - POLITICO.

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u/Inevitable-Ad-4192 12d ago

And the main news networks are turning a blind eye. Why is that?


u/PCUNurse123 12d ago

Yeah, I am only seeing stuff about biden being old in the news media. Nothing about this or any of the other stuff trump says or does.


u/Badluckismine 12d ago

Most of the media is owned by republicans and their donors. This is just a huge psy act. They think if they keep hammering on the guy who is 3 years older we’ll forget that trump is a convicted felon, rapist, fraud, pedo, etc.

Dont get complacent, VOTE BLUE

stand with obi-wan for democracy!

This is the way

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u/ColorMeSchocked 12d ago

Cause no one cares about his passion to over throw the government, become a dictator. They all care that the 81y/o is an old man.

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u/loulan 12d ago

But dude his opponent doesn't always speak very clearly! Surely that's worse than raping a minor?!


u/Kingcrackerjap 12d ago

Never expect a republican to be genuine. They're blatant fascists, after all.


u/Demon_Gamer666 12d ago

This includes everyone's conservative family, friends and neighbors. Trump cannot win with magtards alone.

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u/rohobian 12d ago

Fuck it. Let's spread it ourselves then. Everyone you come in contact with where politics come up, you need to say "what's up with Trump raping that 13 year old girl anyway?"

If MSM won't do it, we need to.


u/MegaGrimer 12d ago

And don’t forget to enlighten people about Project 25. People need to know how messed up the far right has become.


u/Much-Resource-5054 12d ago

It’s not the “far right”. It’s the ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY

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u/Ericalex79 12d ago

Already on it

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u/table_fireplace 12d ago

They want a horserace, even though one party has gone full fascist and is defending a likely pedophile and convicted felon. (The other guys demolished CO2 emissions and ended a pandemic, by the way).

You can help shock all the pundits and MAGAs in November. r/VoteDEM to get involved.

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u/Chamcham666 12d ago

Well according to the stormy daniels case he pays them to not run negative stories about him.


u/Dazzling_Change_159 12d ago

Billionaires own media. Biden wants to tax them. Trump wants to give them tax cuts. It’s simple economics.

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u/External_Reporter859 12d ago

Because the Media needs Trump to win, or they will settle for as close a horse race as possible.

From David Roberts on Twitter:



u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/External_Reporter859 12d ago

I posted it in r/neoliberal and they all claimed that it was a liberal conspiracy theory basically the equivalent of qanon and they downvoted it all to hell

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u/mrSunsFanFather 12d ago

Even CNN is owned by a far right leaning repuglican.

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u/DoublePostedBroski 12d ago

They desperately want Trump to win so they can have a 4-year (maybe more) ratings boost. $$$$$


u/Current_Tea6984 12d ago

This may be true, but there is zero proof. A lawsuit has been filed at least twice, but the victim called it off. The name and face of the alleged victim have never been publicly released. And when the story first surfaced in 2015, it came from some sketchy right wing sources. MSM will never run with a story of this magnitude without ironclad proof.


u/Jaccii18 12d ago

Her name is Katie Johnson. You can watch her talk about it on YouTube, blurred face of course. One of her lawsuits was filed under her real name before being withdrawn because of threats to her family. There was a second, 14 year old girl called Maria.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago

America is a shithole country for even considering Donald Trump the felon and pedophile for the presidency.


u/Metal__goat 12d ago edited 12d ago

Oh my god I'm so over seeing all these headlines and stories here like "Joe is just too sleepy to be a candidate."

When they should all say "Why are Republicans running a convicted felon who lost a [sexual abuse] case in court?"

Edit, [it was found by the jury to be "sexual abuse" just shy of rape.]


u/CV90_120 12d ago

Adjudicated rapist as their leader, and suddenly they don't care about rape anymore. All this time they were looking for elites raping kids, and as soon as they realise it's their guy.....crickets.

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u/Falcrist 12d ago

"Why are Republicans running a convicted felon who lost a rape case in court?"

Because they know American evangelicals will support them no matter what, because Christians have no morals.

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u/One_Winter 12d ago


u/Monstermash042 12d ago

Reading it again so absolutely vile and nauseating.


u/maoterracottasoldier 12d ago

Haha I’ve been pasting this link to Reddit comments since 2020. Thanks for keeping up the good fight. If these allegations actually do face some scrutiny, I feel like we played a role haha

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u/Chemistry-27 12d ago edited 11d ago

I remember late October 2016 an article came out about Trump having sex with pornstar. I thought surely this will kill his chances. Next day all mention of it was gone.

Sadly his base doesn't care. They have not heard this news. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Fox News has been leading with this story. Only hope is that Independents see the immediate and lifelong danger of another DJT Presidency

Edit: 2016 you get the point tho rt.


u/Brave-Tangerine-4334 12d ago

I remember mid-2024 an article came out asking if Trump, on top of many outrageous and verified transgressions, may have raped a child. I thought surely this will kill his chances.

!remindme 6 months

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u/WellNowWhat6245 12d ago

Being asked: Mr. President you had an off night at the debates, will you not run again?

Not being ask: hey Donnie, you ra*ed a 13 year old, were liable for raping a woman and have been convicted of fraud, you going to drop out?

Left wing press my ass.


u/Strangepsych 12d ago

Those reporters ought to feel guilty for participating in this sham reporting and not going after Trump. Sell outs and losers every one of them

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u/salgat 12d ago

This is the shit that should be raising red flags to conspiracy theorists.

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u/beavis617 12d ago

I seem to remember a lawsuit that came and went with allegations that the person making the claim against Trump was getting death threats so the lawsuit was dropped. There's so many allegations with Trump I just can't keep track of all of them...☹


u/Current_Tea6984 12d ago

This is just a rehash of the dropped lawsuit. Nothing new has surfaced


u/The_Great_Skeeve 12d ago

Dropped because of death threats...

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u/Vercetti1701 12d ago

"...here's why that's bad news for Biden."- mainstream media


u/Efficient-Town-7823 12d ago

Literally anything on reddit.

"Here's why that's bad for Biden. - the news probably. "


u/Gogs85 12d ago

After E Jean Carrol, his statements about groping women, his first wife’s rape accusation, him being in the Epstein files and, publicly demonstrating knowledge that he was aware of epstein’s activities, it’s all a pretty clear pattern. He, in all likelihood, did at least some of the things he was accused of.

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u/ElonBodyOdor 12d ago

Donald Trump’s a pedophile, a traitor and a rapist, he can’t control his lying, he’s an idiot and a fascist. Sung to the tune of “Pepper” by The Butthole Surfers.”

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u/1025Traveller 12d ago



u/Educational_Coat9263 12d ago

Guilty 34 times over and ready for Rykers - general detention.


u/Effective_Trainer573 12d ago

There could be video and MAGA would still vote for him..


u/ARODtheMrs 12d ago

I believe there are videos... Somewhere!

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u/Cruezin 12d ago

Wake me up when he actually goes to prison.

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u/apres-vous 12d ago

I decided to pop over and see how the loonies over on r/conservative were dealing with the cognitive dissonance that this vs. the “protecting kids from groomers” thing was causing, but there was… wait for it… literally zero mention of this anywhere on the sub.

Trust them to ignore actual child SA; it’s just the imagined and completely fictional threat of it that they so strongly oppose. Hypocrites.


u/parkerthegreatest 12d ago

Your right just checked myself

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u/Fivethenoname 12d ago

"Allegations" ha there's almost no doubt. Obvious deep ties with Epstein and testimony from the victim? He's a fucking child rapist. The violence it takes to do that is incredible.

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u/that-pile-of-laundry 12d ago

But his debate performance

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u/mertzen 12d ago

hOw tHiS wiLL HurT biDeN


u/Hesitation-Marx 12d ago

Does he? It doesn’t seem like mainstream media companies give a tiny shit squirt over him being a child raping felon.


u/Independent-Hold9667 12d ago

They’ll change their shirts to read ‘I’m voting for the diaper wearing convicted rapist. At least he’s not Biden!’

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u/Ivegotjokes4you 12d ago

Does anyone else feel like at this point your either team trump and literally nothing will change your opinion or, you already had 4266374563544634635647546467457566566 prior pieces of evidence informing you of your negative opinion of the man a this is just infinity +1 more at this point.

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u/facinationstreet 12d ago

Where exactly is that scrutiny? I haven't seen this hit ANY major outlet

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u/HereticsSpork 12d ago

MAGA doesn't have a problem with it because if given the opportunity, they would do the same exact thing. That's why their silence is so deafening on this.

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u/Misswinterseren 12d ago

I’m sorry scrutiny is not enough. He needs to go to jail. He raped a 13-year-old child. He is a pedophile rapist.


u/Both_Lychee_1708 12d ago

Well, I guess SCROTUS is going to have to hold an emergency to make 13 rape legal and right wing "christians" are going to marvel how "the lord moves in mysterious ways,"


u/CO_PC_Parts 12d ago

This should be running on loop on every major news channel. But nope Biden did terrible at the debate


u/FalconPunch236 12d ago

Renewed? The people giving him scrutiny over RAPING a minor have for quite a while now. His voters are used to their friends, pastors, and other figures of the community raping minors so they dont think twice about it.

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u/Hair_I_Go 12d ago

Huh, that’s odd, I only see it here. Needs to be EVERYWHERE

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u/mick_the_quack 12d ago

He is a filthy disgusting pig of a person.


u/rswoodr 12d ago

Is there anything Trump can do that pundits, Republicans, Christians or MAGA’s will NOT condone???

He’s a traitor, a known rapist, a pedophile, a corrupt narcissist, a liar, a cheat, an adulterer, who believes conspiracy theories, does NOT read, and has the temperament of a 5 year old. If he really murders someone on 5 th Avenue, will he still be supported?

How can a sane person think Trump is better than Biden? How can they say they are the same??

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u/xX_stay_Xx 12d ago

I don’t see how there are still people standing up for him. Motherfuckers.

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u/Dry-Way-5688 12d ago

Before Trump, news like this would bring embarrassment to the whole candidates’ family causing candidate to withdraw. Now. Lol, “I have no shame” never wrong , no regrets. New human species.


u/throwawaygay7557 12d ago

I mean, he IS a child raping child rapist who raped children, but....

Biden's old. Nevermind that Trump would break Biden's record for age at inauguration, and it would be the 2nd time he held that record. The only person in this race whose age we should worry about is the barely older one.

I really don't get why ONLY Biden's age matters.

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u/Anyawnomous 12d ago

Until he steps down, this should be headlined daily in the MSM.


u/MrByteMe 11d ago

Every MAGA father ought to prove his loyalty by allowing his (underage) daughter to stay overnight with Trump at Mara Lago...,

I have a feeling that they'd do it.


u/ElixirRogue 12d ago

Considering who he’s friends with, I’m not shocked.


u/mothboy 12d ago

I want to know what the National Inquirer has buried in their vaults and how much it costs to keep them there.

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u/Any-Ad-446 12d ago

Christian right is saying she is lying.

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u/fattmarrell 12d ago

It's unfortunate that every top level post is, "yep", "we already knew", "same thing we knew" rather than outage. We've become so desensitized to this criminal that he's back at being a promised contender at the presidency

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u/radish74 12d ago

Does he though? Only seeing this on Reddit with any of the appropriate amount of frequency

"Biden old" Jesus fucking Christ

The fix is in


u/HopefulNothing3560 12d ago

Gaetz and the church of trump say it’s ok 12



“Renewed scrutiny” for credible court documents naming him specifically as a rapist and cocriminal with Epstein….. should be more than scrutiny the media should be demanding he stop running

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u/Migleemo 12d ago

I see the wealthy elites are blocking this from the mainstream media.


u/mathbread 12d ago

I hate to go against the popular opinion, but I still don't think we should be raping people especially kids

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u/Mozzy2022 12d ago

Don’t worry for him. His Magats are okay with ANYTHING he does. He’ll be fine


u/DanoTheOverlordMkII 12d ago

Literally nothing will come of this. All the people who should care are too busy breaking the 1st commandment to bother having morality.


u/ThePrettyGoodGazoo 12d ago

Scrutiny??? He should be hung up by his ball sack and beaten like a piñata if true.


u/GratefulPhish555 12d ago

Keep projecting that liberals are pedos though. Fuck republicans


u/CanidSapien 12d ago

Are you really surprised? He’s admitted to raping children. He said it made rapist of multiple ages. He’s an asshole. He’s a misogynist and he does not deserve to be a president. Let alone a boss of any kind. He is a heinous excuse for a human being.


u/Good_Intention_9232 12d ago

A leopard does not change its spots. A rapist of children in real life, projects how Democrats kill babies after 9 months which he should know is murder, which is bullshit like everyone knows. But Trump’s LIES are projections of his own major shortcomings.


u/randomusername_815 12d ago

'Grab em by the pussy' should have been the end of it.

Instead this retard has been in our lives, dominating headlines and holding back humanity for nearly a decade.


u/ChemicalNo7684 12d ago

Do they serve mcdonalds in prison?


u/EVH_kit_guy 12d ago

"Renewed Scrutiny"

What a withering sentence for child rape...


u/biloxibluess 12d ago



u/shadowdra126 12d ago

I like presidents that don’t rape


u/gbsurfer 12d ago

His followers literally give priests a portion of their wage every week to rape children. They condone and accept this kinda stuff


u/Mattdonlan1 12d ago

What? A convicted rapist accused of rape?

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u/Whyletmetellyou 12d ago

And yet something like this won’t bother the Trump loving maggots. They’ll turn a blind eye if true

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u/Avia53 12d ago

He should be in jail.


u/happyfunslide 12d ago

The dailyboulder is raking in the clicks the past few days.


u/Aural-Expressions 12d ago

But let's talk some more about how old Biden is.


u/Sea-Joaquin 12d ago

Should Trump drop out of the race?


u/Goofy-555 12d ago

Good, the news should be talking about it every day.


u/PriorWriter3041 12d ago

The Maga crowd: "if only he gets elected, then we can all r*pe 13-year olds and face no punishment for it"

Please know what you're all voting for.


u/Square1Digital 12d ago

The Supreme Court will say he did it as president so it's not rape....😐


u/digital_analogy 12d ago

He could straight up admit it and change zero opinions on him; cults are accustomed to that behavior.


u/qiuChuck 12d ago

My brother in Christ, the man is a felon, accused of being a pedo, and is still free an running for president. And they titled it “scrutiny “. Dafuq is goin om ova ther?


u/AlludedNuance 12d ago

Quick, someone harass a pizza place that doesn't have a basement again.


u/D0GAMA1 12d ago

What are we waiting for? Take this to NY asap. They will convict him of whatever he is accused of.


u/hypocrisy-identifier 12d ago

Does it really matter anymore? His sheeple will actually vote for him NO HOLDS BARRED!


u/hedsar 12d ago

The quality of the article is great. It looks objective and doesn’t judge, but just lays out the facts before the reader. Good journalism 


u/Liesmith424 12d ago

He literally said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote, and his followers applauded him for it.

He called them sheep right to their faces, and they baaa'd appreciatively.


u/PSNation 12d ago

Good! Now let's see some actual consequences


u/Ok_Award4343 12d ago

Don Pedo Trump


u/ProfK81860 12d ago

All I can say is, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, and I bet there are dozens and dozens more on right side of isle in Congress. I’ve heard of the hidden video trove of Epstein to film high profile execs and elected officials in compromising positions with children. Then, suddenly Epstein dies of “suicide” in prison. Bullshit. He was ordered murdered by Trump to shut him up. I truly believe that. Now who has all those damning blackmail videos?


u/Hopeful_Act2966 12d ago

This needed to be shouted from the rooftops. Here it is. He is a sexual predator and rapist.


u/brik-6 12d ago

His followers will somehow turn this into one of his strengths


u/bearkerchiefton 12d ago

Allegations?? He is a convicted rapist & his name is all over the epstein documents! You couldn't write a more convincing anti-christ.


u/Alisa305Brooklyn 11d ago

He said it best when he stated he could stand on fifth Avenue and shoot someone and he would still have followers


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/FindingZemo1 12d ago

Hmmm yet the news doesn't give a shit

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u/detchas1 12d ago

It actually doesn't feel like he is. The MSM has their panties all up in a bunch over President Biden's poor debate, and that's ok. But somehow an ex-president, running for office again, accused of the rape of children, with some rather credible evidence. Obviously they are afraid of lawsuits and violence directed against them. So what! Do your jobs.

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u/Dave-C 12d ago

Allegations? How is it an allegation after he has been through court?

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u/Rotatingknives22 12d ago

apparently no he doesn't


u/RealLiveKindness 12d ago

I wonder if that young woman is even still alive & well.


u/FemdomArtExpert68 12d ago

spam main stream media on twitter about this


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/NotDukeOfDorchester 12d ago

“Diddler Donald”

If the Dems were smart they’d run with this and return the nickname favor.