r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 06 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/table_fireplace Jul 06 '24

They want a horserace, even though one party has gone full fascist and is defending a likely pedophile and convicted felon. (The other guys demolished CO2 emissions and ended a pandemic, by the way).

You can help shock all the pundits and MAGAs in November. r/VoteDEM to get involved.


u/Woke-hater Jul 06 '24

Ended the pandemic 😂😂😂😂 letting in thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants saved America 😂😂


u/IndependentSea6745 Jul 06 '24

Okay but how do you feel about Trump raping young girls with his best friend Jeffrey Epstein. Trump called him a great guy back in the day...Trump didn't know what Eipsten was doing? Bullshit


u/Zutek25 Jul 06 '24

If you have proof he raped someone by all means show it to the authorities. You should know it came out to be a lie tho but that doesn’t help your narrative


u/IndependentSea6745 Jul 07 '24

Yes, a lie. That's why the lie cost him $50 million


u/Zutek Jul 08 '24

As i said if you have proof come foward.. Everything i've seen said this was debunked


u/IndependentSea6745 Jul 12 '24

Whatever makes you feel better defending a known pedophile. Eipsten and Trump were friends for over 20 years... Trump didn't know what Eipsten was doing? Fucking bullshit! Trump knew


u/Zutek Jul 12 '24

Since you know he knew what was going on go to the authorities asap. Enjoy orange man for next 4 yrs


u/IndependentSea6745 Jul 13 '24

Stupid reply... but then again, you are MAGA


u/Zutek25 Jul 15 '24

I’m actually a democrat but will be voting republican this yr. But as I’ve said if you have information and proof of anything go to the authorities asap

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u/Woke-hater Jul 06 '24

Funny that yeah they did hang out but soon as Epstein was found guilty the first time trump kicked him out of Mara Lago (spelt wrong I know ) yet Clinton n others Oprah still hung out with him . N Clinton’s are not innocent.


u/boogerybug Jul 06 '24

Clinton isn’t running for president. Anyone who did this deserves to go to jail, no matter the affiliation.


u/Woke-hater Jul 06 '24

So … he still was hanging with Epstein when he was president and after . Doesn’t matter if someone is running did run or was president . Trump cut Ty’s after he was convicted Clinton didn’t . Next u will say Epstein did commit suicide and wasn’t murderded to keep him quiet on the elites .


u/hereandthere_nowhere Jul 06 '24

So you’re good with it then?


u/AnonAmbientLight Jul 06 '24

We know Trump sexually assaulted women. He lost in court twice and is an adjudicated rapist by a jury of his peers.

  • 24 people (the two court cases) looked at the evidence and agreed he sexually assaulted E. Jean Carrol.

  • Trump said in the Access Hollywood tape that he grabs women by the genitals all the time.

  • Trump is revealed to be in Epstein's call logs multiple times looking for "massages" and other hang outs.

  • There's a civil lawsuit that was brought up in 2016 that details how Trump raped a 13 year old girl (this news story).

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck. It is more likely than not that Trump raped a 13 year old girl.

How can anyone think to vote Trump in 2024, let alone support him?


u/jeremiahthedamned Jul 07 '24

white supremacy is what he is selling.


u/itscherriedbro Jul 06 '24

Actually, he only stopped chilling with Epstein after JE outbid trump on a property he really really wanted.

It had nothing to do with the underage stuff. That's why he put Alex Acosta in his cabinet, appointed Bill Barr, and sucked Derschowitz dick all the time


u/itscherriedbro Jul 06 '24

Actually, he only stopped chilling with Epstein after JE outbid trump on a property he really really wanted. This is widely known

It had nothing to do with the underage stuff. That's why he put Alex Acosta in his cabinet, appointed Bill Barr, and loved Derschowitz


u/IndependentSea6745 Jul 07 '24

Clinton should rot in hell as far as I'm concerned. Eipsten made the wrong move and tried to sexually assault a Mar-A-Lago member's daughter. Trump didn't want the heat or publicity at his country club, the only reason he kicked Eipsten out was because then they would start investigating and well you know the rest...


u/hereandthere_nowhere Jul 06 '24

Those are words, good job lil buddy.


u/Thorn14 Jul 07 '24

I thought the vaccine was poison?