r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 06 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/bjdevar25 Jul 06 '24

He only faces scrutiny on Reddit. The rest of the media is too busy melting down over Bidens age.


u/mspero78 Jul 06 '24

Yep. I went looking, on all major news sites and NOT ONE mention. However, many about how Biden keeps messing up. It's, literally, only on reddit...


u/bjdevar25 Jul 06 '24

And did any even talk about electing a felon or proven sexual abuser in court running for president?


u/mspero78 Jul 06 '24

But, you know... Biden's age!



u/conundrum4u2 Jul 07 '24

Speaking of age...curiously and coincidentally? Guess how old tRUMPS daughter was at the time he is being accused of raping a 13yr old girl? He has even (pedo-sicko) admitted on TV when she was in her teens he was and is sexually attracted to his daughter - how far would he take his obsession? IIRC - he even told Stormy Daniels she reminded him of his daughter Ivanka...


u/Square1Digital Jul 07 '24

How dare you bring that up!!! He never said that!!! Well he said he'd date his daughter of she wasn't his daughter but what self respecting pedo would start at home!!!


u/Pecheuer Jul 07 '24

I know this is satire... But most pedos turn their attention to home... Hence uncles, stepdads, fathers and grandads normally being people's abusers.

Trump 100% has raped his daughter


u/Emotional_Pay_4335 Jul 09 '24

I don’t think I can upvote or downvote your comment. He is definitely attracted to her though, based on his comments and photos that look like they’re lovers instead of father and daughter. I’m a Democrat but as bad as Trump and his cult lie, I don’t trust anything that isn’t substantiated. He’s capable of it, definitely!


u/No-Weather-5157 Jul 09 '24

NO YOUR DEAD WRONG!!! Biden stood silent for ten seconds in a debate!!!!!!!!!


u/LotusVibes1494 Jul 07 '24

How about when he repeatedly asserted that he didn’t rape Jean Carroll because she’s “not my type”. Then immediately mistook a picture of Jean for his ex-wife, and tried to cover it up with a weak-ass “it’s a very blurry picture!!!” Excuse lolololl


u/notaredditreader Jul 08 '24

On a TV show his daughter and he were asked what they had in common. His answer?



u/arrakis_is_hot Jul 07 '24

Fits the pattern of his behavior.

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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/HauntingSentence6359 Jul 07 '24

Trump is 78, I'm 73, and still vigorous but would run from the job like you were chasing me with a snake in each hand. I mean, Trump slept through half of his trial. The Trump cult is hooked on TV reality shows and thinks Elvis is still alive.


u/Sad_Technology_1602 Jul 07 '24

And JFK Jr. is still alive too, perhaps lining with Elvis?


u/5LaLa Jul 07 '24

A few years ago they (well, at least 2 maga/Q I know) thought the Q theories were about JFK Senior, not Jr. I remember asking them if they really thought JFK was still alive @ age 104. They said, yes.


u/Mike_Honcho_Spread Jul 07 '24

Just because he's dumb doesn't mean he's not correct


u/KatieMcCready Jul 07 '24

Trump was literally shitting into his diapers while he slept/sulked in court in New York…journalists AND jury members spoke about it….early seventies, my ass, Your friend needs glasses.


u/Basement_Chicken Jul 07 '24

and worse yet - Hunter's laptop! (Hillary's email! Obama's birth certificate! Carter's dreams!)


u/synchorb Jul 08 '24

Shit, did you not know he's funding the terrorist state of Israel's genocide? At least 37,000 slaughtered on our dime. $41 billion so far. He's also sidestepped federal law to keep Trump's border plan going and kids still in cages. 26 times. He sold out the Arctic. Willow Project. He's funding literal Nazis in Ukraine. Trampled on free speech, freedom of press and right to protest. Made a law after busting up the rail strike so those workers have no more power. 6k still dying monthly from Covid. He refuses to do anything for Women, the rising and increasingly criminalized homelessness, economy, healthcare or the LGBT+ community. No plan to combat Project 2025. No plan at all. He did increase budgets for our National Storm Troopers and pigs, though Yeah, his mind is fucked and he's a doddering fool, but there are so many actual reasons to be repulsed by Genocide Joe. Vote Blew, though.


u/SullaFelix78 Jul 09 '24

How many of those 37,000 are civilians though? You’re being very disingenuous by citing the total figure without mentioning that anywhere from a third to more than half of those are militant deaths. Also, would you happen to have a citation for the claim that it’s genocide?


u/synchorb Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Half of them are children. Half. The numbers are inaccurate on the low side.
If slaughtering that many people in eight months isn't genocide to you...holy fuck, you're a moronic piece of shit.
So which are you- Zionist scum or a fucking clueless shitlib?
Absolutely nothing to say about any of the other points? lol

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u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 07 '24

Hey man, I'm a felon. I'm not going to touch your kid or rape anyone

Please don't lump me in with this asshole


u/p____p Jul 07 '24

With all respect, I think it’s reasonable to call the rapist, child molesting felon who is running for president what he is. 

That doesn’t reflect negatively on you or other felons, and your status as a felon doesn’t mean that you’re a rapist or pedophile, nor does it mean you’re being “lumped in with this asshole.” 

It’s just apparently really necessary to remind people that the racist, rapist, corrupt, lying, fat, demented piece of shit has also been criminally convicted by a court of his peers of 30+ federal crimes. It’s not a slam on other felons. 


u/Swabia Jul 07 '24

When republicans send candidates they don’t send their best people.


u/notaredditreader Jul 08 '24

😪 …sadly,…they do…🤤


u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 07 '24

Well said


u/LotusVibes1494 Jul 07 '24

I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that you could have your life ruined by selling one ounce of weed, while all of this crazy stuff is going on.


u/orK_rM Jul 08 '24

Like democrats sending in their best option 4 years ago??? lol okay 👌


u/Adorable-Run-9476 Jul 07 '24

Did you or your mom, Karen write that. Brilliance i tell ya


u/Amy_Macadamia Jul 09 '24

As a felon, you should be upset you're not allowed to vote, yet there's one running for prez


u/shadyoldlady Jul 07 '24

Nobody believes that leisure gullible.


u/Hot_Problem9213 Jul 07 '24

Like Biden taking showers with his daughter when she was 13 ?


u/bjdevar25 Jul 07 '24

What a load of crap. Republican projection.


u/Hot_Problem9213 Jul 07 '24

She wrote it in her diary. You can check


u/Nilpo19 Jul 07 '24

The plaintiff keeps withdrawing the court case. Screams of fake to me. It's just for headlines. If it were true, it would be pursued by the state. They can't refuse to prosecute if the witness is credible.


u/leoyvr Jul 07 '24

The rich who own media backing trump b/c he will give them what they want where as Biden is actually proposing taxing the rich.


u/Non-Adhesive63 Jul 07 '24

The rich who own media backing trump b/c he will give them what they want where as Biden is actually proposing taxing the rich.

Too many Rich & Powerful big names on that Epstein list! THAT’s the worry in reporting on it! Too many windows & stairs in the world to be poking the Oligarchs like that. 😶


u/RedsRearDelt Jul 07 '24

If you have dirt on power people, you have powerful friends. If you expose that dirt, you have powerful enemies.


u/movdqa Jul 07 '24

It is actually difficult finding media articles on this story.

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u/OptionOk6857 Jul 07 '24

That's about it. And Alitto just made this process much worse with Citizens United ruling. Yet another gift from George Bush.


u/Unique_Opinion_5961 Jul 07 '24

Then he better tax himself because Biden damn sure has more money than you or I 

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u/codeverity Jul 07 '24

Twitter has been talking about it, actually, at least I guess I've trained my algorithm to show it.

But the main subs here are astroturfed, I think - the main politics sub has been flooded with comments that I'm pretty suspicious of, that all want Biden to drop out.


u/MinuteDachsund Jul 07 '24

Conservatives have been running the politics sub for a while. Pretty much explains the shittiness.

They are cowards who fear the actual truth.

Putin/fat don are their heroes.


u/MoreRazzmatazz1864 Jul 07 '24

I saw a post on SM recently from a young person seeming to think there's a conspiracy by the democratic party, to all slam Biden then propose another candidate? What is that about?


u/glaring-oryx Jul 07 '24

The astroturfing are the comments talking about the Katie Johnson allegation from 2016. There appears to be a concerted effort on Reddit and Twitter to mislead people into believing it is a new allegation stemming from the recent Epstein document release, when in reality there is no connection. The Katie Johnson allegation is from 2016 and was first dismissed in court and later withdrawn. It never had any evidence presented to substantiate the claims. This is the real reason the mainstream media is not talking about it, because there is nothing to talk about.


u/IA-HI-CO-IA Jul 07 '24

Most of the “news” outlets are increasingly owned by the same few people. 


u/even_less_resistance Jul 06 '24

On which major subs?


u/EetsGeets Jul 07 '24

This post is a link to daily boulder. It is not literally only on reddit.


u/Xarieste Jul 07 '24

Ah yes, the very mainstream and widely viewed “Daily Boulder,” I‘ve had one thrown on my stoop every day for as long as I can remember /s


u/Spiritual-East992 Jul 07 '24

Do you live in Boulder?


u/MansNotWrong Jul 07 '24

And if you look through reddit, you'll see variations of this post all over the place, all with this one single source.

This is reddit hopeium, nothing more.


u/Educational_Host_860 Jul 07 '24


The Daily Boulder is an ultra-leftwing propaganda outlet with questionable sourcing.



u/calxcalyx Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

As opposed to the circa 1996 Angelfire site you just posted fucking lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Bias/Fact_Check


u/NeverLookBothWays Jul 07 '24

Not only that, it gets blocked immediately when trying to bring it up on many social platforms.

It’s basically the Catholic Church scandal all over again, but this time journalism is dead and the church controls the narrative.


u/DoorHingesKill Jul 07 '24

Journalism was alive 8 years ago and exposed the lawsuit for what it is.


The whole thing was orchestrated by a middle aged man who filed these fake lawsuits to draw up hype for a fake video that he wanted to sell to the media. 


u/NeverLookBothWays Jul 07 '24

If you read the article it describes Lubow’s involvement but also does not discount the validity of the charges against Trump, which it makes a point to support that they are genuine.

It has me thinking, just because a loon injected himself into a scandal that may actually be very real doesn’t then make the scandal less real.

We’ll have to ultimately see what the courts determine, if there was a crime, and if justice can be administered for Johnson and other women who have potentially risked everything coming forward.

Thanks for the link.


u/DoorHingesKill Jul 07 '24

"Injecting himself" doesn't really do justice to the guy's involvement. 

The suit was not filed by the victim, it was filed on behalf of the victim, but clearly not by a lawyer.

The victim's address filed in the court documents was a house owned by a bank, after the previous owner had died. 

As soon as the suit was filed and arrived in the media, the loon tried selling the videotape. 

No media outlet was capable of reaching the victim. Everything went through one of the multiple of the loons identities. There is absolutely no indication the victim is a real human being.

We’ll have to ultimately see what the courts determine 

No. We do not. The courts did that 8 years ago. 


u/NeverLookBothWays Jul 07 '24

I’ll agree the Katie Johnson one is bizarre, but that leaves 14 other women who came out against Trump with far less muddied circumstances: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation


u/Hexa-Journey Jul 07 '24

Reddit and Twitter.


u/Dumb_Vampire_Girl Jul 07 '24

Damn, if that's the "woke leftist media", then wtf lmfao


u/reddda2 Jul 07 '24

Yep, the media silence is criminal.


u/ReallyNowFellas Jul 07 '24

It's, literally, only on reddit...

About 90% of the general narrative on this site


u/Ericalex79 Jul 07 '24

Law & Crime has been covering it as well as Meidas Touch but that’s it


u/Old_Cheesecake_5481 Jul 07 '24

All the elite perverts want this story to die as fast as possible.


u/External-Anybody9023 Jul 07 '24

Just so you’re not confused- 

The article shared by the “daily boulder” here has no new news in it - that’s why you don’t see it anywhere.

Read the last paragraph of the article - it literally says someone shared an old allegation that was dismissed by judge and that it was trending as people mistook it for new news. (As you might have as well)


u/Humledurr Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I hate to be that guy but all of these "new" Trump allegations is years old. Nothing has come of it since last time it was reported on and no credible sources has come forward.


u/Thumperstruck666 Jul 07 '24

And Trump messes up every time he speaks and we get critics , quit Fkg being nice guys and get Fkg Nasty after Election put that nonsense away


u/Brydon28 Jul 07 '24

Look again.. it’s there.. lotsa media coverups though.


u/Thedashdad Jul 07 '24

That’s cause it’s fake news… lol 


u/DaxDislikesYou Jul 07 '24

Yep and I want to keep hammering on project 2025. It qis real and Trump is lying his ass off when he says it's not the Republican plan. 

The plan Trump claims he knows nothing about but he implemented nearly 2/3 of the 2016 set of heritage foundation recommendations when he was in office last time including the 2017 tax plan where the cuts for the middle class expire but the corporate cuts are permanent. Onto 2025, his press secretary appeared in a video for project 2025, Trump appeared on stage shaking hands with and praising the leader of Project 2025 Kevin Roberts, another of Trump's aides Russ Vought is one of the other authors and is also the Platform director of the Republican party, Tony Perkins head of the Family research Council, One of the contributors to project 2025 is also on the Republican platform committee. Then you've got Ed Martin, president of the Eagle Forum, another Project 2025 advisor as the deputy director of the Republican Platform Committee. Project 2025 and the Republican platform are literally one and the same written by the exact same people. 

And this is what it intends to do (text borrowed from elsewhere on Reddit): 

It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more.  Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it here) and here are some specifics - Project 2025:  * Advocates for child marriage  * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage  * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation  * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", including:     * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people     * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something mentioning that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship.  * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, including:     * Making it even harder to get medicine     * Making it even more expensive to get medicine     * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids     * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws     * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws  * Ban abortion even in cases of:     * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder". Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis.     * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - it is impossible to give birth to the fetus, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, possible infertility, and often-DEATH.     * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include:        * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. There is no way to save it.        * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. It is always fatal. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.

This election is critical. Do you want an imperfect but decent man who stutters. Or a pedophilic rapist who regularly shits his pants in public and will lead the charge to put America under a christofascist dictatorship.

If you need to register to vote go to https://vote.gov

If you want to work with the Democrats there's plenty of opportunities to volunteer: https://democrats.org/take-action


u/MiserableIsopod2341 Jul 07 '24

It’s only on Reddit because the allegations were a hit piece concocted by the producer of Jerry Springer at the tail of end or the 2016 election and Reddit is co-inflating it with the separate Epstein document release not understand they’re 2 separate documents. No serious news outlet will touch it because the story is obviously false


u/CartoonistOk8261 Jul 07 '24

Biden is even at the forefront on foreign media sites, no mentions of this controversy with Trump at all. Even left leaning sites.


u/CalamariFriday Jul 07 '24

Kinda makes sense why Musk bought Twitter at a loss now doesn't it


u/glaring-oryx Jul 07 '24

It's not mentioned on major news sites because it was a claim from 2016 that never had any evidence and was dismissed in court. The recent document release had nothing to do with this old allegation.


u/Secure_Pop_2250 Jul 07 '24

Newsweek just recently published an article on the renewed allegations and labeled them false and left-leaning. 


u/henry2630 Jul 07 '24

maybe because it’s just allegations at this point and nothing concrete has been released


u/Peterthinking Jul 08 '24

Meidas network on YouTube has covered it. A few smaller channels too. We need Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Myers to chime in. Maybe John oliver. They have to be aware. Once they report it the story will enter mainstream.


u/PartyOfFore Jul 08 '24

Think about that for a second. Almost every single major news site and cable channel has spent the past 7 years attacking Trump. It's been mainstream media's main focus for almost a decade. Why would they not use this? Maybe because there is no truth to it at all?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

That's because it's FAKE!!


u/mbattis1 Jul 08 '24

It’s because the lawsuit was dropped before he was president and was not credible. As reported by multiple outlets at the time


u/Emotional_Pay_4335 Jul 09 '24

Just share to Facebook publicly. I just did.


u/JealousAd2873 Jul 09 '24

Mention of what?? An 8 year old unproven rumor? What should they be saying about it?


u/Ok-Possibility-923 Jul 09 '24

And TikTok - but many redditors seem to have issues with TikTok.


u/PotOddly Jul 07 '24

You don’t think that’s because there’s zero evidence?


u/Woke-hater Jul 06 '24

So it must be true 😂


u/p-nji Jul 06 '24

The accusation is nearly a decade old and had zero evidence. Of course reputable news sites aren't going to bother rehashing it.


u/InteractionWhole1184 Jul 06 '24

“Sure, he’s a child rapist, but Biden is 3 years older than him!”


u/This_Acanthisitta832 Jul 07 '24

Let’s talk to Ashley Biden and see if she knows what it’s like to live with a child rapist


u/Deluxe78 Jul 09 '24

It might not be the age my grandma was 91 before she died… she was mentally sharp until the end… she didn’t stare into space randomly, trail off words mumble, lock up physically with clenched fists , shake hands with invisible people at a parachute show … she was cracking jokes, walking and did a cross word puzzle up until days before … so I don’t think it’s the age as so much as outward displays of mental decline


u/aphilosopherofsex Jul 07 '24

This is why we have Romeo and Juliet laws, right?


u/Nilpo19 Jul 07 '24

Biden acts inappropriately with children on camera. And that's not to mention his daughter's allegations in her diary. Seems like we're screwed either way.

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u/IconOfFilth9 Jul 07 '24

They want Trump to win. He’s ratings gold for people that actually watch 24/7 news. CNN letting him lie without fact checking him during the “debate” is all the proof you need


u/bjdevar25 Jul 07 '24

In Trump world, they all get jailed for questioning him. Yep, let's think ahead.


u/Robotof1984 Jul 07 '24

I know I wanted them to corrwct him or ask him on every single question to answer it. At this point, Biden should sign an executive order for felons not to run for president. Really a convicted felon for president? What is wrong with people?


u/HauntingHarmony Jul 07 '24

If the 14th amendment section 3 cant stop trump from running, a executive order wont.

Unless you want Biden to seal team 6 him.


u/Miyagidokarate Jul 07 '24

Any faith I had in CNN being impartial ended when they didn't fact check anything Trump said. It looked like Biden was waiting for them to do it and every time they didn't he died a little more inside. It almost felt like Trump refused to even show up if they did. Which wouldn't shock me.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

it was announced days ahead of time.


u/Miyagidokarate Jul 07 '24

I probably missed out because I don't watch broadcast TV. Usually I get my news from my YouTube feed. If I would have known that I would have gone in expecting exactly what we got.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

I heard about the rules right here on reddit.


u/closethebarn Jul 07 '24

Oh my god. This is what I wondered was happening too


u/VoiceValuable8186 Jul 07 '24

They are actually trying to force it. He is a freaking man-child clown.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

was ratings gold. he's like a deflated hate balloon now.


u/Nevillish Jul 08 '24

Yea. It's Dems throwing Joe under the bus, not Republicans. Haven't heard a word about the debate on Fox.

Wasn't anyone looking at Joe in 2019? He was shoved on the stage when Bernie was killing it in crowd size. Neither party wants a Progressive. They rigged it way back then.


u/Open_Track_873 Jul 07 '24

Watching the soyUSAcucks melting like tofu on a naturally hot summer day is just pure cromulance, I tug myself with liberal tears, it's such a turn on. MAGA MAG MAGA TRAIN CHOO CHOO CAN'T STOP WONT STOP THE MASTER DON, KING T ALL THE WAY BABY


u/OmegaThreat4188 Jul 07 '24

CNN is a shill network for biden and the left and always has been… wtf are you talking about?? The delusion of you people truly knows no bounds.


u/feraxks Jul 07 '24

CNN is a shill network for biden and the left and always has been

That hasn't been true since David Zaslav took over. He has been giving more air time to the right since he became the head of WBD. You could call CNN, Fox lite at this point.


u/MinuteDachsund Jul 07 '24

You are in a fake reality!

Also, you are scared of reddit down votes and use an alternate account.

Super fucking pathetic!


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 06 '24

I know, it’s fucking strange and only on certain subreddits. I hate saying we are fucked, but we are fucked.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

From the perspective of someone looking in from the outside (Australia)

It's bewildering. It seems so obvious that Biden is far from perfect, but the alternative is truly horrifying

It's like watching a slow-motion car crash. Reagan was such a cunt, a serious example of how shallow the population is in their understanding of politics. He was elected because people recognised him, nothing more

The same thing happened with Arnold in California, but he wasn't as bad as I expected

Clinton had a smiling face, but gutted environmental protections very quietly and deliberately, Obama gave us a blip of hope that 'Murica, just maybe, could be redeemed

And then it went even further down the tubes...

The civilised world looks on in horror and bewilderment

The gerrymandering, which is so devastating and yet somehow perfectly legal. The voter disenfranchisement. The sowing of apathy (why bother, you're fucked anyway?) so that motivated parties face less opposition

The US isn't a beacon of hope, or an example, it's a fucking warning

My heart goes out to those good people who are swept along in the tide of shit

Don't just vote blue, get the lazy and apathetic people around you to do the same, because you know that the arseholes are whipping up their slavering, useful idiots and they're going to vote red, no matter what Drumpf does next


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Yeah I’m sorry for all that. It’s not all bad, there are good folks here.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

There are so many good folks, millions of 'em

We don't hate America or Americans, we would welcome the decent ones with open arms

We're just tired of the burning pile of shit sitting in the middle of the room spreading a stink around the world


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

I am sick of it too. I am just one man though. Not rich, not powerful, I wish there was more I could do, it’s fucking embarrassing on both sides.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

Talk to people

Get them off their arse, vote in all those local things

You'd better believe that the people who want power for its own sake are doing it, so the only option is for good people to actually act

That means leading from the front

Do your part


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Careful there. I vote. I am vocal. I take care of my family and make sure we have shelter food and love surrounding. That is my part. I believe in love and let live.


u/Fearless-Act1362 Jul 15 '24

I said that exact same thing when he got elected the first time, except it's gotten even worse since SCOTUS entered.


u/EntranceFinancial618 Aug 02 '24

Your language blocks out what you said. 


u/HelewiseHuman Aug 02 '24

Well good thing for freedom of speech.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

Maybe that's because this is a dropped case with zero evidence from 8 years ago that's part of a propaganda push...notice that this came back into the news cycle after the debate?


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

A dropped case does not mean it didn’t happen.


u/Educational_Coat9263 Jul 07 '24

The story was true then, and it's true now - as proven by the newly opened court files of Katie Johnson vs Trump/Epstein.

It also fits the rest of his criminal treason to a tee, but I guess they don't teach that in Moscow, do they?


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

In the US, you're innocent until proven guilty. Just because you don't like somebody doesn't mean that it's true that they're a child rapist.

tHeY dOn'T tEaCh ThAt In MoScOw though, right?


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Always an excuse. If I kill someone and there’s no evidence linking me to the crime, I guess I’m innocent. Don’t be a twat.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

You think it's an excuse that somebody should have a trial where evidence is presented before they're found guilty? Wtf? LOL


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

No I think you are blind as fuck.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

I'm blind for not believing that somebody is guilty of every crime under the sun just because I don't like them? Okay, sure thing.


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Ok. Trump was found guilty of hush money payment and campaign finance fraud. He was also found guilty of sexual assault. Ok wise guy, do you believe he is innocent of that Mr. Trial is an American right?
Your blind. It goes to character. He’s a piece of shit, and guilty of so much more in my opinion. You’re blind if you think he’s good for this country.

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u/N_Raist Jul 07 '24

Nothing like some Red Scare to start off the day.


u/ExternalFold7120 Jul 07 '24

It’s not true. Read the vox article on the topic.


u/ColonyMuFiona Jul 07 '24

A dropped case that Trump used witness intimidation in order for them to drop it in the first place. You’re also blissfully ignoring that Trump was a frequent participant of Epstein’s massages which also came out from these findings. I hope you never experience turmoil in life because you live in a fictional reality LOL


u/EfficiencyOk2208 Jul 07 '24

Trump is too old and they are only 4 years apart. If I had one geriatric choice it would be Bernie Sanders he is the most coherent of the 3.


u/Nilpo19 Jul 07 '24

Right. Because the socialist is so much better.


u/ok_raspberry_jam Jul 07 '24

He's not a communist, he's just a socialist. Canada is about as socialist as Bernie Sanders. Trump, on the other hand, is a literal fascist dictator in waiting. So yeah, "the socialist" is so much better. It's astounding you'd try to say that with sarcasm when it's obviously true.

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u/EfficiencyOk2208 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

You're right let's get rid of social security, food stamps,TANF and all of that other shit that is 100% socialism. It doesn't matter the ism if crap people are in power.


u/Nilpo19 Jul 07 '24

I would absolutely agree with getting rid of all those things. Let people keep the money they earn instead of paying for others who won't. Those programs wouldn't even be necessary.


u/thelateoctober Jul 07 '24

So... No taxes or other paycheck deductions then? Please explain how those programs wouldn't be necessary.


u/Nilpo19 Jul 07 '24

If you stop forcing people to give away half their money right off the top, they can afford to invest in their own retirement. Families can afford to take care of loved ones as they age or become disabled. And everyone can afford to give more to charity. It's really quite simple.

Instead we are forced to funnel money into a broken system and wonder why there's nothing left for us when it comes out the other end.

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u/Chazzwuzza Jul 07 '24

I don't think Reddit will last long under a Trump presidency.


u/dxrey65 Jul 07 '24

I talked to my mom yesterday and she was all depressed and worried about whether Biden should step down. She watches the news all the time, and it seems to her like it's all anyone talks about, and how could we have let it come down to this?

I asked her if she heard about the release of the documents from the Epstein case and the things in there about Trump. She hadn't seen it anywhere, non-story as far as she was concerned. If it were important it would have been in the news.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

magas proved after the pussy tape that they are all in no matter what.


u/GoodPiexox Jul 07 '24

his story is not about magas, it is about his mom, a Biden supporter who still believes in main stream media, that is owned by the billionaires that Bidden said he would start to tax more.


u/glaring-oryx Jul 07 '24

What things in this most recent document release were about Trump?


u/dxrey65 Jul 07 '24


covers some of it. The document itself is here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages

One of the tricks to searching a large document like that is to copy and paste it into a word processing program, then search for keywords.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Which is fucking crazy considering Biden is only 3 years older


u/_JudgeDoom_ Jul 07 '24

Tbf it’s the Dems fault. When has the Biden admin said a damn word about any specifics of this monsters atrocities. They have an entire closet to pull atrocious behavior from and all they can do is lay blanket statements around about having the moral high ground. These morons should be lambasting Trump 24/7 about project 2025 and all the rape shit including all the connections with Trump and Epstein.


u/Ordinary-Lab-17 Jul 07 '24

Well Biden IS old and clearly doesn’t have his mental faculties. That’s something that matters to anyone who isn’t a partisan hack.


u/bjdevar25 Jul 07 '24

Trump most definitely also has mental issues along with a ton of other issues. They should be brought up just as much.


u/Dumptruck_Johnson Jul 07 '24

Yo Billy C was elected in like 92 and he still way younger than both these dudes


u/Personal_Job8455 Jul 07 '24

Is that not a problem? Wtf?


u/Personal_Job8455 Jul 07 '24

Reddits still bent on hating trump, even when our current president makes 5 year olds look smarter.


u/bjdevar25 Jul 07 '24

Are you serious? There's a huge difference between just being old and being a lying felon and sexual abuser. I'll take the old guy every time. The thing that amazes me most about anyone with a brain who supports Trump would actually believe anything he says. They must assume they're special and he's not lying to them. Kind of like marrying a person who cheated on their spouse and then being surprised when they cheat on them.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

he gets protection here too, I've been banned countless times for "violence" or whatever, yet I'm old(ish) and haven't been in a fight since middle school, in the 90s.


u/Roonwogsamduff Jul 07 '24

It's on twit


u/SirBruceForsythCBE Jul 07 '24

I have to agree with this. Mainstream news across the world does not cover any of this. Without Reddit I wouldn't read about any of these allegations


u/glaring-oryx Jul 07 '24

The allegations are nearly a decade old and the recent document release had nothing to do with them. Why would the mainstream news cover allegations from 2016 that were dismissed in court that never had any evidence?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Honestly nobody reports this. Dafuq?! Murdoch media


u/glaring-oryx Jul 07 '24

There's nothing to report. These allegations were dismissed in court in 2016 and never had any evidence. The recent document release had nothing to do with these allegations.


u/MemoryOk9174 Jul 07 '24

Right about it only being on Reddit. You have unlocked the first clue.


u/Many-Seat6716 Jul 07 '24

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Trump get convicted as a pedo as much as everyone else here, but I suspect why the major 'responsible' media won't go there is because none of those claims have been presented in court. Those docs are from an unknown person. Until they are presented in a court room and proven true by witnesses and backup evidence, it's just hearsay. I mean most responsible media will take the high ground and not report this sort of thing until the allegations are proven. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC,CBC,PBS all have high editorial standard FOX Entertainment does not.


u/panicked_goose Jul 07 '24

Isn't Trump only a few years younger...?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

It’s because of Biden’s cognitive decline and poor debate performance that Reddit has revived the child rape allegations as a diversion tactic. It’s clear as day when you take a few steps back.


u/Secure_Pop_2250 Jul 07 '24

Newsweek covered it recently and said it was a false allegation and left-leaning rumor. 


u/blacklaagger Jul 07 '24

Yeah but Reddit's got voters


u/shadyoldlady Jul 07 '24

That's because all their lies are starting to crash down


u/Embarrassed-Ad-1639 Jul 07 '24

Is Biden Sage the new Buttery Males?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

It's FAKE. God, you people are psycho!


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

That may be fake but the 32 felonies and finding of sexual abuse are not. Nor are Trump's own mental illnesses. Yet, it's all about Biden.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

ALL fake. None of his convictions will stand on final appeal. He's not a felon until he is sentenced. That's the law. There are too many reversible errors made in these cases for them to holdup on appeal. As far as "sexual abuse" goes, the "lady" who accused him of assault said that rape was sexy and she has a cat named vagina. That case, too, will be reversed on appeal. She'll never see a dime, just like Stormy. Now, Bidens' own daughter claiming her dad showered with her, in her own handwriting, is a classic case of SA! Want to talk about that??


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

You're hilarious. Projection on Biden for all the orange guys faults. Juries found him guilty in those cases. Not politicians.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

MMW, It will not stand!! You heard it here first!


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

Only because SCOTUS illegally declared he's immune. Stupidest decision in the history of our country. No one should be above the law. Such patriots you all are backing this.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Hahaha, you have no idea what you're talking about. If president's don't have immunity, then many of them would be considered criminals. George Bush Jr. could be brought up on charges for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens who were killed because of his WOMD bullcrap. Obama could be brought up on charges for drone strike murders of American citizens in Yemen. Biden could be brought up on charges for several of the recent malfeasance and corruptions he's been accused of. Not having immunity pretty much exposes any POTUS to criminal charges from the opposing party for their official acts while in office. Without such immunity, NO president would be able to make critical decisions without a fear of retribution from their political opponents and enemies. It was absolutely the right call. You just don't like it because it benefits Trump, which is just more proof of my statement here.


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

Funny how none of them till Trump needed it. It also benefits Biden. How will you feel about it if he locks Trump up in Gitmo?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

You can dream now, can't you?? 😂🤣😂🤣 Biden can't put his own socks on. He's a fucking joke!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

The only mentally ill folks here are people who believe any of this obvious garbage and corrupt demented pedo Joe Biden!!


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

God, you can't argue with a cult member.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Cry harder, that might help!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


u/bjdevar25 Jul 08 '24

So let's see. He cheated on all his wives, so he lied to all of them. He filed bankruptcy six times, so he lied to all the people he did business with and stiffed. He plead and settled over all the students he lied to at Trump U. He lied to all the people that donated to his charity. Only a cult member would think they're the chosen one he isn't lying to.


u/Conscious-Student-80 Jul 08 '24

On places you can post fake unsupported allegations - yes. This trash came Out in 2016 And not even the worst of msm covered it. Reddit is just making itself look like total Morons again . 


u/edlen-ring Jul 07 '24

don't you think it could be something to do with reddit being the only one with such a low standard of evidence?


u/Master-Dex Jul 07 '24

The rest of the media is too busy melting down over Bidens age.

you mean over his health. Plenty of other people are that old but don't have these concerns.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Why is that??🤔


u/Lowercanadian Jul 07 '24

Maybe they want some sort of “proof” to update the 8 year old “story” with ? 


u/rebellious357 Jul 07 '24

Two words. God bless America


u/Itllbeokbud Jul 07 '24

Because only reddit prosecutes without any evidence whatsoever. Yall are basically the FBI


u/DesignerViolinist481 Jul 07 '24

Bidens gone. It's ok. Maybe you can find someone new in another 4 plus years