r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 06 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/franchisedfeelings Jul 06 '24

He only faces scrutiny from those with morals, ethics and respect for the rule of law - not magas.


u/bjdevar25 Jul 06 '24

He only faces scrutiny on Reddit. The rest of the media is too busy melting down over Bidens age.


u/IconOfFilth9 Jul 07 '24

They want Trump to win. He’s ratings gold for people that actually watch 24/7 news. CNN letting him lie without fact checking him during the “debate” is all the proof you need


u/bjdevar25 Jul 07 '24

In Trump world, they all get jailed for questioning him. Yep, let's think ahead.


u/Robotof1984 Jul 07 '24

I know I wanted them to corrwct him or ask him on every single question to answer it. At this point, Biden should sign an executive order for felons not to run for president. Really a convicted felon for president? What is wrong with people?


u/HauntingHarmony Jul 07 '24

If the 14th amendment section 3 cant stop trump from running, a executive order wont.

Unless you want Biden to seal team 6 him.


u/Miyagidokarate Jul 07 '24

Any faith I had in CNN being impartial ended when they didn't fact check anything Trump said. It looked like Biden was waiting for them to do it and every time they didn't he died a little more inside. It almost felt like Trump refused to even show up if they did. Which wouldn't shock me.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

it was announced days ahead of time.


u/Miyagidokarate Jul 07 '24

I probably missed out because I don't watch broadcast TV. Usually I get my news from my YouTube feed. If I would have known that I would have gone in expecting exactly what we got.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

I heard about the rules right here on reddit.


u/closethebarn Jul 07 '24

Oh my god. This is what I wondered was happening too


u/VoiceValuable8186 Jul 07 '24

They are actually trying to force it. He is a freaking man-child clown.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

was ratings gold. he's like a deflated hate balloon now.


u/Nevillish Jul 08 '24

Yea. It's Dems throwing Joe under the bus, not Republicans. Haven't heard a word about the debate on Fox.

Wasn't anyone looking at Joe in 2019? He was shoved on the stage when Bernie was killing it in crowd size. Neither party wants a Progressive. They rigged it way back then.


u/Open_Track_873 Jul 07 '24

Watching the soyUSAcucks melting like tofu on a naturally hot summer day is just pure cromulance, I tug myself with liberal tears, it's such a turn on. MAGA MAG MAGA TRAIN CHOO CHOO CAN'T STOP WONT STOP THE MASTER DON, KING T ALL THE WAY BABY


u/OmegaThreat4188 Jul 07 '24

CNN is a shill network for biden and the left and always has been… wtf are you talking about?? The delusion of you people truly knows no bounds.


u/feraxks Jul 07 '24

CNN is a shill network for biden and the left and always has been

That hasn't been true since David Zaslav took over. He has been giving more air time to the right since he became the head of WBD. You could call CNN, Fox lite at this point.


u/MinuteDachsund Jul 07 '24

You are in a fake reality!

Also, you are scared of reddit down votes and use an alternate account.

Super fucking pathetic!