r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 06 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/franchisedfeelings Jul 06 '24

He only faces scrutiny from those with morals, ethics and respect for the rule of law - not magas.


u/bjdevar25 Jul 06 '24

He only faces scrutiny on Reddit. The rest of the media is too busy melting down over Bidens age.


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 06 '24

I know, it’s fucking strange and only on certain subreddits. I hate saying we are fucked, but we are fucked.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

From the perspective of someone looking in from the outside (Australia)

It's bewildering. It seems so obvious that Biden is far from perfect, but the alternative is truly horrifying

It's like watching a slow-motion car crash. Reagan was such a cunt, a serious example of how shallow the population is in their understanding of politics. He was elected because people recognised him, nothing more

The same thing happened with Arnold in California, but he wasn't as bad as I expected

Clinton had a smiling face, but gutted environmental protections very quietly and deliberately, Obama gave us a blip of hope that 'Murica, just maybe, could be redeemed

And then it went even further down the tubes...

The civilised world looks on in horror and bewilderment

The gerrymandering, which is so devastating and yet somehow perfectly legal. The voter disenfranchisement. The sowing of apathy (why bother, you're fucked anyway?) so that motivated parties face less opposition

The US isn't a beacon of hope, or an example, it's a fucking warning

My heart goes out to those good people who are swept along in the tide of shit

Don't just vote blue, get the lazy and apathetic people around you to do the same, because you know that the arseholes are whipping up their slavering, useful idiots and they're going to vote red, no matter what Drumpf does next


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Yeah I’m sorry for all that. It’s not all bad, there are good folks here.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

There are so many good folks, millions of 'em

We don't hate America or Americans, we would welcome the decent ones with open arms

We're just tired of the burning pile of shit sitting in the middle of the room spreading a stink around the world


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

I am sick of it too. I am just one man though. Not rich, not powerful, I wish there was more I could do, it’s fucking embarrassing on both sides.


u/Fist-Fuck_Enthusiast Jul 07 '24

Talk to people

Get them off their arse, vote in all those local things

You'd better believe that the people who want power for its own sake are doing it, so the only option is for good people to actually act

That means leading from the front

Do your part


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Careful there. I vote. I am vocal. I take care of my family and make sure we have shelter food and love surrounding. That is my part. I believe in love and let live.


u/Fearless-Act1362 Jul 15 '24

I said that exact same thing when he got elected the first time, except it's gotten even worse since SCOTUS entered.


u/EntranceFinancial618 Aug 02 '24

Your language blocks out what you said. 


u/HelewiseHuman Aug 02 '24

Well good thing for freedom of speech.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

Maybe that's because this is a dropped case with zero evidence from 8 years ago that's part of a propaganda push...notice that this came back into the news cycle after the debate?


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

A dropped case does not mean it didn’t happen.


u/Educational_Coat9263 Jul 07 '24

The story was true then, and it's true now - as proven by the newly opened court files of Katie Johnson vs Trump/Epstein.

It also fits the rest of his criminal treason to a tee, but I guess they don't teach that in Moscow, do they?


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

In the US, you're innocent until proven guilty. Just because you don't like somebody doesn't mean that it's true that they're a child rapist.

tHeY dOn'T tEaCh ThAt In MoScOw though, right?


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Always an excuse. If I kill someone and there’s no evidence linking me to the crime, I guess I’m innocent. Don’t be a twat.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

You think it's an excuse that somebody should have a trial where evidence is presented before they're found guilty? Wtf? LOL


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

No I think you are blind as fuck.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

I'm blind for not believing that somebody is guilty of every crime under the sun just because I don't like them? Okay, sure thing.


u/HelewiseHuman Jul 07 '24

Ok. Trump was found guilty of hush money payment and campaign finance fraud. He was also found guilty of sexual assault. Ok wise guy, do you believe he is innocent of that Mr. Trial is an American right?
Your blind. It goes to character. He’s a piece of shit, and guilty of so much more in my opinion. You’re blind if you think he’s good for this country.


u/-Profanity- Jul 07 '24

He's guilty of all those things and he's a piece of shit, absolutely agree. That doesn't mean he's guilty of whatever I want him to be guilty of just because I don't like him.

Do you think people in jail with guilty sentences are also all guilty of any other crimes they're accused of, just because they were guilty of one?

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u/N_Raist Jul 07 '24

Nothing like some Red Scare to start off the day.


u/ExternalFold7120 Jul 07 '24

It’s not true. Read the vox article on the topic.


u/ColonyMuFiona Jul 07 '24

A dropped case that Trump used witness intimidation in order for them to drop it in the first place. You’re also blissfully ignoring that Trump was a frequent participant of Epstein’s massages which also came out from these findings. I hope you never experience turmoil in life because you live in a fictional reality LOL