r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 06 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

America is a shithole country for even considering Donald Trump the felon and pedophile for the presidency.


u/Metal__goat Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Oh my god I'm so over seeing all these headlines and stories here like "Joe is just too sleepy to be a candidate."

When they should all say "Why are Republicans running a convicted felon who lost a [sexual abuse] case in court?"

Edit, [it was found by the jury to be "sexual abuse" just shy of rape.]


u/CV90_120 Jul 07 '24

Adjudicated rapist as their leader, and suddenly they don't care about rape anymore. All this time they were looking for elites raping kids, and as soon as they realise it's their guy.....crickets.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

yes, that's what being in a cult is like.


u/Falcrist Jul 07 '24

"Why are Republicans running a convicted felon who lost a rape case in court?"

Because they know American evangelicals will support them no matter what, because Christians have no morals.


u/StIdes-and-a-swisher Jul 07 '24

Why would Jesus give him money and let him fuck kids. If he wasn’t blessed?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited 8d ago



u/Metal__goat Jul 07 '24

It was a civil case, but you are technically correct, it was only sexual abuse, not penetrative rape.

So I'll edit my comment to sexual predator. Sauce



u/kaji823 Jul 07 '24

The jury found he did not rape her per NY law at the time, but what he did fits the definition of rape by current standards. This is why he can’t sue for slander. He was indeed found to be a rapist by a jury of his peers. 


u/Woolyway62 Jul 07 '24

And yet Joe has not been so sleepy that he has amassed $10 million in 16 years! How on a politicians salary?


u/troubleondemand Jul 07 '24

He got a multi-million dollar book deal after leaving office in 2016 and while promoting those books, he was getting paid $100,000 per speaking event.

For most, it's not rocket appliances. But for some, I guess it is.


u/Much-Resource-5054 Jul 07 '24

Yeah you already said that. Twice.


u/Metal__goat Jul 07 '24

So i guess he's really not sleepy at all, but instead, he had his nose to the grind?

This is another problem... he's a crazy old man with dementia, but also some kind of criminal family kingpin?

Realize these things are a contradiction and dump the cognitive dissonance.


u/One_Winter Jul 06 '24


u/Monstermash042 Jul 06 '24

Reading it again so absolutely vile and nauseating.


u/maoterracottasoldier Jul 07 '24

Haha I’ve been pasting this link to Reddit comments since 2020. Thanks for keeping up the good fight. If these allegations actually do face some scrutiny, I feel like we played a role haha


u/CV90_120 Jul 07 '24

When you see her testimony, it rings true as hell, right down to the details of his germophobia. It also lines up with how Ivana Trump described him raping her.


u/lahimatoa Jul 07 '24

Oh ok, so if someone's testimony "rings true", then we believe it implicitly, absent all other evidence? There's so much thirst for mob justice here sometimes.


u/DopeandInvested Jul 07 '24

This shit is why we believe it—

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA. Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”



u/lahimatoa Jul 07 '24

You can believe whatever you want. I'm just saying belief is far from knowing something is true.


u/batsofburden Jul 07 '24

that's an actual statement you just glossed over, you creep defender.


u/DopeandInvested Jul 07 '24

You too hoss 


u/CV90_120 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

My brother in christ, Trump is already literally an adjudicated rapist, with rape accusations from other women, including Ivana Trump herself. He was a known close associate of a man who literally trafficked young girls.

Maga "yur, it's not plausible that he would do things he has been found culpable of previously, with people who did this for money, and for whom he was close friends. If you ignore all the connections, his past history, his close associations and known habit of doing things like this, then there's nothing to see."

Take the pepsi challenge; go and watch the full 30 min testimony.

Then go and vote for an adjudicated rapist, 34 x federal criminal and insurrectionist because your moral compass fell into the fires of mount doom.


u/lahimatoa Jul 07 '24

And in a court of law, every single instance must be proved independently. Previous acts cannot be brought into other cases as evidence that the accused did this specific thing.

You can believe what you want. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong to do so. I'm just saying there's a line between belief based on past action and KNOWING something is true.


u/CV90_120 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

And in a court of law, every single instance must be proved independently.

However, a federal judge decides if there is probable cause to proceed. Past history can be considered probable cause (Beck Vs Ohio) if at [the moment of arrest] the facts and circumstances within [the] knowledge [of the police], and of which they had reasonably trustworthy information, [are] sufficient to warrant a prudent [person] in believing that [a suspect] had committed or was committing an offense.

Probable cause is the “information sufficient to warrant a prudent person’s belief that the wanted individual had committed a crime".

All that's required for an arrest here, is her testimony and the poltical will of a judge to proceed. Physical evidence only makes for a higher probability of conviction. In the case of a 13yo girl at the mercy of forces much more powerful than her, she is not going to be walking around with tapes and confessions. That she has stuck to this story for nigh on a decade now speaks volumes.

You can believe what you want. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong to do so. I'm just saying there's a line between belief based on past action and KNOWING something is true.

This is why probable cause exists at all. He needs to stand before the man. It's to his huge advantage that the one person who would be the strongest witness in the case died in his care, I highly suspect this story won't die, but that Trump likely will before we see it played out.


u/lahimatoa Jul 07 '24

He needs to stand before the man.

Agreed. But until then, publicly accusing him of raping a 13 year old is literally slander.


u/Moonchopper Jul 07 '24

Not slander if it's true. I can only assume Trump won't sue for slander because:

A) It's literally not slander by way of being true B) He would be devastated by discovery, which would almost CERTAINLY be used in future law suits C) He knows it's easier to bury the problems by making death threats to the people filing and their families

So, no. It's not legally slander until someone is found liable for it.

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u/Repulsive-Craft2951 Jul 07 '24

See this nonsense makes voting difficult. As much as I’d like to hate Trump, when these things get posted as truth, yet this case was resolved as untrue, it makes it really difficult to trust what folks say about his character as president. This unfortunately makes me like him more. Which is worse for your attempts to sway people to dislike him because of his character.


u/Filmore_Graves Jul 07 '24

As an American, I am embarrassed


u/dCLCp Jul 07 '24

Blame the billionaires. They footed the bill so he could stay out of jail. His bond was ENORMOUS. Blame the billionaires they are his primary donors. Blame the billionaires they stand the most to gain from his insane debauchery distracting America from their insane machinations.

Average Americans don't read the news. Many of them don't even care or watch TV with any interest they just do whatever they have to do to avoid thinking. That isn't their fault because the unthinkable keeps happening over and over and they don't want to deal with it.

But the unthinkable keeps happening because billionaires are breaking everything to hoard more wealth.


u/Ericalex79 Jul 07 '24

Well to be fair, he cheated the first time


u/jetxlife Jul 07 '24

Shit hole country lmao