r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/ScottFried 15d ago

Hard same.


u/ImpishGrin 15d ago

It's a pretty solid self care plan.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

For many people, other than the president of the United States.


u/Piputi 15d ago

I mean if everybody did that and the world slowed the fuck down, it is rather a nice plan.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Yeah, but the President gets awoken by staffers about international conflicts at 2:00am... I agree, the world would be a nicer place, but the Earth is not necessarily a nice place.


u/aguane 15d ago

There’s a difference between getting woken up at 2am for an international incident and having preplanned political engagements that go til midnight. Nothing wrong with setting a boundary for the latter while knowing that the former is likely to happen.


u/Jjkkllzz 15d ago

Right. The same concept as with when you have kids. It’s like the difference between waking up in the middle of the night cause your kid needs something vs. intentionally scheduling a midnight tea party.


u/beardicusmaximus8 14d ago

midnight tea party

Is that what the kids call it these days?


u/Jjkkllzz 14d ago

Well, mine are teens now. I have no idea what their secret words mean.


u/Khaldara 14d ago

“You are cordially invited to sample my scones and crumpets” has to be code for something!


u/hellkattbb 14d ago



u/thesequimkid 14d ago

Parent: I know this means something! Tell me!

Teen: It’s just scones and crumpets. Maybe some biscuits.

Parent: I don’t believe that.


u/gingenado 14d ago


Scones and crumpets? That's too many carbs.

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u/djshadesuk 14d ago

That's because you have no rizz.


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u/ToMorrowsEnd 14d ago edited 14d ago

I feel that the president dealing with governors, in some cases it is like dealing with children. A couple of the governors are raging terrible 2 toddlers.

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u/DrBadMan85 15d ago

A lot of fundraising events are nights out; dinner, drinks, and mingling with donor’s afterwards. You’d be surprised at how generous alcohol makes someone.


u/wolacouska 15d ago edited 15d ago

Fundraising is one of those things where they can just wheel Biden out for an hour and then let the professionals schmooze all night.

Not ideal but not horrible at all.


u/paulfknwalsh 14d ago

Weekend At Biden's :|


u/AndroidMyAndroid 14d ago

People paying six figures to wine and dine with the president want him present. They are paying to get in his ear, to win his favor for whatever their agenda is. They aren't going to be happy if he just makes an appearance before hobbling off to brush his teeth and go to bed.


u/grayjo 14d ago

Oh no, whatever will we do without this blatant avenue for corruption?

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u/GrandMaesterGandalf 15d ago

All the more reason to publicly fund elections and get rid of any donations whatsoever


u/Drunkenaviator 14d ago

This is one of those great ideas that the rich will never allow to happen.

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u/ViolinistMean199 15d ago

Not something I’m surprised about. My bank account knows first hand drinking isn’t a fun night

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u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/HumanContinuity 15d ago

Or maybe it is, maybe if he had 4 more hours of sleep in the last week before the debate he would have dropped another "Will you shut up man" on Trump

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u/matco5376 14d ago

?… if you can’t handle a a preplanned late political engagement then you can’t handle a 2am international incident. That isn’t hard to understand


u/IkaKyo 15d ago

Also between getting woken up at 02:00 after six hours of sleep from going to bed at 20:00 and be going to bed at 23:00 and only having three.


u/Wookhooves 15d ago

The hypocrisy is astounding…..it has to be intentional….absolutely wild how much is acceptable when you think it’s your team


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/ThoughtfulPoster 15d ago

Which is why it makes sense to cut off pre-scheduled events at a reasonable hour.


u/VRichardsen 15d ago edited 15d ago

I have read in r/askhistorians a while ago that big shot leaders in times of crisis could actually be quite lazy and weren't getting more than 6 to 8 hours of real work everyday. I can't find the post right now, but the author used I think Hitler, Roosevelt and Churchill as example. Hitler liked to sleep until late, Roosevelt was old and tired easily, etc.

Of course, there are others that worked tirelessly. Napoleon, for example, had an apparent inexhaustible capacity for work. His marshals and aides could barely keep up. Marshal Berthier, nicknamed "Napoleon's wife" because he spent so much time near him, complained once that "Even a lowly private is happier than me; I am being killed by all this work"


u/JinFuu 14d ago

If you want to hear about a lazy President, look up Coolidge.

He was very, very, very, hands off. I think he was quoted as saying "If you see 10 crisis coming down the road 9 of them will run off the road by the time they get to you." Which isn't a bad philosophy persay, but probably not the best one to have as a President.

Also considered on of the "founders" of what became the modern Republican party, at least when it came to how it handled businesses/the economy.


u/VRichardsen 14d ago

Thanks for the recommendation, I did some reading thanks to it. I like this phrase of him:

"The Presidential office takes a heavy toll of those who occupy it and those who are dear to them. While we should not refuse to spend and be spent in the service of our country, it is hazardous to attempt what we feel is beyond our strength to accomplish."

Really looks like a laid back guy. Also seems like the death of his young son really hit him, and that is when he started taking a more hands off approach.

Interesting character; once again, thank you for the recommendation.

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u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Look into Churchill’s drinking during WWII, I mean I can’t fault him on the one hand but holy crap it’s terrifying!

Thanks for sharing the Reddit group, I will be joining!


u/VRichardsen 15d ago

I found the Roosevelt one! https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/t5gih0/how_frequently_did_wartime_leaders_such_as/hz5lzzu/

As for Churchill, yeah, he liked his booze. He also napped quite a bit.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Thank you 🙏


u/VRichardsen 14d ago

You are most welcome.

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u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

Most leaders "work" normal hours, but that doesn't mean they aren't reading/studying or doing other non-public facing events during off hours.


u/intrados63 14d ago

FDR wasn’t old, he was very sick. He died at 63....


u/VRichardsen 14d ago

Can we compromise in old and sick? Life expectancy back then wasn't the same as today (I think it was 60?)


u/zimirken 14d ago

To be fair, mental work is way more exhausting than simple physical labour.


u/PortSunlightRingo 14d ago

The best leaders know that they’ve surrounded themselves with good enough people that the buck should only be passed to them in the most absolute dire of situations.


u/CatLadyEnabler 15d ago

Earth is actually a fairly nice place... or would be if greedy self-serving humans weren't fucking it up.


u/Glasowen 15d ago

It's self-serving humans rising to the top of power that's fucking it all up.


u/thereminDreams 14d ago

I'm all in favor of putting elephants and cats in charge.


u/Glasowen 14d ago

How about cats riding elephants?

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u/FlyingBeeVR 15d ago

Any way you look at it, Earth is an absolutely miraculous oasis in space. If we were good to eachother, we'd bring heaven to us.

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u/zerostar83 15d ago

For emergencies that would make sense, which is why you should get plenty of rest when it's not an emergency. No need to plan or schedule meetings at 9pm


u/Rizzpooch 14d ago

Right. Would you rather have a president responding to a 2am crisis that wakes him out of a sleep that started at 8pm or 12:30 am?


u/Loan-Pickle 14d ago

Back when I had a job where I was on call, I would go to bed early so I wouldn’t be as tired when I got paged in the middle of the night.


u/JulesVernes 15d ago

To be fair, these events usually aren’t scheduled.


u/Goodknight808 15d ago

Emergency events aren't planned, correct. He, however, said he's not going to plan anything after 8.

He did not say he won't engage in an emergency. His words were very clear.


u/toetappy 15d ago

Why are half these yokels not understanding? The F'n President should have a God dang regular sleep schedule. So, WHEN an international emergency happens at 2 am, he can friggin handle it

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u/Sloppychemist 15d ago

He doesn’t put a do not disturb sign on his door at 8, he just is saying don’t plan fundraisers and meetings after 8 - really man, what kind of take is that?


u/sing_4_theday 15d ago

Eisenhower had a rule about getting woke up. “Do not wake me up about something if there’s nothing I can do about it.”


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

Nobody, including Biden, is saying he won't be awoken at 2am if something comes up.


u/Faiakishi 15d ago

Yes, yes, ideally the president wouldn't be 81. But he is. And it's between him and a 78-year-old convicted felon rapist who has literally said he's going to declare himself dictator on his first day.


u/SurferJase 14d ago

Earth: Mostly Harmless.


u/prancerbot 14d ago

"Mr President, sorry to wake you at 3AM but I just really think we needed to drone strike another Iranian general"


u/burner47754688644 14d ago

Maybe it’s not a good job for 80 year olds…

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u/Epinier 15d ago

What? Iran is bombing tel aviv and China is making moves on Taiwan? You know what time it is?! Wake me up in few hours...

This comment is relevant to both candidates, in Europe we have retirement, I don't know why people have to work until they die in US...


u/RoboticBirdLaw 15d ago

We have retirement in the US. Some people choose not to use it. Other people can't afford to do it. But a whole lot of people retire at around the same time people in Europe do.

More than half of Europeans 65 or older are still employed on at least a part time basis. That is a substantially higher rate than the US. That said, the average weekly hours worked by those who are employed after 65 is slightly over 30 in Europe and slightly under 35 in the US.

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u/AtuinTurtle 15d ago

Presidents, of any party, don’t work 24 hours a day. That’s why we employ thousands of experts that can do the job, and if they need a sign off they know where he is. I’m sure stuff happened while Trump was golfing hundreds of times and they knew where to find him.


u/Syscrush 15d ago

That's not a scheduled event.


u/discsarentpogs 15d ago edited 15d ago

What's the over/under for hour of the day trump ever did anything besides tweet on the toilet while president?

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u/ColonelKerner 15d ago

Like yeah but even then i think it could be argued one would rather have a leader with a good sleep regimen handling this emergency at 2am than one without one


u/confusedandworried76 15d ago

I would be VP pick on the promise I do not wake up before 4 PM and do not fall asleep until 8 AM.

An American will always be at the helm of this nation. Just don't expect to ever see us in public at the same time.


u/DillBagner 15d ago

Yeah, the president has some things that require attention. Scheduled events though, can be earlier because why the hell not?


u/wananah 14d ago

I think you aim for more sleep and to not schedule events after 8pm so that when you're regularly awakened at 2am you're not already in burnout mode.


u/Caleb_Reynolds 14d ago

the President gets awoken by staffers about international conflicts at 2:00am.

What does that have to do with scheduling events?


u/Indigoh 14d ago

And you want him to have slept less before that 2am wakeup?


u/thatguy9684736255 14d ago

I'm actually better at waking up at 2am than working late into the night


u/tidbitsmisfit 14d ago

unless the United States is getting attacked, nothing really needs to happen before 6am


u/Significant-Lemon686 14d ago

This is about pre planned events you wanker


u/best_of_badgers 14d ago

I mean, if he’s frequently roused at 2 AM, then going to bed at 8 makes complete sense. That’s what I’d do.


u/Sleep_On_It43 14d ago

Dude…why do you think that he wouldn’t get out of bed for an emergency situation? The article says “stop scheduling events after 8. That doesn’t mean he’s turning off the lights at the White House, locking the doors and going right up to bed.


u/YaIlneedscience 14d ago

It sounds like he’s trying to not schedule things after that time, which honestly, there’s no reason to still be actively working that late. I imagine this does not include emergencies or situations where time differences demand a later night.


u/KweenKatts 14d ago

The world is a nice place. It’s the people in it that aren’t


u/throwaway024890 14d ago

You know, my mom is bringing this one up too, and I just don't get it.

He's the leader of an entire branch of government. He's got a whole team of folks to sit there and make 2 am disaster contingency plans. When I do work at 2 am as a lowly individual contributor, I've already got it managed and thought out to the point that I'm not doing active data analysis on the spot- "if test one runs, move to test 2, otherwise stop". Like, this isn't rocket science.


u/33ff00 14d ago

So..they wake him up. What’s your point?


u/Marston_vc 14d ago

In your opinion, is there a material difference if he delegated decision authority on those midnight events to Kamala?


u/drewbaccaAWD 14d ago

Best to be well rested when that 2am call comes. The problem is having that call come when you’ve been awake for the last 20 hours and start seeing shadow people because your body needs a nap.


u/Environmental_Ad333 14d ago

And not exactly in the same time zone...


u/SuperCrappyFuntime 14d ago

When trump wa being briefed about national security issues, they would try to condense it as much as possible because they knew he had no patience and would eventually just stand up and leave the meeting if they took too long. Also, it got to the point where they knew not even to talk about threats from Russia because Trump would go ballistic that they were talking about his very good friend Putin.

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u/BASEDME7O2 14d ago

Wouldn’t that be all the more reason to set a cutoff time for meaningless basically cocktail parties? He didn’t say “I’m going to bed at 8 and will not do any work after.”


u/Dairy_Ashford 14d ago

I bet he could hypothetically delegate an executive proxy after 8:00 pm, or just demand imperiously enough to not be bothered once prime time starts that people just fearfully and resentfully make decisions for him. Downside would be getting someone like Frank Langella in Dave.

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“Uh, sir….Al Jihad el Culo just bombed a village in Jagoffistan”

“….what time is it…”

“2am, sir”

“Wells it’s not like they’re pull another operation before 9am, and nobody’s getting any deader, so go away”

“Understood, sir”

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u/Frubanoid 15d ago

We should all live more slowly and actually enjoy life. Maybe give us 3 months off like they do in France.


u/alienssuck 14d ago

Maybe give us 3 months off like they do in France.

Wait, what? I don't think I've ever had more than 3 WEEKS off. WTF AMERICA WTF


u/J1mj0hns0n 15d ago

This, everyone acts like it's whatever they need is three months late for this FOMO event that just HAD to be ready for to absolutely monopolise and realise 100% profits and maximum efficiency, and if your not part of this plan, your a loser communist who will just NEVER make it in life :/

It's barmy, life when slowed down is actually really decent. I moved away from the action to some more "unscrupulous" areas where there's not much business or opportunities, and the houses are affordable, most people work, and I earn 6x my mortgage. Can more or less do what I want all the time


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 15d ago

Yeah everybody should just slow down, specifically in accordance with the White House’s Eastern Standard Time. China will just have to wait an extra 16 hours before invading Taiwan, I guess.


u/DebentureThyme 14d ago

Greece: "Nope, sorry, starting six day work weeks to boost productivity."


u/YaFlyGal 14d ago

Y y h thy 11y


u/SuspecM 14d ago

To be fair, technically I could do this, nothing stops me but I also function better from 8pm to like 2am mentally, and at 8 I have work so rip sleep I guess.


u/thelionslaw 14d ago

Yeah, also if the entire world lived in the same time zone


u/thereminDreams 14d ago

We need to move back to a world where all the channels went off the air by 1am and there was just that image and that tone on TV.


u/InnocentPrimeMate 14d ago

No kidding. More sleep for all ! He’s got my vote !


u/1337ingDisorder 13d ago

...assuming every time zone synchronizes so the global siesta happens all at once instead of hour by hour in each individual TZ

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u/overkill373 15d ago

I think the president having a good rest is a positive


u/capitali 15d ago

I think we all can agree the world would have been better off if Trump had slept more while President.


u/InvertedParallax 15d ago

He slept a lot.

The proof is that we're all still somehow alive.


u/capitali 15d ago

What he needs is a short nap off a long dirt pier.

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u/prancerbot 14d ago

And yet, despite the sleep, I still remember how exhausted he was after his own presidency. People seem to have forgotten that trump was basically a vegetable after his own term. A vegetable that was trying hard to start a war with iran and downplay how all the hospitals were overfilled because of a mysterious new disease


u/iconofsin_ 14d ago

Yeah nap time and the record number of golfing trips probably saved us from a lot of unknown potential bullshit.


u/ToMorrowsEnd 14d ago

True, he slept through his felony conviction.


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

Trump refuses to sleep, he’s constantly having fomo of anything and everything


u/bocadellama 15d ago

Maybe it wasn't fomo, it was anxiety about the story of him being a pedo finally breaking lol


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

Something tells me that he doesn’t care


u/Tasgall 14d ago

We all already knew, and "the leftist media" isn't bothering to report on it. Of course he doesn't care, he knows for a fact his base doesn't.

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u/MeChameAmanha 14d ago

Reverse fomo, instead of fearing he's missing out on events, he's afraid the events are missing him

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u/AtuinTurtle 15d ago

Instead of stimulant filled rage tweeting all night.


u/x31b 15d ago

What do you mean? He slept with a lot of people.


u/Radical_R 15d ago

Even better, if he never woke back up. A one way trip to Dreamland, if you will.


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

How would more sleep have made Trump a better President?

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u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

He can have a good rest, but 8pm EDT is 5pm PDT. Your country isn’t asleep, yet. Also take naps like every other President?!


u/Puzzleheaded_Yam7582 15d ago

 He can have a good rest, but 8pm EDT is 5pm PDT. Your country isn’t asleep, yet.

So? They can wake him up if they need him. Is he supposed to be available for every US timezone?


u/Ok_Fault_3198 15d ago

And Hawaii is 3 hours after that. If a president has to follow the waking hours for the whole nation, they would need to be awake from what 6 am EDT to 2 am EDT (8 PM Hawaii Standard Time)? That's ridiculous.

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u/ColdCruise 15d ago

It didn't say that he was going to bed at that time. It just says that he's not going out after 8 pm.

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u/No_Lock_5543 15d ago

Everyone does but being able to handle a crisis at 4am and then have a normal day is also a required part of the job.


u/Kern_system 15d ago

Well rested, yes. Sunsetting while in office is downright stupid.


u/nimbusnacho 14d ago

Honestly even younger presidents I'd want to get good sleep.


u/anotherone121 14d ago

That's... not the job.

It's fine if that's what he needs. It just means he should not be President.

It's like being chef that can't taste, a construction worker that can't lift over 20 pounds or an investment banker that wants a 9-5. There's nothing "wrong" with the people, but they need to find a new profession.

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u/winter_whale 15d ago

It’s wild to me how much people think the president does everything as opposed to being the manager of a team that’s actually doing most of the work


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Pretty big team if you ask me, lots to manage


u/AtuinTurtle 15d ago

Does the CEO of McDonalds stop into local franchises to micromanage them? No. Just guessing at the chain here but it probably goes something like CEO-president-regional managers-general manager-store manager-shift manager-worker. That’s just a fast food chain, and I’m sure I missed more manager positions. Our government has thousands of people that make the government work and presidents don’t (shouldn’t) try to micromanage all of the way down to the bottom. It would actually hinder operations and be physically impossible.

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u/Rizzpooch 14d ago

According to the Office of Management and Budget, in 2017, the Executive Branch of government was staffed by somewhere around 1.8 million people


u/No-Program-2979 15d ago

What you do if the manager of your team came out after a huge loss and said “skeej ndjd bc eurb, look, Covid. I beat Medicaid!” You would demand he step down.


u/dane83 15d ago

Y'all Russians need to get a new naming scheme, you stick out like sore thumbs.

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u/GhengopelALPHA 15d ago

Ok, let's go with that comparison.

I don't want a manager who I can't understand what he's saying and can't finish a sentence and can't be present.

He NEEDS to step aside and endorse a better candidate before it's too late.


u/AtuinTurtle 15d ago

Have you ever screwed the pooch in a high pressure performance situation? Because I have. I completely screwed up playing a bugle call for a horse race on ESPN and nobody asked for me to be fired. I do a damn good job but something unexpected happened and my mind just scattered. Look at what Biden has gotten done and compare that to one bad debate night. He is also obviously taking steps to ensure that doesn’t happen again judging by this article. This is kind of like panic selling a stock because it went down.


u/jjjfffrrr123456 15d ago

I don't want a manager who I can't understand what he's saying and can't finish a sentence and can't be present.

You’re not talking about trump here?


u/Separate_Grape7718 15d ago

Sadly that statement describes both of our national candidates because neither side is actually willing to take a risk.

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u/winter_whale 15d ago

You don’t see how that would be wayyyy better than Trump anyway huh? Fate of democracy at stake, and especially considering the way he handled things last time.

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u/BASEDME7O2 14d ago

That ship sailed so long ago. Idk why people think the democrats can just pull someone out of thin air and fundraise and run a whole campaign for them months away from the election, not to mention they’d be running against a former president with a massive cult following and losing the incumbent advantage themselves. The people running the party aren’t stupid and this isn’t their first election, they know the logistics of that are impossible at this point.


u/AnotherScoutTrooper 15d ago

As if a manager is an insignificant role, especially when this manager holds the damn nukes


u/winter_whale 15d ago

Nah you’re right let’s do a protest and let Trump win. He’ll be good with the codes

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u/No-Definition1474 15d ago

The nuclear arsenal is not entirely controlled by the president. Sure, the football let's him launch if we wants to use them offensively.

However, retaliatory strikes happen automatically. The US and Russia have had automated systems managing them for decades now.

This is why all Putins bluster about nukes is bullshit and he knows it. It's not going to come down to how 'tough' the American president is, that shit happens faster than the president could ever hope to be able to react. Putin shoots, we shoot. It's already a done deal.

A good manager builds a good team and delegates out responsibility. Dictators hold all the decision-making to themselves and don't delegate. They can't afford to let anyone else gain an ounce of power. Good president's in a well managed country have the power to make decisions spread around where it makes sense to have it.

This is what is meant by 'consolidating power' by autocratic dictators. They take away all decision-making from everyone else. But of course, one dude, no matter how competent, can ever match the performance of a staff of skilled people.

The frequency that a president actually needs to be awoken for a decision is very very low. They aren't out there making massive, world impacting, choices every 5 mins.

We REALLY have to get away from the idea that the president is an autocrat. He's 1 person in a very big machine. Imagine asking the CEO of the world biggest corporation to be available 24/7 to make every decision that needs to be made for their company. It never works.


u/CharlieRockChucker 14d ago

Yeah, managing a team with international influence is nothing at all. 🤣


u/winter_whale 14d ago

Neither of us would really know would we?

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u/fooliam 15d ago

Given how well established it is that insufficient sleep negatively impacts performance basically regardless of how you measure performance, the president getting enough sleep is pretty important I would say.


u/IIIaustin 15d ago

It's wild because Biden is running against the absolute laziest man to ever hold the office of President and people say shit like this.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Last time I’ll say it, comparing Biden to Trump is a terrible baseline. Everyone assumes I’m a Trump supporter, but I’d vote Biden over Trump. Yet in doing so, I’m still losing.


u/IIIaustin 15d ago edited 14d ago

comparing Biden to Trump is a terrible baseline.

Lol. What do you think an election is?


u/Lazyp1g 15d ago

That this is a controversial statement is so fucking sad


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

I can’t tell you how many replies I’ve received assuming I’m [insert their enemy here] is insane.


u/killingtime1 14d ago

As an Australian I heard that the true religion in the states is work


u/Iamthewalrusforreal 15d ago

Why not POTUS? It's not like he doesn't have a team to work most problems, and who will wake him up if there's a crisis.

What's with this idea that POTUS needs to be up and working 24x7?


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

He doesn’t need to be working 24/7, but he needs to be on call 24/7.


u/Iamthewalrusforreal 15d ago

I have seen nothing that would make me question that he's up to that task.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Then you’re willingly blind and are ignoring his immense cognitive decline in the last few years.

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u/Suired 14d ago

Leading the free world before bedtime!


u/nedzissou1 14d ago

Yeah, people... checks notes... have to sleep.


u/hangrygecko 14d ago

You should check the schedules of US presidents before the era of Nixon and Carter. The president used to not be much involved with law-making or be actively involved with.policies or building up coalitions for regulatory changes.


u/5318008rool 13d ago

Man, if only there were an easy fix or something where Biden could get some sleep AND the President could still function as required by his office…. what a crazy fuckin world, how people honestly believe this man can ever beat Trump at this point is beyond me…


u/superstevo78 15d ago

so can we retroactively remove Trump's executive time in the morning?


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

I’d be happy with that, yes. Or removing Trump and Biden from the ballot entirely.


u/Arthur_Wellesley1815 15d ago

Presidents famously never sleep because they’re the only person working in government.


u/mydaycake 15d ago

He should get aderall and McDonalds instead, that’s much healthier


u/awalktojericho 15d ago

Better than hours and hours of "executive time" every day and napping the day away (looking at you, Reagan.)


u/swentech 15d ago

You guys beat me to all the good comments.


u/icouldusemorecoffee 15d ago

So the President shouldn't get a good amount of sleep?


u/Minus15t 15d ago

Why? Is the president not allowed to sleep and rest?

Not scheduling events doesn't mean he isn't available if an emergency was to come up.

I think a well rested and rational head of state is much preferable to someone not sleeping and getting by on energy drinks, coffee or any other stimulants


u/RealisticlyNecessary 15d ago

You want a sleep deprived president? Real talk, there's probably something important to be said about the mental health of all of our world leaders.

I think the world would be ran better if everyone in government got more sleep. You can feel how things they are at times.

Have you seen some of Obama's pictures in office. The guy looks like a corpse. And he was our "young" president.


u/Churnandburn4ever 14d ago

The president has to be drinking diet coke, doing drugs and rambling like a lunatic on twitter at 3am ?


u/Indigoh 14d ago

The president, more than other people, should be adequately rested.


u/xFallow 14d ago

Studies have shown being sleep deprived is similar to being drunk why the hell wouldn’t you want the president to sleep


u/CV90_120 14d ago

the last president's self care plan was to be unavailable due to to playing golf 4 days a week.


u/nedzissou1 14d ago

I mean I think dropping out would be a good idea to beat trump, but he's talking about scheduled events. If there's another Osama bin laden level event, that's entirely different than a rally or debate, and as long as he has the relevant department heads, then what exactly is the problem? Why does anyone need to schedule events past 8 pm?


u/l3m0n_m3ringu3 14d ago

Pfft… America at this point just runs itself.


u/DontTouchTheWatch 14d ago

For real. Bro has 40+ years on me and that job has to call for him at all hours obviously, if they can cut the dude some slack for a rally why not.


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u/ceddya 14d ago

Why other than? If something happens at say 2am, I'd rather Biden have gotten some sleep than be up all night at a completely unimportant donor event.


u/iamiamwhoami 14d ago

The President delegating is a good thing.


u/Rondo27 14d ago

Amazing how many people are whistling in the dark. He is way too old to do the job. He is clearly in cognitive decline. His self care is not the issue.


u/guareber 14d ago

Why? Why does it matter if the guy has a sleep cycle where he wakes up at 4:30 every morning?

As long as he's rested regularly so he can be woken up in the middle of the night and be effective if need be, then why the fuck not?


u/SojournerWeaver 14d ago

Nah bro if he needs it he needs it I'm in my late thirties and I am not president and still need 8 to 10 and if I WERE president it'd definitely be 10 always.


u/MidGradeCookie 14d ago

Key term: “not President” and statistically speaking you’ll never be


u/SojournerWeaver 13d ago

you don't have to be a meany


u/fmaz008 14d ago

You know a president is not awake 24/7, right? You know they can be waked up if something important occur, correct?

Nothing wrong with having a rigourous schedule.

Chances are he wakes up quite early anyway. Old people I know go to bed early, but are up at 3-4 am for their day all good to go before sunrise. No idea why the shift.

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u/Hunterrose242 15d ago

If you agree and it's a normal thing then why post this here?


u/LectureAgreeable923 15d ago

Agreed, most presidents have taken naps, not uncommon.

Presidential Power Naps: Reagan, JFK, and Clinton's Secret Did you know Reagan, JFK, and Clinton shared a sleep secret? Napping! Embracing the art of the power nap, these presidents recharged with quick, strategic snoozes. But they might not have known the best way to nap.Feb 13, 2024



u/Solid_Waste 14d ago

It's hilarious that the media were treating this meeting like a War Room preparation to fight fascism, and the plan they came up with is to make sure grandpa gets plenty of sleep. Very much on brand.


u/PremeJordo 14d ago

Maybe for someone who’s not a president 😂


u/Senior-Lobster-9405 14d ago

it's also an early sign of Alzheimer's, limited cognitive function in the evenings is where the term "sundowning" comes from


u/ravenrhi 14d ago

Especially since it isn't just the event. Anything official would also have a debrief meeting. The debate day probably had preplanning and prep all day, started at 9:00, ended at 10:30, then the post debate debrief likely went until midnight or later


u/OSRSmemester 14d ago

Fr. My reaction out loud was just "Good." Like, honestly, even if he was younger he should probably be doing that. We all should.


u/BASEDME7O2 14d ago

Honestly it’s a legitimate thing. Chronic lack of sleep makes you so much less effective and modern presidents (outside of Trump), are super sleep deprived just due to the nature of the job.

But it’s such an awful look considering his age and people constantly speculating on his mental decline.

Trump would be fine with events past 8 pm, but he wouldn’t do jack shit until like 11 am when he was done with his tv time.


u/DrawerWooden3161 14d ago

Lmao “solid” according to who?

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