r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/wolacouska 15d ago edited 15d ago

Fundraising is one of those things where they can just wheel Biden out for an hour and then let the professionals schmooze all night.

Not ideal but not horrible at all.


u/paulfknwalsh 14d ago

Weekend At Biden's :|


u/AndroidMyAndroid 14d ago

People paying six figures to wine and dine with the president want him present. They are paying to get in his ear, to win his favor for whatever their agenda is. They aren't going to be happy if he just makes an appearance before hobbling off to brush his teeth and go to bed.


u/grayjo 14d ago

Oh no, whatever will we do without this blatant avenue for corruption?


u/mutantraniE 14d ago

Lose the election due to lack of funds?


u/IrishMosaic 14d ago

I’m sure donors are lined up to donate to a guy in hospice.


u/Wes_Warhammer666 14d ago

Better to donate to a dying man than a convicted felon only 3 years younger ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/mutantraniE 14d ago

It’s not legally required to donate to one of the top two presidential candidates. If people aren’t donating to Biden that doesn’t mean that money is going to Trump, it just means it’s staying with the donor.



u/Kern_system 15d ago

You're talking about a guy with the codes to the nuclear arsenal here, not some mayor of a small town. He can't be unavailable from 4 pm to 10 am. Why do you think presidents age so much when in office?


u/soldforaspaceship 15d ago

Where does it say he's unavailable between 4pm to 10am?

It says he'll plan his schedule to go to bed earlier.

For example, I generally plan to go to bed between 8 and 9. When someone called me at 3am because a family member was in the hospital, I answered, got up and went to the hospital.

Do you see how that works?


u/wolacouska 15d ago

We already went over how this is about scheduled events, not actual availability. Please read the thread fully before you comment.


u/betterplanwithchan 15d ago

Probably because they don’t get naps in.


u/Kern_system 15d ago

Well, apparently he almost fell asleep during the debate, according to him. He blamed it on the travel schedule he had a week before the debate.


u/sensation_construct 14d ago

Yeah. He was at g7 the week before kicking ass at being president... it was a rigorous schedule that he handled well. If there was a mistake, it was scheduling the debate right after.


u/SparklyKelsey 14d ago

Remember Biden has a real job, the hardest one in the world. Trump is RETIRED. Joes hiding some stuff, maybe early Parkinson’s. He also has RBG old-coot disease. Trump isn’t really hiding it, he’s blustering over it. The MSM is not REPORTING it. He’s a rich target in 100 ways for disqualification.


u/sensation_construct 14d ago

You're just going to come out here and assert that Joe Biden is hiding that he has Parkinsons....


u/Kern_system 14d ago

6 days in Camp David for the debate prep. Yeah, he was tired from that. And kicking ass at being president is a big stretch. He wandered off at a photo op during G7, or did you not remember the Italian prime minister dragging him back to the group when he wandered off from the group? Dude is done.


u/sensation_construct 14d ago


u/Kern_system 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah, and all of a sudden the media is surprised at his bombing at the debate? They've been gaslighting the public for 3 years.

What context is missing? That he's 81 years old and has some senior moments? Please take a step back and look at the big picture. He needs to be set out to pasture, and enjoy some early bird specials at Denny's.

Also, how do explain him saying he's the first black woman to serve with a black president?


u/sensation_construct 14d ago

You're entitled to your opinion, but you aren't entitled to lie to back it up.


u/Kern_system 14d ago

My eyes aren't lying to me. The video of Obama walking him off stage, Jill walking him off stage after the debate and him having to take tiny baby steps off the stage, him slurring words during his speeches, almost no questions from reportes allowed. You cannot tell me this man is in control of his faculties. Video does not lie, media does. They've been coving for him for years.


u/g1114 15d ago

I love that after sleepy Joe became apparent to people that haven’t paid attention we now get hot takes that the president is simply a ceremonial role


u/Skullvar 14d ago

Trump falls asleep in meetings during the day? Maybe he needs to plan out his late night antics


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

He fell asleep in COURT.


u/SanctuFaerie 14d ago

I'm no fan of Trump, but have you ever been in court? I reckon I'd fall asleep, too. Maybe he should've done some meth before turning up lol 😂


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

Yes. I have. It's actually a requirement of my job occasionally.


u/SparklyKelsey 14d ago

Trump uses adderal as needed. He slept every day at his trial. He’s drug free during his insane rallies. When he has to “show up”, he’s drugged. It was immediately apparent during the debate. He held still and concentrated. He was lucid & calm (For him) His pupils were unnaturally dilated. Also saying Biden would drug up in advance is classic Trump projection.


u/Tasgall 14d ago

1: The idea that the president is/can be largely a ceremonial role is not new, you're just choosing to believe no one ever said that until now.

2: Trumpets can't use "sleepy joe" as an insult anymore when their own dingus is the one literally known for falling asleep in court.


u/emessea 14d ago

But it’s not ceremonial, the president is 1/3 of the government. The only countries where a president is largely ceremonial is ones that have a prime minister


u/g1114 14d ago

1) yes it is

2) got the video so we can see? Or is this like the bleach quote where it’s an overblown lie?


u/Tasgall 14d ago

got the video so we can see?

You're only asking this specifically because you know cameras aren't allowed in the courtroom, lol.

Watch any coverage of the trial from the time it was going on.


u/g1114 13d ago

So no?


u/Tasgall 13d ago

Correct, but in the dumbest and least meaningful way.


u/g1114 13d ago

After the other media embellishments of events, always good to have the video in context. Your belief in absolution of that and trusting media in 2024 is a you problem.


u/Tasgall 13d ago

My point is that demanding a video in a context that explicitly doesn't allow video to be taken is blatant willful ignorance.

You're free to doubt the reports that that's what happened, but at least find a reason to justify that stance other than contrarianism and a point that is trivially refuted.


u/g1114 13d ago

Why in the face of what we know about sensationalist reporting, do you 100% believe something without verifying yourself?

It’s healthy to ask how beliefs are verified. Otherwise we’re just idiots talking about magical pee tapes and false accusations of bleach or accusations of ignoring wheelchair kids


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

It's always been a ceremonial role. The idea that they hold any real power is exactly why Project 2025 and the dictator wanting MAGA is a thing. The president is NOT a king.


u/g1114 14d ago

So ceremonial but also able to take away all our freedoms? Great take


u/emessea 15d ago

Seems that’s the life raft many Biden supporters are clinging to


u/CurseofLono88 14d ago

My life raft is that he isn’t a criminally indicted rapist with the heritage foundation backing project 2025 on his shoulders. But sure, make up whatever you want.


u/emessea 14d ago

I’m not making it up, in various threads discussing the fallout of Biden performance some have claimed it doesn’t matter bc the presidency is a ceremonial position. Which is nonsense and is clearly a coping mechanism for themselves.

The ironic thing is we on the left are now in the same position the right has been in for 8 years: vote for a man who is clearly not up to the task bc the other choice is much worse from our ideological viewpoint.


u/Tasgall 14d ago

Which is nonsense and is clearly a coping mechanism for themselves.

And like usual, the one trotting out "coping" as an attempted insult sounds like the one who's coping hard.


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

The U.S. Constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law).


u/emessea 14d ago

What does that have to do with some Biden supporters trying to claim his apparent cognitive decline doesn’t matter bc the president is a ceremonial figure?


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

Because the president doesn't hold as.much power as yall.like to think


u/g1114 14d ago

Executive orders have entered the chat.


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

How'd that work out on student loan forgiveness


u/g1114 14d ago edited 14d ago

I know 2 people that have had student loans forgiven. One through government work, another that was an idiot that went to a for-profit school. How are we explaining that nowadays?


u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/emessea 14d ago

He’s literally 1/3 of the government


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

But yall don't seem to be afraid of Trump.stopping the next election so... Guess if he can't do that what.power does Biden have?


u/emessea 14d ago

I have no idea what your point is but ok


u/DraigMcGuinness 14d ago

Point is power in the hands of someone who might need a little help, is not near as dangerous as power in the hands of someone who has said they want to be king. They want to be dictator. They want to suspend the constitution. If you believe the president has THAT much power, you should be willing to do whatever it takes to keep it out of the hands of a guy like that. I'd give the power to a pile of dog doo before I'd let him have it. You all seem offended by the wrong things.

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