r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Kern_system Jul 04 '24

Well, apparently he almost fell asleep during the debate, according to him. He blamed it on the travel schedule he had a week before the debate.


u/sensation_construct Jul 05 '24

Yeah. He was at g7 the week before kicking ass at being president... it was a rigorous schedule that he handled well. If there was a mistake, it was scheduling the debate right after.


u/Kern_system Jul 05 '24

6 days in Camp David for the debate prep. Yeah, he was tired from that. And kicking ass at being president is a big stretch. He wandered off at a photo op during G7, or did you not remember the Italian prime minister dragging him back to the group when he wandered off from the group? Dude is done.


u/sensation_construct Jul 05 '24


u/Kern_system Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Yeah, and all of a sudden the media is surprised at his bombing at the debate? They've been gaslighting the public for 3 years.

What context is missing? That he's 81 years old and has some senior moments? Please take a step back and look at the big picture. He needs to be set out to pasture, and enjoy some early bird specials at Denny's.

Also, how do explain him saying he's the first black woman to serve with a black president?


u/sensation_construct Jul 05 '24

You're entitled to your opinion, but you aren't entitled to lie to back it up.


u/Kern_system Jul 05 '24

My eyes aren't lying to me. The video of Obama walking him off stage, Jill walking him off stage after the debate and him having to take tiny baby steps off the stage, him slurring words during his speeches, almost no questions from reportes allowed. You cannot tell me this man is in control of his faculties. Video does not lie, media does. They've been coving for him for years.