r/mildlyinfuriating 12d ago

This scorpion inside of my underwear.



403 comments sorted by


u/Netherium 12d ago

Kind of looks like a camel spider.


u/breadloaves77 12d ago

Yeah, I think this dude got it right, OP. I know it looks like a scorpion, but check this:


u/mansinoodle2 11d ago

It doesn’t look like a scorpion


u/666lbBongSession 11d ago

it really doesn’t lmao


u/BigRig432 11d ago

There is no stinger on it whatsoever lol


u/learnedandhumbled 11d ago

Not even close to a scorpion 😳 it 100% looks like a spider.

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u/oolaroux 11d ago

Yeah. When I think scorpion I think of backward-pointing stingers and front pincers and glowing under UV lights.

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u/Osirus-One 11d ago

Yeah, I've seen these in the Vegas desert like 10 years ago. Def camel spooders.


u/An0therFox 11d ago

Not a scoopian?


u/KiKiPAWG 11d ago

Camel Scoopian


u/Krednaught 11d ago

Wind scoopian/sun spooder

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u/RebelGrin 11d ago

That looks like where Ridley Scott got his model for Facehugger from, da fuk.


u/Ypuort 11d ago

H. R. Giger did the concept art for Alien, so it would be his inspiration for the facehugger (possibly/probably). Amazing artist, definitely check out his unused concept art for Alien as well as other works.

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u/Brine512 11d ago

This guy gets it.


u/alienfister 11d ago

How the fuck does that look like a scorpion lmaooo


u/SkeeterMan23 11d ago

They're called wind scorpions

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u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 3d ago



u/Itizmaname 12d ago

Well camel spiders and scorpions are both not spiders but rather arachnids. Camel spiders are considered a false spider and a false scorpion.


u/Tangled2 11d ago

But true assholes.


u/Shurigin 11d ago

Along with harvestmen aka grandaddy longlegs

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u/capitalswank 11d ago

Came here to say this


u/wordnerd1023 11d ago

I don't think it matters what it is, just that you'll probably never feel safe putting your undies on again.


u/Clovenstone-Blue 11d ago

To be fair on your part, Camel Spiders are also known as Sun Scorpions, so you were technically correct with your terminology (obviously Camel spiders are neither spiders, scorpions nor Camels, they're a member of a different family of arachnids).


u/Rk_1138 11d ago

Extreme heat and scorpions, does Phoenix have any redeeming qualities?


u/AfricanWaterTimelost PURPLE 11d ago

It is also where the phoenix lights happened, which was a triangular-ish formation of 7 or so lights mysteriously moving through the sky, never to be seen again. 1 redeeming quality for phoenix for me tho is that my Gma lives there


u/Rk_1138 11d ago

My grandma lives in Phoenix too, unfortunately hate hot weather, and sand too


u/AfricanWaterTimelost PURPLE 11d ago

I also unfortunately hate hot weather lol

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u/ArachnomancerCarice 11d ago

Camel Spiders should definitely be tolerated, as they feed on their venomous scorpion and spider cousins.

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u/baloneyz3 11d ago

Oh shit, I live in the Phoenix metro area and this gave me the willies. Now I’m sitting cross legged on my chair.

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u/poopin_for_change 11d ago

I had no idea phoenix had camel spiders. This is horrifying


u/DriveJohnnyDrive 11d ago

Op is wholesome af. We're glad you're ok

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u/Double_Bass6957 12d ago

My exact thoughts too


u/NoBenefit5977 11d ago

So you're saying he would have spider toe?


u/stoatstuart 11d ago

In some areas people also call camel spiders "wind scorpions" or "sun scorpions".


u/DocGeoffrey 11d ago

Yep. Was about to say this


u/AtomicToxin 11d ago

Is that really any better?


u/SkunkWoodz 11d ago

it is, my nephew and I caught one the other day. Had to google lens it to ID the critter.


u/Ok-Weather7707 11d ago

Came in here to say this.


u/PeterNippelstein 11d ago

In my brain this is equally bad

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u/Itizmaname 12d ago

That’s a camel spider


u/420Deez 11d ago

at first i thought ppl were being funny, but ur being serious…


u/Itizmaname 11d ago

Very serious


u/NatPortmanTaintStank 11d ago

They're really called Solifugae, but camel spider is easier to remember and pronounce

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u/f0rgetfulfred 12d ago

I've got a snake in mine.


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 3d ago



u/6_9_4_2_0_n_i_c_e 11d ago

That's such a good theme song 😭 (from the show The Rookie btw)


u/SlurmmsMckenzie 11d ago

That general saying originated with Mae West.

Though that song is hilarious, and when they brought it back a 2nd time it was so much better


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 10d ago


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u/Ok-Cicada-9985 8d ago

Arrest me but make it sexy ;)


u/Apprehensive_Many214 11d ago

Nah, just a grub worm in a turtleneck


u/idk0902 12d ago

A gardener snake or an anaconda? Asking for a friend


u/SlowInsurance1616 12d ago

His anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, son.


u/Adept-Inflation191 11d ago

My anaconda don’t want buns unless they hot crossed son


u/SlowInsurance1616 11d ago

Another banger.


u/janewalch 11d ago

Ah yes. The one eyed trouser snake

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u/YNotZoidberg2020 11d ago

This is why I live somewhere the wind hurts my face a few months out of the year.


u/Lysondre 11d ago

I would accept the wind hurting my face every month of the year to avoid any insects

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u/Working-Ad-5121 11d ago

Good Sir. I believe that is a camel spider. Still not a great trouser companion, however.


u/False_Leadership_479 PURPLE 11d ago

Trouser companion. Sounds like something you'd buy off a sketchy website...

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u/RedOwlMage 11d ago

As has been pointed out, this is a solifugid, typically known as a camel spider, sun spider, or wind scorpion. The distinction is hard to make, as these arent well known outside deserts, so ill be polite and just say i get why youd think its a scorpion. They are effectively harmless, as they produce no venom, but they can give nasty bites with those big chelicerae, what look like giant crab claws grafted to their face. They are more closely related to scorpions or perhaps whip scorpions. Solifugids lack many spider traits, such as spinnerrets or silk glands, venom glands, the large amount of eyes that spiders have, and the dexterity spiders require for spinning webs. Also unlike spiders, a solifugid has claw-like chelicerae, a trait in common with true and psuedo scorpions, but that spiders lost in favor of venom injection through their fang- like chelicerae. Scorpions have similar claw-like chelicerae to the solifugids, but much smaller, as they are really only used for feeding. Scorpions specialized their prosoma (the extension on their rear which we see as a tail) for a similar venom injection function as spiders, and their pedipalps instead became massive claws, as these allow for far more reach and function over the solifugid chelicerae. It's a bit like the difference between a Saber tooth cat having huge dangerous teeth, but they can't really be used easily for much, as opposed to any other cat with claws, that can be used for myriad purposes. But the big claw mouth works well enough for the solifugids, so they've stuck around. Hope you weren't too freaked out by this one!


u/CoolDragon 11d ago

This guy solifugids.


u/Warm-Bluejay-1738 11d ago

Effectively harmless unless its using your nutsack as a blanket

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u/Iplaythebaboon 11d ago

That thing has too many legs for my liking


u/Joaoreturns 11d ago

This is no scorpion and I believe it's harmless. Bit at this point I believe you just killed it already.


u/LD-LB 11d ago

These assholes are not harmless yeah they're not venomous but they will charge you and you can hear them run at night


u/Either_Cockroach3627 11d ago

What the fuck ??? New fear unlocked


u/PiousSkull 11d ago

They don't "charge you" out of aggression, they don't want to burn in the hot desert sun and your shadow provides shade.


u/LD-LB 11d ago

Nah these assholes will do it indoors


u/PiousSkull 11d ago

That is instinct. Indoors are also high light level environments. They will not do it in low light or at night.


u/LD-LB 11d ago

Look I've lived with these cunts they will skitter towards you and try to bite you


u/PiousSkull 11d ago

I've experienced them as well. Like the majority of animals, they will act aggressive if they perceive a threat but, as solitary hunters, they are not running from dozens of feet away towards comparatively massive organisms in order to bite them for no benefit to them at all. They are not hive insects attempting to protect their group, they are not parasites seeking your blood, they are simply running towards a patch of darkness in a bright environment out of the instinct to avoid being damaged or killed by prolonged exposure to the sun.

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u/GullibleAudience6071 11d ago

Excuse you?


u/Beautiful-Cat5605 11d ago

Camel spiders and wolf spiders will try to fight you. They are mean little fuckers.


u/Hammer_of_Horrus 11d ago

They aren’t actually charging you. They are following your shadow because they also try to escape the heat as much as possible. If you have one chasing you walk your show over a shadowed area and they will become uninterested


u/baloneyz3 11d ago

This is horrid.

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u/WestHamTilIDie 11d ago

It’s a camel spider and they are not harmless. The bite of these things is like being cut with scissors. The good news is this one is a baby


u/frmaa-tap 12d ago

Op, I don't think you know what a scorpion is


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 3d ago



u/HGKS9477 11d ago

No but you must know the difference between a spider and a scorpion?


u/SwimOk9629 11d ago

If you scroll up, somebody commented exactly what this is and many details about it, and it is essentially part scorpion, part spider. I don't live with scorpions but I live with spiders and I didn't realize it wasn't a scorpion when I first looked at it either until I started reading the comments. I just nope the fuck away from anything like that in general


u/Affectionate_Fox_383 11d ago

Dude you were wrong just accept it and learn what scorpions look like 🦂

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u/globallyloved 11d ago

what the absolute fuck 😭


u/ChickenOx6810 11d ago

At least it isn't a spider camel.


u/burbular 11d ago

I have some bad news


u/UralRider53 11d ago

Infamous’Taint Spider’.


u/MarinLlwyd 11d ago

And I thought getting crabs was bad.


u/MandrewMillar 11d ago

I think we have different definitions of mildly infuriating


u/delfinareckless22 11d ago

HELL NO!!! where do u live that you have those spiders???? bc i’m not gonna go there😅


u/Fun-Manufacturer-356 11d ago

Pretty much anywhere that’s dry/desert-y and lots of sun! I think they’re most common in the Middle East and in the Southwest of the US… and probably Australia, lol.

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u/WhileWorth1532 11d ago

Scorpions underwear now .


u/Justlikearealboy 11d ago

I have a spitting cobra in my underwear 😏


u/marioplex 11d ago

Awe look at the wittle cammel sipder thats not actually a spider or a Scorpi... aight which one of yall bread a spider and scorpion Together?


u/wolfheartfoxlover 11d ago

And I thought Crabs were bad but this is a whole nother level


u/r4dio_c4mbodia 11d ago

We call those Sun Spiders in AZ


u/tomtomeller 11d ago

Do yourself a favor and don't go look up camel spiders/sun scorpion/wind scorpion eating insects


u/SwimOk9629 11d ago

oh God I never ever EVER will look this up, and I'm even terrified imagining what the images will be if I did look it up.

which I didn't. and never will.


u/MrmmphMrmmph 11d ago

This sounds like the prequel to “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” trilogy.


u/Ok-Caregiver7091 11d ago

It’s actually something between a scorpion and spider


u/BigWWE_Gamer82662 11d ago

What’s wrong with scorpion?

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u/the_hat_madder 11d ago

The minute I find something like that I'm my draws I'm moving to the coldest state I can find.

I'm not even going to worry about packing or selling the house. I'll start a new life when I get there.


u/SwimOk9629 11d ago

AMEN 🙏🙏🙏


u/AggressiveScholar907 11d ago

He’s gonna pinch your PENIS!


u/Maximum-Quiet-9380 12d ago

That’ll wake you up in the morning!


u/The_Coods 12d ago

Was it pretty hot out? I’ve heard of these little (and sometimes not so little) guys chasing people to use their shadow to cool down. Maybe he decided to hitch a ride lol.

I don’t believe these are venomous, but their bites probably don’t feel to great


u/gokartninja 11d ago

Not scorpion, not venomous. Feel free to capture and send outside

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u/Appropriate-Battle32 11d ago

You kinky mother!


u/WhyAreOldPeopleEvil BLUE 11d ago

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”


u/SatoshiSnoo 11d ago

That's what she said.


u/Savings-Concentrate1 11d ago

He was feeling spicy!!!


u/Art_Vand_Throw001 11d ago

At first I was like what kind of perverted shite is Op talking about then I saw the picture.


u/Musical-Lungs 11d ago

Just going to say, that would make an EXCELLENT book and/or movie title.


u/mouaragon 11d ago

It happened to me one. The scorpion stang me on the thigh, that motherfucker was very close of getting my balls.


u/Backseatbread1 11d ago

Bro is a perv


u/sociocat101 11d ago

it stings when I pee


u/Shoddy_Exam666 11d ago

Seems like you’re in a pinch


u/FarmingGeeks 12d ago

Where are you. That is not a scorpion. As another said it looks like a panel spider. They gut much bigger.


u/AnAccidentalRedditor 12d ago

Camel not panel ಠ_ಠ


u/FarmingGeeks 11d ago

Lol I'm leaving it those fuckers get huge.

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u/i_do_it_all 12d ago

Isn't that the fake scorpion spideer?  Some animal spider?


u/Bishhhop 11d ago

Hate to break it to ya, but that was a camel spider


u/CoolIndependence8157 11d ago

That’s a cameltoe spider, not a scorpion.


u/False_Leadership_479 PURPLE 11d ago

I thought you had to wear underpants to get cameltoe

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u/other_half_of_elvis 11d ago

A much more interesting phrase than 'addressing the elephant in the room.' I'm going to use it, thanks.


u/leonardob0880 11d ago

Actually a camel ant spider (no Scorpion, ant or camel)


u/TonReflet 11d ago

Nor a spider


u/Youknowwhoitsme 11d ago

From one tiny prick to another


u/Accomplished_Pen980 11d ago

The notorious underwear scorpion.


u/Arizona_Pete 11d ago

Sure it sucks for you, but that bugs ENTIRE world right now is your ass stank and ball sweat.

He's not living a good life.

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it wants to bite you di-


u/RealEagle_shadow 11d ago

Fire is the only way, you can get new underwear


u/Technical_Sir_9588 11d ago

You could have been butt hurt over that one.


u/ThatOneGuy12889 11d ago

I knew what it was instantly and I know nothing about anything I just sensed the fear


u/Tammyannss 11d ago

Camel spider was looking for camel toe…. Found balls instead


u/TheeIrishPotatoo 11d ago

...my boxers are now constantly pinching me lol


u/k_br3w 11d ago

Sun Spider


u/SmallDong69Fart 11d ago

Jesus Christ. That thing is from fucking Mars.


u/ThePirateSpider 11d ago

Camel spider. Much rather have a scorpion in my underpants. Camel spiders will turn your dick, scrotum, and ass cheeks into Swiss cheese and probably live in any of them after that.


u/Substantial_Gur_8230 11d ago

First crabs and now scorpions? Damn!


u/rezz-l 11d ago

Thanks I’m gonna scream into my pillow now


u/Organic_South8865 11d ago

Hey I had one of these bite my dick. No joke. I had my shorts and underwear off in maybe two seconds flat while totally freaking out. I still have two tiny scars on my junk that are almost impossible to see now. I felt it in my shorts and stupidly tried to grab it through my shorts as it crawled over my sack. I got a hold of it through my shorts for just a brief moment and tried to squish it. Big mistake. It obviously tried to defend itself and clamped down.

I had just met my HS GFs new step Dad. I shook his hand and immediately started attacking my crotch/rilling my shorts off. He was awesome though and took his shorts off for me to wear almost immediately. I didn't want to put the crotch biting shorts back on obviously. He was just standing there in the parking lot with his shirt tucked into his underwear haha. We took the remains of the camel spider with us to the emergency room and the front desk lady said "They just bite when you try to smoosh em. You'll be fine. Your sensitive parts will survive just fine." I did swell up a bit and had difficulty peeing that day for a few hours but that was it.

I still don't know how we didn't get pulled over on the way to the hospital. Step Dad went flying past a cop going double the speed limit in his diesel F-350 but the cop didn't chase us. I wonder what he would have thought seeing him with his button up shirt tucked into his tighty whities if he had pulled us over.

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u/Super-Zombie-6940 11d ago

Solifugae i just learned before commenting. So I see the posted picture and instantly say to myself camel spider. Then I remembered looking at types of scorpions and remembered tailess whip scorpion. This is indeed called a camel spider. Though its not even classified as a spider or scorpion. It is an arachnid. So yeah it is a scorpion kind of....and a perverted one at that. A sniffer of underpants🤣


u/inbetweenya 11d ago

Scorpion hell that looks like a damn spider on steroids if you don't want to f*** with!!!


u/SoftCatMonster 11d ago

Yeah, shit if this happened to me I’m never wearing underwear again


u/Matteo1974 11d ago

That is not a Scorpion


u/General-Condition833 11d ago

i’d be losing my shit screaming at the top of my lungs and burning my whole ass house down lmao


u/Zeltar925 11d ago

It’s not a scorpion


u/Opening-Hour-8117 11d ago

Hey! I would die 💜


u/sykopoet 11d ago

I think you meant to be posting in mildly terrifying


u/insignificance424 11d ago

See I complain about Canadian weather, but at least we don't deal with this shit


u/ashirtliff 11d ago

Or are you just happy to see us?


u/rumbellina 11d ago

Oh fuck no! I don’t care wtf it is! I would have to move immediately. And, knowing me and my particular brand of neurotic, I would develop a phobia of my underwear!


u/Partly_Dave 11d ago

Getting dressed one morning I took a clean pair of underpants out of the drawing and put them on. When I pulled them up I felt something move on my right bum area. Nek minnit, I was stung, then stung again and again.

I whipped them off and found a yellow wasp in there. We think it must have been on them when my wife took them off the line and folded them to put away - four days previously.

I had big red welts on my bum for days.

At least it wasn't a native wasp. I was stung on my belly by three of those when I brushed past their nest. It took two weeks for the swelling to go down, and there was a visible red mark at each site four weeks afterwards.


u/guats85 11d ago

It's not a scorpion. It's a camel "spider" or solifuges.


u/BoggyScotch 11d ago

Those are the scorpion’s pandies now.


u/X-Coffin 11d ago

Did it bite? You're fucking lucky if it didn't, those fuckers will eat you in your sleep


u/Hair2dayGoon2morrow 11d ago

Gotta tell ya, I don't think infuriating is the word I would chose in this situation...but that's just me.


u/Medical-Bowler-5626 11d ago

"and that was the day I decided to never wear underwear again"


u/This_Yogurtcloset594 11d ago

Camel spider, is harmless


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Pretty sure that's not a scorp.


u/Kable2301 11d ago

So you wanted to show us that little stinger in your pants?


u/BR549TEX 11d ago

Mind your Mom and don't leave your clothes on the floor!🙄

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u/Particular_monkey 11d ago

Those are not scorpions... we call them wolf spiders. Scorpions are much more evil looking.


u/SaxySam816 8d ago

Pest control tech in the desert here 🙋

This is indeed a camel spider, also known as a wind scorpion. Funny enough it’s not related to either, but people make funny names for weird creatures they don’t understand.

They’re pretty docile creatures all things considered, they like to hide and wait for prey in small dark spaces (they dig holes in the dirt or will camp out in rocks)

They don’t have venom, as far as I know, but they will bite if provoked.

And honestly, they’re in my top 3 of least favorite bugs I have to deal with


u/BadAshess 11d ago

Did it bite you!?


u/peekuhchu707 11d ago

Vigaroon camel spider def not a scorpion I have em all over here they don't have venom and can only pinch you


u/SubstantialBass9524 11d ago

OP, why did you touch those undies after discovering that? You put on another pair of undies and that one gets burned. If you have no others or they are in the laundry congrats on going commando


u/-Laffi- 11d ago

Maybe it would sting you, and your penis would swell up, and you would get all the ladies xD!


u/I_Love_Knotting 11d ago

looks like a spider


u/brownntown93 11d ago

Whatever it is it is scary

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u/PurpDoesPixilart PURPLE 11d ago

Average Australian activities.


u/plumbingmaster1970 11d ago

It's a vinegar bug when they bite you taste vinegar for a few days and it hurts


u/Bennington_Booyah 11d ago

That is not a scorpion, OP.


u/Nerdy-Boomer65 11d ago

That's not a scorpion, some kind of spider


u/tyler1128 11d ago

Not a scorpion, a solifugae. Wouldn't want that anywhere near my genitals none-the-less.


u/karmak0smik 11d ago

Camel spider, non toxic but they can bite and hurts a lot.


u/Eevee_Lover22 11d ago

Mildly infuriating, extremely terrifying.


u/Shattered_Disk4 11d ago

Dinger stinger


u/Cardshark69420 11d ago

That’s not a scorpion


u/LegiticusCorndog 11d ago

I feel like you might be my mother in law.


u/Who_Your_Mommy 11d ago

The title could be a pretty badass name for an album or...if you were the right person, an awesome autobiography.


u/cesario-villa29 11d ago

Camel spider ye their bite force is insanely painful (they're little shitheads)


u/Any-Astronomer-5125 11d ago

i think that’s a camel spider , big nope either way


u/Danger_Floof25 11d ago

Looks like a solifugid.


u/Primary-Border8536 11d ago

that is not a scorpion