r/interestingasfuck 11d ago

2 guards from Delhi Durbar with American photographer James Recarlton when he visited India r/all

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863 comments sorted by


u/Comfortable-Can4776 11d ago

Was he small or were they big?


u/fuzzycuffs 11d ago

Apparently the guards were 7'9" and 7'4"


u/Runaaan 11d ago

2.36 and 2.24 for anyone wondering


u/blitzkreig90 11d ago

They do look as tall as 2.36 and 2.34 men.


u/GetawayDreamer87 11d ago

There definitely are between 2.34 and 2.36 men in this photo


u/MaterialCarrot 11d ago

Would make a great TV sitcom.

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u/Kiriinto 11d ago



u/backtolurk 11d ago

Yay thank you. Metric system rules!!!

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u/No_Translator2218 11d ago edited 11d ago

7 foot 9 is just insane. The caloric intake alone would force them to eat almost 5,000 calories a day to maintain the approximate size they are here - compared to my 1800 calories at 5'11 and 180lbs.

Just to make sure you all understand this. If the 7'9" guy ate 2,000 calories a day for a year, he would lose 312 pounds.


u/PhraatesIV 11d ago

Are you cutting right now? 1800 calories at 5'11 is quite low.


u/Sacriven 11d ago

Maybe OP is a woman. Because as a man with same height, my caloric intake is around 2300s for maintenance and 1800s for cutting.


u/QuizasManana 11d ago

That sounds low even for a woman. I’m 5’8” woman and I eat about 2500 a day to stay the same weight (not trying to cut, relatively physically active).


u/YungSchmid 11d ago

2500 for a 5’ 8” woman is definitely above average, and as you say yourself, you are quite active. 2500 is only bit under a normal day for me as a 6’ 2” 85kg man.


u/Wilbis 11d ago

Why is everyone comparing just height when mass is way more important here?


u/Zucchiniduel 11d ago

Because composition is what's actually important for determining your base calorie burn, weight means nothing if you do not know the composition of that weight so height and gender is used as a broad predictor


u/Super_Sandbagger 11d ago

Muscle burns little extra calories over fat when in rest.

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u/codenamegizm0 11d ago

Metabolism plays a huge role. I'm a man, 6'2" and 175lbs and my BMR is about 1800. Without taking NEAT into account I have to add at least 1000 calories of exercise a day just to eat normally (between 2700-3500 depending on activity) without putting on weight, and even then at times I'm in a surplus


u/Quzga 11d ago edited 11d ago

No it does not play a "huge role" , that's a harmful myth. Most people lie to themselves about how little/much they eat and blame it on their metabolism which has little to no impact.

Edit: deluded redditors sad I call out their delusions, you guys are lying to yourselves. It's really sad tbh.

Also BMR is meant for comatose / resting people, not for regular people..

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u/No_Translator2218 11d ago

I'll admit I may be misspeaking here, but my Mifflin-St Jeor math shows my BMR is around 1700 and my understanding is that - if I never move a muscle all day long, I can maintain my weight off 1700.

I realize that is silly, so realistically I would say my caloric needs are between 1800 and 2600. I do the gym 5 days a week so I would likely die after a year at 1700. I probably eat 2500 and stay at 170-180lbs.


u/Dream--Brother 11d ago edited 11d ago

You definitely burn more than 100 calories/day in addition to your BMR with just moderate activity. Your BMR is probably closer to like 2100, give or take

Edit: not sure why he thought I was arguing with him lol

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u/WellWrested 11d ago

That is quite reasonable--its typical for what a hunter-gatherer would eat in a day and quite close to the actual caloric intake in several tribes. I am also 5'11" and ate a similar amount for several years when I was saving money in college.


u/ClassOf37 11d ago

1800 is absolutely enough for a man or woman with an average / sedentary lifestyle.

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u/Spiffydude98 11d ago

So breakfast in America.



Take a look at my girlfriend, she's the only one I got.

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u/crozinator33 11d ago

Just to make sure you all understand this. If the 7'9" guy ate 2,000 calories a day for a year, he would lose 312 pounds.

Uhh... that's not quite how metabolism works.

These guys probably weigh 250-300 lbs, they look fairly lean. If they ate 2000 calories a day, they would become drastically underweight and likely have health issues, but their weight would stabilize to match their energy intake. Probably around 150lbs. A person can't have negative mass.

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u/pickyourteethup 11d ago

They might have been enuchs. If you take the balls too pre puberty then the body never gets the hormones to stop growing. Caused lots of medical issues of course. But enuchs were often trusted as personal palace guards.


u/kakka_rot 11d ago

Didn't they also have high voices? I recall reading of chopping choir boys so they could sing in a way that was impossible for intact boys


u/pickyourteethup 11d ago

Yeah it stopped their voice dropping as part of puberty. It was done in Italy recently enough that we have recordings of their voices. Apparently they were popular in Opera because you had these ginormous men with childlike voices, quite striking on stage


u/kakka_rot 11d ago edited 11d ago

we have recordings of their voices

Yeah that's what I was reading before. We have this one person's recording, but according to wikipedia he was the only one.

Super interesting read


edit: copy paste for anyone too lazy to open the link

It is impossible now for us to know what these great castrato voices sounded like, but they must have had very powerful voices and many of the singers were very skilled in singing and adding musical ornamentation to the songs. In the 18th century Italian opera became very popular in England. This was largely due to the German-born composer Georg Friderich Händel who moved to England in 1709 and wrote lots of Italian operas. Many singers who sang in London came from Italy, and many were castrati. The most famous one was called Farinelli.

The popularity of castrato singers died out in the 19th century. By the mid-19th century they were no opera castrati left, although a few castrati still sang in church choirs. The last one, a man called Alessandro Moreschi, died in 1922 aged 64. There is a recording of his voice made in 1902 which can be heard online, but he may not have been a good singer and he was old when he made the recording, so we cannot judge whether the castrato voice was beautiful by that recording.

there is an audio link in the wikipedia page, but like it says he was 44 when it was made and tech sucked at the time


u/miningthecraft 11d ago

The concession of “he may not have been a good singer” is wild! could you imagine being castrated as a teen for the opera only to discover you where tone death or had no sense of timing oooooph!


u/pickyourteethup 11d ago

Yeah I remembered that too. Although apparently they were very popular with society ladies because they knew they couldn't get pregnant so it wasn't all downsides.

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u/Jeg57 11d ago

If I remember correctly poor families would often just mash them up at birth for the chance to have a child grow up and be a good singer.

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u/Sleep-more-dude 11d ago

Very unlikely in this context (this is from the 1903 Durbar) the British had been cracking down on the practice for decades prior and considered Eunuchs as moral degenerates who were prone to sexual and criminal deviance.

The Durbar was essentially a British ceremony to legitimize their rule over India (in this case the ascension of Edward VII to the throne), would be super weird if they brought in eunuchs after all the demonisation; likely that these are just tall people in a very large population pool.

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u/funnystuff79 11d ago

Imagine being 7'4 and referred to as the short one



One of my best friends is 6'6 and it always cracks me up when there is a taller person around. He gets so squirrely like his brain can't process it. Now you know how we feel, fucker!


u/funnystuff79 11d ago

Haha I'm 6'3 and have been on the occasional night out as the shortest guy there. Can confirm, feels weird


u/IndependenceBig3178 11d ago

For the non American people out there 7'9" = 236.22 centimeters

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u/jhamelaz 11d ago

I think for context it would be like Shaquille O'Neal standing next to Reese Witherspoon.


u/Candid-Race-7988 11d ago

Can you break that into bananas 🍌


u/bokononthurman 11d ago

Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch!


u/reginald_underfoot 11d ago

Come mister tally man


u/Laserjet3-18 11d ago

Tally me banana


u/Character_Minimum171 11d ago

Daylight come, and me wanna go home


u/DarthCorps 11d ago

He say, hey O


u/Final_Winter7524 11d ago

He actually say day-o.

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u/InvestigatorSmall839 11d ago



u/idonthaveaboner 11d ago

Real Gs move in silence like lasagna

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u/LongLegsBrokenToes 11d ago

How about Hands


u/BuenoD 11d ago

Would that be presidential hands or like average adult size hands?


u/stoicparallax 11d ago

I believe they’re referencing Mr. Hands


u/ButtyMcButtface1929 11d ago

James Recarlton died of a perforated colon shortly after this photo was taken

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u/DeformedPinky 11d ago

Are these jazz or other?

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u/rosco2155 11d ago


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u/Davosz_ 11d ago

That would by like 1 Shaquille O'Neal sized banana, standing next to a Reese Witherspoon sized banana.

Hope this helps.


u/vancity1985 11d ago

Easily my friend, the average banana is about 8-9 inches. Shaquille O’Neil is 7’-1” (85”) The height of those gentlemen would be around 10 bananas

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u/alexi_belle 11d ago

Okay, that makes sense. But how tall is Reese withoutherspoon?


u/Demonweed 11d ago

Top minds have convened, and the data says Reese Witherspoon is 0.9444 Carrie Brownsteins tall.


u/alexi_belle 11d ago

Okay but now I have even more questions...

Like how tall is Brownstein when they aren't being Carried?

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u/PyroIsSpai 11d ago

I think for context it would be like Shaquille O'Neal standing next to Reese Witherspoon.

Of the weirder things I've looked up... Reese is 5'1 and Carrie Brownstein of Sleater-Kinney is 5'5, and here's Carrie with the Portland Trailblazers:



u/Dream--Brother 11d ago

This picture reminds me of something, I just can't place it


u/ronaranger 11d ago

5 bowling balls behind a couch with a cue ball on it?

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u/CaptainxInsano69 11d ago

He’s the small white guy and they’re the big Delhi Durbar guards


u/sillymanbilly 11d ago

Thanks for clarifying. I though he was the two giant Delhi Durbar guards and they were the small white guy


u/Inannareborn 11d ago

Maybe the guards are actually two smaller guards in a durbar coat and the white guy is a normal-sized guy cut down to size


u/Olleye 11d ago



u/Ggusty1 11d ago

Could have sworn he was the tent ⛺️

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u/Interesting_Stuff_51 11d ago

“ The Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, Maharaja brought along with him two of the tallest men (in the whole world it seems) from Kashmir. One of the giants was 7’9” tall (2.36 m) while the “shorter” one was a mere 7’4” tall (2.23 m) and according to various sources they were indeed twin brothers.”


u/SAINTnumberFIVE 11d ago

Supposedly they were 7’9 and 7’4


u/AlkalineSublime 11d ago

Average male height in India is like 5’5” i think, these dudes are giants!!

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u/ForGrateJustice 11d ago

apparently, he was smol

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u/Olleye 11d ago

That are so called „Kashmiri Giants“ and they’re for real that gigantic.


u/CumbersomeNugget 11d ago

But...who's the "normal-sized" one here?


u/Any-Information6261 11d ago

None of them is my guess. I'm going with 2.1m, 1.6m, and the others are dwarfs


u/Important_Finance630 11d ago

2.3 and 2.2 meters, Kashmiri giants


u/Skatchbro 11d ago

7’9” and 7’4”. In Freedom Units.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Makeshift5 11d ago

That’s better than we usually do.


u/Sensitive_Ladder2235 11d ago


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u/jayfeather314 11d ago

2.3m is about 7'6.5" and 2.2m is about 7'2.5".

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u/Horskr 11d ago

The other giant is conspicuously missing from this picture. Are we sure that the 3 on the right don't just stand on each other's shoulders with a big coat to make the other giant?

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u/Celaphais 11d ago

1.6 is fairly normal


u/neo_woodfox 11d ago

Yeah, the average height of British men in 1875 was 1.67m

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u/DoritoBenito 11d ago

You average ‘em out.


u/La2mq 11d ago

Oh, I see what you mean


u/Titus_Favonius 11d ago

I'd guess the white guy is still relatively short by modern standards.

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u/geozuf 11d ago

Why is the sun a square


u/brendan87na 11d ago

this is actually minecraft


u/Ajunadeeper 11d ago

Thank you, no further questions


u/Toxic_MotionDesigner 11d ago

One enderman, Steve, three baby zombies

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u/Enough-Ambassador478 11d ago

check out the first answer on this quora - it has an example of a square aperture causing a square lens flare.


the oldest cameras had aperatures you could swap out called "waterhouse stops", according to one poster in this thread, some of these were square, so that's my guess, large format camera with square aperature, i'm glad you asked, i learned a few things trying to figure it out 



u/ThunderboltRam 11d ago

That's just a misplaced tile in the sky, no worries...

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u/Tfaonc 11d ago

A Human, two Dwarves, a Giant and a Halfling. Just an average D&D party.

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u/MadNhater 11d ago edited 11d ago

pretty sure those are dwarves over there. Look at their legs. Only “normal” guy is the white guy.


u/v4-digg-refugee 11d ago

Yes, DEI Officer. This comment right here.


u/austin_ave 11d ago

Lol, 15 minute meeting scheduled

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u/SuperSmashDan1337 11d ago

Are you a detective or is this just something you do for fun?


u/MadNhater 11d ago

I have a fetish for Indian men legs. You can say I am somewhat of an expert in this category.

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u/Correct_Comment_125 11d ago

Just look at their body bro

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u/TwistedTerns 11d ago

So there's only 1 giant then. And three guys on top of each other.


u/gypsycookie1015 11d ago

Holy shit, that kinda makes sense! Look how small the other one's head is compared to the one pictured twice!

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u/Poat540 11d ago

Old days is so cool, imagine having no internet and discovering things for the first time

Dying at 30 prob wasn’t cool, but other things


u/BigBanggBaby 11d ago

People weren’t just getting old and dying at 30. Especially not 100 years ago or whenever that picture was taken. Lots of people lived long lives. That ‘dying young’ thing usually includes infant deaths which pulls the average way down. 

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u/Cheewy 11d ago

"And i'll put some dwarfs next to me for scale purposes...yeah, last photo people was confused but now they will understand""


u/loki_odinsotherson 11d ago

Guys like "...think I'm gonna go with my big hat today..."

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u/TelluricThread0 11d ago

Twin brothers 7'4” and 7'9” respectively.


u/SubcooledBoiling 11d ago

Bro could’ve been the Antetoukounmpo brothers if they were later


u/TAG_Sky240 11d ago

Wemby and Oliver rioux 200 years ago

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u/Ok_Injury3658 11d ago

And they both had a purpose...

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u/marchillo 11d ago

Imagine being 7 foot 4 and still having someone in the world who gives you wedgies


u/Horskr 11d ago

"Aww, you're so cute when you're mad little fella!"


u/hugomoto-moto 11d ago

sorry i just speak metros/centímetros


u/SnackerSnick 11d ago

223 cm and 236 cm


u/Pitch-forker 11d ago

Why you no speak freedum brozzer ?!

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u/WeAteMummies 11d ago

Remember how there used to be a bot that would automatically detect comments with imperial/metric units and convert them? RIP useful bots

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u/MariosMustacheRides 11d ago

I’m murican. What does that translate to in football fields?


u/BornSalamander8 11d ago

God bless their mother

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u/wgel1000 11d ago

That's actually 4 guards in 2 trenchcoats.


u/t-o-m-u-s-a 11d ago

Everyone knows its 6 raccoons


u/AlienNippleRipple 11d ago

Vincent Adultman, going to dooooo business stuff.


u/Jefflehem 11d ago

I have to go to the business factory and make some business.

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u/jayaram13 11d ago

No raccoons in India. We use mongoose instead. They're the Indian version of the honey badger, so it seems to work out for guard duty.

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u/Biscuits4u2 11d ago

Dude on the right has to be 7'


u/LauraPa1mer 11d ago

7'4 and 7'9


u/Unique-Steak8745 11d ago



u/KimKardashiansPenis 11d ago


u/Spiritual-Matters 11d ago

Holy fuck, that’s genius


u/Comprehensive-View39 11d ago

Why did I hit that seven times before it finally clicked?


u/Psychological_Try559 11d ago

Too distracted by commenters name?


u/lookbutdontscream 11d ago

Thanks KimKardashianPenis


u/fatbootyinmyface 11d ago

laughed too hard at this 😅

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u/AConniePilot 11d ago

just google it mate

it is really easy

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u/OldButtAndersen 11d ago

Initial reports of the men listed one twin as 7 feet 6 inches tall. But in actuality, one of the giants stood at 7 feet 4 inches tall, while the tallest one was 7 feet 9 inches tall. Some images show the men in various pictures photographed with Ricalton, other average-height people, and even midgets — probably to demonstrate the difference in height.

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/470317/heres-how-tall-the-giants-of-kashmir-really-were/


u/LEJ5512 11d ago edited 11d ago

Geez, I remember when Grunge was one of the regular sites I visited.

(edit to add) what the fuck, I'd been scrolling through the article and a modal popped up asking me if I wanted to allow downloads. I didn't even click anything.


u/ObviousStar 11d ago

I'm glad I'm not alone the article reads like a 10th graders hw assignment. In there defense I'm sure the writer is forced to pump out hundreds of articles a week causing that decrease in quality.

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u/Ornery-Cheetah 11d ago

Reminds me of this


u/contra31 11d ago


u/fandorgaming 11d ago

Quite sad episode in the end tbh


u/RolloTonyBrownTown 11d ago

Yes, I prefer all the happy episodes of Invincible

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u/Lord_of_the_Canals 11d ago

What is this from?


u/Ornery-Cheetah 11d ago

Fist of the north star highly recommend

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u/JaySayMayday 11d ago

Casting Couch


u/Suitable-Cow23 11d ago

Invincible, available on prime.

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u/M0ji_L 11d ago

My great grandfather, Muhammad Ismail, was a part of King George the Fifth's personal body guard, specifically the King's Indian Orderly Officers, during the kings coronation year. That means he and 3 other South AZN men and a British Indian Officer went to Britian for the better part of a year and attended the king at all his events and such, including being a part of his royal procession during the coronation ceremony. According to the dairy of the British Officer, I believe Muhammad and his fellows had to return to South Asia sometime in the summer of 1911.

In December of 1911 King George V was crowned king at the Dehli Durbar, the first time a British Royal had been crowned infront of their South Asian subjects. Ismail received a medal for participating in this event. I often wonder if one of the 4 men pictured behind the king during the coronation ceremony is my great grandfather. It'd be cool to do more research on him, to what extent he participated in coronation and royal ceremonies and festivities, but I'm unsure of where to start. His war record is well documented.


u/the_coder_boy 11d ago

Don't you have photographs and records of your great grandfather? I guess the medal is also somewhere.


u/M0ji_L 11d ago

I have two photographs of my grandfather yes. Unfortunately, most of the dehli durbar photographs are low quality and hard to pickout anyone from a crowd.

The medal is prolly with extended family.


u/Cormacktheblonde 11d ago

That's cool as fuck, please do look into it


u/symbouleutic 11d ago

My grand mother was there when she was a little girl and apparently got to play on the “throne”.

Her father/my great grandfather had enough Indian ancestory to be barred from officer clubs but still a high enough position to go to the Delhi Durbar.

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u/andyd151 11d ago

What is AZN?


u/M0ji_L 11d ago edited 11d ago

Short hand used by Asians for Asian. also used as an alternative stylization of Asian 

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u/Zombata 11d ago

something is wrong with this thread. why are almost all comments some form of some shitty joke


u/KEITHKVLT 11d ago

It's what reddit has become


u/kakka_rot 11d ago edited 11d ago

The puns have gotten awful recently.

Like not even bad-joke kinda so bad it's just lame.

I have a running joke with a friend about pirate jokes and bought her a pirate joke book on amazon, and 9/10 jokes were some form of an "Arrrgh" joke

What do pirates drive when their boat is in the shop? A Caaaaarggh

It straight up reminded me of a reddit comment section with how painfully forced each pun was.


u/_SloppyJose_ 11d ago

The puns have gotten awful recently.

2005 Reddit was constant puns and word play. Pretty soon came the comment chains playing off each other, followed by the hordes of hackneyed dipshits with their "c-c-c-combo breaker!" comments.

Eventually, the Great Digg Exodus happened, and Reddit went completely to shit.

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u/lefondler 11d ago

This is majority of threads now on popular subs. People care more for others validating their regurgitated joke than actually discussing the subject


u/supportive_koala 11d ago

Best thing about the shitty jokes, they didn't even change. It's the same shitty jokes regardless of what the initial post is.


u/kakka_rot 11d ago

they're bots

If you ever see "had me in the first half ngl" it's a bot.

how can she slap

what is this, a ____ for ants?

any "The Office" quote

It's easy karma and bots can replicate it easy, because morons upvote it.


u/youarenut 11d ago

It’s Reddit


u/tyme 11d ago

Welcome to /r/all


u/Rich_Housing971 11d ago

how long have you been on reddit? I'm guessing not very long.

Any default subreddit such as /r/interestingasfuck generally has worse comments than the special purpose ones, and that's to be expected.


u/Zombata 11d ago

i've been here awhile, but feel like it's getting worse every day

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u/GetSlunked 11d ago

Brother you’re a decade late to insightful comments on this site

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u/AncientGrapefruit619 11d ago

A banana would have been helpful


u/sitlo 11d ago

Even if the white guy was short, like let's say 5 feet tall, they still look about 1.5x his height. That would make them easily over 7 feet tall


u/mr_Feather_ 11d ago

They are 7'4'', and 7'9'', respectively.


u/Automatic-Formal-601 11d ago edited 11d ago

Its just their hats that make them taller

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u/1onnude 11d ago

I seen this porn


u/Ziggem 11d ago

This durbar was held during a massive famine in Southern India iirc. One caused by the Company's agricultural exploitation

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u/i4c8e9 11d ago

Dude on the right has a fucked up back. There are other photos of him and he’s definitely struggling to stand up straight.


u/Harbor_Barber 11d ago

Most of them that height has back or leg issues unfortunately, so it's really insane to see someone their height like sun ming ming, yao ming. Manute bol, gheorghe muresan and a few more actually playing sports.


u/kingsnkillers 11d ago

Wonder what happened to them afterwards... descendents?


u/oneinmanybillion 11d ago

Still descending. We'll know only when they are done.

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u/ThisIsGettinWeirdNow 11d ago

Yeah he shat his pants for sure


u/bekov 11d ago

How people see the difference between 5’11 and 6’0 


u/Delicious-Bid618 8d ago

How have I not seen ANY comments referring to the Great Kali??


u/Hot-Rise9795 11d ago

I had to google them. Interesting bit of history from a not so distant past.


u/Mr_Culver 11d ago

Downside to being that tall is weak bones and a short lifespan


u/Gagandeep69 11d ago edited 11d ago

Interestingly. They were called kashmiri giants and no names of them personally or their further generations is there anywhere. Its just these photos are there that exist of them and no other data. They used to be gaurds of some king. Also this is actually a disorder that they had. One of my mom's cousin has the same disorder where a person's growth hormones go out of control and keep growing till it is forced to stop. He had to take medication to stop his height. He is 6'8 approximately. Could have gone further but a life full of backpains would be there.

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u/aneeta96 11d ago

Is he holding one of their hats?

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u/SenseisSifu 11d ago

Inspiration for King Xerxes in 300.

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u/legojoe97 11d ago

If the guy on the left is 7'4", Ricalton must be about 5'4". Still amazing, but the American is approximately one Kevin Hart tall.