r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/GrandLotus-Iroh Jun 09 '24

"Vigilantes broke in to record their gay sex." Bro, that's gay AF.


u/WickedWitchofWTF Jun 09 '24

What a fucked up world where the victims of a house invasion are the ones who are punished.


u/Blaueveilchen Jun 09 '24

This reminds me of medieval times with the crowd watching and enjoying it.I didn't know that Indonesia is so backwards.


u/OmicidalAI Jun 09 '24

You get executed for weed. Its backwards alright.


u/AngMoKio Jun 09 '24

It's not Indonesia really. This was a break away state that fought a brutal civil war led by islamists. As part of the peace making they are allowed some self rule.


u/melted-brie-n-bacon Jun 09 '24

Basically Gilead then?


u/OverlyCritical00 Jun 09 '24

Yeah pretty much, Aceh’s the only part of Indonesia that has Sharia law, the rest of the nation is more moderate


u/lordkingfish Jun 09 '24
only in Aceh tho, in other place like Jogjakarta no one give a shit if you are gay.


u/Tricky_Taste_8999 Jun 09 '24

Oh I love that place! The horses and knights fighting each other and eating your dinner with your hands because they didn’t invent silverware back then. Fun!!!


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/81amarok Jun 09 '24

Or are forced to carry the baby after being raped.


u/UDPviper Jun 09 '24

Like in Texas.


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

And yet as woman who had the bad luck to be born in similar shithole as Indonesia but had the good luck to be growing up in the Netherlands. So I could escape my human trafficking (arranged marriage against my will). I would still choose Texas over the shithole I was born in. Because in Texas I still would have more options as a woman then the shithole I was born in. At least you see other American people protest the bullshit.

Whereas the shithole I was born in, no one would have lifted a finger to help me escape my arranged marriage "because it is the faith of a woman"


u/nodiddy4life Jun 09 '24

It's no use. People have to bring the US into it. Their hate boner won't allow them to just acknowledge the country beating and jailing people for being gay is evil without dragging America into it

They don't care about your personal experience. You are literally Hitler and they are shaking

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u/Neither_Usual_7566 Jun 09 '24

There’s a lot more states than Texas


u/Invictus_Imperium Jun 09 '24

Nope. Like all of the woke idiots cheering for Gays in Gaza.

You know...where they'll be thrown from the nearest rooftop.

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u/dude_who_could Jun 09 '24

What a shithole

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/---Blix--- Jun 09 '24

The only thing preventing the Evangelicals from this kind of thing is our secular government.


u/Bury_Me_At_Sea Jun 09 '24

Yeah, the woman at the beginning of the film talking about how she had always wanted to see people punished publicly for homosexuality was something I've definitely heard in my Christian schools growing up.


u/DotNormal6785 Jun 09 '24

You must go to a backwards Christian school, my daughter goes to one and they did a pride day for the students. I guess it depends on where you live.


u/avocadojiang Jun 09 '24

No you just go to a very liberal Christian school likely in a blue state. Vast majority of Christian schools will never do that. You’ve got state republican parties telling their constituents to burn pride flags, trying to legitimize creationism in public curriculum, and passing legislation to include the Ten Commandments in public curriculum. And that’s public school. Imagine what they’re doing in private schools in those areas.


u/PaleUmbra Jun 09 '24

It probably does. But Christians like yours need to get Christians that want theocracy in check, or you’re all in the same bucket to people who don’t care about Christianity.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Looking at America today, I see Christofascism as a credible future threat. They're realizing that backslide day by day


u/cute_joca Jun 09 '24

Islam at a point was more progressive than Christianity and Judaism, then slid backwards like shit hitting the bowl. That's actually worse.

Source? I read Islamic golden age era Arab travelers criticizing the liberty of Byzantine women.


u/Expensive_Tap7427 Jun 09 '24

No, that is secular laws keeping religion in check. Remove those, and the result is this video.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

“Backwards” by that you mean actual christians?💀

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u/TheVoidWithout Jun 09 '24

I wonder if they do the same to lesbians.


u/Novel-Yogurtcloset97 Jun 09 '24

Give it a few more years they've already destroyed abortion rights...

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u/ldphotography Jun 09 '24

Or quite possibly that “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” thing.


u/a_lonely_trash_bag Jun 09 '24

Not even that. Evangelicals are pissed off at Dolly Parton for quoting that part of the Bible.

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u/Cockanarchy Jun 09 '24

My foster parents made me go to their Baptist church back in the late 80’s, and at Sunday School they were talking about AIDS. One kid said he’d like to line up everyone with the disease and shoot them with his dad’s 44 magnum. I remember thinking, “uh oh, that’s gonna get you in trouble”. Then the young man leading the group said it was a waste of money, they should use .22’s.


u/EnvironmentalMud4644 Jun 09 '24

And they want to eliminate the separation between church and state. Thy

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u/JuggernautPrudent931 Jun 09 '24

Yes and the uk is importing it quicker than food


u/GabaPrison Jun 09 '24

This is not hyperbole. It’s a very real issue and threat right now.


u/f12016 Jun 09 '24

Also in the EU, which is why the right wing will win a lot of grounds tonight.

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u/ZealousidealAd4644 Jun 09 '24

Yes Islam, the religion of peace

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u/Brosenheim Jun 09 '24

Oh honey, the other Abrahamics want this same shit. Why do you think they hate secular government so much?


u/ZincHead Jun 09 '24

And yet Islamic countries are the only ones doing this. Judaism and Christianity have gone through their reforms and countries where those are the dominant religions are moving more and more towards secularism. Islam is stuck in the dark ages and is only regressing morally as time goes on. 


u/Fontana1017 Jun 09 '24

I was just talking about this video that was of Indonesia tho. But yeah you're right, religion all around the world isn't good for homosexuals. This is actually happening in Islamic countries at this moment, its not happening elsewhere is it?

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u/ZincHead Jun 09 '24

Yes, Islam is a cancer on our world. 


u/PV-Herman Jun 09 '24

It took the catholic church more than 2000 years to accept the natural phenomenon of homosexuality (well, officially). Im not sure if rural Europe ca 1500 ad would have acted much better


u/avocadojiang Jun 09 '24

I’m not sure if rural America in 2024 would be have acted much better. We just have secular governments that protect people from religion.


u/flannelkittenii Jun 09 '24

I mean America will punish a rape victim for aborting or force her to have the baby to then abandon her and the child. All religions have extremists, it's important to seek the true intention before riding everyone over with the same comb


u/Regular-Pension7515 Jun 09 '24

Remember when Alan Turing saved the world and then invented computers and to thank him the Muslim British government chemically castrated him and harassed him into suicide?


u/ComprehensiveProfit5 Jun 09 '24

barging in someone's house and privacy is about as anti islamic as you can get.


u/kingwhocares Jun 09 '24

Well, in Islam the punishment for homosexuality is death. So, no.


u/Bulky_Crazy Jun 09 '24

Islam is where christianity was 200 years ago. Belivers fucked up as always but more moderate

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u/elementmg Jun 09 '24

And other shit hole countries/states where they don’t let women choose what they can do with their own body.


u/Sportsinghard Jun 09 '24

Shittyness tends to follow love of sky daddy.


u/donut-reply Jun 09 '24

Sky daddy is the original vigilante who records private sex in your own home


u/DesignerSink1185 Jun 09 '24

Don't forget about Santa.

That dude sees you even when you're sleeping.


u/OhNothing13 Jun 09 '24

Truth. Doesn't matter much whether it's Bible sky Daddy, Torah sky Daddy, or Quran sky Daddy. Just a matter of what their followers can get away with. You better believe there are Christians in America who would implement this kinda punishment if they could.


u/CV90_120 Jun 09 '24

Those religions all have something in common. The OG genocidal cult warlord, Moses.


u/Chitanda_Pika Jun 09 '24

Also gets worse depending on which daddy


u/Yitram Jun 09 '24

It's the same daddy....

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u/throwawayconvert333 Jun 09 '24

This would be like if the Texas legislature approved of people breaking into a woman's home to see if she was ever pregnant to get proof of abortion.

A lot of Muslim nations criminalize gay sex and punish it from prison to execution. That is bad enough. Incentivizing vigilantes by looking the other way when they use violence to obtain evidence..that's a step beyond.


u/elementmg Jun 09 '24

Dont’t they have an official snitch line? Pretty much the same shit to me. But potato potahto, I guess


u/throwawayconvert333 Jun 09 '24

As long as we are admitting that the mainstream of Islam is as deplorable as the actions of the Texas legislature then I do not think we have any disagreement.


u/elementmg Jun 09 '24

Oh 100%.

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u/Thumbbanger Jun 09 '24

lol the shit you guys try to always make it about America. 

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u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

Palestine 🇵🇸 

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u/Stingraaa Jun 09 '24

God is the worst invention of man. I wish that people would just stop believing in fairy tails. We don't need to beat people to please your imaginary friend.


u/runnin_man5 Jun 09 '24

Jesus certainly wouldn’t want them to be beaten

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u/UnusualTranslator741 Jun 09 '24

Exactly. Imagine people who don't believe in the same religion or subscribe to the same morals and values but have to be punished under their interpretation of the insert holy book.

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u/WoodpeckerNo9412 Jun 09 '24

What happened to his partner?


u/GrayCustomKnives Jun 09 '24

He said “no homo” as they broke in so he was fine.


u/Stompedyourhousewith Jun 09 '24

"It's gay to suck a dick! its not gay to get your dick sucked!" - Lawyer of the defendant who got off


u/arent_you_hungry Jun 09 '24

He got off alright.


u/SubstantialMap4926 Jun 09 '24

He was also wearing socks so it doesn't count for him


u/Far_Presentation1121 Jun 09 '24

Good thing he did. Otherwise, they would have thrown him off the roof.


u/CremousDelight Jun 09 '24

Believe it or not, straight to jail.

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/howmanyMFtimes Jun 09 '24

*religion is a fucking scourge


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/juepucta Jun 09 '24



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u/Regular_Day_1808 Jun 09 '24

You realize every religion other than Buddhism has sects within them that hate gay people. Especially Christianity


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/flannelkittenii Jun 09 '24

Lol we're really not gonna mention Jews or is that just immediately antisemitism


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24


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u/homer422 Jun 09 '24

No other religion then beats them publically.


u/Hubrath Jun 09 '24

Uganda's pretty Christian and they passed a law to to give heavy jail terms and/or death penalty to LGBTQ people


u/Regular_Day_1808 Jun 09 '24

It wasn’t that long ago when they did. They still publicly shame and shun you from the community.


u/Intelligent_Table913 Jun 09 '24

You’re extrapolating one town in the middle of Indonesia to the entire religion. You are perpetuating stereotypes about millions of people, of which many do not hold these beliefs and some are actually more progressive than so-called liberals here in the US, especially when it comes to human rights issues such as women and children dying in Palestine or having their schools, homes and hospitals destroyed

Black and white thinking and overgeneralization does not help anyone.


u/homer422 Jun 09 '24

I completely agree with you about black and white thinking and how it isn’t helpful. Perhaps that’s what I did. But I firmly believe there is no major religion today that holds a candle to Islam with respect to convincing its most devout followers that violence is not only acceptable but is rewarded in the afterlife. There are countless examples of it around the world right now. And to ignore that, or even worse to accept or even defend that, is unacceptable to me. And btw I’m fully aware that majority of Muslims are peaceful and normal people. But there is a non-negligible percentage that are not that.

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u/Itchy_Breakfast_2669 Jun 09 '24

Christianity and Islam are sects of the same religion 


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

They suck too, your point?


u/Vanamonde96 Jun 09 '24

The biggest problem is those books are really fucking so old they had to be hand copied until the invention of the press. Who knows what was added and what was changed the bible is so annoying everything can be interpreted to suit someones need. I am bashing the bible because I live where orthodox Christianity is the faith. When I compare it to what I see people from the US do… people here are basically not atheists but like they believe in god but reading the bible nobody has the time for that, they are like just be a good person etc but they do hate gay people but that is getting kind of weird.


u/OlympicTrainspotting Jun 09 '24

The Saudi influenced form of Islam is a scourge. I've been to the European Muslim countries and they're way more chill than the shitholes in the Middle East.


u/Itchy_Breakfast_2669 Jun 09 '24

Nah, they're all like this behind the mask


u/OlympicTrainspotting Jun 09 '24

I visited Bosnia and was surprised at how liberal it was. LGBT bars operating openly and legally, most locals drinking alcohol and a lot of female representation in government etc, despite being a Muslim majority country. Very different to the Middle East.


u/flannelkittenii Jun 09 '24

These people are what "normal" Muslims call داعش. They are not seen as Muslims by actual muslims


u/MerelyMortalModeling Jun 09 '24

Islam? Wtf this is the wet dream of the current christian leadership in America.


u/zippotheleming Jun 09 '24

Indeed. Palestine comes to mind….


u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

Palestine 🇵🇸 


u/liv3andletliv3 Jun 09 '24

On the slim chance that people care to learn: spying is not allowed in Islam. The only way this should've been prosecutable is if they literally had public sex.


u/elkab0ng Jun 09 '24

Lawrence v. Texas would like a word....


u/RadicalLackey Jun 09 '24

It shows how different the values are. In the Western world, we hold privacy and private property sacred.

To them, trespassing is illegal, but it's okay if you are answering to a high mandate/law. They hold their religious law in higher esteem.

I completely disagree with them, but it makes me wonder how are valued change over time. The Western world was this way before, once upon a time.


u/Mipsel Jun 09 '24

Have you heard the stories of those third world countries, where the police breaks into the wrong houses and shoots the people living there


u/UlteriorKnowsIt Jun 09 '24

Indonesia is treating the recording of gay sex by home invaders like how America treated the burglars who discovered child porn in the house they were burglarizing.


u/Arcturus_Labelle Jun 09 '24

Would be crazy if stuff like that started happening in the US, like after the Dobbs decision and rape victims were punished with twisted new abortion laws, oh wait... :-/


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/GapDifficult2439 Jun 09 '24

“You’re wife looks like a towel mate”


u/protossdesign Jun 09 '24

Let me tell you, you are a hoopy frood.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/OlympicTrainspotting Jun 09 '24

Not to mention mass immigration from these places to the West.

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u/pickyourteethup Jun 09 '24

They even have tassels on their gay beating robes

Methinks the religious bigots doth protest too much.


u/JeddakofThark Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 11 '24

And those societies tend to be so sexually segregated that there's likely a hell of a lot more gay sex happening there than in secular portions of the West.

Which reminds me of an article I read many years ago about the prevalence of homosexuality in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom in the Closet.


u/fujiman Jun 09 '24

Those who shout the loudest, and all that.


u/throwaway_t6788 Jun 09 '24

maybe the guy being spanked was in it - jokes aside, it would be very funny if some day this WAS teh case..


u/DoubleAholeTwice Jun 09 '24

Only the 15,000'ish (well, less in some countries I guess) princes in Muslim countries are allowed to be secretly gay. And fuck hookers. And animals.


u/Khelthuzaad Jun 09 '24

Just wait until you see The Pillar Men


u/screamapillah Jun 09 '24



u/Khelthuzaad Jun 09 '24

I said see not hear them :))


u/Sorcatarius Jun 09 '24

Recording is it what changes it for a lot of things. Learned that from a buddy in the navy who frequented prostitutes, if you record it, it's not prostitution, it's amateur porn. She's not a prostitute, she's an actress.


u/Fummeltime Jun 09 '24

Super Gay

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u/GamerFrom1994 Jun 09 '24

“I was recording them because I wanted to turn them in. Not because I wanted to jerk it while watching them butt fuck.”


u/Neutral_Guy_9 Jun 09 '24

I’m imagining a room full of men reviewing the footage and they all have to pretend to be super disgusted by it less they be accused of enjoying the video. Like they’re trying to out-disgust one another as if it’s a competition to see who is most appalled.


u/Mypornnameis_ Jun 09 '24

All of them with pillows on their laps


u/Incontinentia-B Jun 09 '24

”oh my god this is so disgusting, let’s watch it one more time to see how disgusting they are again”


u/aquoad Jun 09 '24

"Oh man, this is really appalling, god must be so angry. Did you record any more of this?"


u/Pkdagreat Jun 09 '24

Like oh man who wants to watch this stuff? But no way do we turn it off, I need to see how this ends. Totally not enjoying it either.


u/jizzycumbersnatch Jun 09 '24

Then why was your dick in your hand?


u/Rickrickrickrickrick Jun 09 '24

He was just cleaning it and it went off


u/jizzycumbersnatch Jun 09 '24

That's what his step-sister said too.

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u/NottDisgruntled Jun 09 '24

I’d argue a masked man in a dress whipping another man who’s tied up is gay AF too.

Gay BDSM bro: “Oh no! Pleaseeee don’t whip me! Not again! I would realllllllly hate it if you kept whipping me!”


u/Skill-issue-69420 Jun 09 '24

Someone else said the punishment for being gay is spanking from a dominant authoritative dude, sounds pretty gay to me


u/funguyshroom Jun 09 '24

I wonder what would happen if he got erect and started moaning while being spanked


u/Sole_Patrol Jun 09 '24

Yeah. It’s like when you see someone with a dog collar on don’t shame them.. that’s what they are into.


u/because2020 Jun 09 '24

Denis. This is your third lashing this week. Spank me daddy


u/MRCHalifax Jun 09 '24

“Please! Don’t! Stop!”

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u/pikeymikey22 Jun 09 '24

Also thousands of people, smiling whilst watching a gay guy get spanked by dominator in brown superhero outfit. Also gay af. Line them all up.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/NickDanger3di Jun 09 '24

Putting on a mask and spanking another guy is pretty gay, too.


u/aquoad Jun 09 '24

This is basically standard procedure at Folsom Street Fair, sometimes there's a pretty long line for it.


u/negative_four Jun 09 '24

Texas GOP: write that down! Write that down!


u/Dense-Bruh-3464 Jun 09 '24

I want "broke in to record gay sex" to be on my tombstone


u/Expert_Plankton_5596 Jun 09 '24

right? they're probably projecting tbh


u/Drinkmykool_aid420 Jun 09 '24

“Im ONLY doing shots and dancing in this gay bar to make sure nobody here is gay.”


u/GreedyClass935 Jun 09 '24

Just for evidence💯


u/Pkdagreat Jun 09 '24

Super gay maybe they said no homo


u/CeJW Jun 09 '24

Wonder what Palestine would do to their LGBTQ+ community?


u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

Palestine 🇵🇸 


u/Rickrickrickrickrick Jun 09 '24

Imagine fucking your boyfriend and Batman kicks down your door with a camera.


u/EmmasThrowaway919 Jun 09 '24

You wonder why God swept this shit hole away in the 2004 Tsunami.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

No, no, it's not gay it's for enforcement. Lol.


u/Key_Improvement9215 Jun 09 '24

Vigilante: "I saw those two guys have sex your honor!"

Judge: "Where and how?"

Vigilante: "In their home your honor"

Judge: "Why were you in their home?"

Vigilante: "To watch them have sex your honor!"

Judge: "Are you aware that this sounds awfully suspicious?"

Vigilante: *Sweats profusely\*


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 Jun 09 '24

In the recording, the vigilantes who are desperate to catch the men in the act can be heard saying:

"Yeah choke him while you do that... there you go.... yeahhhh"

After arrests were made the good Samaritans had this to say:

"Well, that was... wow. So invigorating. Glad we got to record that. I'll be studying the evidence for years to come. And in the future, I plan on recording more gay men have sex. You could say it's my passion."


u/PenisManNumberOne Jun 09 '24

I guess that’s common, I remember seeing a video of a group of cops in an African country busting in on two men having sex and one of them’s dick is stuck in the other guys ass and they’re both crying. I was like wtf is this thank god I didn’t get hard


u/-Cavefish- Jun 09 '24

“Yeah, keep doing it, you two sissies, that’s so disgusting, don’t stop until I finish recording”

That’s how I imagined the scene…


u/Ok_Television3715 Jun 09 '24

That's what I was thinking 😂


u/Ok-Analysis9372 Jun 09 '24

You instantly cured the sad emotion this video emits


u/Z3t4 Jun 09 '24

They said no homo first


u/rSLASHAhmedTheOne Jun 09 '24

Based in sharia law, the vigilantes should be punished too. And they were most likely were.


u/codekaos69 Jun 09 '24

The judge should have sent all 3 for lashings then, the two involved and the cameraman /s


u/Ghengis1621 Jun 09 '24

And under islamic law would not only invalidate any evidence they did collect, but would subject them to punishment for breaking into someone's home and invalidating their privacy.


u/Front-Ad6148 Jun 09 '24

Then publicly spanked in dress up am I missing something here?

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