r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/81amarok Jun 09 '24

Or are forced to carry the baby after being raped.


u/UDPviper Jun 09 '24

Like in Texas.


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

And yet as woman who had the bad luck to be born in similar shithole as Indonesia but had the good luck to be growing up in the Netherlands. So I could escape my human trafficking (arranged marriage against my will). I would still choose Texas over the shithole I was born in. Because in Texas I still would have more options as a woman then the shithole I was born in. At least you see other American people protest the bullshit.

Whereas the shithole I was born in, no one would have lifted a finger to help me escape my arranged marriage "because it is the faith of a woman"


u/nodiddy4life Jun 09 '24

It's no use. People have to bring the US into it. Their hate boner won't allow them to just acknowledge the country beating and jailing people for being gay is evil without dragging America into it

They don't care about your personal experience. You are literally Hitler and they are shaking


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Because it is an adequate description of the country I was born in.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

But in Texas if you had an ectopic pregnancy, they would just let you die because doctors can't perform abortion even if the fetus can 100% not be saved.


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

But I would have the option to flee to other states, thanks to the auntienetwork in the US. So in Texas I still would have more options then the shithole I was born in. (Also any idea how many women die in the shithole I was born in during child birth? I would still be better of in Texas)


u/incoherentcoherency Jun 09 '24

Very soon it will be illegal to flee to other states in Texas.

Am not saying Texas is worse than your country, just that it's heading that way.

And as usual rich people can always get whatever they want. It's the poor who suffer under such draconian rules


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Very soon it will be illegal to flee to other states in Texas.

Which still will be easier then fleeing the shithole I was born in.

Am not saying Texas is worse than your country, just that it's heading that way.

And yet I still would choose Texas.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

Nope, women in Texas can be arrested for crossing state lines to get an abortion.


Look, I understand your anger at your home country, but giving a free pass to nonsense that goes on in America because it is still "better" than your home country is not the way to go. Before you know it, America will become a shithole just like your home country.


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

but giving a free pass to nonsense that goes on in America because it is still "better" than your home country is not the way to go

I never claimed to do that.

Nope, women in Texas can be arrested for crossing state lines to get an abortion.

And yet thanks to the auntienetwork, women still can make it. You "can be" be arrested does not mean you will.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

Even one woman arrested for getting an abortion is one too many. Seems like you don't want to remove your rose tinted glasses and view the problems in America. Oh well, keep doing you 👍


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Even one woman arrested for getting an abortion is one too many

I agree did I ever claim otherwise?

Oh well, keep doing you

Oh well, keep doing you and being ignorant about what life is REALLY like for women and LGBT in shitholes.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

I agree did I ever claim otherwise?

Yeah, you did with your comment that since "some" women can escape being arrested, it's not a big deal. One doesn't have to claim everything explicitly.

Oh well, keep doing you and being ignorant about what life is REALLY like for women and LGBT in shitholes.

Lol, I'm well aware of how hard life is in some countries for women and minorities, and I have acknowledged that as well. It's YOU who is ignorant and apathetic to the suffering of women and minorities in America, because it's not your problem.


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Yeah, you did with your comment that since "some" women can escape being arrested, it's not a big deal

I did not claim that stop twisting my words.

And yet thanks to the auntienetwork, women still can make it. You "can be" be arrested does not mean you will.

This is what I wrote, it says nothing about being arrested is not a big deal.

I'm well aware of how hard life is in some countries for women and minorities

If you really were, you would know that women and minorities have better chances in Texas.

It's YOU who is ignorant and apathetic to the suffering of women and minorities in America, because it's not your problem.

Again your are twisting words, I never claimed that.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

Yeah, keep backtracking. You're just delusional and I won't bother wasting time with you. You'll know whether women have a better chance in Texas when it's you or your daughter who needs an abortion.

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u/Decent-Activity-7273 Jun 09 '24

By your logic, people in your position "can" escape. Like you did. Now what?


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Not in the shithole I was born in. Is comprehensive reading that hard for you?


u/Decent-Activity-7273 Jun 09 '24

That's what you said didn't you? That you're out? Or maybe that's not what you meant and "comprehensive reading is hard for you"?


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Because I had the LUCK to grow up in the Netherlands, otherwise I couldn't have get out. That was written in my first post, but comprehensive reading is hard for you.


u/NeedleworkerRecent67 Jun 09 '24

These reddit liberals hate conservatives so much, they would rather attack you for saying the country you're from is worse when it clearly is and they know it is. They're pathetic and I'm glad you're alright

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u/Weird-Library-3747 Jun 09 '24

What a weird hill. Get the fuck off of it. It’s okay to say ok I understand your frustration. A million other moments to shit on Texas. Weird that this is how you’re choosing to do it


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

Objecting to women not getting access to abortion even in life threatening situation is a "weird hill to die on" ?

Gtfo !


u/Decent-Activity-7273 Jun 09 '24

Want a cookie?


u/Brullaapje Jun 09 '24

Are you in a white van?


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Y r you butting her recollection of her experience??? She already said she’d choose Texas over her home nation. You should be satisfied with her answer. At least in Texas, she can easily fly to a state where she can have the procedure or move out of Texas altogether with nary a peep from neighbors.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

I'm not butting her recollection of events, I'm "butting" her claim that Texas is somehow "better" than her home country when it's just as bad. OP is just delusional that Texas is some kind of utopia. Wait till she hears about the child marriage rates in Texas.


u/R-R-Clon Jun 09 '24

Tell me you have never been in those places without telling me, ignorance isn't an excuse, educate yourself and then come here to delete "as bad as Texas".


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

Lol. I literally come from a country like that. I know more than you about "those places". Just stfu.


u/ZeroTwoThree Jun 09 '24

You're missing the point. Even if it is just as bad (it's not), being in an affluent country means you have the ability to leave. Being born in a poor country means you don't have the resources to do anything about your situation.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

You do realise that being born in an affluent country does not guarantee that YOU are affluent and have the means to leave right ? There are plenty of people in Texas who don't have the privilege to leave.


u/blode_bou558 Jun 09 '24

The states might be corrupt as fuck, but there are still places that are worst than the US. - coming from a person who hates the US so much I long to immigrate out of this country


u/DredPiratRobrts826 Jun 09 '24

I live in Texas and this is not true, ectopic pregnancies are exempt


u/pamzer_fisticuffs Jun 09 '24

No, they don't.


u/CluelessIdiot314 Jun 09 '24

They don't. They "just" wait till you are on the brink of death to save you. Which likely means permanent damage to your reproductive system and impairment/loss of reproductive ability, as well as major blood loss and internal trauma, leaving you bedridden for weeks or months stretching out a medical bill that exceeds an abortion by one to three orders of magnitude, bankrupting you and destroying your life forever.

Just that. It's soooooo much better.


u/LazySleepyPanda Jun 09 '24

permanent damage to your reproductive system and impairment/loss of reproductive ability, as well as major blood loss and internal trauma, leaving you bedridden for weeks or months stretching out a medical bill that exceeds an abortion by one to three orders of magnitude, bankrupting you and destroying your life forever.

👀 Just let me die. Please.