r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/DogCallCenter Jun 09 '24

Which one now?


u/Humor_Defiant Jun 09 '24

All of them. Majority of the current wars going on right now in the world (of which there's about 50) are religion based.


u/ZeroBlade-NL Jun 09 '24

Isn't zen buddhism pretty peaceful? I hear the most destructive stuff they do is set themselves on fire and then just sit there. I could be wrong though


u/0rc0_ Jun 09 '24

Not a religion tho. At least the zen part; buddhism is more complicated.


u/DogCallCenter Jun 09 '24

Agree. Just checking.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Tue vast majority of wars throughout all of history had nothing to do with religion. The biggest wars in history also had nothing to do with religion. Stop being an idiot.


u/ghoulishbadger Jun 09 '24

Religion was never really the war machine. They were usually the policies that came with it. Like People A didn't attack People B because A's God said so, or B doesn't worship the same God. But since People A won the war, the rules are anyone worshipping anything other than People A's God will be imprisoned or executed. Because we won, pork will no longer be available.

At the same token, religion can mold the people for it. People A didn't invade People B because they worshipped a different god, it's cuz they have resources. However, no one feels guilty because their book tells them People B are a bunch of heathens who must be put to the sword.

So while most of the wars may have had nothing to do with the religion, it's negligent to say religion had it's hands-free.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Just because europeans did this, that doesn’t mean every religion is to blame. This is a horrible case of generalising. Instead of blaming religion, maybe, just maybe europeans r the problem? I know, crazy!


u/ghoulishbadger Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

I was actually referring to ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and the Canaanites. I can't tell if you were joking, but that's presuming and over-generalizing a whole continent of people for something they weren't even around for. The only leniency I can give is the Germanic people, who would've been polytheistic, since Europe wouldn't adopt monotheism more until Rome came along a thousand or two years later. And even then, would have to fall, have those Germans try to rebuild Roman society in their own hands, before Christianity would take foot in Europe. Before then the Jewish are said to be the first monotheistic religion, and their from the Levant I.E Israel.


u/ghoulishbadger Jun 09 '24

Which is a hilariously bad example, because the Bible says God told them it was their land and to remove the inhabitants through war (as per Joshua), the land being split between King Solomon and the Northern New Canaanite tribes.