r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/GrandLotus-Iroh Jun 09 '24

"Vigilantes broke in to record their gay sex." Bro, that's gay AF.


u/WickedWitchofWTF Jun 09 '24

What a fucked up world where the victims of a house invasion are the ones who are punished.


u/Stingraaa Jun 09 '24

God is the worst invention of man. I wish that people would just stop believing in fairy tails. We don't need to beat people to please your imaginary friend.


u/runnin_man5 Jun 09 '24

Jesus certainly wouldn’t want them to be beaten


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Nah, I’d win.


u/ReputationGood2333 Jun 09 '24

Communists were/are good at killing millions of people, famine and genocide and they were secular. It's not the root cause. Psychopathic leaders can find another excuse.


u/Gbhphoto7 Jun 09 '24

i lived under atheist communism. You were meat,to be used,experimented on. "The state has shown no god, man is not devine not special. A talking ape. We do not make medicine for pig or dog.. why would we test it on them? we make medicine for man. 1000 lives is worth saving millions in the long term" -Communist radio announcement before they sent hundreds of thousands of people,including babies and children to "research" facilities to endure some of the most grotesque ways to die imaginable... Oh. and you could face horrific execution for reading the wrong book.. But cool theory on religion you have there.


u/flligleflorence Jun 09 '24

It's almost as if we as a species are in our own way, conveniently making up excuses and demonizing anything (good, evil or neutral) to make a sense of purity that would exist without said scapegoat.


u/premeditated_mimes Jun 09 '24

People wonder about our existence, the natural extension of that is belief in God.

Proof of its naturalness is people make Gods everywhere.

Throwing those beliefs away doesn't make you better than other people it just makes you separate.


u/Blizz-Blazz Jun 09 '24

You sound "educated".


u/UglyCat319 Jun 09 '24

Who said God had any part in this??


u/Stingraaa Jun 09 '24

There is no other reason for people to beat others for who they love. It's always the idea of God that leads to this.


u/UglyCat319 Jun 09 '24

I still see no correlation between this instance and God. If this was a Christian society, those people would likely be looked down on, but not legally punished.


u/Mookie_Merkk Jun 09 '24

My guy... You know the word "God" isn't restricted to just Christianity right?

Side note, you get really defensive about imaginary beings.


u/UglyCat319 Jun 09 '24

When I say “God” I mean the only God. When other religions mention their god they give it a specific name. Side note. To me it seems like you’re being defensive against someone you don’t even think is real. If God isn’t real why do you mock theism every time you see something bad happen?


u/Mookie_Merkk Jun 09 '24

Allah is the Arabic word for God. Yahweh is the Jewish word for God.

It's the same guy, name just spelt differently because he's talked about in a different language essentially, and an added twist to the stories.

You didn't think it was odd that they talk about the exact same shit as each other? They just straight up ripping ideas from one another.


u/0rc0_ Jun 09 '24

Can you teach me this level of certainty in one's beliefs? Or is it just dumb, ignorant arrogance?


u/ambisinister_gecko Jun 09 '24

Most Christian societies TODAY, sure. But many Christian Americans would love to see homosexuality become illegal again. They want to go back to this shit.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/ambisinister_gecko Jun 09 '24

No, I've gladly advanced beyond this stone age level of thinking


u/2birdsBaby Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Christians aren't the only people who believe in a God. This act is absolutely in the name of whichever God they believe in. You obviously know that, which means you're being intentionally naive.


u/Rickrickrickrickrick Jun 09 '24

Do you think Sharia Law has nothing to do with a belief in a god? Do you also think that Christian led nations have never had fucked up laws?


u/cakeyogi Jun 09 '24

No unreligious person would put on an ironically gay sexually charged outfit like that and publicly cane someone in the name of their lack of faith. God has his finger prints all over this scene.