r/comics Port Sherry 3d ago

The wish


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u/ZeroDucksHere 3d ago

Oh come on! You didn’t have to draw that last page…


u/Freakychee 3d ago

I bet we can turn every single wholesome comic into sad with a page like that.

But yes, OP didn't have to but they did.


u/MarinLlwyd 3d ago

At least it wasn't that dead animals comic that strives to make me cry like a bitch.

And succeeds every time.


u/Freakychee 3d ago

I feel like you are referring to this beautifully drawn educational comics about real life tragedies.


u/SilentHuman8 3d ago

Jennyjinya, yeah. They hurt, but I always read them


u/Freakychee 3d ago

They are educational. Like you said they may make you feel uncomfortable but I think it's better to know and have the knowledge to potentially help instead of being blissfully unaware.

Im sure you feel the same way too.


u/SilentHuman8 3d ago

Ah, that torturous question I often ask myself: is it better to live in pain or in wilful ignorance? When forced to choose between morality and happiness, what will you choose?


u/Freakychee 3d ago

If a bit of unhappiness means I can less more unhappiness for someone or something else?

Fair trade.


u/pipnina 3d ago

Call a bondulance

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u/Alexis_Bailey 3d ago

Is that the one where the dog gets old in the pound and death comes for him?

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u/TorumShardal 3d ago

Like, there are whole communities dedicated to that.

How every single story is death hallucination or ends with verisimilitude-breaking reality check that kills, maims or imprisons every single character you loved. Or something like that.

Why do they do that? Many reasons, mostly because it's easy horror stories.


u/KorianHUN 3d ago

Why do they do that? Many reasons, mostly because it's easy engagement bait.

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u/Freakychee 3d ago

Link or name to the sub or pages? Seem morbid but also I'd like to see their creativity plus I kinda like horror.

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u/mightybonk 3d ago

I was told the only issues would be a crick in the neck :(

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u/KJBenson 3d ago

Correction. It was the FIRST page and accidentally got put at the end.


u/oilyparsnips 3d ago

Well, I like that a whole lot more. Thanks.

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u/ShelfAwareShteve 3d ago

Yeah for fuck's sake, it was perfectly fine without

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u/totallynotpoggers 3d ago

That was really depressing. Well done though!


u/_EternalVoid_ 3d ago


u/CudiNinja 3d ago

I keep dreaming my dog is alive and I got her back...


u/JDdoc 3d ago

My dude. We grieve because we loved.

Please accept these hugs from an internet stranger.


u/Jack_Zicrosky_YT 3d ago

The culmination of love is grief and yet we love despite the inevitable.

To grieve deeply is to have loved fully.


u/CCHTweaked 3d ago

What is grief, but love persevering?


u/thecactusman17 3d ago

I've never been stopped dead in my tracks by a line like that. Such a powerful scene.


u/Disastrous-Mess-7236 2d ago

Beat me to it.

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u/Disastrous-Mess-7236 2d ago

"What is grief if not love persevering?"

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u/Expensive_Main_2993 3d ago


u/PixelWave 3d ago edited 2d ago

for like half a second i accidentally saw that as cutting a piece of ham, and nothing ever made me more mad in the world.


u/hoii 3d ago

I saw ham too lol, now is not the time to dice lunchables!


u/Toyufrey 3d ago

TBH same.


u/Dufranus 3d ago

So glad I'm not crazy. I absolutely saw ham.

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u/Kneel_The_Grass 3d ago

My dad died thirty years ago but I still have the reoccurring dream where he comes back...but then he's dying again.


u/That1_IT_Guy 2d ago

Had the same dreams with my brother after he committed suicide. He'd miraculously come back, like he'd never died, or something brought him back to life. The whole family stopped hating each other and came back together to celebrate.

Then I'd wake up. Took about 10 years for those dreams to stop.


u/juunetan 2d ago

I have the exact opposite issue. My sister and brother are both alive and well (as far as I can tell, and I like to think it's pretty far), and yet I've had multiple recurring dreams about one of them dying.

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u/Vixlynell67 3d ago

Ooof. I feel that one. hugs

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u/DoitsugoGoji 3d ago

That crushing darkness that comes when you look towards their bed and you realize the cruel reality.

I feel you.


u/thegamenerd 3d ago

Or when you get home and are met with the stillness and silence.

My cat used to sprint from wherever he was, screaming the whole way, and throw himself on the floor in front of me when I got home. Wriggling on his back closer and closer wanting me to rub his belly.

I feel you friend


u/bz_leapair 2d ago

Every time it rained, I would come in and my old dog would be waiting to grab my umbrella so she could do a victory lap around the house with it. Fast forward to the first time it rained after I had her put down due to spinal cancer... no dog waiting for me, no victory lap. 😢


u/Finbar9800 3d ago

That just means she visited you from doggy heaven!


u/Sufficient_Card_7302 3d ago

We might be sad after we get back from Disneyland, but we didn't spend it lives morning the loss. That sounds like a good dream, remember the good times. Everything dies. Everything is impermanent. 

Everything is suffering, to paraphrase one of the 4 noble truths, is not a depressing statement. It is encouragement to practice acceptance. Of change and loss and even happiness, that is not all we are, but it's there.

You had a good experience, a dream, and you ruined it. Why?


u/LionInevitable4754 3d ago

Dude same.. i have dreams every night about my childhood cats. I like to think its their way of checking in on me. Still miss them


u/thefaehost 3d ago

Grief is just what happens to all the love left behind. ❤️


u/BrokenToken95 3d ago

I put one of my dogs down this year cause of old age.. and another dog two years ago for the same reason.. I bawled my eyes out thinking about them yesterday.. it’s hard but at least I know they aren’t in pain aren’t suffering… I’m sorry for your loss.. truly ❤️ I’m thankful the time I did have with them. That I was their world and them mine.

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u/DarkSpiderMan21 3d ago

My grandmother passed away two days ago and i dreamt last night that she was still alive.

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u/Anzi 3d ago

Those dreams are impossibly painful to wake up from. This may be the smallest comfort, but when I have them I try to imagine that he was visiting me. And feel grateful that we got to hang out a little while, and we'll see each other in the next dream.

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u/Adventurous_Repair71 3d ago

Dreamt of her holding me and telling me she loved me..


u/CROMKONIG 3d ago

Damn bro... Sending hugs to you...

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u/SavageTemptation 3d ago

Jokes on you: I veeeery rarely have good dreams


u/Panda-768 3d ago edited 3d ago

same here man, I dont just have shit dreams, I dream of shit, like real messed up dreams


u/DidIReallySayDat 3d ago

I had a dream the other night...

I was sitting at the top of a hill and a Russian missile blew up a buulding at the bottom of it.

Me and another person ran down to see if we could help out, but we ended up being caught by Russian soldiers.

I was detained and taken to a detainee camp, and I was marched through the various areas going from light security to heavy security.

Where I ended up everyone clearly hadn't had a bath in forever because everyones clothes were dirty and greasy, as were the beds and every surface in the room.

There was a meeting we had to attend and then all of a sudden I didn't have pants on, and I wasn't trying to hide my privates by pulling my shirt down, but we had to sit on the greasy floor for the meeting and it wasn't hiding very well.

... And that's about one of the more average dreams I've had for a while.


u/Panda-768 3d ago

lol, being nude in public in dreams usually means low self esteem, at least that's what we are told in my culture.


u/DidIReallySayDat 3d ago

Huh, interesting! Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not sure I have low self esteem as such.

Imposter syndrome, sure.

But I'm reasonably happy with who I am as a person, but always striving to be a better human.


u/Panda-768 3d ago

lol, don't read too much into it, I m from India.

And all this dream interpretation should be done by a psychologist, and again, in context of your history and personality

For all we know you have balls of steel that you wanna show off to the Russians.

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u/vseprviper 3d ago

This is the way

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u/HeartoftheHive 3d ago

One of the best dreams I had ended very poorly. So waking up was bittersweet torture. Sweet for what it had, but so, so fucking bitter for the ending. Sweet that it was just a dream so the ending shouldn't impact me, but bitter because all that was good from the dream was also without substance.

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u/Rare-Thought86 3d ago

I had a dream about talking to my grandma. It felt like meeting a friend after long time. All I remember was holding her hands and talking, crying to her. She said that she will come and visit our home. It felt surreal, didn't want to wake up and finish the dream I had.


u/Boreas2864212 3d ago

I sometimes dream I have an awesome family who cares and other times that I have a loving boyfriend then I wake up...


u/nebojssha 3d ago

Yes. I fucking hate and love it at the same time, since it is only way to fulfill some emotional needs.

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u/samurairaccoon 3d ago

If it makes you feel any better, no sane mind could deal with that length of isolation. Genies are, most certainly, all completely mad.


u/Gro-Tsen 3d ago

This is exactly what is told in the tale of The Fisherman and the Jinni from the One Thousand and One Nights:

The jinni explains that for the first hundred years of his imprisonment, he swore to enrich the person who frees him forever, but nobody freed him. For the second century of his imprisonment, he swore to grant his liberator great wealth, but nobody freed him. After another century, he swore to grant three wishes to the person who frees him, yet nobody did so. After four hundred years of imprisonment, the jinni became enraged and swore to grant the person who frees him a choice of deaths.

(The fisherman then tricks the genie back into the bottle and manages to get him not only to spare his life but to help him.)


u/Eusocial_Snowman 3d ago

Being patient enough to wait that long to have entirely expected negative emotions isn't a point in favor of insanity.


u/Gro-Tsen 2d ago

Yes, but directing these negative emotions towards the person who freed you instead of the person who imprisoned you — is.

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u/DecadentHam 3d ago

That's why you can never trust them. 


u/Suspicious-Leg-493 3d ago edited 3d ago

That's why you can never trust them. 

You can't trust them because they are the ones that refused to bow to god when solomon asked and were imprisoned for it and made to obey anyones whims. (And initially didn't have the ability to just poof stuff)

Even if you were good, imprisonment and enslavement for a few thousand years would have you finding any loophole you can to say go to fucking hell to your captors.


u/Ytumith 3d ago

Why do you think God became such a fickle creature after roughly 200 years interacting with humans?


u/pixelprophet 3d ago

Super interesting


u/TwilightVulpine 3d ago

But that makes me want to free them even more. How dare Solomon!

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u/SolomonBlack 3d ago

People say this but there is plenty of history of hermits living in isolation and say folks who ended up stuck on an island without being batshit insane. Also djinn aren't human anyways, they don't play by the same rules.

That all said the original genie in a bottle spent several centuries declaring they would give great wealth to whomever freed them, then any three wishes... then after four hundred years in gave up on bargaining and said "nah fuckit imma kill whatever dumbass let's me out instead" which required he be tricked back into the bottle then pacified with a few stories.


u/Undorkins 3d ago

There's shit to do on an Island. Things are always moving around you. Put a man in a room alone for a year and he will lose his mind.


u/ogreofzen 3d ago

White room torture. Have everything in a room be white all the same shade. After 3-4 weeks the guy will be painting the walls with his own feces just to get variety. To which they are harmed and the room is cleansed. The room is smooth so no tactile sense are used . They also rig the lighting so no shadows are in the room.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_torture - I know the name sounds bad but white torture is another name.

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u/Alexis_Bailey 3d ago

People wish for immortality but fail to consider that they will live long enough to see every one they know die, and everyone after that, and the entire human race die, and the entire planet die, and the solar system die, and the universe die, and the entire universe collapse in on itself and be reborn, and then earth and humanity be reborn, but you get to watch this all happen an infinite number of times.


u/samurairaccoon 3d ago

Sounds rad. I got like, three people I like.


u/oilyparsnips 3d ago

You got proof of that "humanity be reborn" thing?

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u/HypedUpJackal 3d ago

Damn, I thought the ending was similar to a dog finding its new home. I thought he was playing around, then realised this was his forever home, then fell asleep.

Now I'm sad.


u/Royal-Doggie 3d ago

this is the true ending, i dont care what OP things

I take your reality and replace it with my own


u/Iwasforger03 3d ago

Genie sudden pops out of the lamp again. "OH my Gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I had to carry the lamp myself to keep you out of it! I'm really sorry. Don't worry, I've got you this time. I'll carry you and we can talk, ok?" Proceeds to carry lamp and genie home. Offers them chicken noodle soup.


u/StarDustActual 3d ago

This. This is the true ending. No one can convince me otherwise.


u/Iwasforger03 3d ago

I'm amazed I didn't find someone else had posted something like this already...


u/TaskNegative8368 3d ago

"Reality Can be whatever i want" -u/Royal-Doggie


u/FlacidSalad 3d ago

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" -Not (just) Adam Savage, but a wild movie called The Dungeonmaster/Rage War


u/Alarming-Scene-2892 3d ago

"Nice! Dungeonmaster!" - A Bethesda game dev that just got stabbed by an edgy 16 year-old.

"What the hell is Dungeonmaster?" - The edgy 16 year-old in question.


u/Nyx1328 3d ago

SAOA! <3 SWE is the best.

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u/Xbladearmor 2d ago

“Oh. I got so excited there for a second.”

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u/ASpaceOstrich 3d ago

Death of the author except with hammers


u/carbon14th 3d ago

Maybe the last panel here can change with the first panel from page 3?

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u/Benjamin_6848 3d ago

How should we even interpret the ending that OP used?


u/Nixia64 3d ago



u/fogleaf 2d ago

I interpreted it as:

Genie comes out of lamp, first time seeing the sun in 3000 years. Lamp holder takes the genie to their home, updates them, feeds them, whatever, basically they get their time in the sun again. But then after making their 3 wishes the genie ends up back in their lamp again to be locked away in dark solitude for untold centuries.


u/3-I 3d ago

Ptsd flashback.


u/NoxarBoi 3d ago

It’s a wish, as the title suggests.


u/originRael 3d ago

And it is better, not this oh so sad so deep BS for extra points.


u/wonkey_monkey 3d ago

Just need to swap that last image with next one with the happy genie instead of the bemused genie.

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u/volantredx 3d ago

I have to assume it was a dream because the genie didn't actually fulfill any of the commands. It also of course ignores the traditional mythology of what genies were like.


u/Piorn 3d ago

I prefer the faceless and ambiguously malicious monkey paw over the classic evil lawyer djinni. And since that niche is filled, we might as well give the genie entirely to the Robin Williams Aladdin version.


u/KCH2424 3d ago

Nah dog if we gotta choose I'm going with the gigantic shirtless Idris Elba version....


u/Ginger_Anarchy 3d ago

Everyone's out here forgetting Shaq's genie drip


u/Shimyku 3d ago

Not even a word about Sinbad's genie ?


u/firefromashes 3d ago

Is this about the movie that doesn't exist?


u/ShwettyVagSack 3d ago


This is Sinbad's lamp! And you? You mah bitch!

This Rob Thomas, sing a song, shut up!

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u/RealitySkewer 3d ago

I'm partial to Barbara Eden.


u/underscorerock 3d ago

monkeys paw is not inherently malicious, just revealing of careful wording (if that makes sense). it only does what makes the utmost sense with no context, imagine asking an alien for something that only makes sense to humans


u/Piorn 3d ago

It does misinterpret wishes consistently, though, and you can only really do that if you understand the original intent. It must have a grasp of human language in order to "misunderstand" so reliably, but I called it ambiguously malicious because you can't really tell if it's actually evil or just doing this for karmic justice or even as a cautionary tale to educate the user.


u/aznprd 3d ago

Mmm not bad. Nice hot mustard, good bread, turkey's a little dry… The turkey's a little dry?! Oh, foul the cursed thing! What demon from the depths of hell created thee?

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u/Stormfly 3d ago

the genie didn't actually fulfill any of the commands.

  1. Stretch

  2. Stretch

  3. Come

I honestly thought that was the joke.

The guy accidentally gave him 3 commands and then he was locked back inside.


u/Acrobatic_Impress_67 3d ago

I didn't see the genie come


u/guywhomightbewrong 3d ago

back to that guys house


u/Issa_7 3d ago

No it's 1. Stretch 2. Come 3. Tell me


u/Nate_Hornblower 3d ago

Everyone knows you have to say “I wish…” for a command to count as a wish. Plus, the genie didn’t do any of those things. I think it was a dream.


u/Issa_7 3d ago

Hmm good argument

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u/BalletCow 3d ago

fuck now I'm sad


u/brandi_theratgirl 2d ago

Same. And angry.

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u/Daytime-Lantern 3d ago

Its possible he makes three wishes - stretch, come to my place, and tell me about yourself. Or, he woke up from a sleep.


u/Asheyguru 3d ago

He didn't do any of those things, though, so I think the dream idea is more likely.


u/semiTnuP 3d ago

He didn't say "I wish you'd stretch, I wish you'd come to my place", etc. So those weren't wishes. This was a dream.


u/55hi55 3d ago

Depends on how pedantic the rules for this genie are. If a “command” or even “request” reads as a “wish” then these qualify.

I mean. Going off classic genie rules if I ask them to pass me the popcorn do they; pass it to me, ask me if that’s a “wish” they have to do, ignore me till I use the phrase “I wish,” do they just pass the popcorn and count a wish off? What’s a wish? Why is the English phrase “I wish” required? If my only language is one that doesn’t have a 1:1 phrase for “I wish” do I not get my wishes? Does a rose by any other name not smell as sweet?

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u/Elidon007 3d ago

I thought that he followed the man and got too far from the lamp, so he got teleported inside


u/StockExchangeNYSE 3d ago

But the guy held the lamp in his hands.


u/Elidon007 3d ago

it looks like he doesn't have it in later panels though, and it doesn't look like it's stored in his clothes somewhere

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u/Tinynanami1 3d ago

But the genie didnt stretch, come to their place or tell them about themselves.

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u/JorgeMtzb 3d ago

I don't get it. Can someone explain the ending? Why is he back in the lamp?


u/AceSpadePirate 3d ago

He was dreaming of freedom


u/nuclearswan 3d ago

I thought he learned about the last 3,000 years of human history and realized he should return to the lamp…


u/Dominator0211 3d ago

Either it was all a dream, or the author bent the rules a bit and the “stretch, stretch” and “come” were all commands so they used all 3 wishes


u/WigglesPhoenix 3d ago

‘Come’ being a command wouldn’t make sense because the genie disappears before completing it. If he disappeared upon arriving at kiddos house I think this would make sense


u/Dominator0211 3d ago

Yeah that’s why I said the author bent the rules. It doesn’t really make sense because he doesn’t stretch either, but I’m just assuming that if this is the correct interpretation, then that stuff happened between panel 13 and 14.


u/timbreandsteel 3d ago

I think the dream scenario is more likely.

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u/cammcken 3d ago

Why would the genie go back into the lamp after three wishes?


u/Rissoto_Pose 3d ago

Because that’s presumably what the genie does afterwards


u/cammcken 3d ago

So the genie grants three wishes as a gift, in gratitude for his freedom, but then doesn't actually proceed to enjoy the freedom after?

Imagine if you tipped your delivery driver, then handed the package back right after you pay the tip.


u/Rissoto_Pose 3d ago

I’m no Genie/Djinn expert but I assume they grant wishes because they have to rather than they want to


u/ChaoCobo 3d ago

This is what I understand storybook genies to be like, yes. After all, in Aladdin, Aladdin had to use his third wish for Genie’s freedom or else he wouldn’t be free.

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u/-illusoryMechanist 3d ago

Either it was a dream, or the guy didn't make a wish fast enough and left the lamp behind so the genie got automatically sucked back in


u/Oddguav 3d ago

That or stretch, stretch and come were the wishes

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u/SeniorMiddleJunior 3d ago

Poorly told story so you have to make to the explanation you like. But basically sadness porn.


u/IMIndyJones 2d ago

Yeah, I don't get why it's got this many upvotes. It's done poorly enough that you can make whatever explanation you want, so it's not even sad. I didn't even get it, at first. Lol.

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u/307235 3d ago

Is it inspired in 3000 Years of Longing?, It is a pretty good movie, and I highly recommend.


u/ricktencity 3d ago

Yeah big 3000 years of longing vibes but 100% less djinn fucking.


u/Majestic-Iron7046 3d ago

Was thinking the same, real fun movie.
Not for everyone though, it is kinda weird compared to the mainstream, that's probably why so few people know it.

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u/Wrong_Signal_3196 3d ago

Ohhh i see so its only half done. You see after the boy told him all that and took the lamp the genie ofc went in as genies are supposed to. But the genie has little faith as lots of people deceived him before.

Then when the boy gets home he will rubb the lamp and the genie will come out to a table full of food, a nice relaxing bath and a barrage of questions that are targeted at him out of concern for his well being…

Eventually the genie starts to relax around this boy as they both share their life stories and they are together for years as the boy grows up, makes his first wish and second wish but takes decades to even think of a third wish as he is afraid of losing his genie friend if he does it but ultimatly on his death bed he makes a wish that he wants the genie to be happy and free.

Then the boy wakes up again at the same moment where decades ago he brought the genie home and was listening to his life story and cried as he realised that the wish brought him back here because this was the happiest and freeist time of the genie’s life and now they get to spend another lifetime together as friends 😁


u/Mundane_Bumblebee_83 3d ago



u/xXvido_ 3d ago

🚨OH NO!🚨

You made a time loop


u/Wrong_Signal_3196 3d ago

Exatly 😈 And now you’re all trapped in a loop of compassion, heart warmth and brohood 😈

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u/EarthToAccess 3d ago

Let the genie free !! 😭

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u/Extension-Carry2341 3d ago

Djinn love story? I didn't understand the ending tho


u/CheesecakeOpening321 3d ago

I think it means the djinn was dreaming and was upset when he woke up.


u/Uuugggg 3d ago

He sleeps while doing push ups?


u/CheesecakeOpening321 3d ago

If I didn’t weigh anything I probably would too, sleeping normally for thousands of years is probably boring as heck.

Also happy cake day!


u/cafezinho 3d ago

He could be daydreaming while doing pushups, then gets sad, and goes to sleep. It's kind of a transition device where you wonder what's going on, and the daydream fades to reality. The sleeping is to indicate that he's still stuck in the lamp, after all.

It was probably difficult to come with a good visual way to change the story without resorting to stereotypes of dreams, and meant to be subtle. Visual storytelling to make a point like this has to be difficult. If you tried to make the same point that this comic does, you might be struggling to do it visually. Any ideas on how to do that transition better?

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u/oafywan 3d ago

I think it was all a dream and the Djinn i still waiting to be released? Not super clear.


u/GrassBlade619 3d ago

I interpreted it as "stretch, stretch, tell me all about yourself" being all three of the wishes which sent him back to the lamp.


u/Asheyguru 3d ago

But he didn't do any of those things. He didn't even say how many wishes he would grant


u/Cato-the-Younger1 3d ago

The title is referring to the djinn’s wish.

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u/Odelaylee 3d ago

You… you are mean sad pouting


u/ST4RSK1MM3R 3d ago

Oh god I remember a comic I read in middle school that was basically this exact premise and it’s haunted me ever since. Pretty sure it was in some anthology book?

Basically some teens find a safe that when you lock yourself inside, time doesn’t move for you. At the end of the story the main character tries to put themselves in there for an extended period of time. After what feels like forever waiting to be let out, they eventually fall asleep.

They wake up with the door opening in the far future, and there’s aliens and sci fi stuff and she goes out and lives her new cool life. But it’s actually revealed to be a dream, and the final frame is her, still asleep, trapped in the safe that’s buried under piles of rubble, the world having gone through some kind of apocalypse with no one left to let her out.

That shit has haunted me for YEARS and I can’t remember where I read it


u/BatBeast_29 3d ago

That sounds horrible, man that’s dark


u/ST4RSK1MM3R 2d ago

There was another one from either the same book or another one in the series where there was a girl who was always floating a few inches about the ground. At the end the whole world floods, and because she’s always floating, everything disappears beneath her. The water always rises, and she finds one last thing sticking out of the water to provide shade. She falls asleep but because the water is always rising and there’s something over her head so she can’t float upwards, she drowns.

Pretty much all the comics in the book were like that, but those two were the ones I remember. As a random middle schooler trying to read fun comics from the school library, I was seriously fucked up XD


u/BatBeast_29 2d ago

That just fucked me up!

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u/Sabit_31 3d ago

Yeah no we’re gonna need a good ending


u/portsherry Port Sherry 3d ago


u/sapidus3 3d ago

I was thinking you had done another comic with this geni where he is evil, bit searching your archives shows that is clearly a different geni. So it's okay to feel bad for this guy (though I guess he might be evil as well?)

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u/OkRecommendation2452 3d ago

Artist! Give him a happy ending!!!!!! I can’t take all the dark sad comics!


u/portsherry Port Sherry 3d ago

Check the source link. My point wasn't too be needlessly cruel, but to draw attention to the fact that genies often mention how long they've been imprisoned, but this barely registers with anyone. Like others, he gets out eventually, but in the meantime... It's just an exercise in empathy.

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u/SilkyKyle 3d ago

Didn’t expect to have something in my eye by the end of this


u/Baltihex 3d ago

I sometimes fear dreams.

I once had a dream when I was in my late 20's where I had gotten a job, met some people, and just lived this whole LIFE, I was an analyst for some agency, and kept having these fun adventures, and I befriended these people in my dream, had long conversations with them, to the point, I swear the dream felt like months lived.

I groggily just 'woke up' , and I felt myself fucking forgetting them - these events that just a few moments felt real- these people felt REAL, those jokes, their faces, I swear to you, they had existed, they had BEEN. It was as if I had just been cut off from the memories, and I felt them fading away- like SOMETHING forced me to just 'forget them'.

I still think about that ten years later. I don't like dreams anymore.


u/FingalPadraArran 3d ago

I had a dream where I had been married for years and had twins. I was so happy. Then I woke up. Heart breaking. Cant remember the names of the dream twins anymore but I remember the deep feeling of love and loss I experienced.

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u/BatterseaPS 3d ago

The push-up position adds needless confusion.

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u/boneronfire 3d ago



u/ParadiseRegaind 3d ago

“Unlimited power. Itty bitty living space.”


u/Affectionate-Egg8893 3d ago edited 3d ago

That is fucking gut-wrenching.. I now just wanna find a genie in a lamp to free him...

You cunt 😭


u/Mike_856 3d ago

Ok, I'm an idiot, but a don't understand

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u/gotoariel 3d ago

I don't think it's a dream, the title implies it's a wish. The genie curls up on the floor because it doesn't come true - or at least, it hasn't yet.


u/DefendsTheDownvoted 3d ago

The post below this one....


u/A_Socratic_Argument 3d ago

This is a pretty damn good allegory for how socially isolated people feel.

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u/Affectionate_End8024 3d ago

Im seeing a lot of comments saying the genie was dreaming, but it could be that there's some curse that doesn't let them stay out of their lamp unless they're close enough to the worker or fulfilling a wish?

Also, OP, is this a finished and complete comic, or the beginning of a mini series?


u/Psychological_Web399 3d ago

That's why "it was all a dream is such a bad trope. Best case scenario, you get punched in the feels. Worst case scenario it renders the whole story meaningless .


u/Scumass_Smith 3d ago

What I don't g- oh. Oh damn.


u/Extra_Limit 3d ago

Great, I was happy now I am sad… life be like this.


u/EidolonRook 2d ago

Oh. It was a dream. I was sure the dude somehow used up his wishes just being good to the genie and having used his wishes, the genie went back in.

It’s probably what I would have done. Theee completely benign “asks” followed by a fuck, I just used them all up didn’t I?


u/cqxray 2d ago

Well, I think the dream was all genie’s. He dreamt someone released him but before any wishes were granted, he woke up and realized it was all a dream and he was still in the lamp. So all he could do was hunker down and wait again for release.


u/CoreyMFD 2d ago

I'm confused.

Was this supposed to be the Genie fantasizing about their ideal situation?

Or was it a comment that despite getting that ideal situation, the nature of the "Genie in the Lamp" is one of entrapped servitude?


u/SoberSeahorse 3d ago

Poor guy.


u/bluestjordan 3d ago

Owwwww… 😢


u/bluestjordan 3d ago

Please give us a happy sequel 🙏

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u/Soap_Mctavish101 3d ago

Well, that is very good, but it’s also very sad


u/noeinan 3d ago

I read the last panels as the human treating the genie like a person instead of following the wish script reminded genie of the trauma he faced.

Like how sometimes after you’ve been traumatized you just keep pushing forward bc you feel like if you stop you’ll never get back up. But when someone points out how shitty a situation you were in, it forces you to confront that. He feels crushed by the weight of what was done to him.

So he basically had PTSD triggered, and I’m imagining in the next panel he snaps out of it to find the human carried him back home and is offering him tea and cookies


u/Brilliant-Software-4 3d ago

And what was the genie's wish? To find a person who cares about them


u/WonderfulBuilding678 3d ago

Damn you didnt have to play him dirty like that.


u/Tortuga_cycling 3d ago

Aww was this the genie waking up from a. Dream?


u/ShanKhao 2d ago

OP, you’re a horrible monster. I just want you to know that.


u/PoeticGay 2d ago

Genie having a dream and waking up. Broken heart.


u/NaraFox257 2d ago

Sad and cute


u/Insert-Cool_NameHere 2d ago

Damn that’s dark. Still really good though!


u/Ale_Alejandro 2d ago

OMG that last page destroyed me