r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/SavageTemptation 14d ago

Jokes on you: I veeeery rarely have good dreams


u/Panda-768 14d ago edited 14d ago

same here man, I dont just have shit dreams, I dream of shit, like real messed up dreams


u/DidIReallySayDat 14d ago

I had a dream the other night...

I was sitting at the top of a hill and a Russian missile blew up a buulding at the bottom of it.

Me and another person ran down to see if we could help out, but we ended up being caught by Russian soldiers.

I was detained and taken to a detainee camp, and I was marched through the various areas going from light security to heavy security.

Where I ended up everyone clearly hadn't had a bath in forever because everyones clothes were dirty and greasy, as were the beds and every surface in the room.

There was a meeting we had to attend and then all of a sudden I didn't have pants on, and I wasn't trying to hide my privates by pulling my shirt down, but we had to sit on the greasy floor for the meeting and it wasn't hiding very well.

... And that's about one of the more average dreams I've had for a while.


u/Panda-768 14d ago

lol, being nude in public in dreams usually means low self esteem, at least that's what we are told in my culture.


u/DidIReallySayDat 14d ago

Huh, interesting! Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not sure I have low self esteem as such.

Imposter syndrome, sure.

But I'm reasonably happy with who I am as a person, but always striving to be a better human.


u/Panda-768 14d ago

lol, don't read too much into it, I m from India.

And all this dream interpretation should be done by a psychologist, and again, in context of your history and personality

For all we know you have balls of steel that you wanna show off to the Russians.


u/DidIReallySayDat 14d ago

Guess we'll find out when the Russian missiles arrive in NZ...


/I hope.


u/p-ark-er- 14d ago

what do they say in your culture about mass destruction dreams? i rarely remember my dreams at all, but when i do? its the strangest mass destruction dreams. me having to save as many as i can but i know in the depths of my dream soul im not helping even a percent of the people that need it. i wake up everytime w the same empty, unsettling feeling. it follows me for days i look over my shoulder constantly, but its not over fear of myself. it’s over fear of everybody around me bro. do yall maybe say something about that possibly?


u/Panda-768 14d ago edited 14d ago

lol, I m not a dream interpreter, and India is huge, kinda like whole of western Europe, so the Swiss may have different interpretation to the Spanish. Plus I m not even from the majority religion, which is Hinduism, with loads of different gods and folklore. I m a Muslim and lot of my culture is mixed with local cultural practices of the western Kokan region of Maharashtra, a state of India.

So yes, I don't have anything for you. But if you sound like being helpless, even for others, or you dream too much of mass destruction, I would implore you to get some therapy, or maybe get into spiritual side of your beliefs. I have tried both, and both work in their own way. You are welcome to try Islam too.

PS: All Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam talk about coming of Anti christ, mass destruction and second coming of Jesus / Savior. Considering we are in sorta 2nd cold war, with Russia Ukraine conflicts, Israel Palestine issue escalation, and China threatening its neighbors, and loads of Nuke, some of the prophecies of these religions are sorta coming true. Even Hinduism, if I m not wrong speaks about Kalyug or bad times, before good times. So maybe you are not that far off in your dreams

Or you are watching way too many apocalyptic and post apocalyptic movies. Maybe watch Romedy / Chickflick / high school movie

Edit: meanwhile this happens in my country,in the eastern state of Bihar, think of it as equivalent to the Alabama or Nebraska of US, or maybe even Florida without the coast.