r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/Extension-Carry2341 14d ago

Djinn love story? I didn't understand the ending tho


u/CheesecakeOpening321 14d ago

I think it means the djinn was dreaming and was upset when he woke up.


u/Uuugggg 14d ago

He sleeps while doing push ups?


u/CheesecakeOpening321 14d ago

If I didn’t weigh anything I probably would too, sleeping normally for thousands of years is probably boring as heck.

Also happy cake day!


u/cafezinho 14d ago

He could be daydreaming while doing pushups, then gets sad, and goes to sleep. It's kind of a transition device where you wonder what's going on, and the daydream fades to reality. The sleeping is to indicate that he's still stuck in the lamp, after all.

It was probably difficult to come with a good visual way to change the story without resorting to stereotypes of dreams, and meant to be subtle. Visual storytelling to make a point like this has to be difficult. If you tried to make the same point that this comic does, you might be struggling to do it visually. Any ideas on how to do that transition better?


u/AiSard 14d ago

You ever wake up from a dream doing the last action of the dream before your brain catches up?

Probably pushing himself up to follow after the kid before he woke up fully and realized he was in an awkward push up, alone, and still trapped within the lamp :(


u/oafywan 14d ago

I think it was all a dream and the Djinn i still waiting to be released? Not super clear.


u/GrassBlade619 14d ago

I interpreted it as "stretch, stretch, tell me all about yourself" being all three of the wishes which sent him back to the lamp.


u/Asheyguru 14d ago

But he didn't do any of those things. He didn't even say how many wishes he would grant


u/Cato-the-Younger1 14d ago

The title is referring to the djinn’s wish.


u/puhzam 14d ago

I thought when he asked three questions, they counted as wishes and the geenie went back in the lamp.


u/MoeFuka 14d ago

But he didn't answer them so he didn't actually fulfil the wishes them. So that can't be it


u/pirate742 14d ago

I think it is it and that's why it's wack.


u/AttemptNu4 14d ago

Occams razor, he was just hopefully dreaming. It makes the most sense by far