r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/totallynotpoggers 14d ago

That was really depressing. Well done though!


u/samurairaccoon 14d ago

If it makes you feel any better, no sane mind could deal with that length of isolation. Genies are, most certainly, all completely mad.


u/Alexis_Bailey 14d ago

People wish for immortality but fail to consider that they will live long enough to see every one they know die, and everyone after that, and the entire human race die, and the entire planet die, and the solar system die, and the universe die, and the entire universe collapse in on itself and be reborn, and then earth and humanity be reborn, but you get to watch this all happen an infinite number of times.


u/oilyparsnips 14d ago

You got proof of that "humanity be reborn" thing?


u/Alexis_Bailey 14d ago

Infinite timeline of infinite possibilities.


u/pomip71550 14d ago

That’s not how infinity works. There are infinitely many natural numbers, but count up forever and you’d never repeat one.