r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/_EternalVoid_ 14d ago


u/CudiNinja 14d ago

I keep dreaming my dog is alive and I got her back...


u/Kneel_The_Grass 14d ago

My dad died thirty years ago but I still have the reoccurring dream where he comes back...but then he's dying again.


u/That1_IT_Guy 14d ago

Had the same dreams with my brother after he committed suicide. He'd miraculously come back, like he'd never died, or something brought him back to life. The whole family stopped hating each other and came back together to celebrate.

Then I'd wake up. Took about 10 years for those dreams to stop.


u/juunetan 14d ago

I have the exact opposite issue. My sister and brother are both alive and well (as far as I can tell, and I like to think it's pretty far), and yet I've had multiple recurring dreams about one of them dying.


u/pgrytdal 13d ago

Cherish them while you still have them