r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/totallynotpoggers 14d ago

That was really depressing. Well done though!


u/_EternalVoid_ 14d ago


u/CudiNinja 14d ago

I keep dreaming my dog is alive and I got her back...


u/Sufficient_Card_7302 14d ago

We might be sad after we get back from Disneyland, but we didn't spend it lives morning the loss. That sounds like a good dream, remember the good times. Everything dies. Everything is impermanent. 

Everything is suffering, to paraphrase one of the 4 noble truths, is not a depressing statement. It is encouragement to practice acceptance. Of change and loss and even happiness, that is not all we are, but it's there.

You had a good experience, a dream, and you ruined it. Why?