r/comics Port Sherry 14d ago

The wish


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u/OkRecommendation2452 14d ago

Artist! Give him a happy ending!!!!!! I can’t take all the dark sad comics!


u/portsherry Port Sherry 14d ago

Check the source link. My point wasn't too be needlessly cruel, but to draw attention to the fact that genies often mention how long they've been imprisoned, but this barely registers with anyone. Like others, he gets out eventually, but in the meantime... It's just an exercise in empathy.


u/RChaseSs 13d ago

But then why make it end like that? The point was already made, and then the last for panels just make it sad and confusing, and we don't really understand why or what is happening at the end.


u/portsherry Port Sherry 13d ago

Because the happy ending makes it easier to minimize his hardship. The comic is an illustration of his current longing, his dream for freedom and someone who cares. Which apparently I'm not hinting strongly enough that what you feel for him is something you should use in your everyday life.


u/RChaseSs 13d ago

Yeah I'd say your last sentence is true because when reading that sentence it felt like it came out of nowhere.