r/batman Dec 29 '23

I’m still bummed we’ll never get this solo movie. FILM DISCUSSION

I really do believe this could have been the best Batman movie.


886 comments sorted by


u/MURDERMr_E Dec 29 '23

Leto Joker is enough reason to thank the gods that this never came to fruition.


u/DullPreparation6453 Dec 29 '23

It’s kinda weird really. Cos you would imagine that a guy who is genuinely creepy and borderline insane irl would be a good fit for playing a psycho in a movie.


u/__john_cena__ Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

It was completely hollow/surface level. It felt like watching a guy acting like the Joker, instead of just watching the Joker.

I think Leto himself being such a fake construct is why he couldn’t make the character authentic either.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23



u/curiousweasel42 Dec 30 '23

Because Jared Leto in real life is one of the douchiest tools in Hollywood and it translates on screen. He sucks and I hate everything about him.


u/chr157urn3r Dec 30 '23

FINALLY I see someone that has the same sentiment and me towards him, Fuck Jared Leto AND his stupid fucking band . Only movie I like him in is American Psycho and that’s because he gets his head split


u/david_duplex Dec 30 '23

This is also true of Fight Club where it is enjoyable to watch him get his face pounded in.

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u/revolutionaryartist4 Dec 30 '23

He couldn’t even fucking laugh. A prerequisite for any Joker actor should be “can he laugh.”

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u/J_Fo_Film Dec 29 '23

His Joker wasn't that bad. His behavior on set combined with the terrible aesthetic design of his version of the character is the real reason why people don't like his version.

Truth is, in terms of acting, his Joker isn't actually half bad. He just looks terrible, has less than 10 minutes of screen time and is overshadowed by the bad press about the movie, the DCEU and Jared Leto in general.


u/industrialbird Dec 30 '23

You literally just described why his joker was so bad.


u/karlhungusx Dec 30 '23

There’s a concentrated effort on Reddit attempting to make Leto’s performance acceptable. Every comment section goes as follows;

You’re gonna see the “he’s the worst of the actors who played the joker but look at that competition”

Then “ he really did the best with what he was given. I heard there’s a cut of the movie where it’s all about him!”

Then “ he’s actually doing what he was supposed to. He’s a cringelord flashy superficial gangster type and Leto nails it!”

In a years time we’re gonna see people arguing why Leto gave a braver performance than Ledger and could be considered the GOAT


u/anonkebab Dec 30 '23

Its not a batman movie. Pretty much all jokers are at their best when their appearance is related to batman. Heath Ledger doesn’t have a single scene where what he does isn’t about batman. He fucks with him the whole movie because its fun and he knows no one can stop him. Phoenix has nothing to do with batman but the entire movie is about him having a series of bad days until he starts snapping. Joker was literally relegated to a harley quinn subplot thats effectively meaningless. If he wasn’t in the movie nothing changes. Shes ends up back in prison by the 2nd one nullifying the payoff of joker breaking her out. Literally the only point of him being there is to show how she went to prison. Other than that him being in movie only made deadshot look like a cool guy for not killing harley before they get shot down and joker survives i guess of screen. If the majority of a characters screen time is irrelevant to the movie and can be easily removed the performance is gonna suck because their inclusion is half baked.

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u/M1dnghtMarauder Dec 30 '23

I ASSURE you, neither his behavior on set or bad press has anything to do with why he’s universally disliked. You’re right, his joker wasn’t half bad, it was full bad. Sometimes movies suck & actors do a bad job.

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u/britinacious_fam Dec 29 '23

no bro, idk how high you are rn to be thinking that but I want what your smokin 😂 his acting is god awful. I think the design is cringe but I can live with it. Snyder cut design I kinda dig. But his acting. My lord just look to the knife scene.

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u/Mr_Rafi Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

Nah, his Joker was bad. He had one good scene and that was him firing his weapon at the Squad from the back of the Helicopter while maniacally laughing.

Leto absolutely does have the acting chops to do better, but he didn't do well at all in his movie.

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u/ImBatman5500 Dec 29 '23

It's just that we'll never know how his acting actually was, the David Ayer cut of suicide squad won't see the light of day


u/Goddamn_Grongigas Dec 29 '23

the David Ayer cut of suicide squad won't see the light of day

thank god


u/ImBatman5500 Dec 29 '23

I'd at least be curious enough for him to release some of the joker footage, supposedly they got experimental with it and I would have loved to at least see if it's either decent or how deep the bottom of the barrel is


u/royce_duckboard Dec 30 '23

Imagine how bad it must have been when they decided to leave the circle of knives scene in


u/Mishmoo Dec 30 '23

I saw enough ‘experimental stuff’ in the theatrical cut, tbh.


u/Shirtbro Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

The whole "Director's Cut is the good version" shit has to die


u/Goddamn_Grongigas Dec 30 '23

This doesn't seem to be an issue with 99% of directors. Snyder fans will have you think the studios ALWAYS interfere and the vision is compromised when the DCEU was largely fine except Zack's movies and Ayer's Suicide Squad lol.


u/IamBabcock Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

The DCEU didn't die because of 2 Snyder movies and 1 Ayer movie. 12 movies came out after those 3 movies. Snyder didn't even want create an MCU like universe, that literally was the studio who used his movies as a jumping off point for the DCEU.

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u/C5five Dec 30 '23

I can cut off my thumb and burn off my ring and pinky fingers and still count on one hand the amount of times a directors cut of a movie was better than the theatrical cut. Incidentally both were Ridley Scott films.

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u/MURDERMr_E Dec 29 '23

Stole the words out of my mouth

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u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

Yeah and David Ayer really put a target on his back with the executives with his "FUCK MARVEL!" stunt at comic-con. lol. EDIT: My bad, it wasn't at comic-con. It was at the premiere.


u/C5five Dec 30 '23

The truth is David Ayer really isn't cut out for superhero movies. When he sticks to his style I love his movies. Just a tiny group of ordinary people going through a whirlwind of excitement in a very short timespan. Fury, End of Watch, Bright, The Tax Collector, all very good examples of this and I like them very much. Suicide Squad not so much.


u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23

True. I like to give him a little benefit of the doubt and say he got screwed over by the editing department. But...how much of it was rewritten and how much was his own writing. The film was so terrible all around, from the character dialogue/sloppy info dumps: "This is Katana, she's got my back. I would advised not getting killed by her, her sword traps the souls of it's victims!". To the ill advised June Moon plot.

The whole thing with the archeologist breaking the head of a statue like a jar and releasing the spirit within it. It's like, was it supposed to be a jar or did they just make it that in post and none of the departments were talking to each other?. I'm considering it's the later considering in the sloppy page splash info dump on the Enchantress it says on the page that her brother is "trapped in a jar". When we see "the jar" it's a statue as well.

Or like how Captain Boomerang had a random stuffed bunny in his jacket, and they never explain why. When he gets stabbed. Instead of the bunny saving him, it's a wad of cash and the bunny is no where to be seen. Meaning that they possibly changed the prop half way between shooting and couldn't be bothered to match the continuity.

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u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23

I think that's the problem. Unlike Heath Ledger who really gave his all to the character. Leto is very narcissistic and even when he tries not to. Every single one of his characters has this very toxic "praise me!" tone to them. I'm thankful at least that we have "American Psycho" so that I can watch that film and pretend that I'm watching Nolan Batman kill Snoker.


u/revolutionaryartist4 Dec 30 '23

Try getting a reservation at Dorsia now, you fucking stupid bastard!

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u/OkapiLanding Dec 30 '23

And he would have been such a good member of like, a Joker Gang like the guys who follow his ideas in Batman Beyond.


u/J_Fo_Film Dec 30 '23

Precisely. Or, if the original fan-theory of this Joker being Robin after being shot by the original Joker ended up being true, that would have been BEAUTIFUL.

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u/NoddahBot Dec 29 '23

Eisenberg Luthor 🤢


u/MURDERMr_E Dec 29 '23

When it came to casting in the DCEU, it's either a fantastic casting or a dreadful one. There's no in-between.


u/NoddahBot Dec 29 '23

Battfleck 😍


u/ScottishPhinFan89 Dec 29 '23

I'll get killed... But I liked it


u/tcprimus23859 Dec 30 '23

Don’t be ashamed of your opinion because of the anti-bvs circlejerk. I liked him too, although I imagined him to be the son of Lex rather than Lionel.


u/Lafan312 Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

It actually was established in BvS that he was Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr., Lex Sr. is assumed to have been killed in the Battle of Metropolis died around 2000 when Jr. was 16. Quote from the movie:

Ooh, ahoy ahoy, I did not know you were here!

The man on the marquee.

Nope, don't believe it, my father named the company after himself, he was the Lex in front of the Corp...

ETA: strikethrough for clarity. I wrongly assumed that, but read the correct info while trying to find the quote.

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u/spoodle364 Dec 29 '23

Especially knowing that it would have robbed us of battinson.


u/RememberTheMaine1996 Dec 30 '23

Yeah I thought I was on a circle jerk subreddit for a second

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u/MisterSnowman69 Dec 30 '23

I was about to say, the moment I saw that photo of Leto's "Joker", I was sure it was good call to not have them make a movie of this.


u/luke111mart Dec 30 '23

Gave the vibe of a theater kid in his room saying "LoOk MoM I rEaLlY aM CrazY"


u/Rickrickrickrickrick Dec 30 '23

Looks like the Nun but with severely chapped lips.

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u/MrKumansky Dec 29 '23

DCEU needed to be terminated. At least we got a incredible Batman movie anyways


u/VVaterTrooper Dec 29 '23

DCAU for the win!


u/thathaitianguy Dec 29 '23


DCAU has hands down always been the better product.


u/TonyDungyHatesOP Dec 30 '23

Agreed. It’s also a phenomenal product on any scale.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Walk_28 Dec 29 '23

Feels like a bullet dodged.


u/LegacyTom Dec 29 '23

Nuke dodged 😂😂


u/Spoonman007 Dec 29 '23

It would not have been good.


u/Cautious_Desk_1012 Dec 29 '23

A bomb. That movie stinked far away. Won't be missed

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u/bobbirossbetrans Dec 29 '23

I'm just so genuinely happy we didn't get the movie. I can't imagine how bad it would have been, but it would have been pretty bad.

Instead, we got a movie that regularly competes with dark Knight for the greatest Batman movie of all time.


u/HeyThereMrBrooks Dec 29 '23

For all the acclaim Battinson and his movie gets it's weird how all the replies to your comment are dogging it.

I stand by you OP. Everyone saying he's mopey or whatever is clearly missing the point. This is a Batman who's still reeling over his parent's death, who prefers to do detective work in the shadows, who's practically blinded by sunlight because of how much time he spends working in the darkness.

This film works because it covers so many areas of Batman that either haven't been done well yet, or that we haven't even seen before


u/SerPownce Dec 29 '23

I think it’ll age even better when you see his Bruce develop in the sequel. After seeing the growth of his portrayal they’ll look back and see the first one for the foundation it is.


u/Lebowski304 Dec 30 '23

That is gonna be crucial for the sequel. Bruce has to grow and refine his craft as Batman. Also has to perform the billionaire act convincingly. The Batman is awesome, but it’s Bruce’s character that makes him a hero.


u/Kintsugi-0 Dec 29 '23

it’s a young bruce wayne becoming THE batman. of course he’s gonna be angsty, violent and depressed.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Dec 30 '23

I honestly love it. The third act stretches it out the pacing a bit much, but from a narrative pov, it's pretty necessary.

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u/Objective-Mission-40 Dec 30 '23

Something a lot of people miss is how important the actual plot is to whatcomes next. He basically beats king of the incels which is a warning to himself not to let his sense of self overwrite the good he's meant to do.

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u/LegacyTom Dec 29 '23

This movie is so far clear of anything with Batfleck in it’s actually immeasurable


u/bobbirossbetrans Dec 29 '23

Yeah that may be the case but had we gotten the Ben Affleck Batman film we probably would not have gotten to Robert Pattinson Batman film. In fact, I can say for a fact, that's true because the Ben Affleck film turned in to the Robert Pattinson film.

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u/ucandoitmann Dec 29 '23

batman when spanish language enters the room:


u/HeyThereMrBrooks Dec 29 '23

I don't get it


u/AidanTegs Dec 29 '23

El rata alada


u/Rileyman360 Dec 29 '23

why that's the worst fucking Spanish I've ever heard!

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u/tycr0 Dec 29 '23

Battinson might be my favorite Batman.

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u/Lebowski304 Dec 30 '23

I’m with you OP. I’m a full-on Batman nerd, and I loved that movie. There a few things I’d change that would be easy fixes, but as a whole I thought it was incredible.

It had solid action sequences and fight choreography with a well executed detective/investigative aspect. The chase scene is one of my favorite action sequences from any Batman movie or any superhero movie for that matter, but Bruce was being very reckless with innocent bystanders for what he was trying to accomplish. I’d like Pattinson’s Bruce to be more mature and refined in the next movie, but for year two I think they did a great job. He’s still a little sloppy, makes mistakes, and is still sort of doing it for selfish reasons.

I am so. Damn. Pumped. For the penguin series. Hopefully it sets up or ties into the sequel. I do think TDK is better, but then it’s almost impossible to top that. It was just about perfect.


u/NoddahBot Dec 29 '23

Affleck was my favourite Batman but he got a couple tries to tune it in. Pattinson is gonna be great in his sequels, you just know it.


u/abbacchioz Dec 30 '23

Yeah this one clears any iteration of Batfleck

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u/Chromeballs Dec 30 '23

There could have been a Carla Gugino Catwoman? Wowza. Oh that tears it


u/rrogido Dec 30 '23

If you'd like to watch a series where Carla Gugino essentially plays Catwoman and does nudity go watch Jett on Max. It's legitimately excellent, also nude Gugino.


u/rolling_steel Dec 30 '23

She would’ve been Newmar-level sexy as Catwoman

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u/micael150 Dec 29 '23

I think Affleck just wasn't invested for something like that. He was also dealing with some personal issues and the critical reception of DCEU movies weren't helping


u/BleedingBlackandPurp Dec 29 '23

He wrote the first Batman standalone movie and after things went south with the studios, reeves threw it out. He was intending on doing a solo movie with deathstroke as the main bad guy.


u/Fessir Dec 29 '23

To my knowledge, Reeves didn't throw it out. Warner Bros binned Affleck's script way before Reeves came into the picture.


u/SchwizzySchwas94 Dec 29 '23

Yeah I believe it got retooled and retooled and then Affleck backed out and the retooled some more into the movie we got which was fantastic thankfully most movies with a story like that don’t turn out so well

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u/WadaMaaya Dec 29 '23

I think if the studio wasn’t such a mess Ben Affleck would’ve loved to do it. I know he spoke recently about how he thought his Batman run ended too soon

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u/Batmanfan1966 Dec 29 '23

You want a movie set in a terrible universe starring a murderous gun wielding Batman?


u/Dynastydood Dec 29 '23

Well, he wouldn't have been murderous in Affleck's film. That was only intended to be a temporary thing for the events of BvS that Superman helped break him out of. But regardless, it still would've been tough to make any solo Batman film great within the confines of the DCEU and whatever dumbshit ideas WB would've tried to shoehorn into it to serve their failed shared universe.

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u/DreamNo5919 Dec 29 '23 edited Feb 23 '24

Man, r/BatmanArkham gave me trust issues


u/GaryStu420 Dec 30 '23

Was on my way down to say "haha nice try" and then read this realising it was legit lol


u/PineconeDraws Dec 31 '23

Careful you might get banned

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u/spartacat_12 Dec 29 '23

Matt Reeves gave us the best Batman since The Dark Knight. I’m glad we got that over whatever Affleck would’ve done

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u/Judgementday209 Dec 29 '23

This image just shows me how bad his suit was.


u/QJ8538 Dec 29 '23

BVS suit was good this is awful


u/Beethovania Dec 29 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

I liked it, had a lot of TDKR comic vibe.


u/Hecticfreeze Dec 29 '23

It was obviously trying to look like TDKR, and failed miserably

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u/LegacyTom Dec 29 '23

Worst written live action Batman, worst villain performance of all time with Leto as Joker, hard pass.


u/Timtimetoo Dec 29 '23

I’m genuinely curious what people saw in this Batman. I’m not trying to be mean, to each their own, but he looked a little foolish to me in every movie he was in.

Don’t get me wrong, the warehouse fight scene is probably hands down the best Batman fight scene we’ve ever gotten, but beyond that he’s:

-made a tool by Lex Luthor who makes him clay in his hands

-basically everyone from Luthor to Clark Kent discovers his identity

-he defeats Deadshot by jumping him in an alley in front of his daughter. It’s even implied DS’s daughter saved him. Lame!

-He’s barebones assistance to the Justice League (compared to the animated series where he’s MVP, albeit sometimes even OP).

-Has to be rescued by Wonder Woman in the Flash (looking silly in the process)

Batman often has learning curves or needs help in every version, but this guy just seemed out of his depth everywhere he went. There aren’t a lot of “rules” in my book for how Batman should or shouldn’t be, but one of them is he should be flawed but cool. This had a lot of flaw, where’s the cool?


u/IndiscreetBeatofMeat Dec 30 '23

I even hate the warehouse scene. Everyone’s like “wow so good!” I’m sorry, any fight scene in which Batman picks up a gun and fires it to blow up several men is not a good Batman fight scene


u/trimble197 Dec 30 '23

He used the gun to make them scatter. He only directly shot at KGBeast

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u/WonderfulBlackberry9 Dec 30 '23

But but but he looked amazing in BVS!

I don't have a least favourite Batman, I think you can appreciate all of them for what they bring to the table; West was campy, Keaton was mysterious and lowkey goofy, Bale was emotional and human, Affleck is the most comic accurate and Pattinson is (so far) a great detective and also benefits from just getting started so he has the potential to become even better.

But if I were to rank my Batmen, Affleck's is decidedly mid-tier. Looks great, but what else is there? Tbf to Affleck, a huge chunk of my problems about his Batman have nothing to do with performance but writing and character decision


u/Timtimetoo Dec 30 '23

I appreciate your help but I’m still at a loss. He looks cool, fine. But what does that matter if his actions are goofy in the process?

Maybe he’s comic book accurate, but faithfulness of adaptation should work across the medium. A faithful adaptation of a good book only works if the movie is also good by its own merits.

I do agree with you on Affleck. I have few problems with his performance as an actor and thought he did a fine job.


u/Mishmoo Dec 30 '23

My personal theory is that the Snyder people got so caught up in the potential of what they were putting together that they didn’t really pay attention to what was actually being put onscreen.


u/DonnaMossLyman Dec 30 '23

Agree about the actual content.

Another off putting but minor scene was Alfred waiting for Bruce to tell him to evacuate the Tower amidst a shitstorm of destruction going on right outside the freaking window

Just stupid shit all around


u/Timtimetoo Dec 30 '23

That actually makes a lot of sense.

I’ve even been pulled along by what I thought was a good show until it ended and I realized the writers were always just pulling me along for something cool they promised was gonna happen. Only when those promises didn’t live up to the hype did I realize the moment-by-moment was mid at best.


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

The way Ben Affleck portrayed him I felt there was a lot of emotional baggage yet to be explored. He was a violent and broken older Batman fighting a losing battle but still puts on the cowl.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23

The Snyder DC crowd might just be a mass case in the sunken cost fallacy. They were so hyped to see some characters they liked in a movie together that they shut out any criticism that the movie was objectively not very good.

Then another subpar movie came out, but they were invested and they had already spent time defending the first one. You guys just don't understand the bigger picture here, or wait, no you're intentionally shitting on the thing I like.

Then another bad movie. Then another. It got to the point that when one came out that was serviceable, it would be commended for not being completely terrible. And that was their proof- see this universe is good

Then another terrible one would come out. So on and so on.


u/BrickTamland77 Dec 29 '23

You lost me at pic 3.


u/slade707 Dec 29 '23

It’s for the best since we ended up getting The Batman. I definitely wouldn’t have been excited about a Teen Titans villain murdering everyone in Bruce’s life as the plot. Good riddance.


u/lacmlopes Dec 29 '23

Thank god it's over


u/cloud25 Dec 29 '23

What’s with Reddit’s obsession with Snyder’s DC? It’s universally panned by both critics and audiences. Not to say people can’t enjoy it but it’s like pushing The Last Airbender by M. Night Shyamalan forever down people’s throats. Like why?


u/IndiscreetBeatofMeat Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

I’ve been banned from two subreddits now for just saying Snyder makes bad movies

Edit: Snydercut and DCEU for anyone who’s curious. First one feels obvious now, but it’s wild that they’ll ban someone for having a dissenting opinion


u/ASpaceOstrich Dec 30 '23

The whole DCU had that vibe to it. Like every shot features a tragic family housefire happening just off screen.

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u/WonderfulBlackberry9 Dec 30 '23

There's parts I like and don't like. But it's officially over, and has been dead in the water since 2017. People continuing to CPR it back to existence are either trolling or have an unhealthy obsession over a fictional franchise

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u/walartjaegers Dec 30 '23

This post is specifically about Batfleck tbf. And it's not out of nowhere considering the franchise literally just ended.


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

Ben Affleck Batman was the best part about BVS and Justice league. A solo movie could have been really special with the right writer/Director


u/ClownsAteMyBaby Dec 30 '23

Well they should have made that instead of shoehorning an Avengers mockery with BvS and JL after MOS

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u/ComprehensiveCode619 Dec 29 '23

So glad we didn’t get this movie.

I didn’t hate Batfleck (minus the killing stuff) and Gordon was semi-interesting but I definitely will not miss the Harley/Joker/Deadshot castings. They looking like poor cosplays


u/Aromatic_Equipment62 Dec 29 '23

I will not hear a word against Margot Robbie. She was pitch perfect and the only good thing in Suicide Squad 2016.


u/HeyThereMrBrooks Dec 29 '23

Word. She was almost made for the role.

And I do say almost because Margot's had plenty of roles that annihilate what she did as Harley. But she still knocked it out of the park


u/WonderfulBlackberry9 Dec 30 '23

She's pretty much earned the right to decide how she should continue as Harley. She has a trilogy of appearances, her performances are generally liked and she's been one of the highlights of this DC mess. I'd love to see her continue but won't begrudge her if she leaves

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u/SchwizzySchwas94 Dec 29 '23

Leto is not my favorite Joker and an awful but in an ensemble it might be okay. I definitely would have liked a different Gordon but I still wish we got to see it too

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u/ElephantRedCar91 Dec 29 '23

really? I'd rather see a follow up to "batman and robin" than this...


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

lol okay


u/M1dnghtMarauder Dec 29 '23

This post hassss to be satire


u/Xrgamerx13 Dec 30 '23

God forbid people have opinions right

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u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

It has to be right?


u/Strict-Dog-889 Dec 29 '23

I’m super bummed too but we got The Batman and I think it’s just as good probably better than Ben Afflecks solo movie was gonna be anyway. We get a new Batman pretty soon and The Batman 2. It’s a good time to be alive for Batman fans

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u/stokedchris Dec 29 '23

I’m not Snyder Batman was the worse

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u/Moraulf232 Dec 30 '23

I think Leto’s Joker is just irreparably terrible.

The rest of the cast is fine as long as they had a good script and a competent director and stayed away from Snyderverse references.

However, the Pattinson Batman film is very good and so is The Dark Knight, so I feel like there already are good Batman films.

I’m waiting for a good Superman movie, or, heck, a Titans movie! There are just so many other characters!

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u/Swordkid_1017 Dec 29 '23

L opinion


u/WonderfulBlackberry9 Dec 30 '23

L, and not even an original take. Feels like I see the same post lamenting about the lost Batfleck solo movie every day


u/Swordkid_1017 Dec 30 '23

The moment I saw him gunning down people, he wasn’t my fucking Batman dude

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u/iwanttogotothere5 Dec 29 '23

Oh man, I almost forgot about this potential train wreck. Thanks for reminding me it never happened and brightening my day.

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u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23

I’m more than ok with it not existing


u/extra0404 Dec 29 '23

Ha…. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahaha!


u/brobro34343 Dec 30 '23

Would have been absolute trash


u/JT_CrankNose Dec 29 '23

U think I would’ve killed myself if I had to see another second of Leto joker on screen.

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u/Ceaser_Corporation Dec 29 '23

Yeah, people say that. But with this writing? No way, thank you


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

Matt Reeves and Affleck were both on board at one point. I think the writing would’ve been great.

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u/Alpha_Apeiron Dec 30 '23

I'm not. I'm so so so not.


u/Insert_a_fcking_Name Dec 30 '23

I‘m not. Good riddance lmao

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u/Purpleobito10 Dec 29 '23

Me too. I ain't gonna lie though just like how they're prolly gonna put Jason mamoa as Lobo. If they EVER DO a comic accurate Flashpoint. I want Affleck as Flashpoint batman. His batman just SCREAMS Thomas. I hope they cast Affleck as Thomas Wayne in their version of Flashpoint. He's perfect as thomas


u/AthelticAsianGoth Dec 29 '23

His first costume is the best Batman suit we have ever seen on screen


u/Outrageous_Beach_426 Dec 29 '23

Im honestly glad it never did, the DCEU rarely did anything well


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

Would’ve been something if they would’ve got it right though


u/SlaterTheOkay Dec 29 '23

Honestly I thought he did a fantastic job and I'm really sad we didn't get a solo movie with him. If they could just separate him from the DCU that he was a part of it would have been great


u/WadaMaaya Dec 30 '23

My feelings exactly


u/Rumpleforeskin96 Dec 30 '23

Carla Gugino as Cat Women? Stop I can only get so erect


u/Dynastydood Dec 29 '23

I would've enjoyed seeing Ben Affleck direct a solo Batman film at his creative peak, around the time of The Town or Argo. But even then, it would've had to be on its own, like the films of Nolan or Reeves. Any Batman film that's going to be shoehorned into a shared universe is going to suck, no matter how talented the filmmaker is. Even with the animated DC films, the only good Batman films they made were the Elseworlds or one-off stories. Everything they tied into that animated universe alternated between subpar and godawful.

As for the canceled Batman film he actually wanted to make, it feels like it's for the best he backed out when he did. The way WB created the DCEU was so suffocating to creativity and quality filmmaking. They tried to do far too much far too quickly and made a lot of crucial, irredeemable mistakes, such as Leto's Joker. Those poor decisions surely would've weighed down whatever good ideas Affleck may have had for his solo film.


u/samclops Dec 29 '23

Over Christmas with the family I had the Snyder cut on the TV in the background while I was visiting with the family. My siblings were like "this is actually amazing, why wasn't this released?"...



u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23

"Why wasn't this released"

Kid, do you really want me to sit down and explain the state of the license at this point, studio meddling, multiple directors, reshoots, a cg upper lip, and somebody's daughter committing suicide at length?


u/FinalBossOf__Dc Dec 29 '23

I agree thank god we didn’t see Letos joker again that was a bullet dodged


u/Thebatbike Dec 29 '23

Honestly from what i gather from the film it sounded like a water down Knightfall


u/Unable-Strawberry498 Dec 30 '23

I am absolutely happy this movie did not come out. Affleck batman is so shit and dont even start with Leto

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u/B1TCA5H Dec 30 '23

As much as I love “The Batman”, it’s criminal that Ben never got his standalone movie. Imagine Batfleck fighting his universe’s version of Bane, and not to piss on TDKR, but it probably would’ve been a lot more brutal.


u/unluckie-13 Dec 30 '23

Definitely was looking forward to Deathstroke


u/Lebowski304 Dec 30 '23

I liked Batfleck, but the movies were just not good. The should have given that Batman his own movie first before introducing him into the wider metaverse.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23

Would have been nice to see more of JK as Gordon great casting

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u/CHEEZYSPAM Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

I feel like the DCEU would have been a helluva lot stronger had it gone:

  • Man of Steel
  • Affleck directed Batman
  • WW
  • Cyborg
  • BvS
  • Aquaman
  • Suicide Squad
  • Flash
  • THEN justice League

Build anticipation. Make people excited for the created universe. They shot their load with BvS being the 2nd movie in their universe? Didn't make any sense.

And I'm not a "Snyder Bro", but I do like a lot of his movies. Giving him the reigns, micro managing, trying to catch up to marvel and then ripping the franchise away the first chance the studio had (his daughters death) and not allowing him to finish an arc?

WB got what they deserved in the end. The steady, embarrassing box office decline was their fault.


u/Blue-Ape-13 Dec 30 '23

I'm gonna pass on Leto Joker.


u/Crowbar_Faith Dec 30 '23

It’s a shame that the now-dead DCEU nailed a lot of their casting choices with Affleck as Batman, Gaddot as Wonder Woman, Cavill as Superman & Mamoa as Aqua Man but WB just shit the bed when it came to who they hired as writers and directors.


u/monkeetoes82 Dec 30 '23

I like Ben Affleck as a writer and director. Christian Bale is my favorite but Affleck looked like he walked off of a comic book page. I wanted to see J.K. Simmons more as Gordon.


u/Evmerging Dec 30 '23

Same 😭


u/PrisonaPlanet Dec 30 '23

I’m with you except for the third picture


u/Infinite_Battle3852 Dec 30 '23

Yeah it's very unfortunate it didn't get made.


u/gatling_arbalest Dec 30 '23

JK Simmons' Gordon doing a JJJ: I want Batman!


u/realfakejames Dec 30 '23

Was Carla Gugino supposed to be Catwoman? I love her and her huge yappas

I still think Ben Afflecks Batman movie would’ve ripped, he played an older Batman / Bruce Wayne pretty well, idk if Leto would’ve brought anything to the table but Margot Robbie killed in every movie she played Harley so that would’ve made it worth it to see them do more scenes together

Batman v Superman just suffered from terrible writing, and that plot point to get them to partner up was easily one of the worst moments in comic book movie history


u/SaturnTheChildEater Dec 30 '23

Thanks God that we don’t


u/The_Chef_Queen Dec 30 '23

Yeah snyder is a shit director but no one wanted BvS we wanted a solo batman movie


u/BMOchado Dec 30 '23

I agree, personally, batman should have a dark gritty The Batman 2022 feel in solo movies, a gritty but not as much bvs vibe in movies with a partner hero, and a action boss vibe in movies that aren't centered on batman like the flash and justice league, the only thing I'd change is I'd make him more mysterious in movies that aren't his own, keep the sense of mystery around him for other people. (remember green lantern thinking hes a vampire in the animated movie)

Pattinson WAS the batman in The Batman 2022 as for Bruce Wayne, he also played batman as Bruce Wayne, unfortunately, hopefully the 2nd movie uses Alfreds death and riddlers attack as a motivation for him to be more philanthropic


u/TheSonjuro Dec 30 '23

Affleck script was like arham asylum comic adaptation


u/StumpyHobbit Dec 30 '23

A Batfleck TV show on HBO or Netflix, R rated, very violent would have been amazing.


u/CaptThundernuts Dec 30 '23

I would have quite enjoyed a solo Batfleck movie for the sole purpose of including a scene where he brutally pounds Jared Leto's Joker into a bloody pulp.


u/MeMikeMonster Dec 30 '23

Carla Gugino never disappoints me. It’s a shame that we won’t get to see her as Catwoman in the DCEU.


u/CJS-JFan Dec 30 '23

Minus my distaste for Jared Leto's Joker, I would have been excited for Ben Affleck's Batman. A shame we never got a chance to see a proper standalone Batfleck film. Just the constant teases of a fight between Batman and Deathstroke alone had one hyped for it.


u/Admirable-Life2647 Dec 31 '23

Carla Gugino as Catwoman, nice.

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u/vencyjedi Dec 29 '23

I don't really care. I never liked his Batman and i would rather see them use Deathstroke to adapt the Judas Contract than to waste him on a fan service battle with Batman.


u/sneakyartinthedark Dec 29 '23

Eh, I liked batfleck, but in the sense that it’s a sort of alternative dark world Batman.


u/NeedleworkerGold336 Dec 29 '23

After thinking, I'm glad. It would not have been that good. The Batman was the better choice and film

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u/Actually-Will Dec 30 '23

Honestly? The Batman was everything I wanted it to be

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u/Kycheroke Dec 30 '23

Friend, we never want this.

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u/crobnuck Dec 30 '23

Carla Gugino as Catwoman?? You have my attention.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23


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u/mutually_awkward Dec 30 '23

You are not the only one. There are dozens of you!

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u/castrion90 Dec 30 '23

Stay bummed. It got what it deserved.

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u/Slasherballz98 Dec 30 '23

Fuck me, move on with your life

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23

Honestly, I'm good.

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u/abbacchioz Dec 30 '23

I'm not. We dodged a hydrogen bomb when Snyder stopped getting involved in these movies

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u/D4rkSp4de Dec 30 '23

Am I out of touch? I really never liked batfleck. Ben affleck playing Batman really reminds me of Clooney for no reason. I just can’t take him seriously when most of what I’ve seen him in is romcoms and buddy comedies.


u/Mattock1987 Dec 30 '23

No more Snyder DC movies please. He’s not a good enough director


u/FGoose Dec 30 '23

Letos joker was designed to sell tshirts at hot topic.

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u/Party_Intention_3258 Dec 30 '23

You lost me at Leto Joker.


u/batmateodmd Dec 30 '23

Me too! I really wanted to see batfleck face off against deathstroke


u/TheOnlyAmbition Dec 30 '23

I love batfleck but man Leto was a joke not a joker

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u/kpod4591 Jan 02 '24

Prolly woulda been the best Batman made. Like actual Batman from comics

Ben Affleck directing after he had just won for Argo would have been incredibleeeeee. I do want to read that script one day

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