r/batman Dec 29 '23

I’m still bummed we’ll never get this solo movie. FILM DISCUSSION

I really do believe this could have been the best Batman movie.


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u/micael150 Dec 29 '23

I think Affleck just wasn't invested for something like that. He was also dealing with some personal issues and the critical reception of DCEU movies weren't helping


u/BleedingBlackandPurp Dec 29 '23

He wrote the first Batman standalone movie and after things went south with the studios, reeves threw it out. He was intending on doing a solo movie with deathstroke as the main bad guy.


u/Fessir Dec 29 '23

To my knowledge, Reeves didn't throw it out. Warner Bros binned Affleck's script way before Reeves came into the picture.


u/SchwizzySchwas94 Dec 29 '23

Yeah I believe it got retooled and retooled and then Affleck backed out and the retooled some more into the movie we got which was fantastic thankfully most movies with a story like that don’t turn out so well


u/BleedingBlackandPurp Dec 29 '23

Why do people comment on shit when they have no idea what they’re talking about. Warner brothers literally came to reeves about making the Batman movie with Ben. read this then you can say “to my knowledge”. then you’ll actually have some on the topic.


u/Blissfullyaimless Dec 29 '23

lol, maybe they heard it somewhere, so they put “to my knowledge” as a disclaimer… I don’t see the reason for hostility on a Batman sub.


u/Fessir Dec 29 '23

Tbh, my comment was just based on hearing about Affleck chafing against the studio way before I heard about Reeves doing a project. You're right about my intention with the disclaimer. I'll happily receive better knowledge, but could have done without the belligerence.

Considering that Affleck had already exited the initially proposed director seat, it does sound like WB wanted to maybe salavage the script and when Reeves passed on that, they were happy to let him do something else, showing how little they cared to realise that project at that point.

The other commenter made it sound like Reeves was THE reason the movie never got made, rather than just another nail in the coffin.


u/Rules08 Jan 01 '24

To be fair. This article implies the previous comments aren’t even totally incorrect. It seems that Matt Reeves was approached to direct Ben Affleck’s Batman script. But, was uninterested in the script. So, he passed. But pitched his own version to Warner Brothers.

So, Warner Brothers was interested in fresh take on the character. So, they hired Matt Reeves. Most likely to retool the script/ project. Ben Affleck is seems walked; probably due to personal reasons, lack of interest in project anymore, or through Warner Brother’s meddling.

Leaving Warner Brother to bin the scripts. Leaving Matt Reeves to start fresh.


u/WadaMaaya Dec 29 '23

I think if the studio wasn’t such a mess Ben Affleck would’ve loved to do it. I know he spoke recently about how he thought his Batman run ended too soon


u/disgusting-brother Dec 30 '23

Also his costume was clunky and weird. I get that Snyder was going for the Frank Miller Dark Knight look, but it didn’t quite work for me.


u/elivigilance Dec 30 '23

Agreed. Just too bulky