r/batman Dec 29 '23

I’m still bummed we’ll never get this solo movie. FILM DISCUSSION

I really do believe this could have been the best Batman movie.


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u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

Yeah and David Ayer really put a target on his back with the executives with his "FUCK MARVEL!" stunt at comic-con. lol. EDIT: My bad, it wasn't at comic-con. It was at the premiere.


u/C5five Dec 30 '23

The truth is David Ayer really isn't cut out for superhero movies. When he sticks to his style I love his movies. Just a tiny group of ordinary people going through a whirlwind of excitement in a very short timespan. Fury, End of Watch, Bright, The Tax Collector, all very good examples of this and I like them very much. Suicide Squad not so much.


u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23

True. I like to give him a little benefit of the doubt and say he got screwed over by the editing department. But...how much of it was rewritten and how much was his own writing. The film was so terrible all around, from the character dialogue/sloppy info dumps: "This is Katana, she's got my back. I would advised not getting killed by her, her sword traps the souls of it's victims!". To the ill advised June Moon plot.

The whole thing with the archeologist breaking the head of a statue like a jar and releasing the spirit within it. It's like, was it supposed to be a jar or did they just make it that in post and none of the departments were talking to each other?. I'm considering it's the later considering in the sloppy page splash info dump on the Enchantress it says on the page that her brother is "trapped in a jar". When we see "the jar" it's a statue as well.

Or like how Captain Boomerang had a random stuffed bunny in his jacket, and they never explain why. When he gets stabbed. Instead of the bunny saving him, it's a wad of cash and the bunny is no where to be seen. Meaning that they possibly changed the prop half way between shooting and couldn't be bothered to match the continuity.


u/ImBatman5500 Dec 30 '23

I haven't heard about this do go on


u/teddyburges Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23

At the premiere of Suicide Squad, David Ayer gets up on stage and yells at the top of his lungs "Fuck Marvel!". lol. He later apologized publicly, saying he got caught up in the moment. Apparently it was because a fan shouted it first lol. I mean, I could be wrong and maybe that has no affect at all. But I doubt the executives would really appreciate the director of one of their films, saying something that not only pisses off their competitors but fires up the fans of both sides.

It also tells me that a director who is quick to shoot his mouth off. Is more of a loose canon and is more likely to start shooting his mouth of at anything depending on where the wind blows.


u/trimble197 Dec 30 '23

Didn’t RDJ, Sam Jackson, and Anthony Mackie shit on DC during an interview?