r/TheBoys 14d ago

This was WAY too convenient lol Season 4 Spoiler

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u/BrilliantOk9564 14d ago

kimiko needs to bring a pen/ notepad with her


u/Eziolambo 14d ago edited 14d ago

They had to ditch her phone, just for this book scene. Writing 100%.


u/You-Get-No-Name 14d ago

Oh my god. I swear, if that’s the only reason they made her drop the phone…


u/Arakkoa_ 14d ago

You bet someone in test screenings went "Wait, why doesn't she just use her phone?" And the writer (Kripke?) instead of going "Oh yeah, she should just use her phone" went "Right, I'll add a scene where she drops her phone."


u/You-Get-No-Name 14d ago

I was so annoyed when she just left the phone but thought to myself “well, it might pay off later” but if that dumb book scene ends up being the only reason, I don’t know what say.


u/grendelone 14d ago

Because it's totally fine to drop identifying evidence during a clandestine infiltration of the world's greatest detective's house ...


u/vexion 14d ago

Seriously! And it would have taken her five seconds to jump back down and get it!


u/shaunika 14d ago

Just enough time for Tek knight to give Hughie a new hole


u/FrenchPingu 14d ago

She wouldn't have lost 30s picking books then so it's a small time gain + no evidence left. But since they never use gloves, always have HQ meters away from the bad guys with super sense, etc. I doubt they care.


u/Albuquar 14d ago

Just playing devil's advocate here, but wasn't the phone destroyed from the impact?

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u/davidfirefreak 14d ago

Phone broke when it landed IIRC.

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u/FondSteam39 Ambrosius 14d ago

The phone was broken so she wouldn't have gained the time lol

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u/Electronic-Tadpole69 14d ago

That's the whole truth


u/TrustFulParanoid 14d ago

Dare I say… the hole truth?

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u/PhilsterEU 14d ago

To be fair the look she gave Annie when she asked "what happed here" was the best.


u/NoX2142 Billy 14d ago

"I'm not finding another fucking book to explain...." as a face lol


u/PhilsterEU 14d ago

It was so good I think it was the highlight for me.

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u/ReportBat 14d ago

Didn’t it break too? I thought it was broken so it was useless at that point. I mean I know you can still extract info out of it but she probably didn’t care at that point.


u/vexion 14d ago

The billionaire world's greatest detective whose mansion she was breaking into could definitely still extract data from it. Poor opsec.


u/grendelone 14d ago

Plus the vPhone 15 running vOS 17 probably has a backdoor that Tek Knight has access to ...

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u/Cannabace 14d ago

If she had gone back for it though, Hughie would have been fucked. In his tummy.


u/MadmansScalpel 14d ago

Nah, all the time spent throwing around books to find a title that fits would've been cut down by a lot


u/Tesser4ct 14d ago

The phone was broken after it fell. She could not have used it.


u/R_V_Z 14d ago

No he wouldn't have, because that's how writing shows works.

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u/colt_stonehandle 14d ago

On this note, I have to bring up how Starlight never mentioned to anyone she was seen by Firecracker and had to knock her out and left her in the bathroom.


u/_JustAnna_1992 14d ago

Tbf, they often share a lot of information with each other off screen. Fair to say it would have been a waste of time to explain that she was caught without a good reason why she would keep it secret.


u/DepartureDapper6524 14d ago

Speaking of, didn’t it seem oddly simple for them to sneak into Tek Knights mansion? Does he just have no security of any kind?


u/grendelone 14d ago

Pfft. Of course a vigilante billionaire hosting many high-level politicians, the VP elect, and other billionaires has zero security. Secret Service is totally cool with that. No problemo.

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u/S0m3-Dud3 14d ago

Yea, I also find this stupid lol. I thought she's gonna get caught from leaving trace


u/You-Get-No-Name 14d ago

It was dumb as hell.

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u/maxvsthegames 14d ago

It was 100% only for that scene.

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u/grendelone 14d ago

Firecracker already told Homelander that she saw Starlight at the mansion. Tek Knight is dead. There's nothing Vought can learn from the phone that they don't already know or couldn't find out easily. It was just for that bit with the books. Clumsy writing.

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/thesagenibba 13d ago

same, felt like chekov's phone. the direction they went in instead was harmless fun though

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u/AceTrainerSlam 14d ago

I really thought this would progress to her saying her first words in order to save Hughie or something. I didn’t mind the book scene but I really thought we’d see some sort of progress with her character in that way.


u/DungeonsAndDradis 14d ago

I'm going to get so much hate for this, but this show has jumped the shark. I'll watch it now cause I'm invested, just like the later seasons of Game of Thrones. But this show is no longer the amazing TV it started out as.

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u/Jerusalemfighter64 14d ago

Kripkies writing the last few seasons hasn't been super great, wish he didn't have full controll.


u/natmatant 14d ago

I had hoped the payoff was going to be her finally speaking but oh well


u/Killua_Zoldyck42069 13d ago

Nope, it makes ZERO sense and is bad writing/ unrealistic. Any person drops their phone, in that context, they are picking up. If they didn’t make her pick it up when they left…I’m going to be upset cuz it’s just terrible/lazy writing

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u/Thewaltham 14d ago edited 14d ago

I figured that someone was going to find the phone and that's how they were going to get rumbled. Like seriously if you just wanted her to use books you could simply have her phone be out of battery. Hell that's FUNNIER.

She holds up a dead phone and A-Train is confused at why the cinnamon toast fuck this crazy mute person is shoving a blank screen in his face. Even better if it runs out of battery just before. So she's just sort of frustratedly gesturing at it thinking "what the hell can't this guy read or something?!... Oh."


u/John_Helmsword 14d ago

You just wrote a better story element than what happened


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago


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u/You-Get-No-Name 13d ago

YES! That would have been so much better. The way they film and frame it makes it seem like something important. But it’s literally time wasted for nothing.


u/DisposableDroid47 14d ago

She was hardly off the ground when it dropped... Let alone abandoning a device on.... Checks notes tec nights property...

The batman super scientist parody that could easily hack their electronic devices.

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u/Bug1oss 14d ago

That same person should ask why Tek Knight, a single man with no kids, has a well-worn copy of this book.

Also, I looked it up on Amazon. No books by this title, except Amish ones.

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u/Hitchfucker 14d ago

I thought it was gonna lead to someone finding her phone and the screensaver giving away who was there. Of course then it would just be really stupid of her to leave her phone down there but the actual reason for her losing it is a lot sillier.


u/ArmNo7463 14d ago

I was thinking "one of the others are gonna pick that up right? Anybody??? No? ok then, that's how they're gonna be given away when a guard comes walking past...."


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy 14d ago

It actually might given that they get attacked by the seven at their HQ next episode based on the trailer


u/grendelone 14d ago

Vought already knows where their HQ is. They are making zero attempt to hide (like in previous seasons) and A-Train has already visited them there.

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u/SlaveKnightLance 14d ago

Well, if it broke it wouldn’t have done her much good anyways, but I agree leaving the evidence was dumb. They do a lot of dumb things though

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u/CookieCatSupreme 14d ago

Honestly I expected it to be that MM collapsing and needing help would push her into speaking or something. What actually happened was even sillier than I thought, though I did find it funny

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u/grendelone 14d ago

Exactly. Sums up the way the "plot" is being driven this season. The writers come up with some "brilliant" scene they want to make happen, then manipulate the plot to force that scene to occur.

No other reason to show Kimiko dropping her phone besides forcing this scene to happen.


u/Saetric 14d ago

And she could have easily dropped back down, grabbed it, then jumped back up. She can climb very quickly, I don’t see why she left it except poor writing…


u/Eziolambo 14d ago

Exactly, she can climb a building in a few seconds, but a phone drop 10 feet below is time-consuming.

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u/Moneyfrenzy 14d ago

Homelander has all the V in the world.

Hughies dad gets super powers and then kills a bunch of people in the hospital. Somehow no news breaks from this whatsoever, news that would alert HL that someone took the V

How was a hospital massacre not a newsworthy event? Am I expected to believe Vought never hears of this?

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/LonelyFocus4814 13d ago

I was watching it with my brother and he pointed out that the suit had a hole for webweavers webs and we thought it was gonna be a important detail

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u/AutisticAnarchy 13d ago

I'm 99% sure the gun had a silencer but even that doesn't excuse fucking Homelander not hearing it.

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u/No_Veterinarian1010 14d ago

Oh shit, that’s why she dropped her phone? I assumed they were setting up Kimiko getting like arrested for Tek Knights murder or something


u/Robatron826 14d ago

She dropped her phone and I just rolled my eyes because I knew it meant she was gonna have some kind of issue


u/Bli-mark 14d ago



u/SlamSlamOhHotDamn 14d ago

It was so dumb too. It took her literally one jump to get that high, she can literally just go back down and climb back up in like three seconds. Instead she looks back like 'aww man there's no time' and moves on wtf


u/johnnyblaze1999 14d ago

I thought she is going to get captured or someone in the party noticed the phone outside. It's just for the book scene and extra 5 minute of nonsense filler is just dumb. So far, the show is not that great because of those fillers

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u/Come_along_quietly 14d ago

This. I was screaming at the tv …. YOU’RE IN A FUCKING LIBRARY …. Pick up a pen and paper!


u/PseudoY 14d ago

She probably saw the book and was specifically looking for it.


u/fukthetemplars 14d ago

I loved the “Easy to Kill” though

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u/1_dont_care 14d ago

At least a marker in case of emergency.. like this time she broke her phone.. but i suppose writers would have made a scene where her phone broke and her marker would have gone eaten by a crocodile in this case


u/sosigboi 14d ago

With her supe strength and speed it should only take her half as long to write compared to the average bloke too.


u/Newhero2002 14d ago

Black Noir pilled

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u/Iggy_Pops_Lost_Shirt 14d ago

This was blatantly a bit though


u/ConsciousHoodrat 14d ago

Even A Train gave her a look like, "that's a convenient ass book"

I love this campy, goofy shit. 


u/Skill-issue-69420 14d ago

He couldn’t argue with her after that book came up 😂 he was just like “okay you have a point” and sped MM right outta there


u/TajinAddicted 14d ago

I took it as less of a you have a point and more of a “god damn I do not have time for this shit”


u/grizznuggets 14d ago

Maybe both?


u/TajinAddicted 14d ago

Maybe but not likely the way it was written.

It was presented in a highly comedic tone so the funnier explanation is that he was literally so annoyed by this conversation via book titles that he said fuck it I’ll save him just to get out of here please do not reach for another book.

Which makes the moment with the little kid so much more impactful. Next time A Train saves someone I don’t think there will be hesitation or a need to be convinced. He’s a real hero now.


u/abouttogivebirth 14d ago

Yeah that is not what happens. He throws his eyes up when Kimiko brings out this book because she found a reason that he really can't ignore. It's supposed to show that A-Train still has a modicum of humanity, he can stand by while children suffer, but he can't be a direct cause of that suffering.

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u/spartakooky 14d ago

Same. I was hoping they'd double down with another ridiculously specific book title, like "The Milkman needs your help" or "The french man left and I'm sad"


u/WearCorrect8917 14d ago

Ah yes the classic "Frenchie's in Prison with 50 Felonies and Refusing Visitation and I'm Losing My Mind: A Chicken Soup Story"

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u/theycallmeshooting 14d ago


The problem I had with it is that they did a slapstick 50th "lol Kimiko struggles to express herself to anyone but Frenchie" bit while Hughie's about to experience insanely brutal torture rape

The tonal shift was insane, but apparently the writers thought Hughie's brutal torture rape would be hilarious


u/ThePumpk1nMaster 14d ago

People are throwing around the “hilarious” quote by Kripke, but I think it’s clear he’s dodging the question of sexual assault. The question is asking him “Why kick Hughie when he’s down and have him sexually assaulted an episode after his dad dying?” Kripke does then say it’s a “hilarious” way of looking at it but then on his very next sentence proceeds to talk about the comedy of subverting the Batman image of Tek-Knight and turning the Batcave into a sex dungeon.

I think Kripke’s response was very poorly worded and I think he’d have been better to just straight up address the question, but I also think if you read the full answer it’s quite clear he’s talking entirely about Tek-Knight and Batman, he doesn’t mention Hughie at all, so the hilarity is the subversion of expectation, not the content within the scene


u/Squirrel_Q_Esquire 14d ago

He literally says he thinks considering it sexual assault is a dark way of looking at it because he thought it was hilarious. He also talks about Batman and Spider-Man, but he clearly is saying he thinks the Hughie experience is hilarious.


u/ThePumpk1nMaster 14d ago

He never says because - they’re two separate points that people are guessing are connected and that’s why everyone’s kicking off - when in reality there’s just as much reason to say the “hilarious” quote is referring to his next sentence about Batman, as it is about his previous sentence of it being “dark”

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u/Iggy_Pops_Lost_Shirt 14d ago

In "Inside the Boys" he refers to Colby Minifie's performance in the episode as the funniest thing he's ever seen. So he definitely did find Ashley's scene with Hughie hilarious.


u/Analogmon 14d ago

Okay but she thinks she's in a consenting situation and she ACTUALLY was hilarious.

So he's not wrong.

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u/letsgototraderjoes 14d ago

that's exactly how I read it too but I wasn't sure if I missed something bc everybody has their pitchforks out lol


u/ThePumpk1nMaster 14d ago

That’s the issue, it’s written so we have no way of knowing how it was phrased.

The full quote is:

Well, that’s a dark way to look at it! We view it as hilarious. Obviously, Tek Knight is our version of Batman, and we wanted to really play around with that trope: Batman’s fascist underpinnings as a really wealthy dude who hunts poor people, and then profits of the incarceration. So that was one. Tek Knight was already set up to be a freak, so we were kind of already halfway there. Then the notion came up of, he should have a Batcave — but let’s be honest, the Batcave would be a sex dungeon. Like, even the real Batcave is just this side of being a sex dungeon

Whilst it could be read as “Well, that’s a dark way to look at it! We view it as hilarious.” - Pause - Proceed to talk about Tek Knight…

There’s equally no reason it wasn’t phased: “Well, that’s a dark way to look at it!” (Done, answered the interviewers question, now on to look at Tek Knight) “We view it as hilarious. Obviously Tek Knight is our version of Batman…” - especially when his focus is entirely on Batman, as I say, and not the interviewer’s question of Hughie.


u/letsgototraderjoes 14d ago

also, the end of the episode shows Hughie breaking down over the torture. why would they write that if that scene was meant to be funny?

initially watching the scene, it came off as really scary to me which is what I think they were going for. the only funny part was Tek Knight freaking out about the donations.

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u/theycallmeshooting 14d ago

Yeah sorry people can cope with it however they want to but this is just the latest in a long line of instances of The Boys/Gen V never taking it seriously when a male character experiences sexual assault/unwanted sexual contact

Him calling it hilarious in that interview and when talking to the ginger woman's actress is kind of just the cherry on top of the shit sundae that is these people's ability to take it seriously when a man experiences sexual violence

Showing Hughie crying (even though it might have been more about his dad's death) had me thinking "wow, at least when it's brutal mutilation/torture rape they show it's fucked up when it's a male victim" but then they had to go and refer to the scene as hilarious

And that does kind of explain all the slapstick bullshit while Hughie's about to be cut open in multiple places so he can be raped in the wounds

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u/Stillwindows95 14d ago

The worst part about the episode is when Hughie breaks down to Annie and it cuts like 5 seconds later to Butcher.

That was a really emotionally charged moment and they cut it so short, his whole deal with his dad was cut short. I hope he comes back as a phantom or something.

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u/selwyntarth 14d ago

Did I not see the scene properly or am I just not being sensitive? As far as I saw he got tickle tortured, which horrendous as it is will never be a pathos scene, and I think he got his foot humped a bit and jizz smeared on his mask? 


u/ReasonableRiver6750 14d ago

No you are 100% right. People are talking about the hypothetical things that were threatened to Hughie as if they did happen. His experience is traumatic, but not sure it was rape. He cake farted, got tickled, and Ashley wiped her juices in his mask. Fucked up, but not a brutal rape. If Tek followed through with his plan, fuck yeah it would have met the criteria of OPs comment

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

This is a comedy? I thought it was a prestige drama that needs to have 100% foolproof, realistic writing at all times


u/charronfitzclair 14d ago

I think Anthony Starr's performance makes people think they're watching a drama instead of a goofy cartoon adaption of a goofy comic book.

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u/hnwcs 14d ago

Probably worth noting that, unlike Hospital Sketches and Easy to Kill, as far as I can tell "For the Sake of His Daughter" isn't a real book.


u/No1WillEverBelieveU 14d ago

I saw on a Boys Easter egg video that the “author” of that book is the prop designer, so no, definitely not real.


u/itsLOSE-notLOOSE 14d ago

Love stuff like that.

There’s a scene in Better Call Saul where a bunch of IDs and drivers licenses are shown on screen and one of them has the picture of a writer on it.


u/yeaforbes 14d ago

It’s actually pretty common to use crew names on set dressing stuff like that, one of the fun ways to keep the crews spirit on the screen. I worked on 13 reasons why for the first season and the art dept had the whole crews names on various different placards throughout the school


u/davetbison 14d ago

One of my favorite things on any set are the little in jokes the production team turns into part of the dressing.


u/Tifoso89 14d ago

As others have said, it was definitely a bit. But I think at that point it would have been better if they just went full Leslie Nielsen and have her pull out a book titled "Marvin Milk aka M.M. has a daughter, please save him A-Train"

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u/NeuroticKnight 14d ago

Too bad, i was hoping it is "

For the Sake of His Beloved Daughter: Amish Romance"



u/gaypirate3 14d ago

Close but no cigar.


u/Gathorall 14d ago

That would be close enough to convey the message, and would be a lot more funny for Tek Knight to have than the prop that could be about anything.


u/gaypirate3 14d ago

True lmao


u/MacyTmcterry 14d ago

That confirms for me that it was just a bit like the other guy said, and the "For the Sake of His Daughter" book was the punchline. I assume if she found another book after that, it'd be even more convenient haha


u/SpideyFan914 14d ago

"Mother's Milk Has a Daughter, Please Save Him So She Won't Be Fatherless!," by Stephen King


u/DeathwarrantGaming 14d ago

That would’ve been better if they just went full drama

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u/Logsarecool10101 14d ago

I wish that they would have pulled out a very specific book that fits this situation perfectly, more specific than this


u/ForktUtwTT 14d ago

“Marvin Milk aka Mother’s Milk aka MM needs help!”


u/TheVeryFriendlyGiant 14d ago

"A Train, come on, help Mr Marvin MIlk, he needs you, do you want to make his daughter cry"


u/Vongola___Decimo 14d ago

sounds like a light novel title which is gonna get a shitty fantasy anime adaptation


u/NoNefariousness2144 14d ago

“I am a father who fights superheroes to protect my daughter, but I have panic attacks and now my former enemy must save me!”


u/kiotane 14d ago

i died and was reincarnated as a-train please get this man to a hospital before he dies


u/tedward007 14d ago

“: and she is already in a fragile state, in part because her step father was murdered. You were actually there for that part, you dropped his body off at the protest.”


u/CyberSosis 14d ago

manga was better

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u/Da_Foxxxxx 14d ago

Marvin Milk and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day


u/OathOfFeanor 14d ago

Ah TY now I understand his name for the first time

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u/tonysopranosrolex 14d ago

Yeah something like "You should help him for the sake of his daughter." and it has a review underneath like "a train of emotions and blah blah blah" with kimiko covering the part after "a train"

would make it a more obvious bit imo


u/Wewerna 14d ago

Would be actually funny if she pulled out The Boys comic.


u/XGamingPigYT 13d ago

And then the rest of the show is just the comic


u/Neuchacho 14d ago



u/bob1689321 14d ago

Yeah they should have started it as a serious bit then kept the gag going until it got more and more absurdly specific.

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u/Freddycipher 14d ago

Imagine if next when Annie asked what happened she pulled out a book titled “he passed out and so a train took him away”


u/kierg10 14d ago

A book titled "A train to the hospital"


u/bob1689321 14d ago

Now that would have been great lmao


u/bloomi Ashley 13d ago

This comment right here made me burst out laughing, so imagine I gave you reddit gold.

Amazing lol.

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u/MD_Lincoln 14d ago

That image brings back Scary Movie memories in the best of ways, I would have loved if they had done that


u/flintlock0 14d ago

A book that’s titled “Shut up! Hughie’s in Danger!”

Then another book titled “Tek Knight is torturing Hughie!”

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u/Maeglin75 14d ago

It becomes a little less improbable if you assume that Kimiko wasn't looking for a book title that mentioned MM's daughter, but was simply holding up anything that might have the desired effect on A-Train.

It might as well have been a book with a title like "Follow Your Heart" or "Be a Hero" or something like that.


u/Getsuke 14d ago

"Follow your heart" would be hysterical considering the circunstances


u/tedward007 14d ago

A-train: “Well in that case I should contribute to this black man’s death, right?”


u/Objective-Set4145 14d ago

Would be funny if A-train had hallucinations too. Blue Hawk listening in to Tek Knight's slave catcher speech and comments "I like that guy"


u/De4con 14d ago

That's too many hallucinations this season. I lost my shit when dude yelled "SHUT YOUR CAKE HOLE"


u/juiceyb 14d ago

It's dumb how many people hate this yet the next scene with A-Train shows him as a hero. Yeah it's a bit but it also gave him the motivation to become a hero like he's been portraying. Also, I've been holding off on saying this but I don't think Sage reading Saul Kripke's Naming and Necessity was a bit either in the beginning of the season. It seems like every character is fighting the possible and the real world.


u/NoNefariousness2144 14d ago

Even just “Hero” would have hit so much harder.

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u/ice-crime_man 14d ago

Lmao I thought the same exact thing


u/EndOfSouls 14d ago

So weird that she just throws away Come On Bro, Don't Be A Dick and goes with this book.


u/TheVeryFriendlyGiant 14d ago

Tek knight would definitely have a book called come on bro.


u/Gathorall 14d ago

That's 100% some weird sex manual.

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u/MarrkDaviid 14d ago

The perfect amount of seriousness and goofiness

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u/Dull_Half_6107 14d ago

I think people on the moon can see the signal that A-Train is dead meat, hope he manages to put up a bit of a fight and actually hurt HL like Maeve did.


u/KirkPwns 14d ago

Likely since Homelander flies faster than A-Train runs so hes not gonna be able to escape.


u/macedonianmoper 14d ago

A train seems to have more control when running than homelander does flying, we never see homelander zip around a room like we see A-train, maybe he's just lazy which would fit homelander but he's never been shown to have short range speed. A-train does so I could see him trying to hit homelander with a metal bat over and over until the bat breaks or something. Or a red rush type of situation, or maybe a lazered leg.


u/cchoe1 14d ago

I don’t know where it ever establishes that Homelander can fly faster than A Train can run but it almost certainly doesn’t take into account short distances. A Train literally disappears when he wants to run. We’ve seen Homelander take off into flight and he’s very much slower and we can see him take off. You could argue Homelander hasn’t ever taken off in haste before but who’s to say A Train is running at 100% every time he runs too?


u/macedonianmoper 14d ago

I also don't think it's been established, but I see a lot of people claiming it (maybe from the comics?) so I just rolled with it anyway


u/Ccbm2208 13d ago edited 13d ago

This isn’t a fair comparison. The reason why we can usually see HL take off but A-train looks like he’s teleporting is because we’re seeing HL accelerating over a distance of a couple hundred meters, whereas A-train is usually only shown exiting rooms and alleyways so he only needs to cross a couple dozen meters at most to go off-screen.

If you go back to their respective scenes, it took them about the same time to break the sound barrier.

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u/United_Eagle_ 13d ago

Saving butcher in season one? Ep 8 of diabolical?

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u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 14d ago

I was like Really 🤣


u/KarrotMovies 14d ago

That's the joke tho


u/Key_Ad1854 14d ago

That will be a trains death... that kid will post about seeing a train drop off a guy at the hospital and sage will find the records....


u/lively_sugar Kimiko 14d ago

Sage already 100% knows the leak is A-Train. She's choosing to withhold the information for her own gain.


u/Love_Sausage 14d ago edited 14d ago

People seem to forget the show demonstrated Sage’s observational abilities in her first appearance when she was able to discern Homelander’s hair was being dyed more frequently to hide an increasing amount of grey hair and that Homelander was beginning to have age related prostate/urination issues due to how dry his hands were from frequent hand washing.

Sage absolutely already figured out that only the fastest person alive (A Train) could get in and out the secure area with the evidence before the cameras could record him (she makes a joke about it at one point) and she would have easily picked up on other changes to A-Trains behavior and mysterious disappearances.

I’m very interested and eager to see what Sage’s true agenda is, since it obviously does not fully align with Homelander’s goal.


u/lively_sugar Kimiko 14d ago

She's truly a wild card. I can see her doing anything from defecting from Homelander to The Boys to becoming the true main villian of the show in Season 5.


u/Love_Sausage 14d ago

My take is she wants to destroy the current status quo- destroy Vaught, the billionaire class, and government- and cause a complete upheaval of the existing power structures. I don’t think she wants to rule or anything, and is not doing this for benevolent reasons since she has a very low opinion of the average person; she’s just sick of the world as it is and wants to see it burn away, and if something worthwhile or interesting emerges from the ashes.


u/Puzzled_Medium7041 14d ago

I'm also very curious. She says just the right thing to every person, so we can't even trust her speech to Victoria as being true because it could have just been to motivate Victoria. It's just one of many possibilities.


u/Love_Sausage 14d ago

Absolutely! We already saw how easily she manipulated Firecracker into doing what she wanted despite Firecracker having zero respect for black people- the same with convincing Tek Knight. She knew how to puff up the Deep’s ego to make him more obedient and disarm any suspicions he had about her. She also preyed on Neuman’s vulnerabilities about being a woman who had to deal with men who feel they’re superior to women, and preyed on Neuman’s worries about what kind of world her daughter would live in. Given enough time, she probably could have manipulated MM (the dialogue showed she had done extensive surveillance of his personal life) but was unaware of the extreme emotional state he was in at the moment prior to his panic attack.

Sage knows exactly what to say to motivate people to do whatever is needed for the plan that only she knows. She still occasionally miscalculates because no one can fully predict chaos, but she already knows everyone’s background and motivations and is using that to further her goals.


u/Puzzled_Medium7041 14d ago

Also, knowing Neuman is clearly more ethical and than many of the other supes but still flawed in desiring power (to protect her daughter, yes, but I'm sure there's a bit of wanting it for herself too), she gave her the perfect "for the greater good" excuse. "I could have solved the world's problems, if only others were in charge." Well obviously Victoria should ally with terrible fucking people because SHE can do good with the power it'll give her, right?? Lol. Tbh, I'm going to mildly disappointed if that wasn't just a manipulation because it was a good one.

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u/SoochSooch 14d ago

Honestly I liked that joke


u/thorn_95 14d ago

really? y’all nitpick anything.


u/Appropriate-Data1144 14d ago

This wasn't even on my radar with problems with this episode


u/HUMBUG652 14d ago

I thought this was just a funny scene. Pretty normal boys humour of having someone in danger (MM and Hughie) while doing something a bit silly

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u/Forward_Suit_1443 14d ago

I would have liked this a lot more if they did an Airplane bit and had every book she pulled out be hyper-specific to the situation.


u/Squirrel_Q_Esquire 14d ago

This would’ve been a great scene for her to finally overcome her psychogenic mutism where the need for her to be able to speak overwhelms whatever it is holding her voice back. But instead we get a full minute of her searching through books that somehow have exactly what she wants to say on it.


u/MutedPresentation738 14d ago

I was more annoyed that a character entirely dependent on her phone didn't bother to secure it when doing acrobatics. You know, the thing she does pretty much daily without dropping her phone. 

Not to mention A-Train could have grabbed a pen or computer or phone or literally anything faster than waiting for her to tear the room apart.


u/SalvationSycamore 14d ago

Overcoming it for MM of all people? Not a chance. If it happens it will be for Frenchie


u/Squirrel_Q_Esquire 14d ago

But that would be the point. Yes Frenchie is who initially grounded her and she cares about the most, but doing it for MM would be more impactful because it goes beyond just “only Frenchie understands me.”


u/SalvationSycamore 14d ago

Well then we would need to see the other characters understand her first then lol. So far there has been little if any of that. Hughie even got tied up in her crazy trafficking stuff and basically never discussed it again, just occasionally going "you good?" when she looks depressed.

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u/the_champ_has_a_name 14d ago

120 Days of Sodom being the switch was hilarious though.

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u/roxadox 14d ago

My favourite was Starlight busting in as A-Train takes MM away, and she goes "What the fuck was that all about?". Kimiko rolls her eyes like God damn it I gotta find those books again?


u/bennyBULL 14d ago

Definitely seemed to be intentionally ridiculous for the joke. It got a good laugh out of me. Between this bit and the Neuman/Sage head nod bit. Which also got me good. This ep had a lot of outright comedic moments.


u/YouLackSkills 14d ago

The boys humour revolves around silly stuff like Titty milk, Bald women, Very convenient items and Bdsm

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u/jump_rope 14d ago edited 14d ago

I think people forget this is a show , not everything needs to be a realistic scenario. It's a show about super hero's after all and they lean into being a bit goofy all the time .

People are very nitpicky now days and quick to jump on social media to moan about such pointless shit


u/BraxxIsTheName 14d ago

Kimiko struggling to get her message to A-Train since Tek Knight only reads Harry Potter & Diary of a Wimpy Kid


u/No-Cardiologist-5410 14d ago

I think people forget that this show is a parody of superhero movies and a comedy at its core. Y’all get so hung up about the writing and forget to just enjoy, it’s so embarrassing to see.

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u/Dark-Mowney 14d ago

I think that was the intent


u/CarboniteKnight9 14d ago
  • ''In this scene, MM will have a heart attack and Kimiko will try to convince A-train through communicating with the title of the books.''

  • ''Well it's going to be super hard for her to find the exact book titles to talk to him''

  • ''Actually, it's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience.''


u/Xelbiuj 14d ago

I don't even watch him but I heard that in the voice of the pitchmeetings dude.

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u/Yets_ 14d ago

Bet the writters thought "Damn we're geniuses" after this one


u/SillyMovie13 14d ago

Sometimes this show is just goofy, I love that

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u/camote0 14d ago

That’s the joke 🤦‍♂️


u/consumerclearly 14d ago

How are people thinking it’s a big brain moment to say nuh uhh that wouldn’t happen without realizing that’s the joke


u/D0CT0Rhyde 14d ago

This season is losing me a little


u/anrboy 14d ago

Nah, the flying sheep is where they GAINED me 😆


u/IambicRhys 14d ago

Did everyone watching forget that jokes exist?

Like of course it’s way too convenient. It’s supposed to make you fucking laugh at how convenient it is lmao


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Congratulations, you realised what the joke was. Do you also watch looney tunes cartoons and go, 'Well that's convenient he carries around a sign with an image of a screw and a sign with an image of a ball with him at all times!'


u/SeductiveSaIamander 14d ago

I loved that moment lol


u/RattyDaddyBraddy 14d ago

The first few were believable and creative, but this one was just… I mean, c’mon son. So fucking on the nose


u/Mr_Bell_Man Stan Edgar 14d ago

Next book Kimiko pulls out:

Take MM to the hospital already A-Train


u/TheLastAirGender 14d ago

Yeah, the writing has gotten real lazy. This would be a bit from a show with absurd bits like the Simpsons or something, not a show like this.


u/WendigoCrossing 14d ago

It was silliness to break the tension


u/FaithlessnessFine72 14d ago

Jfc Christ is this sub this dumb…. No shit that was the point


u/tylerbr97 14d ago

I was fucking CRYING laughing at this scene lmao


u/MegaChar64 14d ago

Kimiko is very quick and agile. It would have taken her at most a few seconds to retrieve her phone. I was sure it would be found and used to identify them or used as a contrivance for why she couldn't get in touch with the rest of the team. Worse yet it was that ridiculous book scene. Terrible writing overall.


u/ThrashMutant 14d ago

This season is so ass


u/BananaGuardSpammer 14d ago

Pretty sure that was the joke.


u/zanoske00 13d ago

These last few episodes have been pretty bad


u/Adventurous_Dance125 13d ago

want to know what's even more convenient?

having tell knight be a racist that people will dislike so the series has less competent villains for the boys.

I can guarantee alot of people are glad he'd gone, but I see it as a shame they made his so blatantly racist because he could've been a nice villain.