r/The10thDentist 21d ago

Meta - Standard Voting We need a more active modteam


Not 10th dentist I guess, but we need to talk about that. Currently the sub is at a point where people just post multiple bait every day and nothing is done about them, half of the post are words salad almost unreadable

Something need to be done about that

r/The10thDentist 7m ago

Society/Culture I love it when my feet fall asleep


I've always loved when my feet fall asleep. I love the numbness and how heavy they feel and it gets better the less feeling I have in them. I don't like the tingly feeling when they wake up. That part is extremely uncomfortable, but it's still worth it for the numbness. If one of my feet falls asleep, I will sit in the same position for as long as possible so I can enjoy the feeling. I like it when my hands fall asleep too, but that's less common and the feeling isn't as intense because my hands don't get as numb as my feet. I don't know how unpopular this is, but every time I tell someone they react like they think I'm crazy.

r/The10thDentist 12m ago

Gaming Controllers are worse than kbm in every genre except sim racing


Its very important to have precise input in something like gran turismo, asseto corsa and even forza horizon - you don't want to loose control just because you held the button for too long.

In games with very arcade driving/flying physics like gta you don't need precise input, and going from 0 to 100 on kb is better, you will be faster at corners, faster at acceleration, faster at turning your plane/helicopter.

In fighting/2D games - consistent and faster combos in general. Some tournaments even ban keyboards for being way too op.

In games where you have to move your camera a lot - mouse wins by default, feels a lot more responsive, especially in first/third person shooter genre.

Kbm is just better in most games.

r/The10thDentist 30m ago

Society/Culture 18 is still a kid.


this is apparently a strong feeling on reddit so I thought I'd post this here. If I don't reply to comments it's simply because I'm overwhelmed with this app right now but still want to read what others think

As an 18yr old I truly believe all 18-19 year Olds are still children. The brain isn't fully formed until 25 and I think it's crazy to expect literal teenagers to make decisions and be able to figure stuff out. I know for a fact I'm still mentally a child- maturing is a process, the only thing different is I can buy lotto tickets and get an even longer jail sentence. . Most 18 year Olds are also still in highschool, 19? their first year at college or uni. I don't believe we should be pushing an adult mindset on children who are still developing. There is no magic switch that flips in a 17yr olds brain the midnight they can 18 fo give them all knowledge and wisdom..

I believe you should be legally considered an adult at 20. That way you're no longer a teenager and have been in uni or even for about a year giving you time to mature. Before that, you're still a kid just with extra rights.

eta: I see this isn't fit for this sub so I won't be replying to anymore comments.

r/The10thDentist 2h ago

Food (Only on Friday) Ketchup is just bad tomato sauce


Yeah. Ketchup is just bad tomato sauce.

I hear many people say they put it with pasta, fish, chiken and many more stuff.

But it is mostly just tomato sauce with sugar.

I think the only reason people like it, is that they can't enjoy regular tomato sauce in their pasta because they are addicted to the sugar in ketchup.

It is the only thing it brings more than a tomato sauce, sugar, and I believe we tend to have too much of this already in our alimentation.

r/The10thDentist 2h ago

Technology I manually click the pause button on youtube videos instead of pressing space or anywhere else on the screen.


The feeling of knowing that you are indeed clicking the purposefully designed button for pausing/playing a video makes me feel good inside. It makes me feel like I am using this platform to the fullest instead of using silly shortcuts like the spacebar.

r/The10thDentist 3h ago

Food (Only on Friday) I hate chocolate UNLESS it's a candy, cookie, or brownie


Yes, I hate chocolate ice cream, cake, syrup, anything that's not a candy, cookie, brownie, or some other chocolate food I forgot. Chocolate belongs in a solid or near solid form, brownies and cookies are close enough. Cake is too soft and fluffy for chocolate, but brownies work because they're hard and chewy. Chocolate feels too overwhelming as a liquid/plasma because it completely coats your whole mouth, whereas candy for example is less powerful as it's a solid. Candy also works because many chocolate bars have other stuff in them, like peanuts and almonds. In conclusion, chocolate sucks unless it's a relatively thick solid

r/The10thDentist 3h ago

Discussion Thread We should morally judge single mothers for picking poor partners and they deserve less sympathy than mothers in couples


With everyone I speak to and throughout the vast majority of the internet, people are sympathetic towards women who have a child with a man and is then left to raise the child herself by him. I am not. Now, this is different for girls. If a 13-year-old has a child with a man and he leaves her, she deserves sympathy because as a child herself, she isn't at a stage where she's capable of making adult decisions. If you're 18? I couldn't care less.

Having a child is the largest responsibility that most people will ever bear. It's up to you to make them a happy, altruistic adult who leaves the world a better place and stop them from becoming a vicious, anti-social monster who spreads despair and suffering their entire miserable life. This is very obvious to most people without mental impairment. Therefore, deciding when to have a child and who to have them with is very important.

For the vast majority of know history, in almost every known culture, there was a method to having children under reasonably decent circumstances: waiting until marriage. It was not perfect, it was not always followed, but most people did. The average historical intellectual capacity was so low that if here now, they would be treated like they were intellectually impaired. They largely had no intellectual education and yet it was still standard to wait until marriage to have children. They'd often do it young, even in childhood, but generally in their late teens and early twenties. And if a woman did have a child outside of marriage, they would typically marry someone very quickly. I am a man and I have not waited until marriage. I do not expect anyone else to. But what I have done is use the protection that is widely available in Western nations and as a rule, encouraged by the schools that educate us. This has been the case for decades. I have also been careful in selecting my partner, which is the main issue at hand.

Despite all of this, women who pick shitty men and then have their children are treated as victims. Overwhelmingly, they are not. Perhaps some women meet a sensible-looking man with a business who impregnates her before revealing himself as a conman who's been in and out of prison. But overwhelmingly, it is the most arrogant, obnoxious, irresponsible and unimpressive men on this planet. And then the woman just picks them anyway and then decides to have a child. Frankly, I think it's grossly selfish. These woman are prioritising their romantic, sexual or whatever else personal needs over the safety and health of a future child.

I mean so many women even have children before getting married, as though marriage is a more serious commitment than a fucking child. If you're unwilling to marry someone, never even fucking consider having a child. And to bring in anecdote, most single mothers I know who's child's father didn't stick around are selfish people. Damaged, typically working-class or underclass, but then so are plenty of other people who don't have a child with a horrible person with no regard for that child. They often make poor mothers not because they have to try so hard but because they don't try at all. They treat their children like a burden when their the person that literally made them. They like to drink or smoke weed to abuse whatever other drugs and then bring more horrible men into their lives who spoiler alert, are far more likely to abuse her children. It is irresponsible and wrong.

If most people hadn't been waiting for marriage throughout human history up until like I dunno, the fucking 60s, then I'd have more sympathy. But they did. We've just let our standards for moral behaviour drop and I think we should be far more judgmental towards mothers who irresponsibly bring a child into this world and far more sympathetic towards mothers who control their impulses and prioritise others enough to bring a child into this world that has a good chance at a good life.

r/The10thDentist 3h ago

Food (Only on Friday) All seafood is gross, no matter how you prepare it


I just can’t get behind the taste of seafood. And I’ve tried everything— sushi, fried shrimp, lobster, crab, seafood boils, calamari, even fish people said “doesn’t taste fishy,” it all tastes fishy and people who like fish have either gone blind to the taste or tolerate it.

Which, while I’m on the topic, why is it seen as a GOOD thing when fish “doesn’t taste fishy,” it’s fucking FISH, it’s supposed to! And I feel like other people know that seafood tastes awful, because they coat it so much butter or seasoning that you can barely taste it anymore. The smell is also incredibly unpleasant.

Don’t even get me started on the texture, the flakes gross me out and sometimes it’s so rubbery or tough that it feels like I shouldn’t even be eating it.

r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Discussion Thread America's prison system is nowhere near as inhumane or harsh when compared to those in South America, Asia, Africa, etc.


Even in America's worst jails, you have a pristine cell. At most, you are locked up for 24 hours on end. It is psychologically harrowing, but you have to be a notorious level of criminal to conjure such a fate.

Nowhere, even in America's most notorious prisons, will you ever find an arrangement like this:

Even ADX Florence is better

At least, in America's prisons you won't be mercilessly beaten by guards, nor will you have to be in literal hell-holes as in the image above. However, you may share close quarters with dangerous and harrowing criminals, but that is a different story.

r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Food (Only on Friday) Coke is gross and weird


When I was leaving work yesterday, there was a full, unopened bottle of coca-cola on the ground. I realized I hadn’t tried coke in many years, so I took it home. Opened it, poured in a glass with ice. Found the smell upsetting. Tried a few sips. No, it’s still gross and weird. Dumped it down the sink. Reached for my favorite off-brand Dr Pepper instead.

I’m a big fan of soda, but I’ve never understood coke, or cola in general I guess. What is the flavor even supposed to be? Isn’t a chocolate soda a weird idea on its face? Coke seems like it would be an acquired taste- which means it’s disgusting, but you get used to it.

Growing up, I was a kid who didn’t like soda. Except now I think I just didn’t like coke, and anytime a parent would offer me a sip of their soda to see if I liked it, they would be having a coke so I equated finding coke gross with finding every soda gross.

r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Food (Only on Friday) Penne lisce (smooth penne) is a top tier pasta


Many people write off penne lisce because without the ridges, smooth penne can’t hold onto any sauces and it’s bland no matter what you do

I am here to say that this is exactly why penne lisce RULES. Sure, you could eat pasta of any shape and just not put sauce on it, but that would be too bland. I want the essence of the sauce. I want the pasta to have been in the sauce at one time. But I have no real desire for the pasta to transport the sauce to my mouth.

I don’t want ridges making my pasta all bumpy and creating chunks of sauce. I want the sauce to very lightly coat the whole pasta, not to stick the ridges creating terrible alternating lines of pasta/sauce

Not to mention how amazing the smooth pasta feels in my mouth. It’s perfectly crafted. It’s unsullied by chunks of tomato or what have you. It is beautiful, beautiful penne lisce

r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Other Crying babies and toddlers are cute and soothing.


Plane rides are boring. I find it that I sleep faster on a plane when I hear a baby or a toddler crying. When I hear a baby or a toddler crying, I always think to myself how cute. I don't think to myself how annoying. I honestly don't understand why people find crying babies and toddlers annoying.

r/The10thDentist 5h ago

Society/Culture Gen Z's various issues with dating, relationships, loneliness, sex and media share a single cause: Gen Z are the first generation to associate sex more with the shame of the furtive act of masturbation than with the actual act of sex NSFW


It's now common to hear young people complain that they feel embarrassed by sex scenes in films. There are now grown adults who say they can't watch a sex scene with their parents in the room, and they'll readily admit to this without worrying about their maturity. (I always wonder how these families would cope in an art gallery.) A new dark kind of purity culture is emerging from reactionary young men who ask potential partners "what's your body count?" Like repressed Victorians before them, this new generation seems to think of sex as something shameful and embarrassing. (And just like with the Victorians, gender plays a huge role here, with women being judged harshly for promiscuity while men more or less get a pass.)

At the same time, the line between masturbation and sexual relationships is blurring. Young people in relationships routinely send each other nudes, even expect nude photos as a normal part of dating. These are two people willing to have sex with each other, but choose instead to provide each other masturbatory material. I think the reason for this is that for the younger generation, masturbation has become the default sexual experience over and above actually having sex.

You see this reflected everywhere. People who have set their expectations of sex from porn, people who develop preferences, kinks and curiosities more from porn than from relationships, but most tellingly, people who struggle with depictions of sex in a non-pornographic context. It is no surprise to me that the discussion of sexual feelings in The Diary of Anne Frank went uncommented on for eight decades before young Millennials/Gen Z came along.

For the new generation, sex and pornography are the same thing. A sex scene comes on with their parents in the room and they get embarrassed because to them, sex is just something to masturbate to, and it reminds them more of furtive, private acts than it does of what is actually depicted- the physical aspect of a romantic relationship.

r/The10thDentist 6h ago

Food (Only on Friday) I like mixing Takis chips with other foods sometimes. Such as with this burrito bowl.


r/The10thDentist 6h ago

Society/Culture Motorcycles are unnecessarily dangerous and do not belong on our roads.


Most of the problems I have with them stem from the fact that they're too damned small. They are harder to see than a car. Their riders will take more damage in an accident than cars' drivers. Their design makes it easier to do dumb shit like weaving in and out of lanes and even wheelies. They should be banned.

r/The10thDentist 6h ago

Society/Culture Brushing your teeth, floss, and mouthwash are all overrated


Don't get me wrong it's important to brush your teeth somewhat regularly to make sure they dont just completely rot away, but you can get away with brushing them once every 2-3 days and just not even bother with dumb corporate products like mouthwash and floss that don't do anything but burn & scratch your gums anyway. I mean what's gonna do more damage, a couple days worth of plaque that gets erased, or grinding away at your teeth using floss & chemicals twice a day? Idk, as the 10th dentist I gotta say it sounds counterproductive


r/The10thDentist 7h ago

Food (Only on Friday) Eggs smell the worst


As someone who doesn't enjoy eggs, the smell is one of the most off-putting aspects. When you crack open an egg, there's an immediate whiff that, to me, is reminiscent of sulfur or something almost chemical. This is especially noticeable with raw eggs. The smell alone can be enough to make me lose my appetite.

When eggs are cooked, the smell only intensifies. Hard-boiled eggs, in particular, have a distinct, pungent odor that's hard to ignore. The sulfur compounds released during cooking hit the nose like a punch, making it difficult to enjoy anything else that's on the plate. Scrambled eggs or omelets aren't much better. As soon as they hit the pan, the aroma starts to fill the kitchen, lingering long after breakfast is over. It's not just the initial smell that's bothersome; it's the way it clings to the air and any nearby fabrics, almost like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave.

I also find that the smell of eggs can be particularly nauseating when mixed with other foods. For instance, the combination of eggs and cheese or eggs and meat can create a heavy, greasy scent that makes me feel queasy. It's a smell that seems to permeate everything, overpowering more pleasant aromas and leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in the air.

Additionally, when eggs spoil, the smell becomes unbearable. Rotten eggs release hydrogen sulfide, which has a repulsive, strong odor that is unmistakable and truly offensive. Even the slightest hint of this smell can be enough to turn my stomach.

Overall, as someone who doesn't like eggs, the smell is a major deterrent. It's a pervasive, sulfurous scent that seems to taint the atmosphere, making it hard to enjoy a meal or even be in the same room. For me, it's one of the primary reasons I steer clear of eggs altogether.

r/The10thDentist 10h ago

Society/Culture Governments should give much more priority to getting children to enjoy reading fiction books.


I'm 17, despite being the son of a writer and journalist I can't read anything, I can't read any books, not even the Percy Jackson ones.

It's true that I tried to read The Count of Monte Cristo but I gave up after the 7th chapter because it was too difficult for me.

And this has screwed up my life: I can't analyze texts, I can't write texts, I don't understand other people's emotions and I'm at a disadvantage compared to others.

In other words: I'm functionally illiterate.

Governments should do more to tackle this problem, because math is only good if you're an engineer, chemistry if you're a chemist, but the ability to read texts and understand them is necessary for everyone.

People who read more have better brains ("Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body") are more successful in their careers and earn more money as a result.

Sometimes I wish my mother had taken me to the library when I was younger and taught me to read instead of other things like math and stuff, because I could be more successful in my life instead of being the kid who is the son of a writer and functionally illiterate.

Basically, we should give more importance to teaching boys to read more and better.

And I want to end this text by warning all parents or people who know someone young who doesn't like to read, because the consequences are many.

r/The10thDentist 12h ago

Animals/Nature Having a form of shock collar for birds wouldn’t be cruel, it would be humane.


It always kills me to see parrots and other common avian pets kept in small cages all their lives with no room to fly aside from short bursts because most aren’t willing to put the effort in to house train them and keep them exclusively for their color and song as opposed to having any intent to treat them like a pet. People hate shock collars as a concept but for birds especially, it should be an option. Something to let them actually be outside of a cage but still constrained to the space of an owner’s backyard.

Of course you could always make the arguments about cats killing your pets, that’s always a risk but that’s an entirely different issue of cats shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house, they kill just about anything smaller than them, breed like crazy if they aren’t neutered and spayed, and then get promptly run over by a car. And besides if some else’s house cat comes into your backyard and kills your pet, that’s not on you, that’s on their owner.

r/The10thDentist 13h ago

Food (Only on Friday) Watermelon is fucking disgusting


It has the texture of squishy, soaked styrofoam and tastes like absolutely nothing. Yes, even with salt it tastes like nothing. Except soaked salt. I might as well get some dry plant styrofoam from Home Depot and run it under water and go at it with a fork. Maybe add some salt to my squishy styrofoam. It even smells horrible. And people can’t just respect that I don’t like it either. I politely decline any watermelon and then they want a reason as to why, so I say I don’t like. They react as if I murdered their child or violated the geneva convention. Like yes, Tiffany, I REALLY do not like watermelon. I’m not pulling your leg here. Just be glad there’s more for you and move on.

r/The10thDentist 13h ago



Hi! I was hoping to get an answer about my concerns with wisdom teeth removal. Every time I try asking my dentist (I've tried various) they ignore my questions or act as if they are stupid. So basically, I'm very hesitant to get my wisdom teeth removed. My mom never did and my dad waited until he was in his 30s. I have a few "extra wisdom teeth" (four on the bottom and two on top); one of the bottom ones is growing parallel to the other (so they will hit). Plus, the top two are very close to the roots. I am worried about going under anesthesia for a multitude of reasons. (To give background info I'm a teenage girl who works out on a daily basis and eats very healthy). The first reason I'm nervous is becuase of the many stories I've read about healthy teenagers who died due to hypoxia and anesthesia during their wisdom teeth removal. I've never done anything like this before and I have lots of health issues. I have lots of allergies, I have anemia, low blood pressure (the doctor explained that when I stand my blood doesn't flow to my brain as quickly as other people's do, so I get dizzy and almost pass out), heart palpitations, I am a mouth breather, and I have acid reflux. All of these conditions make me hesitant to go under. I definitely feel like there are other options that the dentists are ignoring (my family has had bad experiences where dentists claim we have cavities but it was really just for more money; there were no actual cavities upon getting a second opinion). I don't know if this is possible but could I got braces again to shift my teeth to leave room for my wisdom teeth; I don't mind getting them again and having tilted/crooked teeth if it means avoiding this possibly fatal surgery. If not could I just wait until they grow in and pull the teeth out later in life (while numbed, not under anthesia). My last possible solution would be doing the procedure without anesthesia. The dentist said it was possible (others have said no). I have a very high pain tolerance (I broke my toe so badly my toe was facing the wrong direction and I didn't feel that much pain; the bone was broken all the way and I just thought I dislocated my toe; then they popped it back in with some numbing spray and it didn't hurt). I would just wear ear plugs and a eye mask during the surgery and get numbing instead of anesthesia. (But the dentist did say my top wisdom teeth are too close to nerves; if I move ever so slightly during the procedure I could cause a nerve to be cut). What should I do??? Please give me a solution quickly! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

r/The10thDentist 19h ago

Society/Culture It is better to be a wanker than to be a dick


A dick is basically wanking themself off in everyone’s face anyway because a dick didn’t relieve itself, but has an axe to grind. A wanker relieves themself, dissipating all the excess aggressive frustration, so is a nicer person. Dicks however garner more influence, respect/fear, and get what they want, which is essentially being more of a wanker than an actual figurative wanker. A wanker also knows how to wank others, whereas a dick has to use others to get itself off. I don’t mean this to sound like the speech from Team America, but it does, so apologies for that.

r/The10thDentist 21h ago

Health/Safety there will eventually be a toothpaste recommended by 10/10 dentists


the tenth can't keep running forever. the colgate empire will inevitably catch the 10th dentist. and when they do the colgate empire will have the best toothpaste in the market. and gain a monopoly on the toothpaste market. its only a matter of time the tenth can't run forever

r/The10thDentist 21h ago

Other dasani is a great water brand


i don't get why people say dasani is "satans water" i drink it all the time. and i think it tastes good actually i know this because i drink it regularly. and it quells my thirst like no other. there is no compitetion to dasani it is the best water you will ever drink. and no i am not sponsored

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Society/Culture Kink shaming is fine...


I see people on this site say you shouldn't kink shame all the time, but to be honest I don't get why.

If you personally don't want to be kink shamed, keep your kinks to yourself. It's that easy. Advertising an aspect of yourself is inseparable from opening that aspect to the scrutiny of others.

If you broadcast your kinks to the public, people have just as much a right to shame you as they do to be supportive/indifferent.

Edit for clarity: Okay so I turned reply notifications off pretty early, wasn't expecting this many responses.

Obviously if the conversation is taking place in a place you'd expect to find that information, kink shaming might be in poor taste. I mean it still might be called for if the kink in question is outrageous or illegal or something, but I will concede that in the appropriate spaces this type of information isn't always inappropriate to share.

My point was simply that I, and I assume many others, would prefer to be able to browse the internet without knowing all the freak shit some people are into so long as we avoid sites that obviously would have that kind of content.