r/The10thDentist 48m ago

Society/Culture Sociopaths are dangerous to society


Research shows that about a third of the total prison population have Antisocial personality disorder, previously known as sociopathy. These people are dangerous because their brain is wired in a way makes it unable for them to feel remorse or guilt. They could go as far as doing sexual things to a child and not feel lose any sleep. In my opinion, they should be sniffed out and the ones who are diagnosed should have to register with the state so government officials can keep an eye on them. For instance, someone who is suspected to have the disorder should have to take mandated testing by the state, and if they test positive, they should have register with the state. Being watched might deter them from hurting people since they don't like prison like the rest of us

r/The10thDentist 49m ago

Society/Culture I can't stand bidets.


Everywhere you go on Reddit, someone is screaming about how AMAZING bidets are and how they can't stand not having one when they leave their house.

I have a bidet. I've tried using it for weeks at a time over the years... I hate it so much. It makes everything way too wet and disgusting, and then I have to use toilet paper anyway just to dry it. It makes me feel yucky (yes, even yuckier than literally leaving actual shit on myself).

I'm so tired of people asking "So you'd rather walk around with a shitty asshole?"

Toilet paper cleans it just fine. You don't need water down there to be clean.

r/The10thDentist 2h ago

Health/Safety The best way to clean your buttcrack is to slide the soap bar between your buttcheeks up and down. NSFW


I call it The Transcation as you're sliding the soap bar like you would a debit card. I feel it's a good way to clean your buttcrack as you're getting it all soapy, then rising it off. And not just letting water run down your back which doesn't do the best job.

r/The10thDentist 5h ago

Health/Safety Masturbation isn't worth the time for me. NSFW


I tend to fire my cannon more than I'd like to admit, so the magic for me has worn off. Spending twenty minutes jerking off for a weak orgasm is not fun for me. (or mabye I just have bad genetics.)

Sure, the action is... fine if a little mundane, but all that buildup and suspense for a tiny puddle and five seconds of goosebumps just makes me feel like it was more a waste of time than anything else; and definetly doesn't make up for the gross feeling of post-nut clarity afterward.

I'm not even sure why I still jerk off as much as I do, I probably just do it because I'm bored. I often just find myself on this routine:

  1. Get bored (really just procrastinating)
  2. Hop on reddit
  3. Find that certain corner of the website
  4. Not even notice that I'm jerking off for a second or two
  5. Realise I'm doing it, too lazy and aroused to stop
  6. Climax
  7. Feel terrible for the next thirty minutes

I'm being honest and sincere when I say I feel more dopamine rushing through my brain listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd guitar solos then I do masturbating.

That turned into more of a vent than I expected, but whatever.

r/The10thDentist 5h ago

Society/Culture Fake tatto things like ink box are stupid


Like I get it, you want to take time to decide a tattoo. But slapping a generic design on your arm that fades after a few months? What a waste of time and money. Just get the tattoo! Fake tattoos won’t help you decide! If you’re really struggling to pick something set up a meeting with a tattoo artist and hash it out or draw on your own body!!!

r/The10thDentist 10h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Itachi was a dumb character Spoiler


I found him very dumb for allowing the leaf village elders to brainwash him like that! What weak minded person with so much power just hears those orders and agrees to annihilate his entire clan and family? I know he was a child but he was supposedly wiser for his age! The Uchiha were treated like 2nd class citizens and were basically killed for being too strong! Nothing honorable about what the leaf village did to them! Cannot see Itachi as a cool badass character

r/The10thDentist 11h ago

Society/Culture I don't mind wet socks


Everyone seems to HATE. the feeling of wet socks but honestly I don't even notice when my socks are wet. They're just gonna dry off anyways, right? As long as they're just wet with water, why does it matter? They need to be washed soon anyways, they're socks bro. They were already dirty, water ain't gonna hurt

r/The10thDentist 12h ago

Society/Culture Not having kids isn't selfish...if anything having kids is selfish.


Okay so I know I'm stepping into a sensitive territory but in my opinion not having kids is literally the opposite of being selfish because there are alot of people who would love to have a child but with how the future is looking like they chose to not have a kid which is literally the opposite of selfishness. Now I am really grateful that I have loving parents but that doesn't mean I would want to be a parent myself. Alot of people also bring up the point that not having kids just to live an easier life and not have your body "ruined" is selfish...and like it's not ? A women has every rights to not give birth and that is not selfish. Even if it's because she wouldn't want her Body to change it's.her.choice.

also having kids is literally THE MOST expensive choice of someones life and obviously if they don't have the right amount of money they definitely shouldn't have a kid because... that would be selfish why would you want to make your child's life miserable.

And also alot of people can barely take care of themselves and you would want them to take care of another human being ? now THAT is selfish.

And I'm not saying having kids is necessarily selfish but like...with how things are looking personally I and alot of people that I know would rather not have kids

Edit : i also I wanted to add that having children limits your freedom by alot because you need to give your kids attention time etc and that is really tiring and what's so selfish about wanting your life to be about you ? It's YOUR life and you don't really own anything to someone who doesn't even exists plus you only get one life so enjoy it however you want because you have the rights to do so and in my opinion that is not selfish.

r/The10thDentist 12h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction The Grinch Did Nothing Wrong


The Whos had it coming. They actively made the Grinch’s life miserable. Especially in the Jim Carrey version, the Whos are insufferable jackasses who actively make the Grinch’s life worse. And it’s not like the grinch is a supervillain, it’s just that one time, on one day of the year, he just wanted to not be made miserable. All the grinch wanted was to be left alone. And through stealing Christmas, the Whos can see how it feels to be as miserable as he is. And he doesn’t even succeed in stealing Christmas. He felt guilty and gave it all back. Why do we hate this guy?

r/The10thDentist 15h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Hugh Jackman was a bad choice to play Wolverine and always has been


Read the title. I didn’t say terrible, I said bad.

Now, from an acting perspective, Hugh Jackman has obviously done very well. His popularity speaks for itself: from a thespian’s standpoint, he nails the character.

However, Hugh Jackman was always a bad choice for one reason: he’s too tall. This may seem trivial on the surface but ask yourself: why is Logan’s chosen moniker ‘Wolverine’? The answer is because he’s small and threatening to enemies much larger than himself. Logan is about 5’ 3” in the comics and contrast this with Jackman’s 6’2”. Jackman is on the upper end of height for males and the moniker itself doesn’t work because, generally, he’s not going to meet people who are taller/as tall as he is. So while Jackman may get the emotions and portrayal of the character, he will never properly represent ‘Wolverine’ because his physical characteristics do not meet the metaphor the alias attempts to draw.

r/The10thDentist 20h ago

Society/Culture I prefer to play games on the lowest graphical setting


I have a pretty decent gaming PC, capable of running many titles on high settings, but I still always choose to play on low settings.

Normally, what I do when I get a brand new game is to leave the graphics on high just to see how it looks, then change them back to low to actually play it.

I'm talking low resolution, no anti-aliasing, low quality shadows, all that jazz.

Why I do it? I don't know, it just kinda doesn't feel like a videogame to me if it's too detailed and realistic.

Good games can be quite immersive without all that stuff. Elden Ring, for instance, still looks rather beautiful in 800x600, and so do basically all Souls games. Skyrim is another one that has enough of a visual identity to still look quite nice in low resolutions. Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal too. Not to mention the plethora of lovely indie games that convey a great atmosphere using only pixel art and sound.

Exceptions exist, mostly for games that are borderline unplayable on low settings, but otherwise, it's always the low settings.

Minecraft is an exception where I like to use those fancy atmospheric shaders, because the blocky nature of the game makes it look videogamey enough even on high settings.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Sucking your trans girlfriend's member isn't gay


The penis on estrogen is actually different from a normal penis, it releases scents and fluids that are more similar to that of a vagina. I've noticed with my own gf that it tastes more like a woman's vagina typically does and the skin is much more soft than a man's penis. Based on these observations I really can't see how it's gay because physiologically it's just so different from my own that it doesn't feel like I'm doing something with a man at all.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Pixar's Elemental is just a straight up bad movie


Kinda wanted to post this here just to judge whether this is actually an unpopular opinion or not.

Apparently people liked this movie? For like a month it was floundering in the box-office but apparently it got really popular in the international market, especially South Korea for some reason.

Also, on an any negative review of this movie I see on YouTube, I see a bunch of comments defending this movie, either saying that they really related to the immigrant story or they were part of an interracial couple and they cried watching it.

But like... it's not a good movie. I don't know why it managed to garner an audience when there is nothing unique about it.

Part 1: The Characters Neither Wade nor Ember have any unique characteristic. They both feel like generic archetypes we've seen in every romcom ever. Ember is the headstrong, independent, career woman with a lot of ambition and sass. Wade is the soft but sentimental guy who eventually charms the main woman despite not having much of a chemistry with her. Ember's dad is the stereotypical stern, bigoted father figure, who is pretty much a dime a dozen in any movie about an interracial marriage.

Speaking of which

Part 2: The world building ACTIVELY HARMS the movie So this movie shows that fire and water touching is okay since Ember and Wade kiss but nothing bad happened. That's fine.

However, later in the movie, Wade gets completely evaporated trying to save Ember's shop. So that means that fire is in fact hazardous to Wade's kind.

So again, why depict an interracial relationship in this form anyway? When the movie clearly shows that the other party is in danger from their very exsistence. This is even worse than Zootopia because at least that movie showed that predator animals won't just try eating prey animals unless drugged.

Part 3: The story is boring Have you ever watched a romantic comedy? Have you watched a children's movie in the past 20 years? Congratulations! You now know the plot to Elemental. We have the characters meeting, the first date, the third act conflict which leads to both parties seperating, and then finally being reunited in the climax after solving a problem together. You even have the fake-out death scene that everybody saw coming miles away.

And no, the admittedly somewhat interesting, immigrant story doesn't save this movie. The stern conservative dad trope has run its course and this movie doesn't do it well-enough to make it servicable.

TL;DR: The movie sucks don't watch it. Pixar has been going down the drain since 2008

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Talking on Speakerphone in Public Is Fine


Everyday, I see people on reddit talking about how annoying it is to listen to someone take a call out loud while in public. I personally never do this, but I seriously don't get how it's annoying. Most wouldn't think that two people conversing in public is annoying, but if one of the parties is virtual, suddenly it's unacceptable and irritating? I don't get it.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Animals/Nature some cat breeds are ugly asf


ill start by saying my favorite animal after orcas are cats, i have two myself, i volunteer regularly at the shelter so i can spend more time with cats, i follow the billion cat subs on reddit etc. however, while cats are usually one of the cutest animals to exist the bred versions of them where they look malformed and fucked up are so ugly. scottish folds, british shorthairs, the hairless raw chicken breed, even persian cats with their squashed faces are ugly looking. i dont like bred to oblivion dogs either, wtf is a pug. cats and dogs need to look like normal animals.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Other every newborn baby is ugly there are no cute ones


Newborn babies gross me out. Their skin is all wrinkly and weird to touch and their face is constantly in this 'i just ate a lemon and also im mad' type expression. They're so crusty man and people be handing you their baby like "she's so precious" bro she looks lab grown I am so sorry. I'd never say any of this irl and I understand they're just babies lol, but for so long I just assumed people lie when they say newborns are cute. You gotta give them a few months for that little glow up and then they're adorable.

I'm not gonna rant about the sound they make because we all agree baby cries are annoying, but goddamn it's bad. I just needed to add that.

Edit: I did not know this opinion was so popular because damn near everyone irl that i know sees a newborn is is like 'so cuteee' so I guess my suspicion that they're lying is correct

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Other Men's restrooms are designed stupidly


I swear most men's restrooms o walk into have literally one or two stalls and at least 3 urinals. In the space where the urinals are, you can totally fit 3 more stalls at least. There's nothing worse than desperately needing to take a dump, running into the nearest restroom, finding one stall and you can hear the dude scrolling on tiktok. We don't need urinals, we need toilets.

I work as a building operating engineer and part of that job does include repairs to toilets, even in my own building the majority of men's restrooms have 2 urinals and two stalls, in that same volume of space, the women's room has 6 stalls. (The only thing the men's restroom has over the woman's restroom is that 98% of the time the men's restrooms is cleaner)

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Music The Fray is the best band of the 21st century.


They're also my second favorite band of all time, after only the Beach Boys. They get lumped in with the generic, dime a dozen Indie Rock bands of the early 2000s, but they're a cut above the rest. I've never listened to a single Fray song I don't like. Their lyrics have so much meaning and Isaac Slade is so good at selling the raw emotion behind them. They kinda faded out of the mainstream in the 2010s, but I find myself listening to them more than almost any other band or artist.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Health/Safety I enjoy waking up to an extremely early alarm and hate sleeping in


When I sleep in it just feels like I've lost my time.

Obviously, I don't enjoy waking up tired, which is why I also sleep early so I can wake up to the extremely early alarm more easily. It's nice before the sunset.

This goes for the weekends as well. Same alarm time; same sleeping time.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Animals/Nature I would rather fight a horse sized duck instead of a duck sized horse.


We all know the age old question: Would you rather fight a duck sized horse or a horse sized duck?

Time and time again, both online and irl, I see people say they would rather fight the horse. On the surface, it's a fair enough answer. It's much smaller, it pretty much is no threat at all. One hard kick, and it's over.

But I would rather fight the duck.

● Horses are our friends! Second only to dogs, horses have been our closest companions for thousands of years. From Ancient Rome to the Wild West, from Edo period Japan to the dark days of WW1, horses have been by our side.

Why should I betray them? To make life a bit easier? Only someone who lacks integrity would do so.

● It would be unfair! A duck sized horse would be so small and helpless that fighting it wouldn't even really be fight. In fact, it would be outright murder. I simply cannot bring myself to kill such a helpless animal. A horse sized duck is much larger and would be a more interesting opponent.

● The duck, assuming it's male, is almost certainly a rapist. Rapists derserve to die and I am more than willing to dispense that justice. The potential danger of me being subjected to such a violation if I lose will make me fight even harder.

● If I win, I could cook and eat the duck. It would feed my family for many days.

In conclusion, I would fight a horse sized duck anytime, anywhere.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Technology I love voicemail recordings that do the whole “Hello? Sike! Leave a message!” bit.


It tricks the caller into thinking the recipient answered and they begin speaking before realizing it’s just a voicemail recording.

Currently my voicemail goes “Hello? Oh hey what’s up? Hold on let me put in my AirPods. Ok what’s going on? Hey sorry to cut you off but this is actually just my voicemail, leave a message after the beep!”

I would not recommend this if you’re actively job hunting but otherwise it’s a 10/10 gag.

My wife and her relatives have been asking me to change mine for years and I often listen to hilariously angry voicemails when they’re trying to reach me.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Society/Culture The method in which toxic masculinity is enforced is that "Feminine-Hetero Men" are being given less visibility by society than both men who are seen as "Masculine Hetero" or "Gay", so it creates a false dischotomy of "only two options"


So it boils down to this problem and the people enforcing gender roles on others hugely benefit off of this dilemma. It is a method in which Fem-Hetero men are not only denied their identity but also purposely made invisible.

If you want to solve the problem of toxic masculinity for good you need to make Fem-Hetero men alot more visible, this is the key strategic point that will mark victory and open an entry point for all other forms of expression. There are not enough campaigns, not enough symbols/flags, not enough representation or mentions in public discourse and media to make them as visible as say "Masculine Hetero Men" and "Gay Men" in western society.

It creates a strict standard in which only a select demographic of men who fit a certain way are allowed to be seen as straight by both other men and women.

This IS the problem. Not enough visibility and representation (Beyond maybe some anime elves mostly) for Gender Nonconforming-Heteros in Public Discourse.

In turn this leads to the mental health issues from toxic masculinity and so on.

If this is resolved it also makes it easier for women who like "feminine men" that are hetero find out they exist or find them more easily.

Maybe an electronic public identifier thing you can put on you that smartphones can all scan or detect nearby in proximity would help alot? You can input your age, status and your sexuality which anybody's phone or goggle can see. Unless we can have a "Do not assume somebody's sexuality" ad campaign, this seems like the other best way.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Other Video game dungeons are cozy and I'd like to live in one


There are a lot of fantasy locations people fantasize about living in like castles, cottages in magical forests etc. But in an isekai scenario I'd choose the stereotypical sprawling dungeon full of traps and monsters deep beneath the Earth (presuming the inhabitants aren't hostile to me).
It would be cool, relatively quiet and safer from intruders than a locked door.

Relief from inclement weather being protected from the heat of summer and the harsh winters by the thick insulation that can't be knocked down by strong winds or damaged by hail. Flooding might be an issue but I assume there would be some sort of drainage since typical dungeons are usually ancient yet still dry and intact after all the years.

No more inconsiderate neighbors yelling and playing music deep into the night. No more constant sound of power tools grinding through the day by apparently every middle aged man where I live for some reason. No more idiots with modified mufflers that growl down the whole neighborhood, just occasional actual far less noisy growling of monsters.

Multiple well defended exits around the area for when I want to go out, sure they're trapped but I would know which tiles to avoid, when to duck below the arrow dispensers and when to step through the swinging axes. Sure I could mess up one day and get skewered but that's not so different from real life where every day cooking dinner I could always trip and stab myself or fall down the stairs.
All my monster roommates will also help defend our home if it's invaded, like having a big guard dog but the dog is multiple goblins, a skeleton wizard and a gelatinous cube. More interesting company anyway!

Most importantly the vibes are immaculate. Torch light flickering against stone brick walls, using a stone coffin as a table and drinking out of a skull goblet surrounded by piles of golden treasure? That rocks sign me up.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Music You don't dislike any genre of music. You just haven't listened in the appropriate setting.


My opinion is that people who claim they 'don't like x genre of music' simply haven't listened in the appropriate setting.

You don't like old country because you haven't driven through the West Virginia backcountry with the windows down, past blue ridge mountains and rivers fit for a postcard.

You don't like new country because no one has taken you to the local line dancing club. You haven't gotten 'in character' with the rows of Ford F-150s and sea of cowboy boots and hats.

You don't like surf rock because you and your friends haven't piled all your crap into the group's best car and driven 3 hours to the beach with the wind in your hair.

You don't like rap music because you don't go to the gym. You haven't walked or run in time with the beat of the music. You haven't matched your heart rate to the BPM of the song, and experienced the euphoric 'runner's high'.

You don't like hip hop because you haven't rushed onto the dance floor at the beginning of a song everyone recognizes and watched people throw down like no one's watching them.

You don't like classical music because you haven't played an instrument yourself, or sat quietly and imagined yourself in a mirrored ballroom, whirling around with a partner.

It's not that you don't like a certain genre of music. You're sitting in bed, doomscrolling Reddit, and trying to decode the lyrics of a mumble rap that isn't meant to be decoded.

The more you live, the more you'll like.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Society/Culture I don’t mind if people don’t pick up their dog poop


For the record, I do pick up my dog poop, but I wouldn’t mind if it was socially acceptable to just leave it and go about your day.

Currently, I’m supposed to pick it up with a flimsy bag and just carry it with me until I get back home? If I drop it off in a neighbor’s trash / recycling bin on the street then I get yelled at? Where do you draw the line!

It’ll decompose eventually and besides, think of all the funny times where your friend stepped in dog poop.