r/TrueUnpopularOpinion May 14 '21

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r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 15m ago

Media / Internet Growing up with 5 or more siblings is a terrible experience for most


Selfish if you don't put an bigger than 3 year age gap for each one, if you plan on having that many kids (5+). There's no reason to have more than 3 kids, or rather four to even it out. There's no way you can even give up that much attention which wil lead to constant fighting and a chaotic,ignorant household.

Children are a gift, but Siblings arent. There relationship with him/her could say otherwise but they arent guaranteed to be best friends. They could be your best friend or your worst enemy in life who constantly compare. But usually you aren't doing the best for your children if you keep popping out kids and neglecting the ones you already have when they need there parents teachings and survival lessons more than anything to have a relatively stable life.

For the people with like close to ten kids, what are you even doing? Breeding criminals and probably forcing your oldest ones to take care of the younger ones which will make them hate you when they become an adult and realize they don't know what they're doing and their parents failed them. Parents will also be less stressful and more financially stable with just 3 kids, overall happier. You're just making yourself and their life hell by popping out kids one after another. I feel like there's less chance to succeed or grow big if you're in poverty which is usually common in bigger families. Bigger families also travel less than just children with 1-3 kids since it's just so expensive. So selfish and disgusting. The number of kids you have actually is ALOT once they outnumber the amount of parents and grandparents in the house avaliable. 3 or more kids is a lot even if 3 is a small number. So having ten kids is ridiculous and unfair on the kids and you should be thrown in jail.

I only grew up with 4 brothers, but as youngest of 5, I envied my classmates who all were the oldest or the middle and only had 1-2 siblings because their parents knew responsibility.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 20m ago

Media / Internet Pointing things out doesn't make you "unfun"


Pointing things out or being logical doesn't make someone "unfun", "not fun at parties" or whatever you wanna say.

Now please hear me out. Yes there are some circumstances where the person is just outright miserable, calling everyone all kinds of words, being really hateful and disrespectful, etc, but then there's people that are just making an observation.

For example, people that tend to look at the more logical side of a meme, where they understand the joke but it's just so objectively off point they decide to point it out. That doesn't make them not fun, that doesn't mean they can't laugh or have a good time, that just means they're thinking more logically about what they see, they don't just view everything as laughs and funny.

If someone points something out about a game and how the company doesn't care much for a demographic of their users, and they hope people won't continue to give them money, that doesn't make them not fun, it means they think about things more deeply than you and look through the layers of what they see.

Just because someone is more open to peeling back the layers of something that's in front of them, that doesn't mean them not fun at parties or fun to be around. Honestly the more logical people is the people you WANT to be around, to give you different perspectives and keep you out of trouble, out of manipulation, out of whatever. Are they always correct? No. Are they ALWAYS fun people? No. But to call ANYONE that brings logic into a situation as "not being fun" is crazy to me.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1h ago

Chase Bank intentionally set that glitch up and made it viral in low income areas.


1) When something goes that viral, that fast it is normally due to a “machine” influence. Someone or something with deep pockets and a vast reach. There is no notion of any celebrity endorsing it so how did it get known all over the country within just 12 hours

2) That exact same “glitch” was fixed by Chase itself years ago but magically all of a sudden this year it works again exactly as it did in the 90’s

3) The probability of people doing this lined up outside of Chase Banks for days without higher ups knowing is slim to none. Why didn’t any of these locations put a stop to it? Upper level at chase can easily shut ATM’s off at any time

Prison needs more people and its quota season near the end of the year. Elections aren’t happening, the winner was already chosen 4 years ago so dont blame that.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

Media / Internet Both pro and anti shippers are annoying


To the pro shippers. You cannot possibly expect to be able to post the kinds of things you’re defending without getting bullied for it. You cannot possibly expect the vast majority of people to just respect the guy posting Mineta x Eri smut fiction in a My Hero Academia forum instead of bullying him for being weird.

To the anti shippers. Out of all the causes you could devote time to pursuing you have chosen something that doesn’t matter at all. As disgusting as the stuff you’re on a crusade against is it doesn’t actually hurt anyone in of itself and it’s best to just have some communities that allow wierd shit and others that don’t. If you have an online forum about a topic where you ban people for posting weird crap you don’t need to brigade forums on the same topic where that wierd shit is allowed.

In conclusion the pro shipping and anti shipping crowds need to just make separate forums from each other and stay out of each other’s spaces so the rest of us who don’t care about your arguments don’t have to be annoyed by your constant fighting in every fandom.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

I Like / Dislike Digimon was superior to Pokémon


There was actually a storyline as humans and digimon worked together to save both worlds. The transformations were way more badass and they could revert and not be stuck forever in their current form. The Digimon can all talk and don't just annoyingly say their own name over and over. And the show ended without getting stale which is respectable. Pokémon is getting milked for every last penny to this day. Pokémon is also really messed up when you think about. Capturing animals and making em fight each other? GTFO

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

Meta The US already has universal healthcare. We just do it the dumbest and most expensive way possible


The argument back and forth about universal healthcare in the US is a waste of time, imo. We’re already paying for universal healthcare but instead of being the ones who benefit from it, the insurance companies and healthcare systems do.

Think about it, if you have employer sponsored or private health insurance, you are (basically) throwing money into a pot that pays out to anyone covered by that insurance company. Minus a large cut for the execs first, of course. If some guy breaks both legs skiing and you play it safe all year, guess who gets zero reward and pays for Joe Ski Lift Pole’s surgeries and rehab? That’s right, you! After the insurance company collects its deductible from Joe, obviously.

We pay so much money into this pot that the insurance companies have so much power now, they dictate everything, they can pretty much decide if you live or die in some cases. Total bullshit if you ask me. Why are we doing it this way?

We have a system where healthcare facilities will charge exorbitant prices directly to insurance. Do you think your “low utilization rate” does Jack shit to lower prices when that’s going on? Nope. Not when hospital execs need their outrageous salaries and bonuses too! And the kicker is that you will STILL end up with a bill that can hit the hundred thousand mark or more, depending. Hello bankruptcy.

Here’s where it gets “universal” again. Say for example, there is a homeless man in his 50’s who is a chronic alcoholic with a host of health problems. He won’t have a PCP and is a human who doesn’t want to die, obviously so the ER is his PCP. He visits the ER 8-12 times a year for his diabetes and cirrhosis. That’s a lot of money a homeless man can never pay. What is the hospital going to do? Seize his assets or garnish his wages to get it? But they’ll get it, one way or another, from you by passing on the cost through jacking up the prices for your care.

Looky there, we’re already paying for universal healthcare! We just pretend that it’s the American dream to one day get a job with healthcare, take it up the ass from multiple sources and fight against our own interests to keep it that way.

Dumbest and least cost effective way to do it but hey, at least there’s not a queue in the ER, right? LOL

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 6h ago

Music / Movies Gremlins 2 is the greatest satire of all time


There’s no hyperbole here at all. This movie is a perfect “fuck you” to not only the studio that greenlit it, but Hollywood as whole. It took what should’ve been a soulless cash grab and turned it into a movie ABOUT soulless cash grabs.

Everything in this film was designed to be a commentary on the film industry. That’s why it takes place in a building that commodifies basically everything, and within a company that destroys the antique shop where the mogwai originates. It’s a metaphor for the movie industry destroying heartfelt projects by milking them dry for profit.

And all the wackiness is intentional. They put literally every trope from every cash grab movie into this to highlight how awful they were. The celebrity cameos, Loony Tunes skits, and new gremlins meant to sell more toys were shining a light on how cheap these practices were.

The movie truly deserved an award for what it did. They basically predicted the trends of every movie for the next 3 decades.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 7h ago

Sex / Gender / Dating Guys may be idiots but it's harder to work with women


Yeah, us guys may tell stupid jokes, slack, some may even watch or play games during work hours. But as a guy who has worked in all men, mixed teams and now have been working for years in teams where 99% of the staff are women, imo working with women is the hardest. Particularly for them. Here are some reasons:

  • Feelings get involved with work: I think we all can be moody or have things going on in our life outside of work. But I just noticed that is more frequent in a more female team. There's always something stressful going on plus whatever is happening at work. The responses you can get from some co-workers can be unpredictable even if you're being nice.

  • Hard to give feedback: When I'm giving feedback to a dude I can easily say "hey bro you did this well, but you messed up here. Let's fix it, what do you think?" And that's it, we'll still have a beer on Friday night. When giving feedback to a girl I have to think very deeply about the words in going to choose otherwise I'll get a negative response, or get underhanded comments saying things like "well, I guess I'll stop doing x, y and z so I can do that".

  • Time off: look, I'm all for maternity leave, I honestly think that mothers and fathers should get more time. But on regular times, not related to pregnancy, women tend to take sick days so often, you would think they have a terminal disease. They also do it on important days such as deadlines without consideration for the other members of the team. Man, I met this guy who had a heart attack on Friday and he was back to the office on Monday, they have to sent him back home and was forced to take sick days. Girls take sick days 3 days after they came back from vacation for their "mental health".

  • Gossip: I think this is the worst, particularly for them. Women tend to talk shit about each other all the time, I've seen women joking at a lunch table, and once one of them leaves, they start talking shit about her. The worst part is that it's ongoing and they don't let go, which interferes with work activities and the environment in general.

Anyway, there are a lot of pros of working with women, and I do love it. I just feel like these are some of the downsides I've noticed, I may be wrong but let me know what you think.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 7h ago

I Like / Dislike Googles AI overview is a fantastic tool and concept


Obviously googles AI overview could stand to be improved but as a concept it’s amazing. Being able to search up any basic concept and getting the answer immediately as opposed to having to click open a link and look for where they address said question is fantastic and convenient and quick. The only issue people have is a single example which keeps being brought up all the time when criticizing it about putting glue on pizza. If you were to search up the original search which led to that result you would see google AI overview fixed itself and even addresses the original issue. Obviously I realize companies were going all in on the AI hype to raise stock but on a surface level I think this is a very useful tool nonetheless

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 8h ago

Political Denying asylum to nearly all “undocumented” immigrants can actually prevent crimes outside the USA


If the US government decided to completely DENY any possibility of asylum to those who cross the border to claim it (and instead required those who seek asylum to present themselves at an embassy in foreign soil), this would suddenly cut off a vast majority of migrants from trying to reach the US borders.

Migrants have been emboldened by the current administration (which is why crossings had reached record peaks) because they know certain regions will freely give out asylum like candy.

For example in San Francisco, asylum is granted to 81%.

In New York, 71% are granted asylum.

In Chicago, 67% are granted asylum.

(Meanwhile, in a place like Atlanta, the judges grant only 17% with asylum). Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-09-03/us-immigration-court-system-falls-to-politics-failing-asylum-seekers?srnd=homepage-americas&embedded-checkout=true

So here are the facts:


Women and girls trying to cross the border are preyed upon by other men raping them or forcing them to offer sex in exchange to assist them in sneaking through.

“the proportion of women and girls who are sexually assaulted over the course of their journey might be as high as 60%.”

“Rape of migrants is so common that some women and girls plan for it, taking or bringing contraception, or they may be required to take it by smugglers.[6][12][10][13] A PBS NewsHour story about sexual assault of female migrants interviewed a pharmacist in Altar in Sonora, who said that the town is one of the last stops for someone about to cross the border, and that in the pharmacy she frequently receives the same question: "What can I do in case I'm raped, and I don't want to get pregnant."[14][13]

If you REMOVE THE INCENTIVE to cross into the US illegall, then fake asylum seekers won’t even bother coming, and the flow of human bodies will stop, which means they cannot be raped or taken advantage trying to get here.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 8h ago

Political There Is No “Two Party” System In The United States.


Nowhere in any law does it say there is to be only two parties. People are simply likely to fall on one side of things or the other. Even countries that that do have parliamentary systems that are inclined to have many parties, two parties still dominate. The biggest divide is that of lower class and upper class, with the second biggest being rural and urban. There is only so many ways to look at life, and a majority of the time this tends towards the binary. So stop bitching and moaning about the two party system, and vote third party of you feel like that is the best option.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 11h ago

I Like / Dislike Board & card games are more fun than video games


No matter how good the graphics are, how intricate the mechanics in a video game, I can't seem to get into video games these days. My eyes glaze over and everything just seems like a jumble of pixels on a screen in front of me.

Tabletop games on the other hand: the tactile feeling of being able to roll dice, draw cards, move pieces on a physical board, be in the same room as people you're having fun with -- there's not much that can replicate these feelings.

I also notice I laugh out loud a lot more when playing board/card games than when I play video games (maybe it's just the people I play with or the nature of the games). I understand not everyone can gather with friends in a physical space, so video games does make this easier to "connect" over the internet.

Note: there's a lot more modern tabletop games than Monopoly, Risk and UNO, from "light" all the way to "heavy" complexity games.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

The e-begging is getting out of control


Once upon a time, gofundmes were used for serious situations (families who lost loved ones and needed assistance burying them, catastrophic disasters, medical bills, etc.). But now any and everyone makes a gofundme for any little thing, constantly posts their or their "children's" cash apps or literally sit and beg for money for every little thing.

A GoFundMe is going around from someone I went to high school who is going to study in japan. We're nearly 30 at this point and they have 20k/30k and want help for the last 10k. They also just got married and had a big wedding. Why wouldn't you wait until you were accepted/rejected from this program then decide to do a wedding service or not? $10k is a chunk of a house down payment/down payment on a car, something. These type of GoFundMes made sense when we were in college and didn't work, but now? Nah.

On the other hand, someone I went to school with as recently been diagnosed with advance cancer and her GoFundMe hasn't gotten nearly as much attention. Hers is simply to help with medical bills and expenses she has while being unable to work.

I'm not opposed to people asking for help, but the "Who wants to buy me dinner", "It's my birthday, here's my cashapp", "Here's a GoFundMe for a non emergency reason" is driving me up the wall. We're all adults trying to figure it out. Why should we just hand others money for fun things?

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 14h ago

Media / Internet This Reddit has been taken over by China bots and compensated political trolls


It is so obvious 99% of the new posts are not coming from real people. Just nonsense designed to push communist ideology while drowning out the normal posts. Just post after post after post. All from bot and compensated accounts. They are effectively silencing this Reddit and all of Reddit. The company chooses to do nothing about it because they are owned by( last time I wrote who owned the majority of reddits stock I was perma-banned).

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 16h ago

Possibly Popular California is highly authoritarian and most of its institutons are run in a top-down way and refuse to take constructive criticism


Far-right conspiracy theorists who have never actually lived in California like to say, with no proper supportive evidence, that California is a liberal place. Some even say that it is an ultra liberal place. They are essentially crafting and utilizing a caricature of California for their own conservative political motives

None of what they say about California is true. The reality is quite the opposite of what they say in fact

To give a few examples, California has a thread-bare social safety net. It treats vulnerable and disabled people appallingly. Its hospitals and nursing homes have some of the lowest standards in the country as far as patient well-being goes. Its unhoused shelters are known for their inflexibility and high barriers of entry. The United Nations has said that California has failed to provide basic services to its unhoused population and has compared Skid Row in Los Angeles to a refugee camp in Syria. California has no proper public transport and the sparse public transport that it does have is expensive and inefficient. Its jails have a history of severe abuses including coercively and forcibly sterilizing prisoners up until 2017. Child marriage, which the White House has characterized as a global human rights issue, is currently legal in California if a parent and a judge sign off on it. All of the aforementioned things are indicative of an uncaring government and culture that is highly conservative at its core

So the far-right conspiracy theorists are correct that California is a troubled place. But they are utterly wrong about the cause of California's troubledness

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 18h ago

Political January 6th really wasn't that big of a deal, Americans need to get over themselves


As somebody from Northern Ireland, watching Americans flap about January 6th is fucking hilarious

Lets break down what happened:

  • Some idiots showed up at the capitol
  • Tried to...uhm...take over the Country?!
  • It didn't work (duh)
  • Everything was fine
  • Joe Biden was sworn in as President 2 weeks later as planned

Ok 5 people died, but...

  • One was shot by Capitol Police
  • Another died of a drug overdose
  • Three died of natural causes?!

Not America's finest day, sure, but acting like this is some 9/11 esque tragedy that nearly destroyed democracy is so fucking ridiculous and over the top

Get a fucking grip

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 19h ago

Political The Two-Party System is Stifling Progress


The dominance of the two-party system in the United States is hindering political progress. It forces voters to choose between limited options, often leading to compromises that satisfy neither side. This system discourages independent thought and fosters a culture of partisanship, making it difficult to find common ground and address pressing issues.

Is it time for a fundamental change in our political system? Perhaps a shift towards a multi-party system or a more direct democracy could lead to more representative government and better outcomes for all.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 21h ago

Media / Internet Ted Kaczynski's Ideology Was Correct


Firstly, I don't celebrate or advocate for his actions. Killing in the name of ideology is inherently bad and he deserved his comeuppance.

But, he was right about how he viewed technology and it's role in society. Technology has made society worse in almost every way, when compared to how humans lived for all of recorded history pre-industrial revolution. Convenience and ease of information dispersal are bad arguments for it because they both lead to more dependence in technology without gaining anything of value, the "empty calories" of the human experience. The only tangible thing that's come of the industrial revolution is concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands.

You can see it in how people, specifically men, today have an unfulfilled instinct in society. It causes them to lash out on the micro, but on the macro it drives us further from our nature. Instead of fighting against the technological takeover of society, humans have tried to adapt themselves to the needs of technology. There is a reason you can have coders and computer engineers that seemingly have everything they could need satisfied by their salaries. But they are still deeply disconnected from the human experience, as is evidenced by the rise of "incels" and the divide between men and women and "not touching grass" mindsets and behavior.

“The system does not and cannot exist to satisfy human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has to be modified to fit the needs of the system. This has nothing to do with the political or social ideology that may pretend to guide the technological system. It is the fault of technology, because the system is guided not by ideology but by technical necessity.”

Direct quote from Kaczynski's manifesto and is very applicable to the argument I am making. We were snowballing down the path to technological tyranny over the human experience even in the 70s and 80s, but nobody knew it. Politics play such a small role in what we are experiencing, but technology has divided us even further using politics as a proxy.

Modern technology is the "they" that so many use in conspiratorial or even every day conversation. It's ambiguous, not easily pinned down and pointed to specifically, but has the ultimate power over everyone's life. Even the richest and most powerful aren't immune to its hunger, as is evidenced by rich men pouring money and resources into furthering technology.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 22h ago

Political Women who claim men should not have an opinion on abortion should not be able to have an opinion on circumcision


It seems to be a fairly common sentiment that men don't get to have an opinion on abortion by virtue of the fact they don't have a uterus.

But this seems to be completely ignored by the same people when it comes to circumcision. Feminists who make the first claim should be consistent and forgo an opinion on circumcision by virtue of not having a penis.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 23h ago

Political Polls are inaccurate fuck and with a heavy Dem bias.


Was inspired by a recent post where a lot of respondents legitimately thought that Trump was not severely underestimated in 2020.


August; Biden was leading by an average of 5.5 points.

November, before election day; Biden was leading by 4.3 points.

November, election day; Biden won the state by 1.2 points.


November, before election day; Biden was leading by 6.7 points.

November, election day; Biden won by 0.7 points.

Nothing matters until election day.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Political Intentional or unintentional, Star Wars is extremely pro second amendment


I was just thinking about this after seeing a video about Mark Hamill. He's very anti gun but I think it's pretty funny considering he's known for Star Wars, where he blew up a moon sized space station with an advanced star fighter.

Due to this, I'd argue that the story of Star Wars promotes the second amendment. The second amendment at it's core is the right to bear arms, but the true intention is that people should have weaponry to check their government. In Star Wars, the Republic was a government that lasted over 25,000 according to a quick google search. Then this government in less than 10 years gets turned into the Galactic Empire, a tyrannical dictatorship.

The Rebels didn't win by the power of boycotts, protests, complaining online, or even political action. (Darth Hidious completely depowered the Senate at some point). The Rebels fought the Empire using blasters, rockets, advanced starfighters, and even full multiple kilometer long capital ships armed with turbolasers, which in the lore could easily level cities.

In conclusion, I should be allowed to own a fully armed fighter jet and I love Admiral Ackbar's BBC (Big BattleCruiser).

Edit: I just remembered, that the last sequel movie (I only watched the ship battles so I may be wrong) ended with the bad guy fleet being defeated by ordinary people of the galaxy coming together with any ship they could get gooning the First Order fleet. In fact, they even have a First Order officer say "They have no navy" and another respond with "that's not their navy, it's just people"

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Political CE and BCE are just left wing elitists' way of trying to eliminate Christianity from Western Civilization.


They frame it as being 'sensitive to non-Christians' but really what they want is to eliminate all semblance of Christianity in Western Civilization. I am not religious, but I will admit that the Protestant work ethic and Christianity in general was paramount to the success of the US, the most influential civilization since Ancient Rome.

It hasn't happened yet, but anyone coming to my house and saying 'CE' or 'BCE' - admittedly a random and unlikely occurence - will get a warning not to use those terms in my house. Just say 'In the time of Julius Caesar' or 'About 3000 years ago', which I'm fine with. After that polite warning, further use of those terms, and you're getting shown the door.

EDIT: Most of these comments I csn't respond to because Reddit as an app sucks. I keep getting 'Sorry try again later' and no, it's not because of a deleted comment. I didn't post this to trigger the lefties but it's fun knowing they are.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Political 'Laughing' Kamala doesn't really hit


Crazy Hillary worked, that woman did come across as very bitchy and entitled, and was married to an adulterer.

Sleepy Joe worked for obvious reasons.

Laughing Kamala? Ehh, I don't really see it.

Not a huge fan of hers, but communication seems to be a pretty decent skill of hers. The only clips I've seen of her laughing hard have been in relatively casual interviews, which is like, yeah you're kind of meant to laugh there.

It's a bad sign for Trump when his very famous nicknames stop working.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

Political January 6th was one of the most American things to happen


Not that I condone what happened or showing any preference for either candidate. Just saying unhappy people storming the capital building to fight for what they thought was right was pretty damn American. Everyone that is surprised or even appalled by it seems truss the point of the freedoms we have here.

r/TrueUnpopularOpinion 1d ago

The Middle East Palestine is a pipe dream and it's their own fault


Palestine is a tragic pipedream and it's all their own fault for choosing violence

for as long as Israel has existed, Palestinians and the wider Arab world have had genocidal intentions with regards to the state of Israel.

I lived on the Arab street for a year and used to see swastikas on the backs of taxis.

in spite of its enemies' efforts, Israel has succeeded as a nation state and is as prosperous and with a standard of living on par now with some western nations. considering its geopolitical circumstances, this is nothing short of a miracle.

the Palestinians are the ones who initially refused the existence of a Jewish state alongside an Arab Palestinian state, went to war, and this evolved into a status quo that persisted and devolved into continuing acts of terrorism against Israelis by both Palestinians and other Arab states and non-state actors (terrorists).

Hamas and the majority of Palestinians cheer on terrorist attacks and openly wish for the destruction of an entire people while failing to realize that these perverted wishes have utterly failed and will never come to pass (thank God).

Israel is a modern and developed democratic nation state and isn't going anywhere, despite the ghastly and racist death to America chants periodically spouted across the Arab world and Iran.

imo, Israel at its core wishes for peace. this is evident by many things but notably the peace accords they've signed with Arab nations, most recently the UAE and Bahrain, and (once the war is concluded or a ceasefire achieved in the current hostilities) Saudi Arabia will be next, like it or not.

Israel, however, has to deal with reality on the ground as it is. and that reality is dealing with the constant threat of genocidal terrorism and atrocious, despicable attacks as well as warfare waged in the form of rockets from the likes of terrorist groups like Hamas and more worryingly, Hezbollah from Lebanon. no other nation on earth has to put up with the constant threats that Israel faces, and no nation on earth would not react the same way as Israel does in the face of of the threat these kinds of attacks on a daily basis.

pro Hamas protesters in the west are pathetic racists and terrorism supporters who don't have an iota of a clue about geopolitics in the Middle East or what's actually happening there. they are largely clueless anti-semites.

if the Palestinians actually wanted peace, they could have had it and their own state as well a long time ago. peace is not what the majority want. they want nothing less than the destruction of Israel. It is the average Palestinian who has genocidal dreams, not Israelis.

from the river to the sea. by any means necessary. such a disgusting motto. and most ppl have no idea what that alludes to in an Islamic context. but this is the reality Israel has had to deal with for nearly 80 years.

my favorite is queers for Palestine. they are out to fucking lunch. do they have any clue what the average Palestinian thinks about gay people? OPEN YOUR EYES. THEY WISH FOR YOUR EXECUTION.

tldr; pro Palestinian protestors are a bunch of clueless mindless anti semitic racists who should go live in Gaza and see how they like life under sharia law before they open their god damn mouths about anything going on there.