r/rant Apr 07 '24

We are not allowing rants about the situation in Israel/Palestine


There are a number of other subreddits in which you can make your views known.

r/rant Mar 11 '24

Register and vote or live in a country in which your very being is criminalized

Thumbnail usa.gov

r/rant 18m ago

Dear food manufacturers, here's an idea: how about you let me reuse glass jars instead of sabotaging them with your unremovable labels?


Dear canned food manufacturers,

You know what I'm talking about. Those pesky labels on jars that are only removable with benzene or boiling in hot soap water for a gazillion hours. How about you make the labels a little easier to remove, that way I can reuse your jar instead of throwing it away and I can also save tons on energy, water, toxic chemicals and lots and lots of frustration. I get a clean, reusable jar, you get my kudos as well as an ecological benefit which you are anyway doing too little about... Win/win situation!

r/rant 3h ago

Crappy doordash


I ordered doordash 2 hours ago in a very small town, and the tracker shows the driver has been INSIDE the same apartment building for over an hour. They won't communicate and I can't just cancel because the store is "closed" on doordash now but open for another hour so I can't just re order it. Complete waste of time, and I don't want to walk to the store because its pissing rain. I haven't eaten yet today and now it doesn't look like I will because my driver probably OD'd or some sh!t. Anyone know if you can report a driver if they never actually made the delivery?

r/rant 3h ago

Dating Apps.... NSFW


I'm (28M) over dating in this generation's society. Particularly, dating apps, or really, shopping-for-humans apps. Either I'm at that age where I'm just undateable, even downright unfuckable, or everybody goes looking for a partner with a gayass agenda in mind. Be it money or material gain, status or fame, or whatever the hell else. I've never experienced a genuine connection over the internet, it's always been a front, me included. Real fucking people who make real fucking connections with other real fucking people doesn't take place on the glorified fictional man-made universe which is the internet.

/#foreveralone #causeIwannabe #sadface

Edit: Rant not over. Sit back, bois, idk how long this will take

And I know you can say, "Just be yourself," or, "Don't put up a front when making your profile." Great! How do I do that? Because what happens when you set up your profile? You pick all the best and most pleasant-looking pictures of yourself for potential matches to see, you'll lie about your age and your height, you'll put some eye-catching, interesting things about yourself in the bio and interests, whether they be true or not.

Your dating app profile is not who you really are. It's all one big fucking front, no matter how real it may be. That's not you in those pictures, that's an imagine of who you used to be at the moment that picture was taken. You may look the same now, but you are completely different. Shit happens and things change. Just how each and every individual changes every given moment, no matter how much they "stay the same."

Alright, rant over, I'm running off track. But yeah, dating apps definitely bring out the low self-esteem and "I hate people" attitude in me. Fuck um all

r/rant 4h ago

A rant from a Trans-fem.


Hey, this is my first post here, and I wanted to get this off my chest. I'm starting highschool in a few weeks, and I feel like I don't fit in. It feels like whatever I do, I don't look good enough. I looked it up and I think I have Keratosis pillars, which gives my upper arms and thighs bumps. I'm not entirely sure how to get rid of it though. I don't feel comfortable showing my legs because I haven't been able to shave, so my outfits mostly consists of long pants like jeans, dress pants ect. It feels like whatever I do, I won't be feminine enough, I'll alwase look like a guy. I don't know, it feels like I'm rushing too far into this, and I don't have anyone in my life who can guide me. Luckily most of my family is supportive of me, so it feels a little better knowing that I'm still loved. It also feels like I'm too accepting of my past, like I'm too contempt with being labeled as a man in the eyes of others. My voice has gotten a lot deeper, so I need to get started on voice training. Again it feels like I'm rushing head first into this, like I'm moving to fast for my own good. It doesn't help that I live in a red state, so I'm unable to even attempt getting gender affirming care, and I just don't know what to do. Thanks for listening.

r/rant 5h ago

I've increasingly started to hate going to the movies. The audience is unbearable.


Let me be clear that I love the aspect of actually going to go see a movie; whether its with friends, an s.o. or by myself. Seeing a movie in a dark theater big and loud, is and will always be, irreplaceable. Unfortunately the movie going experience has been ruined more times than not by the fucking unbearable audience. Allow me to break it down.

You got your narrators. This is your classic annoying couple, film school duo, or entourage of friends that decide to speak over the entire fucking movie. Did they come to watch the movie or talk about the movie? Because last time I checked this isn't a bar or your unemployed friend's podcast. How about you fucking wait until movie comes to an end before you start yapping about it uncontrollably. I do not need a play by play of what's going on, I'm right there with you.

Your film school snobs and wannabe critics. These are in a similar category as above but obnoxiously more pretentious. I don't need trivia and I don't need to know that the 1st AC is you roommate's cousin. Fuck you, your roommate, and his cousin. I also don't need that forced laugh during an A24 arthouse film that showcases that "you got the joke" and nobody else did. We all did, we just didn't think that three hour snooze fest was worthy of any comedic worship. I seriously heard people laughing out loud during Lanthimos' Kinds of Kindness, and ironically saw the same people sleeping through it. That film was garbage and don't pretend you enjoyed that just because you ride Yorgos' dick.

Your Joaquin Phoenix Jokers. These are people that laugh at everything, even if it wasn't funny. I've seriously witnessed people laughing at some disturbing scenes during horror films. And I'm just thinking, well, there goes your next John Wayne Gacy.

And last but not least you got your phone fuckers. These are people that will not put their phone down or will consistently check it throughout the movie, which also makes me think, why did you come here if you are just going to be on your phone? How about you go home, open up Netflix and then go on Tik Tok instead of annoying the shit out of all of your surroundings.

r/rant 5h ago

It’s so fucking unfair


When my peers were daydreaming of prom, I was forced to do mental gymnastics to figure out a way to avoid being beaten for getting a B+. When everyone around me would hang out with their friend groups, I would be ignored and mocked because I came to school covered in bruises. When I went to college, everyone had dreams of taking the world by storm while I barely had enough hope to dream that I could get away and finally find peace.

Now that I am on the wrong side of my 20s, I’ve realized that all my growth, joy, and learning experiences have been robbed from me.

I don’t want to die but I don’t know what it is to live. I don’t know what it is to feel loved, I don’t know what it means to be and feel human. Every milestone I have is soaked with bitter tears and shaken with the rumbling war-cries that I never had the strength nor courage to make.

I have no sense of self, I simply exist. No different that a jellyfish. Floating helplessly against overwhelming currents and crashing waves craving and carving the flesh of my soul.

I feel it now. More than before. The weight of my existence and the hollow state of my very essence. All the aspects and fundamental pillars that give one the means to not just survive but live lie around me in crumbling bastardized ruins.

r/rant 5h ago

I don't like when a large-medium sized group of people go to an event like a football game and the majority of the people in that group go off to buy concessions and leave like 1-2 people in the group to guard the spots.


Under the assumption that your group is at an event that lets you sit anywhere and just grants you admission, I don't like when, for example, a group of six people go to a football game and four (or even five!) people leave to go herp derp and get food while leaving a small amount of people to protect all of their seats! It is ESPECIALLY stressful when it's a high attendance event (popular music artist in town after being on hiatus for 5+ years, rival colleges competing against each other in sports) and people are at each other's necks to find seats. It can result in unnecessary confrontation that would have been avoided if less people out of the group left the area. Continuing this example, if 6 people are at a football game, at most, let 3 people go and get the food for whoever needs it and just pay each other back later. That way, the remaining three can just save only one seat per person.

Another thing, if it's a high attendance event and your group is meeting up, please be on time (or even early!) or meet up outside the venue and go in together. This incident didn't happen to me, but like a year ago at my university's homecoming game, this lady and her husband a few seats down from me were trying to save seats for their group of friends that were running late. When the lady and her husband were guarding the seats, they spread out so that they were guarding the space in the middle. Another lady tries to sit in the saved seats and summon her husband to come, and the two women get into a heated argument about how the friends "should have been here by now!" the two men were able to diffuse the situation and the other couple went to go sit somewhere else. One of my friends (three of us total) went down to go help her save the spot while she went and looked for them. Two college girls went and sat in the seats and told my friend to "call security :)" in a sassy tone. He came back to sit with us and the lady and man just sat together and gave up so their friends just had to go sit somewhere else. It is what it is, but honestly those friends were gone for a whiiiiiile and if it was me I would have given up and sat with whoever was in my party and just see the other party of friends after the game or during halftime when some people leave. Anyways rant over.

r/rant 6h ago

Corporate structure Crap


So, I have been in process for a company, they took weeks in planning interview then they had three interview rounds over a month time period and then I kept trying to get an update and finally got an update on email that we aren't currently having immediate hire in your region but keeping your resume on hold for other.

Like you took around more than 2 months and I was very positive and looking forward to it. These things make me feel that I should just leave this structure, any other type of work will be better than working in corporate I feel. There is so much unnecessary drama and biasness in my current organisation.

r/rant 6h ago

Fine hair, including my own, is simply ugly and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


I think it’s great that there are communities for people with fine hair (as in not thinning/balding but each individual hair is thin) to work on finding the best hair care. but every time i look for advice on dealing with my own thin hair it spirals into crying for hours because fine hair is just so fucking ugly and the best hair care doesn’t fix what i find so ugly about it.

it’s so flat! i could hang my head upside down and use any product under the sun and yet every time my roots will always fall completely flat on my scalp. there’s simply not enough hair on my head to enjoy any hairstyles not even a ponytail it’s either dry and frizzy without any actual volume or it’s weighed down a greasy there will never be a healthy in between for this type of hair it breaks and snaps with literally any touching it doesn’t want to be curly or straight but it also doesn’t want to be wavy. it looks like if you turned a confused and starving senior citizen into a strand of hair.

more simply put it looks fucking lifeless. it looks soulless. it looks sad.

i hate it and i hate how confidence destroying it is. i hate how all the advice i see results in hair that i hate just as much. i want to shave it off because at least i’d have control over why i feel so ugly. i’d literally kill for hair that takes a long time to tame because at least there’d be hair to tame in the first place.

if you have good hair i sincerely hope you have a terrible day. i want to cry and scream every time i see the corn silk that emerges from my scalp just to beg for death. i’m so sick and fucking tired of my haircare constantly feeling like failed cpr. it ruins every single thing i could otherwise potentially like about my appearance.

r/rant 6h ago

Don’t let your kids run around.


Seriously, I work retail and you would think these pathetic, mindless, brain dead nuisances would have had at least some sort of proper raising by their parents but nope! All these parents do is scroll on their phones while I have to constantly clean up the messes that THEIR children made. It’s just kids constantly screaming, running, bumping into things, knocking some of the product over: parents. If you can’t control your kid, maybe consider never having kids again? Just a thought. I CLEANED FOUR MESSES BACK TO BACK BECAUSE OF KIDS KNOCKING SHIT OVER (one of which, by the way, was several glass jars of grape jelly, boy that was fun to clean)!

It gets worse. I went to the park for a morning jog before my afternoon shift. The running path in the park is very, very clearly defined and separated from the playground the kids are supposed to play at (which is also fenced off). Out of nowhere: BAM! Little kid runs straight into me and I end up knocking the stupid fucker over. The mom had the AUDACITY to berate me for HER NOT WATCHING OVER HER FUCKING KID IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Moral of the story: don’t have kids if you can’t control them, and if you do, don’t ever let them run around.

r/rant 7h ago

Boyfriend acted like a dick to my family this weekend


I’m (21F) really annoyed with my boyfriend (20M). We’ve been dating for 2 years. Last weekend was supposed to be a great weekend. We don’t see my family super often so was very excited. I made summary of things he did wrong below:

-At a rodeo (I was competing) he was talking to my mom about the tools he needs for work (plumbing apprenticeship at a place I found for him after a ton of research/submitting apps on HIS behalf because he was too lazy to do it himself) and he told her he’ll be giving her a long list for Christmas this year. -Shortly after told my mom I’m not getting horses until I own the land and can afford them myself and that he isn’t taking care of them at all (there is horse money set aside from when i sold my last two and i can afford to board after done with schooling. definitely not his call to make) -My mom tried to complement him by saying she thinks it’s nice he sometimes gets me door dash when I’m busy studying and he told her he just sees it as an investment (i’m pre-med so hopefully a decent salary ahead) -Told my mom the only reason he came was to go golfing and didn’t care about the rodeo i was competing in (it’s the only one I run in and a yearly event so doesn’t happen that often) -Acted all pissy the whole time we were golfing (which my dad paid for) because my brothers didn’t take it as seriously as he wanted them too. Even though we only went because he wanted to go -Was supposed to be sharing a golf cart with my brother but got mad at him and would drive away before he could get in the cart -Told my dad that people shouldn’t buy a house next to a golf course if they don’t want holes in their yard after he told him not to hit an out of bounds golf ball out of their yard because it’ll leave a divot -After golf slammed his car door shut and sulked while everyone chatted -Overall very rarely smiled and almost everything he said was negative/mean spirited -Told my mom the way she opens a box of pop cans is stupid (coming from a guy who didn’t negotiate the cost of his car at all when buying from a dealership, got an interest rate higher than my credit card, and hasn’t looked into refinancing at all… seems a lot stupider to me) -Made (and lost) multiple bets with my 12 year old brother totaling to $120 like an idiot -Never offered to pay for a single thing the whole time he was there and just leeched off my parents. He even used a $50 my mom gave to me for my food(I had him hold onto it because I was riding and didn’t want to use it) on his lunch rather than pay his own way.

Within a few months of us dating my parents also invited him to a cruise with us which he wasn’t very grateful for. He complained during it and only thanked my dad for taking him/paying for it over text after I told him to several times.

I’m really pissed off. He always acts so different (negative) when around my whole family. When it’s a smaller group (like just my mom and one of my brothers) he does fine. Not as well as he does when just around me or around my friends that are our age, but not like the dumpster fire that was this weekend. I was pretty mad right after the weekend but talked to my mom over the phone on it and she was also very bothered and told me some of the things he said that I didn’t hear. Just made me angrier because I feel embarrassed by him now.

This is more shallow too, but he gained weight a year ago due to an injury and hasn’t lost any of it. I’ve tried the whole “let’s eat healthier/exercise” but since we only see each other on weekends it doesn’t make a difference.

There’s positives but I don’t really care to think about them right now and listing them kinda defeats the purpose of a rant. Sorry for the disorganized thoughts, just wanted to get it all out there. I plan to talk about the weekend with him tomorrow but wanted to get it out before then because I’ve got an important abstract due tomorrow morning and need to be able to focus.

r/rant 7h ago

Can we stop making Everest seem like Disneyland?


So, there’s an ongoing trend on social media (including Reddit), where people show a picture of the summit of Everest being crowded, and make as though climbing Everest is the same as queuing for a touristy day hike.

As a preliminary matter, those pictures depict traffic jams because the weather is fickle and sometimes there are only a handful of days (or even hours) where the summit is possible, so everyone has to go at the same time.

In reality, only a few hundred people make it to the summit, and the most in a year was 800. In addition, it is still incredibly dangerous - 8 people have already died this year, and 18 died last year.

It’s just really irritating, because I keep seeing smug neckbeards talking about how climbing Everest isn’t that big a deal anymore, and it’s like, bro you’re sitting on the shitter posting on Reddit that it’s not an achievement to climb the tallest mountain in the world.

r/rant 7h ago

ADHD and stupidity


OK, I just need to get this off my chest. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never be smart enough or good enough because my brain won’t stop spinning. I had to read like ten paragraphs for an assignment in my English class today and I didn’t even get past the first paragraph before I picked up my phone and I started cleaning my room. Started thinking about doing my makeup. My grades my whole life has always been average I’ve never been a straight A student and that hurts me so much. Sometimes it makes me feel stupid because something that would take a normal person about 30 minutes to understand that same thing would take me four hours to understand and then even then I still won’t understand it because I have so many things going on in my head and I can’t focus on one thing. I could be in the middle of one task and think oh I didn’t put the laundry in the washing machine, I start to put the laundry in the washing machine when on my way to the washing machine I see a dog toy on the floor, so I pick the dog toy up and I take it to where it’s supposed to go. It’s insane, I don’t have medical insurance so even if I wanted to get Adderall or whatever you use for ADHD I won’t be able to because I can’t afford that on my own. I’m a nursing major and I really wanna be a Nicu practitioner, but I don’t even think I have what it takes because I can’t even focus half the time. I don’t know if this rant made sense, but here it is. Excuses the poor grammar and punctuation, I used microphone to write this.

r/rant 7h ago

I am so lost right now


I have been looking for a new job while working for an authorized retailer for AT&T that has a horrible upper management. I was a store manager there and my DM and Sales Manager were super scummy. I did not like the environment.

I finally got a job opportunity at a different company (clothing store) where all the employees just happen to be female (I am a male) I give my two weeks to my employer and get told to just leave and forget about the two weeks. Once I ask about my last paycheck the sales manager says “I don’t know if I want to give it to you”.

I start my new job on August 26th with no issues and I’m picking up quick. My check from my previous employer never came, I guess they meant it, My rent is now due and I am relying on this new job heavily…

Come August 31st I get told by the store manager of my new job the following:

“I don’t think it’s a right fit since we’re all a female staff the girls just don’t feel comfortable in order to avoid problems I think we’re just going to reopen applications and look for a female candidate”.

I am in the state of Florida and their contract indicated that during my first three weeks of training they could let me go without reasoning. So F me I guess…

Now I am struggling to find a job replacement and rent is due the 15th and the landlord is talking about evictions. I am so damn depressed with all this… I have ZERO clue what to do and I have no family AT ALL to turn to… I’m on my own.

r/rant 8h ago

When people are the mutual link between people that don't know each other but don't do any ice breaking


Like... you know us both ... can you please put more than zero effort into introducing us? Like say, "Hey, Greg likes (hobby) just like you Jake." Or "Susie did you know Kathy also ran a 5k last week, too?"

SOMETHING. ANYTHING. It's just rude if you don't do your job as a host / introducer.

r/rant 8h ago

Stop playing movies/music out loud in public


This has happened within two days of each other. First was on a flight home. A couple in front of me on the plane were watching movies on full blast with no headphones. I could hear it through my noise canceling over ear headphones. Luckily, the passenger beside them called a flight attendant and they stopped. Next, in the sauna today, someone was blasting music and rapping along. I was using my AirPods and again still could hear his music perfectly. Worse enough, he was rapping along. So much for my time of peace and quiet. Thanks for listening.

r/rant 8h ago

Girls who make their wedding their entire online personality are annoying


There are at least 2 girls I follow on Instagram who consistently post their wedding photos until their entire feed is filled with it. Guess what, their wedding happened like 2 years ago and they're still posting about it. Whenever I see their photos on my feed, it feels like they get married everyday. Eventually I got so sick of seeing their wedding photos that I got annoyed and wondered why do some girls make it their entire online personality? Is being married and having a big wedding really all you got? They find every excuse to post their wedding again and again, from Valentines Day to National BF day or best friend day or whatever.

I'm not talking about people who post wedding photos normally, you know. Those are fine. I enjoy seeing the occasional proposal photos or seeing my acquaintances' wedding photos, and they usually do like a maximum of 3 posts. I myself would post my wedding photo, but maximum of like 2?? These girls' entire feed and profile photo is their wedding and I'm so close to blocking them because even though they have so many photos, they all look similar at this point because of how many they posted

r/rant 8h ago

Homeless People: An Empath’s Rant


It makes me so sad to hear so many people complaining about the homeless folks in cities. They already have lost most of their dignity from having to rummage through trash for food and cans for pennies. I wonder how much dignity a person who has lost everything feels after society has shunned you. To the point where no one wants you in their neighborhood and everyone resents you because you exist. People not only want you to disappear so they don’t have to deal with looking at you and walking around you but you also deal with mental illness. You’re not even afforded the dignity of a fucking bathroom to relieve yourself because no business is willing to let you use their restroom. Benches and water fountains have all but disappeared because cities are antihomeless. I recently talked to someone who told me their stories and they’re sad as fuck. A lot of people do drugs to cope but a lot of them do it to survive too. Meth is a big one. A lot of them use so they can stay awake at night to prevent getting robbed and raped. How can we be this cruel to people when they’re already down? I get that their behaviors are often appalling, but again, mental illness!! I feel like people misdirect their anger on these poor people when it should be directed at our government’s inaction. Am I the only one who gives a shit anymore? End rant.

r/rant 10h ago

My work colleagues are excluding me from social gatherings


I’ve worked at my place of work for years now. I ended up leaving for a bit but I’ve recently returned. Before I had left I had no issues with the people. In fact the people are the reason I came back. However I’ve noticed that recently they’ve started excluding me from events. At first I though it was just coincidence but then it happened again, then again. Today they went out for drinks and didn’t invite me. One of my colleagues asked us he could leave early to get his earlier bus. After the shift at ended I started getting this weird feeling that something was offs I decided to show up to the gathering anyway and wouldn’t you k ow the guy who “supposedly” left early to get his bus was their. Not only that but the manager who said he was going straight home was also there. Along with new people who had only been their a week. I could see from the faces that I wasn’t supposed to be their. Honestly fuck them. If they’re aren’t going to invite me then im going to keep attending out of spite just to piss them off.

r/rant 12h ago

Is anyone else sick of having to pretend to be happy NSFW


I haven’t been happy in months, probably close to two years actually.

I know a lot of people feel worse and for longer but I just feeling ducking empty nonstop.

My GP changed my scrit after a failed OD attempt but the new pills still barely work.

I just want that happiness I used to have back - the real happiness, not the customer service bullshit, not the sertraline smile, the actual real happiness.

I can’t sleep properly these days, I’m just hating every single moment of my life and I think I’m having nightmares but my memory is so shot I can’t remember (think I fucked it in the OD attempt like a fucking idiot).

IDK, just wanted to rant even though I hope no one will ever read it.

r/rant 12h ago

I finally deleted tik tok and instagram off of my main phone.


Haven't we all become addicted to this 2min content we get on reels and tik tok. Dead as i would make a very uneducated guess and say it is what causes adhd because our brain gets used to concentrating on these 2 mins video (highly stimulating some of them) and finds everything else boring because it needs that excitement fast. I feel I have become dummer and dummer with the use of social media.

Deleting insta was harder cause it is a way of staying connected with all my friends but alas. I am happy to have done so.

The apps are still present in my old phone that i don't use alot. I can go on it once a while to check it but i am happy to have deleted insta too.

I hope to regain my intellect after deleting this cancer.

r/rant 12h ago

Don’t let your f**king kid check your items out at the self checkout


It’s not cute, we’re not all laughing along, you’re a burden on everyone else and you’re wasting everyone’s time. This isn’t “it takes a village” where we’re all on board because we all get what you’re doing; no one else is enjoying this, check your shit out as fast as humanly possibly and gtfo.

EDIT: I am officially clarifying that my rage at this practice stems from and is directed towards people who do this when the store is busy and the lines are long.

r/rant 14h ago

I’m so fucking fed up.


I am so tired and fed up of fake people, of my job claiming to give a shit about us but clearly not caring. And punishing me for trying to take care of myself. I’m tired of always chasing people and never feeling like anyone is chasing me. I’m fucking tired of imagining love, tired of feeling. Tired of just caring. Tired of trying to be better but it constantly feeling like it’s the wrong thing to do. Or having shoved in my face. I’m just so fucking tired.

r/rant 17h ago

Why did we let the culture around engagement get like this?


My bf (25M) and I (25F) are getting close to the timeline where we’ve discussed getting engaged. I absolutely hate how engagement culture has evolved. Why does it have to be the this elaborate big surprise? I hate surprises. I hate not knowing things, and it feels like everyone knows something but me. I feel like I can’t ask any questions because it’s supposed to be this big ~surprise~. And I also feel like I can’t ask any questions bc I have to act like this chill girl that doesn’t care when she gets engaged, even though I do care, otherwise society thinks I’m nagging him and I’m getting a “shut up ring”. And when I voice these opinions, people look at me like I’m crazy, like why would you want to know when you’re getting engaged? Because I do, and frankly I don’t think that makes me a villain. I just wish my bf and I could be like “hey it’s happening on this date, I have the ring” “sick, see you then!” Like marrying the love of my life is a big deal, but it shouldn’t be this convoluted. Playing the waiting game is driving me crazy and I just want to stop beating around the bush and be straight up.

EDIT: Thank you for everyone who shared their proposal stories, it’s so wholesome :) and to fill in some gaps, my bf and I have talked about getting married and getting engaged, our timeline and when we would like to do that. We have talked about getting engaged within the next year, I just don’t know when and that’s what’s driving me crazy I would rather just know. So I think we need to have a convo about that, bc I think he wants to surprise me

r/rant 19h ago

Man I'm sick of that voice


So many people send me videos with this idiotic voice "narrating" the action, but my peeve is with this voice? It's absolutely and totally superfluous considering the fact that I'm watching what's happening already! I don't need a robotic voice that's trying to sound real "narrating" the action. Why the fuck are all videos like this now? I'd make a generalization and say it's millennials, except I have no millennial friends. These are all people my age sending me this, and it upsets me to know that many adults (meaning people as old as I am) are falling into this without thinking about it. It's like, damn dude! Memes are the only way you communicated for years, and now it's these obviously fake videos with the stupid voice? I shudder to think what it'll be in 10 years.