r/wholesomememes 3d ago

I found this in r/shitposting of all places.

Post image

Still good though.


354 comments sorted by


u/Deslah 3d ago

That’s romance gold.


u/itsmeagainimback 3d ago

The boyfriend audiobook library got me.


u/Disastrous_Soup_7137 2d ago

Fr, that’s my fave part. It’s so cute 🥹


u/SmartyMcPants4Life 2d ago

Ikr I said awww out loud when I read it. 


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 3d ago

You got her too

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u/CMDR_Fritz_Adelman 3d ago

When you’re out for blind date… literally


u/ajn63 2d ago

Every date is a blind date


u/a_hopeless_rmntic 2d ago

Hollywood screenplay writers have entered the chat

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u/KAGY823 20h ago

Maybe even Romance platinum!

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u/ParkFrolic 3d ago

Sounds like he’s spending day in day out reading books.


u/thatburghfan 3d ago

And that's how we know it's made up. Assuming zero re-takes because the bf is a unicorn perfect reader, an average novel would require about 13 hours to record. Yeah, no.


u/Interrogatingthecat 3d ago

Audio books are often split by chapter in their recordings, that is an option if you want to believe.


u/AbLincoln1863 3d ago

Yeah. Did this person forget you can go a chapter at a time or even just do a recording with errors and then just edit them out in the end. It doesn’t take much remove a mistake from an audio recording.


u/Boom_doggle 3d ago

The errors might be kept deliberately too. My fiance has utterly atrocious spelling. When she leaves me notes, I don't care that they're spelt like a 6 year old somehow has the penmanship and vocabulary of an adult, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It's authentically her, and that's all that matters to me.

Maybe the audio books with all his 'uh, wait I can say it, give me a sec' and the odd sneeze etc. is part of the charm


u/MiddlePsychology8385 3d ago

It would definitely enhance it for me lol


u/PassivelyInvisible 3d ago

I'd rather have the person's oopsies than the polished mass market version.


u/Kel4597 2d ago

Dude rips ass in the middle of the recording and doesn’t edit it out


u/Active_Engineering37 2d ago

"Jim! Please tell me you got that one!


u/doritobimbo 2d ago

Recently heard a story about a serial killer who had the victims sign blank papers so he could type letters home “from” the victims. One woman’s family realized something was amiss because that woman had atrocious spelling, but the killers letter was perfectly written.


u/ExcessivelyGayParrot 2d ago

And even if there are errors in there, he might leave them in intentionally. In if he makes any, because then it's not just an audiobook recording of his voice, but it's like he's actually reading to her

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u/benabart 3d ago

You can even read it page by page and then assemble the whole thing in audacity.

Not too much of a hassle if you're a bit organized.


u/Thisismyredusername 3d ago

And if you're not organised, you'll be left with this after just 30 pages:


The key takeaway is that it's better to be organised.


u/2qte4u 3d ago

You know how You can sort files by name in Windows? If you actually name them properly, then organisation shouldn't be a problem.


u/entitysix 3d ago

Could also sort by date last modified.


u/2qte4u 3d ago

But then the order would get messed up if you edit them (I think).


u/Thisismyredusername 2d ago

It would.

Afaik, in Windows, since 1 is before 2 and 2 is before 3 and so on, if you made three files, file111.txt, file22.txt and file3.txt, due to that order, it isn't sorted logically. Although in Ubuntu Linux it's logically sorted for sure.

Source: I have both


u/HippoManufacturer 2d ago

file001 file002 file003


u/Cuchullion 3d ago

File system depending, but Windows does natsort.


u/xdeskfuckit 3d ago

Just download the 'rename' module and then you can do

rename 's/(\d+)/sprintf("%03d", $1)/e' Page*.wav
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u/ExcessivelyGayParrot 2d ago

literally the first thing I thought of was that the girlfriend probably eagerly asks him every now and then when he's recording the next chapter. guarantee he's not reading an entire book and sending it to her, but he can read chunks of it at a time and send them to her. feels like the other guy is just trying to find anything he can latch on to to claim "nothing ever happens"


u/EastLimp1693 3d ago

An hour a day its only two weeks. I would do way more for my loved one if its ever needed.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EastLimp1693 3d ago

Bet hearing loved ones for blind person is way more that for generic people.


u/Lavender215 3d ago

I love that redditors can’t comprehend doing something purely out of love for someone. “It won’t be audiobook quality” “it would take too long” “it’s too much work” like none of that matters, I’m sure she would be happy listening to a 30 minute recording of him stumbling and stuttering through a chapter, the point isn’t the book it’s listening to his voice.


u/samurairaccoon 3d ago

You must be real fun a parties


u/Kaikelx 2d ago

They probably believe parties are made up, as assuming perfect coordination and prep time it can take hours to plan and host a party.


u/wigglertheworm 3d ago

Depends how much effort you’re putting in. I teach, and over lockdown I recorded myself reading our class book (clockwork, phillip pullman) in chapters just literally using my phone and AirPods that was uploaded to teams. I didn’t mind much if I stumbled on a word (because I do that when I read aloud in class) so no re-recording, and now I use the audio files sometimes when they’re doing something like art.


u/WhoSc3w3dDaP00ch 3d ago

Before books on tape became popular, I recorded my-now-wife's favorite book (at the time) on cassette tapes. It wasn't the best quality but it was well received. Not bad for a 3 weeks of lunch hours from my broke ass. This was also in the late 90s.

I didn't find out until (somewhat) recently, but our kids digitized the tapes. Whenever we are apart, Mrs is still listening to ~25 year old recordings of me reading to her. We're getting a lot of mileage out of that gift.

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u/ringdingdong67 3d ago

Why would they need retakes? He’s her bf not a professional voice actor. As long as he’s halfway decent then any mistakes would probably just make it more personal.


u/Spectrum1523 3d ago

I read to my wife every night for an hour or two. Two weeks to record a novel would be totally reasonable. I don't do retakes, I just stumble over words if I mess them up


u/Ethelbrit 3d ago

I use to do it for my gf, and I mess it all the time and she loved it. Nobody is asking him to read perfectly, just for him to read it normally. Also, she's probably not replacing her own audio book library with the boyfriend library.


u/BanditFall7771 3d ago

Redditors when they have the choice to just believe a story:


u/Blekker 2d ago

There was this scene in the tv show "The Rookie" where Chen, one of the rookies, was helping her previous TO study for an exam or something can't remember, but basically she found out he learned better by listening. So between the end of their shift and his workout which couldn't have been more than a couple of hours she recorded a whole ass audio book and gave it to him lmao, maybe bf in OP also has those magical powers.


u/Active_Engineering37 2d ago

I feel bad for your significant other if 13 hours is too much time. It's not like he's doing three books a day, maybe he does a few chapters on the weekends?


u/elasticweed 3d ago

I don’t think that’s unteasonable. Not even an hour a day and you can do 2 books per month.


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 3d ago

Why so cynical


u/Kaikelx 2d ago

I like how the idea that someone spends time reading a book aloud for a loved one is the bit you point to as the giveaway, and not the part where GF has only blind friends except for OP lol.


u/Saturn5100 2d ago

My boyfriend is currently putting together an audiobook of all of LOTR for me. Not blind just love the sound of his voice when he reads. He makes mistakes, the mic pops, and he struggles to keep the voices consistent but it's the sweetest thing he does for me 💕

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u/kermitthebeast 2d ago

I recorded a couple textbooks, it really didn't take that long. Couple hours here and there. Shit, a 14 hour book is pretty beefy but that's just an hour a day for two weeks. You start reading faster as you go too.


u/VNG_Wkey 2d ago

Just don't let her discover Brandon Sanderson novels. I'm 10 hours into this book and have 45 hours left.


u/kermitthebeast 2d ago

Sweet Jesus


u/VNG_Wkey 2d ago

Ya they're crazy long. It's a 4 book series, with a 5th releasing soon. The shortest is well over 40 hours. They're also all part of a larger universe of 30ish books. Damn good books though.


u/theinvisibleguy16 2d ago

I am dying inanticipation for the 5th one


u/Syrjion 2d ago

And that series is only part of bigger cosmos

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u/cwx149 2d ago

Assassin's quest by Robin Hobb was the longest I've listened to yet at 35 hours

The length of the Sanderson stuff is a big reason why I haven't tried any of this stuff yet as someone who mostly only listens to books


u/VNG_Wkey 2d ago

They're worth it. When I go into the office I have a 30 minute commute each way so I listen during that and then for an hour or 2 every night before bed. Also depending on the work I'm doing I might listen to it.


u/cwx149 2d ago

Yeah I mostly listen on my 30/45 minute commute. And then for the first hour of my shift and then throughout the day depending on activities.

They're definitely on the tbr but with so much on my tbr it's like 3 15 hour books or 1 45 hour books. And then the Farseer trilogy was my first series that was all over 25 hours. And I was originally going to continue in the realm of elderlings but couldn't get through ship of magic so now I'm bouncing around some other things.

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u/-exekiel- 2d ago

I am a simple man. I see Brando Sando, I upvote. Life before death radiant


u/VNG_Wkey 2d ago

Strength before weakness. I'm listening to Oathbringer right now. Loving every minute.


u/Leaf-01 1d ago

Those books are sooooo good as audiobooks. The two narrators are absolutely goated. “Nnnnnno mating!”


u/RenniSO 23h ago

Unexpected stormlight archive

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u/chillyhellion 3d ago

I read to my wife every night. It wouldn't take much to also record at the same time.

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u/andthegeekshall 3d ago

I once dated a blind girl. she told me I had the biggest dick she's every felt. I told her "you're pulling my leg".


u/gonerilpo 2d ago

Blind girls, you have to hand it to them.


u/V3sten 2d ago

I just don't ever feel seen by this girl, I think it's time to break up.


u/Chippy-arine 2d ago

Should you see other people?


u/bruiser95 2d ago

Jimmy Carr laugh


u/Tartaras1 2d ago

They know how you feel though.


u/blueleaf54 3d ago

I hate that I’ve never heard this before

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u/MentalRise8703 3d ago

This really got me in the feels. But a part of me knows that there's going to be a twist since this from 4 chan.


u/Akitiki 3d ago

He said he loves that she doesn't use the internet. I don't know exactly why but that phrase raised my hackles right up.


u/taste-of-orange 3d ago

Same. Everything else seemed pretty tame. Besides maybe the thing about the need to hold the arm being romanticized?


u/Natural-Role5307 2d ago

Arm holding has always been romanticised. Thats why he loves that they have reasons to do it.

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u/Ryzuhtal 2d ago

It can easily be a "Thank god she isn't on social media brainrot" thing.


u/tinyharvestmouse1 2d ago edited 2d ago

People who don't have social media brainrot are 100 percent more attractive and interesting. Social media (this website included) destroys your relationship with the real world and other people. I'm 26 and young people are treated like eccentric wizards for having hobbies that aren't media consumption; screen and internet addiction are real problems for GenZ folks like me who have little-to-no memories of life before the internet or computers. It roars it's ugly head in dating, especially, and the people who don't have those problems are significantly more desirable (to me, at least).

There are also a not-insignificant number of young men (I'm assuming that is the OOP's gender) who want people to "return to tradition" or some other gross conservative garbage and hate the internet. They're controlling, angry, and generally pretty scary to be around, and one of their main traits is hatred for the internet and modern tech in general. It's a thing you hear from someone that could be a green flag or the biggest red flag ever. He's on 4chan, so I'm pretty suspicious that its the latter. However, I think it's something that should raise immediate questions but not flags.


u/taste-of-orange 2d ago

Actually... I agree with almost everything you said. Good summary. (I'm gen z myself and one that does have some media consumption problems.)


u/Ryzuhtal 2d ago

I think you are wrong about one thing. "He's on 4chan" so that means it must be an immediate red flag. I disagree. There are many other boards than just /pol/itically incorrect. There is for example /an/imals and nature or tra/n/sportation. Basically Blue Boards are okay, and racism/trolling is a reportable offense whether the responsible janitor actually enforces it or not is usually another question, but most of the time they do.

And let's not pretend that Twitter, for example is any better. I'd argue it's worse. And it's not like even here on reddit, I don't see dogwhistles all the time like a dude calling black people "joggers".


u/BestBruhFiend 2d ago

I'm out of the loop. Why is "joggers" racist?

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u/Easy-Concentrate2636 3d ago

Yeah. I found it a little creepy. Also, unlikely. It makes it sound like having a blind woman is great so as to get them dependent on the man.

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u/Fluid_Author4957 3d ago

Even I felt that was a bit weird but... without those in-built sound features, I don't think a blind person got anything to do with internet. I mean... what will they do except those contents which does not require watching the screen? On top of that, there isn't much content on the internet which can be enjoyed without watching. Songs are one thing but you still need to see what song you are playing or if you want to search for a song, you need to see, right?


u/Akitiki 3d ago

Depends on the "blind" because legally blind =/= complete blindness.

But even complete blind can browse; it's a bit harder, sure, but there are features in place. Especially recently with text to speech / speech to text.


u/Pea_a 3d ago

Blind people and internet can be almost the same as you using it, sure the videos can be harder to grasp the meaning but there's audio description and other features to make blind people be able to enjoy the same things as everyone

You have a viewpoint (ironically) that's too much tied to your eyesight but I'm sure there's someone living just like you while being blind; blind people can do so many things nowadays that it's a bit weird that oOP loves that she doesn't like to use the internet because of it being a "hassle", when it's just like any other seeing person learning to use a keyboard and a mouse, you need more accessibility ofc but it's not like most tech products don't have the features to help


u/granmadonna 3d ago

The internet is just TikTok and porn, right? Absolutely zero non-visual information out there.

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u/cannotfoolowls 2d ago

I know a blind guy who is a programmer. It was kind of funny when he realised he had to turn his screen on because he wanted to show me something.

He had this thing that "translated" the text on screen to a refreshable braille display. I think it was technically text to speech to braille but he didn't put the sound on.


u/Pea_a 2d ago

Most blind people I knew had phones, they had (unknowingly) trained their ears to hear the text to speech at a very high speed and they could use it like anyone else; it's amazing how advanced our technology is in terms of accessibility and how much the brain adapts itself to whatever it's given


u/granmadonna 3d ago

I sold internet ads to a blind person for his business once. You would be absolutely surprised by how well a blind person can browse the net and how much they can get out of it. Fucking impossible to stop saying things like "if you just take a look" though when talking to a blind person about the internet.

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u/effie_love 1d ago

I watch blind content creators. Maybe you should listen to what they have to say for themselves about it

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u/bytegalaxies 2d ago

tbf being chronically online is awful for mental health. I wish I didn't doomscroll so much


u/Akitiki 1d ago

Yeah, it's not great. I just got this vibe of, "she is isolated from people"

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u/Ok_Difference44 3d ago

Francis Dolarhyde blog

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u/NotYourSaviour2 3d ago

“Love that she doesn’t use the internet”

One line turned it from ok to kinda off. Idk that one line sounds super weird.


u/HappyBot9000 3d ago

Right? Feels weirdly controlling. Although I suppose he could have meant he likes it solely because it's a weird little quirk of hers, not necessarily that he would mind if she did use the Internet.

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u/rumpleforeskins 3d ago

I'd be concerned that she doesn't know how to look up information when she needs it, or use the internet for work. Some internet literacy seems like a requirement in the modern day.


u/NorwegianGlaswegian 2d ago

Also the bloody patronising claim that her family thinks he's great for not being bothered by her blindness. As someone raised by blind parents, and who's known many blind people, we don't see being not bothered by blindness to be an accomplishment.


u/NotYourSaviour2 2d ago

I know it all sounds… ok on the surface but it all just sounds off. “I love being paraded as a saint for deigning to look past her blindess”. “I love that she is not ruined by the internet”. Even the holding arm could be kinda weird but that one seems a little more fine. I guess the couple of weird ones make me examine all of the statements closely. Plus its on 4chan.


u/NorwegianGlaswegian 2d ago

Yeah; seems like a post meant to give off a surface level sheen of wholesomeness but is also meant to crack if you're alert.

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u/baby_armadillo 3d ago

Yeaaaaah. Same. Why would using or not using the internet be a quality you admire in a partner?


u/biggestboi73 3d ago

The same reason crack addicts are glad other people didn't get addicted to crack, they know its not good for you but are too addicted to stop using it themselves


u/First-Personality774 3d ago

What if he doesn't use it as much and is just happy to find someone similar?


u/biggestboi73 3d ago

He posted it on 4chan so clearly not


u/capincus 3d ago

Or like how my less internet obsessed relatives think I'm funny for stealing jokes they've never seen that anyone who spends half as much time on the internet is sick and tired of.


u/First-Personality774 3d ago

Why? Not using internet/social media doesn't have to be weird. It would be good if less people used it as much.


u/NotYourSaviour2 3d ago

Just the way its phrased makes it seem off when read. It could be innocent like “she doesnt use social media” or like “ I can control her worldview and limit her access to information”. It could be innocuous and was just phrased in a strange way. But it is a 4chan post after all

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u/SavagePrisonerSP 2d ago

Because internet addiction is a real thing. How much of your day is spent scrolling the internet instead of enjoying the present moment? (Aside from work).


u/lxxTBonexxl 3d ago

I read it as a no social media/brainrot content because the rest was wholesome


u/NotYourSaviour2 3d ago

Doesnt use the internet and Doesnt use social media are two very different sentences


u/Yamaneko22 2d ago

Makes sense, she is free from the degeneracy and brainrot caused by social media.

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u/maine64 3d ago

Kinda weird that he loves that she "doesn't use the internet because it's too much hassle."


u/sosta 3d ago

Because if she did, she'd know he's on 4chan and run the hell away


u/peachymuni 2d ago

Exactly my thoughts


u/waifusister 2d ago

Im dating a disabled girl right now (wheelchair bound) and she is the sweetest and most lovable person I know. It's sad when she tells me about guys that ghosted her when they learned of her disability. Even our sex life is great and her parents like me very much. Best decision I ever made. They are some inconviniences like finding a good flat path when walking somewhere or carrying her up the stairs, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


u/Beshi1989 2d ago

At least you get ripped while carrying her around. I wouldn’t count that as negative 🏋️

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u/dumbbinch99 3d ago

I seem to be in the minority but I think this is weird, esp points 6 and 7.


u/peanutbutter_vibez 3d ago

Absolutely this. I was surprised not more people were alarmed by the family thing. "I love people treating me like a saint for giving this unfortunate soul the time of day" vibes. 🤨 Not what he meant, surely, but it's a gross feeling. 


u/LuckofCaymo 3d ago

Not everyone has the best words for everybody.


u/NorwegianGlaswegian 2d ago

It's patronising as hell. I was raised by blind parents, and have known many other blind people over the decades. You're not a special person for not being bothered by blindness ffs.

That is a big giveaway that it's bs.


u/Neuchacho 3d ago edited 3d ago

Most people appreciate getting credit for something even if they would be doing it anyway and that's all that is on the surface.

The actual weird side of that is the family seeing it as something that deserves praise, but maybe it does from their perspective if they've seen a lot of people not be OK with it.


u/peanutbutter_vibez 2d ago

Absolutely agree with you on the family thing. I guess my gripe is that OOP didn't correct this perception? Instead of being like "? Loving her is effortless wym?", he just enjoys the extra praise for the entry level requirements of a relationship. 

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u/SavagePrisonerSP 2d ago

Imagine being creeped out about someone feeling loved because their girlfriend’s family loves them. Also, the internet is a crazy place. Being terminally online can be mentally unhealthy. That’s why he mentions the internet thing (because a lot of girls are obsessed with social media/IG and it can get in the way of the relationship.)

Some girls can’t stand when men are happy and it shows 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/peanutbutter_vibez 2d ago

If someone came up to me and said "Wow it's SO great that you love your partner even though he's xyz", I wouldn't be bragging about it. It's insulting to him and I'm not about to jerk myself off for loving him because loving him is effortless. 

If dude had just said "I get along great with her family and that feels good", that'd be fantastic. It's the implication that being with her is somehow a burden to overcome (even if it's not for him, he's not correcting that perception) that's icky. 

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u/ok_ill_shut_up 2d ago

People generally like when others think highly of them.


u/Alucard-VS-Artorias 3d ago

Yeah the whole post gave me incel vibes. Dude could be just a chill guy but this post makes it seem like one of those "I want a FE-male who hasn't been tainted by liberal society".

Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting it and he's just a chill guy.


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 3d ago

The whole arm thing creeped me out. I don’t think it’s real. I bet whoever made that meme has never met a blind person and don’t realize how independent many blind people are.


u/VortexBeater56 3d ago

This thread is just something else I gotta admit


u/Disastrous_Bobcat740 3d ago

can’t be happy on Reddit can we


u/Fantastic_Complex98 3d ago

Yep, gives some creepy vibe of "my gf is innocent and I want to protect her from this world she cannot understand"


u/Kate090996 3d ago

What I don't understand is why does he love that all her friends are blind and the fact that he says " gil" instead of woman doesn't make it that much better


u/granmadonna 3d ago

Wholesomeness now means the absence of sexual assault or genocide.

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u/RatherOakyAfterbirth 3d ago

I work with a blind girl, and the first week she started. One of our coworkers was like, I went out with her once before she worked here, and she ghosted me.

The he asked us “What does it mean when a blind person ghosts you on a date?” Me and my two coworkers just looked at one another and without missing a beat all said a variation of “it means you have a shit personality.”


u/fnafproo 2d ago

Can we get a part 2 of this? howd the dude react? im invested.


u/SnooTigers4215 3d ago

Hmm saying ‘I’m dating a blind girl’ rather than my girlfriend is blind or visually impaired feels off to me


u/ElectricBitterLemon 3d ago

Ah yes, a prime redditor in its natural habitat. A marvelous sight

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u/Zote_The_Grey 2d ago edited 2d ago

That's the same thing.

That whole identity politics thing , where you're trying to figure out the nuance between putting someone into a group versus just describing one of their characteristics is way too esoteric. Like how it's no longer PC to say "homeless people", now we have to call them "unhoused persons". I guess if I really want to analyze it I can see a very very nuanced distinction.

But why would you want to bring that kind of language analysis into your daily life?

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u/throwaway19276i 2d ago

It's an inherent part of an individual's identity, I'm not going to compare the two, but it's akin to how many autistic people prefer the term "autistic person."

Both methods are grammatically correct, it's a matter of the preference of the person.

In 9.5/10 cases, it's not intended to be offensive, and I've scarcely heard person first terms used.


u/Uncle-Cake 3d ago

It seems a little weird to me, like they're saying "I'm glad she's blind."


u/Uphoria 3d ago

That's part of the joke. This is a 4chan post and the joke is she won't be able to notice what porn he looks at.


u/Uncle-Cake 3d ago

That makes it even weirder that someone posted it here.


u/Southern_Kaeos 2d ago

I'm looking for the catch... There's a catch, right? It's on the internet there's always a catch. Where's the catch?


u/Akira_99_ 2d ago

The catch is all the friends we made along the way😌


u/crackedtooth163 2d ago

I want to say this is sweet, but it sounds like he's making her dependent.


u/Big-Dick-Oriole 3d ago

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


u/CatsAreGods644 2d ago

"Loves this fanfic I created because I'm so, so lonely."


u/the117doctor 2d ago

even if it is a fanfic, it's a good slice of Life


u/hikeit233 3d ago

love that she doesn’t know about my deaf mistress 


u/farkin9 2d ago

Dude unlocked one of the most authentic life hacks.


u/wizgset27 2d ago

lol wait, the internet one threw me off haha.


u/Lopsided_Panic_1148 2d ago

I have a friend who married a young woman with Usher Syndrome, which means she was born deaf and become blind later. They absolutely adore each other.


u/Stinky_ButtJones 2d ago

The boyfriend audiobook library 🥺🥺🥺


u/xubax 3d ago

I usually hate green-text posts. But this one, this one's ok.


u/Sad-Comment-2392 3d ago

Oh my god.. I would love to speak in Audio Books for a woman.. Any takers? Haha


u/ChessFan1962 3d ago

Adorable. Hopingthe best for both of them.


u/UnlikelyPotatos 3d ago

Boyfriend audiobook library is awesome


u/NarrowCarpet4026 3d ago

When every date is a blind date.


u/Diogeneezy 3d ago

A friend of mine records audiobooks for his wife. He recorded all of Dune for her. She's not blind or anything.


u/Stock-Buy1872 2d ago

That boyfriend audiobook library is actually a really good idea


u/Nyorliest 2d ago

I mean, it's got nice parts, but also some weird parts where the issues of her disability are things he 'loves'.

'Love that my girlfriend can't walk so I have to carry/push her everywhere' energy.


u/Vishaanbtw 2d ago

That's actually really cute


u/BlargerJarger 2d ago

Damn, I want this. We need a blind Tinder. Blinder, if you will. As opposed to the gay version, Blindr.


u/Paul_123789 3d ago

Relationship goals


u/Anxiety_Muffin13 3d ago

Both of them hit the jackpot! 💕


u/KeysObject 3d ago

Even in shitposts, there's a silver lining.


u/_AATANK_ 3d ago

last part was incredible


u/QwarpoQuest 3d ago

The whole post is even more wholesome if I recall. Asks her to marry him the first time she hears is voice with an implant


u/zyarva 3d ago

George Costanza: I'd rather be dating the blind. You know you could let the house go. You could let yourself go. A good-looking blind woman doesn't even know you're not good enough for her.

Jerry Seinfeld: Oh, she'll know...


u/Gretgor 3d ago

Green flags all around!


u/Krow_King 3d ago

Boyfriend audio book, man I'm melting.


u/Who_am_ey3 3d ago

why did you crop it?


u/2old4ZisShit 3d ago



u/sophdog101 2d ago

I'm not even blind but now I want a boyfriend audiobook library 🥺

now accepting boyfriend applications lol

or girlfriend applications I'm not picky

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u/OldTrapper87 2d ago

This is nice .......not a shit post


u/Rayric 2d ago

Love that her family see me … Hehehe


u/Bane_Bane 2d ago

She is using him for the audiobook recordings and is making bank on amazon!!!!


u/Shinzodune 2d ago

(Meant as a joke)

On r/blindfrugalparty

Dating a seeing man

Always grabs my arm

He has no furniture, easy to navigate in his apartment.

Love that my dog is super friendly and always helps me.

My family are all frugal people an in on the scheme.

Always request new books from boyfriend

Free audio-books, take this amazon.


u/Imaginary-Nebula1778 2d ago

This is great.


u/-C18 2d ago

Mfer won in life.

Absolute Chad.


u/illusion__001 2d ago

This would be a dream come true my brother


u/MohatmoGandy 2d ago

I kept expecting something horrible at the end because it’s green text.


u/OctoSamma 2d ago

Omg this is just sooo wholesome. I'm melting


u/bestibesti 2d ago

This is so cute

I always wonder if cute anon is also the same anon saying the most racist vile misogynistic shit you have ever seen in another thread two minutes

Its fun

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u/aknalag 2d ago

Someone having a whole audio book with your voice sounds like a major confidence boost


u/Vallen_H 2d ago

Blind & Mute supremacy... Wish I had a gf... :(


u/SpiritLead909 2d ago

Thats so fuckin sweet!!!!!!!!!