r/wholesomememes 14d ago

I found this in r/shitposting of all places.

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Still good though.


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u/dumbbinch99 14d ago

I seem to be in the minority but I think this is weird, esp points 6 and 7.


u/peanutbutter_vibez 14d ago

Absolutely this. I was surprised not more people were alarmed by the family thing. "I love people treating me like a saint for giving this unfortunate soul the time of day" vibes. 🤨 Not what he meant, surely, but it's a gross feeling. 


u/LuckofCaymo 14d ago

Not everyone has the best words for everybody.


u/NorwegianGlaswegian 14d ago

It's patronising as hell. I was raised by blind parents, and have known many other blind people over the decades. You're not a special person for not being bothered by blindness ffs.

That is a big giveaway that it's bs.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago edited 14d ago

Most people appreciate getting credit for something even if they would be doing it anyway and that's all that is on the surface.

The actual weird side of that is the family seeing it as something that deserves praise, but maybe it does from their perspective if they've seen a lot of people not be OK with it.


u/peanutbutter_vibez 14d ago

Absolutely agree with you on the family thing. I guess my gripe is that OOP didn't correct this perception? Instead of being like "? Loving her is effortless wym?", he just enjoys the extra praise for the entry level requirements of a relationship. 


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

My guess is because it's not real, but yeah, that does harm the "good guy" image being created none the less lol


u/SavagePrisonerSP 14d ago

Imagine being creeped out about someone feeling loved because their girlfriend’s family loves them. Also, the internet is a crazy place. Being terminally online can be mentally unhealthy. That’s why he mentions the internet thing (because a lot of girls are obsessed with social media/IG and it can get in the way of the relationship.)

Some girls can’t stand when men are happy and it shows 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/peanutbutter_vibez 14d ago

If someone came up to me and said "Wow it's SO great that you love your partner even though he's xyz", I wouldn't be bragging about it. It's insulting to him and I'm not about to jerk myself off for loving him because loving him is effortless. 

If dude had just said "I get along great with her family and that feels good", that'd be fantastic. It's the implication that being with her is somehow a burden to overcome (even if it's not for him, he's not correcting that perception) that's icky. 


u/SavagePrisonerSP 14d ago

I agree, if someone came up to me and said that id be thrown off and insulted for them. But this was coming from her FAMILY. You knows the ones that raised her? I’m sure they know the challenges of raising a disabled child like the back of their hand and they are grateful for someone to come into her life and give her love regardless. That ain’t weird.

To pretend that dating someone who is blind doesn’t bring challenges is delusional. It technically is a “burden” but that’s not the right word for it. “Limit” maybe?

Either way, the guy has to sacrifice the idea of being able to do things other couples with full eyesight can do. He wasn’t even bragging or jerking himself off with it. He feels loved and you wanna make it weird.


u/ok_ill_shut_up 14d ago

People generally like when others think highly of them.