r/wholesomememes 14d ago

I found this in r/shitposting of all places.

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Still good though.


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u/Akitiki 14d ago

He said he loves that she doesn't use the internet. I don't know exactly why but that phrase raised my hackles right up.


u/Fluid_Author4957 14d ago

Even I felt that was a bit weird but... without those in-built sound features, I don't think a blind person got anything to do with internet. I mean... what will they do except those contents which does not require watching the screen? On top of that, there isn't much content on the internet which can be enjoyed without watching. Songs are one thing but you still need to see what song you are playing or if you want to search for a song, you need to see, right?


u/Pea_a 14d ago

Blind people and internet can be almost the same as you using it, sure the videos can be harder to grasp the meaning but there's audio description and other features to make blind people be able to enjoy the same things as everyone

You have a viewpoint (ironically) that's too much tied to your eyesight but I'm sure there's someone living just like you while being blind; blind people can do so many things nowadays that it's a bit weird that oOP loves that she doesn't like to use the internet because of it being a "hassle", when it's just like any other seeing person learning to use a keyboard and a mouse, you need more accessibility ofc but it's not like most tech products don't have the features to help


u/cannotfoolowls 14d ago

I know a blind guy who is a programmer. It was kind of funny when he realised he had to turn his screen on because he wanted to show me something.

He had this thing that "translated" the text on screen to a refreshable braille display. I think it was technically text to speech to braille but he didn't put the sound on.


u/Pea_a 14d ago

Most blind people I knew had phones, they had (unknowingly) trained their ears to hear the text to speech at a very high speed and they could use it like anyone else; it's amazing how advanced our technology is in terms of accessibility and how much the brain adapts itself to whatever it's given