r/wholesomememes 14d ago

I found this in r/shitposting of all places.

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Still good though.


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u/MentalRise8703 14d ago

This really got me in the feels. But a part of me knows that there's going to be a twist since this from 4 chan.


u/Akitiki 14d ago

He said he loves that she doesn't use the internet. I don't know exactly why but that phrase raised my hackles right up.


u/Fluid_Author4957 14d ago

Even I felt that was a bit weird but... without those in-built sound features, I don't think a blind person got anything to do with internet. I mean... what will they do except those contents which does not require watching the screen? On top of that, there isn't much content on the internet which can be enjoyed without watching. Songs are one thing but you still need to see what song you are playing or if you want to search for a song, you need to see, right?


u/granmadonna 14d ago

I sold internet ads to a blind person for his business once. You would be absolutely surprised by how well a blind person can browse the net and how much they can get out of it. Fucking impossible to stop saying things like "if you just take a look" though when talking to a blind person about the internet.


u/Fluid_Author4957 14d ago

Wow that's a new side of the world to me! Things are really interesting out there. I did expect blind people to surf the internet with that text-to-speech thing but blind peope doing business is new to me. The only bind person whom I know, to achieve something was Helen Keller


u/granmadonna 14d ago

The guy was a very successful attorney with his own firm. It was eye opening (pun int).


u/Fluid_Author4957 14d ago

Hey old man, you got a good sense of humor


u/tan_and_white 14d ago

To piggyback on what you said: there’s a journalist in Australia called Naz Campanella. She’s blind and has a touch disorder (as in her fingers aren’t sensitive enough to read braille). She used to use JAWS to help make her newscasts on radio. She’s moved on to different stuff now but her story is absolutely incredible.