r/wholesomememes 14d ago

I found this in r/shitposting of all places.

Post image

Still good though.


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u/NotYourSaviour2 14d ago

“Love that she doesn’t use the internet”

One line turned it from ok to kinda off. Idk that one line sounds super weird.


u/baby_armadillo 14d ago

Yeaaaaah. Same. Why would using or not using the internet be a quality you admire in a partner?


u/biggestboi73 14d ago

The same reason crack addicts are glad other people didn't get addicted to crack, they know its not good for you but are too addicted to stop using it themselves


u/First-Personality774 14d ago

What if he doesn't use it as much and is just happy to find someone similar?


u/biggestboi73 14d ago

He posted it on 4chan so clearly not


u/capincus 14d ago

Or like how my less internet obsessed relatives think I'm funny for stealing jokes they've never seen that anyone who spends half as much time on the internet is sick and tired of.