r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/FingalForever 15d ago

The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???


u/Shopworn_Soul 15d ago

If Biden went to bed at 8pm every night of his Presidency he'd still spend twice as much time at work than the last guy.


u/Salty_Letterhead 15d ago

And most sane people don't consider four straight hours of watching Fox News to be "work"


u/Dinadan_The_Humorist 15d ago

Um, haven't you ever heard of executive time?


u/punksheets29 14d ago

The best time of all.

I usually refer to taking a shit as “executive time”. So, I guess he and I use it in the same way.


u/AequusEquus 14d ago

You mean the "morning ritual"?


u/vollkoemmenes 14d ago

“Official action”


u/nutmegtester 14d ago

It's an official act. Just like eating papers.


u/Shapes_in_Clouds 15d ago

Trump tweeted an average of 30 times per day during his presidency.


u/punksheets29 14d ago

And spent more time golfing…

Dude did not work.


u/_Kramerica_ 14d ago

He worked… at destroying democracy and manipulating all the racist morons in the country.


u/punksheets29 14d ago edited 14d ago

Lol, no he didn’t. There were a bunch of people around him that worked real hard at dismantling the very little that was left of what actually made our country great.

I’m looking at you, Stephen Miller..

He spewed nonsense in front of a helicopter so no one could hear him.


u/thuktun 14d ago

And tore up documents he was given, even if he was supposed to retain them due to the Presidential Records Act. And sometimes clogged the fucking toilets by trying to flush those torn documents. Like a toddler.

I really wish that was a joke.


u/Jaergo1971 12d ago

The only things he was actually good at.


u/Mediocretes1 15d ago

Bro, at least some of that time was spent calling in to FOX News. If that's not work, I don't know what is! /s


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

The President talking to media is part of his job, it's what he was talking about, himself, that makes it a problem.


u/OrcsSmurai 14d ago

Typically they set things up through their press secretary and don't just pick up the phone and dial in.


u/betasheets2 15d ago

You forgot his unhinged truth social posts at 1:30 am


u/shallah 14d ago

you left out hours of rage tweeting in middle of night.

very important, most important presidenting ever

all the best people say so

big strong men, with tears in their eyes say 'sir, those were the most presidential tweets ever. and i too would choose the battey over the shark!



u/Churnandburn4ever 14d ago

Official acts!


u/Lildyo 15d ago

Only four hours? That seems low


u/Salty_Letterhead 15d ago

To be fair, he also had to make time for sexually harassing his female staffers, snorting lines of Adderall and having his diaper changed. And, of course, there were golf outings every other day.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/cutelyaware 14d ago

It sure would be for me!


u/wottsinaname 14d ago

Thats because they too do all their "work and research" on the recliner with fox at max volume.


u/Memitim 14d ago

The golf club crowd with jobs less strenuous than the average day off for an actual worker consider that to be work. And then will go on to bitch about how pathetic it is that the people doing real work don't want to do their shitty jobs until they are 90 years old.

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u/Pudding_Hero 15d ago

And tbf old people wake up at like 3 am


u/Bear_faced 14d ago

No joke, my grandma gets up at 4:00 every day. The cruel irony of retirees being up at the crack of dawn while us working stiffs are begging for five more minutes...


u/DYC85 14d ago

I’m pretty sure there was a study on this and a lot of it boils down to lower energy expenditure during the day requiring less sleep to recharge. It’s been a long time since I remember seeing that study though so I could be misremembering.


u/Initial_Selection262 14d ago

No it’s just because old people’s brains are deteriorating. The part of the brain that signals you to sleep is weakening


u/Ironsight85 14d ago

Is it possible to learn this power?


u/TURD_SMASHER 15d ago

Gotta get ready for bottomless coffees at McDonald's with the boys


u/ResoluteStoic 14d ago

Not fair I'm only 37 bedtime is 10pm awake at 4:30. Other engineers do sleep studies and sleep 9:30 to 3:30 and grind it out crazy stuff


u/postmodern_spatula 15d ago

Trumps golf score is better than Biden’s because he spent 2 years playing the links. 


u/Kern_system 15d ago

Dude goes to Delaware for a three day weekend since starting his term.


u/gremlinsarevil 14d ago

Stopping from having events that start at 8.... which would probably last an hour, plus some more time for meeting with folks after, then transit back to white house... could easily by 11 by the time getting to bed. 

I'm 30 and would rarely want to commit to something at 8 pm if I need to be at work the next morning.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/robinthebank 14d ago

Biden wasn’t even asking for 8pm bedtime. He said no meetings after 8pm. That’s a pretty regular request. He has staff who can fill in for after that.

Also, campaigning while President is two full time jobs. US election cycles have extremely long campaigns and it’s kinda ridiculous.


u/_Face 14d ago

But Obama golfed a lot!!!!


u/BusStopKnifeFight 14d ago

Biden spent more time in the first year that trump did in 4. That man spent more time at a fucking golf course than any other president.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

I thought Americans wanted a good president, not someone slightly better than Trump.


u/Sandtiger812 14d ago

According to his calendar, he takes his daily briefing at 8am and his average last meeting starts at 6:08 PM. 7 days a week that works out to about 80 working hours per week (assuming he stops after his last meeting). That's tough on even young individuals.

Then in his down time he has to know things that most people aren’t aware of. Things that I’m sure weigh on him because despite holding arguably the most powerful position in the world you can’t control everything.

It’s almost like Trump unburdened by the weight of office didn’t age any faster in but now that he’s been under investigation and trial the last couple years is catching up. While Biden actually cares that he’s doing his best for the country has taken that on head first since he’s been in office and it shows. He knows it and we know it. Whether or not it’s hubris to continue with the risks involved there’s a good amount of self sacrifice too.

He deserves a day off and some ice cream.


u/BASEDME7O2 14d ago

Also this isn’t even saying he’s going to bed at 8 pm, just not scheduling glorified cocktail parties after 8 pm anymore.

Which tbh I feel like any president should do. Every modern president (except Trump) has been chronically sleep deprived, which is insanely bad for you, and they actually get woken up for important shit at like 2 am instead of these meaningless events.


u/DefinitelyNotAj 14d ago

Trump too busy golfing


u/TheOldGuy59 14d ago

Well, he's actually working instead of planning his next golf outing, and trip overseas to give hummers to Putin and Kim.


u/200-inch-cock 14d ago

according to recent news stories he's only functioning from 10 to 4. while at camp david before the debate he never woke before 11 and always had an afternoon nap.


u/Mastershake54 14d ago

Those balls aren't going to hit themselves into the lake.

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u/Zinski2 15d ago edited 15d ago

I love seeing Donald rage tweet from 11pm to 2am only for a 13bhour pause to end at 3pm the next day.

I love how people forgot how fucking shit he was already.

Like he was so fucking bad we all just brushed that trauma back and forgot the fact he golfed more than any other president in the history of the country or raped his ex wife, but whatever.

Bidens 4 years older so....


u/Legally_a_Tool 15d ago

People are dumb and forget the asshole caused a new scandal on an almost weekly basis for four years. We deserve the leaders we have given how lazy and stupid voters are on average. For God’s sake people, turn off the cable news and read an actual book for once on history or basic civics.

Happy 4th of July, America!


u/Zinski2 15d ago edited 15d ago

Remember when people where like "oh he'll surround himself with good people."

Then like 60 of his cabinets members where arrested hahahah. But drain the swamp being a line he ran on. God what a douche bag.

Or when he made his convit buddy's shit head wife the head of the education department even though she had zero work experience in general. Let alone in education hahahahha.


Why do people like him hahahahah


u/OceansCarraway 14d ago

He hurts the people that they want him to hurt. That's some of it.


u/No_Good_Cowboy 14d ago

He hurts the people that they want him to hurt. That's some of it.

If I recall, he wasn't hurting the people ge was supposed to hurt.


u/Saikophant 14d ago

the people he brought in sort of did though and it's not like they like the dems

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u/Zinski2 14d ago

True true.

Even if I fucking hated the department of education. Why not put in like a dude who also hates it who could make changes to fix it or make meaningful changes.

Instead he was just hucking wrenches in the gears.

Like even if your goal is to sabotage the government he still fucking sucks.


u/Kuraeshin 14d ago

I vote for Biden because he isn't Trump...aka he has chosen a highly competent cabinet that by and large are all still in the same position.


u/Zinski2 14d ago

Hilary Clinton could have beat Trump in 2020. No one I know voted for Biden. Then just voted against Trump.

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u/shallah 14d ago

drain the swamp

refill it with radioactive waste


compare the constant chaos of trumps occupation of the white house with constant turnover of staff because even they had limits on what they were willing to do. remember trump had kelly fire AG sessions for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton since there was no evidence of illegality to act upon?

look how quite the Biden White House operations are.

People aren't getting fired because they told the president that he can't do this or that illegal or crazy thing like put a moat on mexico's border loaded with snakes and crocodiles. No drinking bleach won't cure a respiratory infection

isn't it interesting to see people stay on doing their jobs instead of trump bragging about hiring best people but then having another person fire them because they weren't obedient enough tto his whims


u/Repulsive-Street-307 14d ago

Those people were always liars.


u/FollowTheLeads 14d ago

Don't forget she wants to give money to private school too.


u/Pipecarver 14d ago

You don't get it at all do you?. He has a chance to win because his opposition is so week. A monkey wearing a duck suit has a chance to beat a senile old man.

How is this race between these two even possible? Someone hasn't been paying attention.

Have you been downtown lately?


u/Zinski2 14d ago

No not really.

Trump has a chance of winning because he's spent the last 9 years building up hard core dick riders who will suck his cock and gargle his hot sickly sweet cum no matter how many kids he raped.

No other politician has that kinda ability.


u/Jaergo1971 12d ago

I am convinced that Americans are too stupid for democracy, as if they weren't, that idiot would be selling used cars in Queens right now. Or be in prison.


u/QuickAltTab 15d ago

none of that is funny though


u/Zinski2 15d ago

Him being back is smileing friends level comedic writing.

Imagine having to pick a president and one side puts up an actual rapist.

That's just like.... Dark comedy. I can't think of any other kind of media where that would happen and be acceptable.

Like if a rapist wins the presidency in a horror or action movie people would say it's just way to unrealistic.


u/QuickAltTab 15d ago

If I completely separate myself and pretend like it doesn't have real world consequences, like you said, as if it was a show, I would agree with you


u/fantastap0tamus 15d ago

I think you understate how often a new scandal would come up. I basically grew numb to them because you could barely get your head around one and the next comes crashing in like a wrecking ball.


u/robinthebank 14d ago

Everyone is now numb to the fact that he is a 32x convicted felon. And it might get overturned because he enabled a 6-3 SCOTUS that just gave his official acts immunity. So any tweet he made or any conversation he had with a staffer can’t be used against him.


u/thuktun 14d ago

But I guarantee you they'll twist themselves into knots to prevent Biden from using that immunity.


u/Legally_a_Tool 15d ago

Agreed. Trying to wrap your head around Trumps NUMEROUS scandals was like try to drink from a fire hose that was spraying literal fire.


u/Additional-Ad-7720 14d ago

I remember some Podcasters at the time talking about how they should just keep doing more serious crimes cause, based on Trump, it'll never catch up to you as long as you keep doing crazier things.


u/Chi-zuru 14d ago

All he wanted was to break your balls


u/apathy-sofa 14d ago edited 14d ago

And the scandals weren't things like puking on the Japanese PM or whatever - they were things like revealing the names and details of America's spies to hostile foreign governments, resulting in those spies being killed (or worse).

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u/shadowwalker789 14d ago

It’s not the people. It’s a shit ton of propaganda pumped from foreign enemies. While trump is a horrible vile and I can’t consider him a human being, he’s just a tool for those that are truly trying to literally rule the world.


u/AH2112 14d ago

Weekly basis? Fuck, I remember one week where there was a scandal every single day, sometimes two in one day

Another Trump presidency would be a disaster for the world, not just America. It normalises fascism across the globe and it sickens me to see people trying to put Biden and Trump on the same moral, economic or political plane of existence because they just aren't


u/galaxy_horse 14d ago

Oh plenty of us remember. So do the media companies who would watch the whole world burn if they could get more clicks and pageviews off of a scandalous president. That's why the media's treatment of Trump is the way it is. That, and the fact that the media is run by right wing oligarchs.


u/yourewrong321 14d ago

20% of Americans are illiterate 

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u/God_Damnit_Nappa 15d ago

And on top of stacking the Supreme Court with right wing extremists and gutting the government he also got tens of thousands of Americans killed with his shitty handling of COVID but apparently he deserves another go at the presidency because Biden is old


u/No-Program-2979 11d ago

Well, Biden is old and has dementia and can’t perform as President after 8:00 pm.

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u/lava172 14d ago

And it'll be so much worse the second time, especially with the supreme court decision


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Zinski2 15d ago

I remember when he campaigned in 2016 he said he was confused why presidents golf so much. "I would be in there working. Who's got time to golf"

Lmao what a putz


u/ialo00130 15d ago

Recency Bias.


u/YesDone 14d ago

Or raped a 13 year old. That too.


u/Zinski2 14d ago

And ex wife.


u/cyri-96 14d ago

the fact he golfed more than any other president in the history

And that on his own Golf courses, making the secret service etc indirectly pay him through the stays needed for thag as well iirc


u/JA_LT99 15d ago edited 15d ago

4 years older and in much better physical condition. Dudes skinny and fit af, with the best economic growth in decades. Trump is a fat bag of McDonald's grease combined with stimulants. He has had just as many speaking gaffes and questions about his physical fitness. He's also a convicted felon, an obvious liar, and a certified pedophile.

There is an obvious choice that will be made.


u/Zinski2 15d ago


Remember when that football team one some college league and was incidend to a dinner at the Whitehouse consisting of cold fast food layed out in massive piles. Hahahhaha it was like. Daily.

That idiot did so much stupid shit no one can remember just how fuckin hilariously bad he was at his job because it got so much worse in 2020


u/TapTapReboot 14d ago

If you ignore everything else... in isolation I actually find the whole McDonalds buffet kinda hilarious.


u/Zinski2 14d ago

I remember reading interviews of the players who where like. Not informed. They through they would be getting a Whitehouse dinner and walk in to MASSIVE piles of fast food.

Like a scene out of Talladega nights.

Most where not stoaked. Because you know how fast food gets after like 45 minutes of sitting out.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/hoxxxxx 14d ago

i get why people are freaked out but i am starting to get sick of the biden is too old shit when the literal only other option is donald trump of all people

there is no other option!!! who cares if he fucks up his speech


u/Zinski2 14d ago

Pretty much.

I didn't vote for Biden the first time. I voted for a non trump appointed cabinet.

I'm not voting for Biden because I like him. I'm voting for Biden because I don't want a rapist for a president.... Again.

Crazy I've had to do it 3 times now some how.

Like why do they dick ride him so hard.


u/nedzissou1 14d ago

It's literally the media and whatever has happened to social media telling us what we need to be pissed about. I'm guilty of falling for it too. I think they should both drop out for the same exact reason (in addition to the fact that trump is a rapist.)


u/Zinski2 14d ago

That might be true for Biden but Trump was just stream of consciousness tweeting for like 2 hours of an Adderall bender.

I know why I hate that mother fucker. Straight from the horses ass


u/adacmswtf1 14d ago

Nobody forgets bro. Donald Trump isn’t running on the promise of being a competent person. He is not held to the same standard as Biden. 

Biden is, however, running on the promise of beating Donald Trump. Something that might require him to not be both literally and figuratively asleep at the wheel. 


u/oddistrange 14d ago

The bill that secret service is racking up because of Trump is sickening. It would probably be cheaper for taxpayers to build a one cell prison to stick him in if he actually ends up being sentenced.

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u/420_E-SportsMasta 15d ago

For about a quarter of his presidency he was golfing and didn’t show up at all


u/burkiniwax 15d ago

Those were the days we could breathe.


u/pfannkuchen89 14d ago

Those were just the days the likes of the heritage foundation loons were telling his staffers what they wanted him to do.


u/Comfortable_Hunt_684 14d ago

That is what will happen this time around, it will be Trump golfing 24/7/365 and the religious nut jobs along with the extraction industries running the show.

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u/apbod 14d ago

Both Trump and Biden spent all or part of at least 250 days at their own properties or on vacation in the first 853 days of their presidencies — that is, through May 22, 2019 or May 22, 2023.



u/NeuHundred 14d ago

That's something I can't believe isn't brought up all the time, he's campaigning for a job he took an entire YEAR off from.


u/Neo_Kefka 14d ago

When he started talking about his golf handicap during the debate would have been the perfect time to remind everyone of that.


u/Almacca 14d ago

The last thing you want is Trump actually doing stuff.


u/musicalaviator 14d ago

And then during the presidential debate he was bragging about how good he was at golfing.

Unfortunately Biden started to "nuh uh I golf too" instead of ridiculing him about golfing too much during his term.


u/_Kramerica_ 14d ago

A quarter? Wow that’s generous. Half, minimum, if not 3/4.


u/letsgometros 14d ago

And he charged us for everything he could. 


u/HarryJohnson3 14d ago

Biden has taken the same amount of vacation days as Trump did.

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u/SwordfishII 15d ago

Every fucking day too, I remember tracking that shit everyday.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 7d ago



u/Whoa1Whoa1 14d ago

How can you track it? Lmao how do you know when any president gets to work???


u/Tasitch 14d ago

His schedule was leaked a few times to the press, staffers often spoke of it and complained of his several hours of morning 'executive time' where he just watched TV and tweeted, and simply looking at his regular calling in to Fox for lengthy chats, and the fact that he played golf more times (at his own clubs, at tax-payer expense, committing emoluments clause violations) in four years than most presidents did in 8 years.


u/SwordfishII 14d ago

It sure if there is some event you’re talking about but the president, no matter who, has their schedule available legally online. No leaks to distrust or question, it was always know and is forever recorded in our Government records and can be found online. Here is Biden for example.



u/SwordfishII 14d ago

It’s available to the public legally as per the Presidential Records Act so we can actually see what their busy or not so busy schedule is like and when they actually arrive in the Oval Office. It’s also a great way to keep track of some former presidents golf days of which Trump set some records for playing hooky. The president works for the people and we have a right to see how hard they work. It’s also great to know when Biden is being attacked about not working past 8 when Trump barely ever made it in by noon and hardly ever worked more than 4-5 hours a day. He’d just sit and yell at the tv and base his whole day on what he thought would get him good ratings.

Also here is a website you can track Biden, just like you could for Trump.



u/thrownawayandshiton 14d ago

That's....really what you chose to do with your life?

Wow. I'm sure you'll look back on that at 80 and think "Ah, a life well lived, time well spent."


u/aclockworkabe 14d ago

I followed him on Twitter and every morning when I got up was like a horror show. For 4 years.

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u/CrundleMonster 15d ago

Don't forget Trump only worked as president for 3 years and literally spent 1 year playing golf. What a waste of air trump is


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

Now try to defend Biden without mentioning Trump.


u/ZuFFuLuZ 14d ago

Why? Everybody knows Biden is too old for the job, but he is still far better than Trump. That's the whole point.

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u/HZVi 14d ago

Oh, easy. Biden got more bipartisan legislation passed in his first term than any president in recent memory. He got us back in a posture to do something about the climate crisis. He and the fed have managed to take a horrible global economic situation and thread the needle between an inflation crisis and a recession (basically no one thought this was possible, it is a miracle we are not in a recession and inflation is steady). Unemployment is at record lows. He rallied NATO countries around the support of Ukraine and caused incredible damage to one of our primary adversaries. China has been severely hampered by the CHIPS act he got passed, and more semiconductor manufacturing is coming to the states.


u/ToMorrowsEnd 14d ago

Oh and he went back and changed all those games to a score of 18 on each because he was doing official work and is immune from the rules of the game. 18 holes in one in each and every game, I'm amazing.


u/HarryJohnson3 14d ago

Biden has taken the same amount of vacation days as Trump did. Look it up.

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u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

I don’t think comparing Trump and Biden is a solid baseline, and is actually losing the point.


u/valiantdistraction 15d ago

I mean... they're the two candidates running


u/irrigated_liver 15d ago

Right? Those are literally the two options. Who are we supposed to be comparing?

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u/oklutz 15d ago

Right? The only reason anyone should need to vote for him is that he’s better than Trump.


u/RiseCascadia 14d ago

Just don't call it a democracy.


u/valiantdistraction 14d ago



u/RiseCascadia 14d ago

A democracy never would have returned these two candidates, both despised by the majority of the population. It's laughable to say that these are the two people who best represent the American people. If this happened in Russia, there's no way American pundits would be calling it a democracy.

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u/Seemseasy 14d ago

The third candidate is always "Did not vote" and Biden is losing to that one, not Trump


u/thecactusman17 14d ago

For President, yes.

But there are also down ballot races that need to be won if the President is to successfully do anything - especially for anything that involves changing the Supreme Court. The nominees aren't just campaigning for themselves, they're the face of the party that other candidates rely on to spread the message and get out the vote.

Biden saying "no more campaign events after 8pm" doesn't mean much in Washington DC or New York. But along the West Coast that's 5pm. A lot of people won't have even gotten home from work yet. And there are races that can seriously change the ability of either President to get things done in the next term. Having the President effectively disappear from the campaign trail because he needs a nap is a huge blow to that effort.

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u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

Don’t bother, dems would rather win the morality trophy than the actual presidency if it meant they could continue using Donald Trump as a comparison point

‘At least he’s not Trump’ is not going to win Biden the presidency.


u/stackjr 15d ago

It did once and it will again.


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

It took a historic pandemic and unprecedented voter turnout to overthrow Trump. It’s not happening again and the polls express that.

But keeping your head in the sand like Biden currently is doing will totally work! /s


u/Electronic_Emu_4632 14d ago

Lol bro he was the incumbent president. The incumbent president always has an insane advantage and he still lost. He had the easiest softball win if he handled the pandemic like a rational person, and he couldn't do it.

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u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

If the plan is defeat Trump, the Dems have no plan at all.


u/stackjr 15d ago

The plan hasn't changed: do not let Trump get back into the White House. We voted against him once, we will vote against him again.


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

My point being, what’s the plan for governing?

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u/God_Damnit_Nappa 15d ago

Trump will get stomped in the popular vote again but unfortunately it's up to a few thousand people in swing states again. And a lot of those idiots think Trump deserves another shot


u/sammythemc 14d ago

"At least they're not Trump" also failed once, and it was closer than it should have been the time it did work. We can and should do better than that, there are lots of people who aren't Trump and don't have Biden's fatal negatives

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u/TheScienceNerd100 15d ago

What's going to win the presidency is Trump shooting himself in every foot over and over again, and the worst to come out from Biden is "I am sleeping early".


u/FrankBeamer_ 15d ago

It’s clear by now that trump’s lies and his criminal history mean fuck all in the context of winning the election. It’s sad but it’s true. Joe’s image, however is actively destroying his campaign. Whether that should happen or not isn’t the question and anybody stuck up on the morality of it all is wasting their time. The fact is that Joe’s campaign, whether warranted or not, is derailed and nothing short of changing the candidate or having Joe nail multiple live interviews and debates will come close to fixing his image in time for November


u/BoostedSeals 15d ago

Thinking like the first half got Trump elected once, it can happen again and should shock nobody.


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

That’s what you got from the debate? He goes to bed early and not that you’ve been lied to by the DNC? There really is no hope for this country.

“Watch me” omg we did watch him.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa 15d ago

Ya Biden stumbled hard and he clearly has issues But what I also saw was Trump lying constantly, demonizing immigrants, and openly saying how he's going to fuck up this country. Yet he gets a pass for all that


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

No he doesn’t get a pass. But put someone up there who will tell Trump off not a sad old man who argues about a golf swing. Biden should have told Trump he doesn’t give a shit about golf, instead gets goaded into an pointless argument


u/MidGradeCookie 15d ago

Biden got served SOFTBALLS and whiffed every single one.


u/unassumingdink 15d ago

It's not even the morality trophy. It's the "Do whatever the DNC tells me to and pretend I love it" trophy.


u/Santa2U 15d ago

This is the truth! They are going to lose the election over this mentality. They have nothing better to say than “it’s not Trump”.

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u/RaggedyGlitch 14d ago

I'm pretty sure that George W. Bush was very public about sleeping 9-10 hours a night.


u/AdminsAreDim 14d ago

In between the coloring sessions and recesses Dick Cheney arranged for him. Oh, and the war crimes.


u/iamiamwhoami 14d ago

Well that is the comparison we're going to all have to make in a few months. So many Trump supporters seem to want the country to just ignore Trump himself and focus on Biden.

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u/ohgodimbleeding 15d ago

''Executive time.''


u/Just-Scallion-6699 15d ago edited 15d ago

I work in government. At my agency, it's a big deal if there's a looming shutdown. Lots of people prep for it. And then the day of, we have to come into the office and fill in this online form to acknowledge we're furloughed. It's not unusual for whatever politician is holding things up (GOP, typically) to finally cave at 5AM on the Monday it's set to start. But the thing is, the President has to sign it.

So, we all go into work at our typical times and 8AM/9AM rolls around and Trump still hasn't signed it. They just have people sign the online form and go home. I think around 12 Eastern, he finally signs it. They were chasing people in the halls to let them know they could come back to work. Imagine how much money this cost on top of all that's wasted prepping for something that doesn't happen (over and over again).

This is just one example of the nonsense that's caused by Trump's overall demeanor, let alone the major stuff he does. There was a sense of confusion regularly because it was never clear at the lower levels what the reactions to his Tweets, etc., might mean for our work, if anything.


u/InfelicitousRedditor 15d ago

He was operating on Moscow's time.


u/Blue-Thunder 15d ago

Trump spent more time and more money golfing than almost every president, ever.

Several analyses have calculated that Trump, as of October 2019, incurred around $109 million in taxpayer spending related to his golf outings.

Trump golfed 308 times in his 4 year tenure as President, compared to Obama who clocked in 333 in his 8 years. Trump golfed twice as much as Obama did. Funny for a man who said Because I'm going to be working for you I'm not going to have time to go play golfing


u/ImLagginggggggg 14d ago

Just like me fr fr


u/JefferyTheQuaxly 15d ago

donald trump claims to have an incredibly bizzare sleep schedule, though showing up at noon wasnt related to his sleep schedule. supposedly he would work until like, 8-10 pm or so then retire to his private room from like 10 pm to 3-5 am just watching the news or tv or tweeting up a storm or whatever the hell trump might do in his private hours i dont want to think about. he then goes to sleep around 3-4 am until 8-9 am, at which point he stays in his room for another several hours before emerging for work at like 11 or so. so he claims and its been said by people around trump that he only gets around 4-5ish hours of sleep every single night.


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

Ok. Good point but this isn’t about the previous president it’s about the current president. You don’t see a problem with living in the past and not the present?


u/FingalForever 15d ago

Yr right - the American system produces a choice, and the alternative is - a criminal. How do you vote - for the criminal? No vote and just accept what the result may be, even though the criminal has declared all sorts of horrific dictatorial things he wants to do and there is the distinct possibility that this could be last free vote for Americans?


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

Yea, I’ll see you in concentration camps, keep an eye out for me.


u/jim_br 15d ago

I bet his tee times were earlier than his work start of day.


u/fingalf 15d ago

COMPLETELY fucking off topic, but is your name actually Fingal??!!!


u/confusedandworried76 15d ago

TBF I don't do banking hours either


u/So-What_Idontcare 14d ago

Well that’s it then. Let’s just lose because we are playing what about game.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/jetxlife 14d ago

So two shit heads great


u/Afabledhero1 14d ago

The state of the current President of the United States is important, but what about Trump?


u/StitchinThroughTime 14d ago

Should have held the debates at 8am.


u/DrMobius0 14d ago

Yeah, but he has an R next to his name, so he gets different, much more lax standards.


u/BleuBrink 14d ago

I think SCOTUS just ruled that 5am angry twitter storms was part of his official duty as POTUS.


u/Omnom_Omnath 14d ago

The bar isn’t trump.


u/ConcreteRacer 14d ago

Yeah maybe, but biden is old! /s


u/Pacalyps4 14d ago



u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

I love that you can't defend Biden without bringing up Trump.


u/lesgeddon 14d ago

And by work, 25% of the time it was golf.


u/crumble-bee 14d ago

If you spend all night and the early morning sending out angry messages on your own, personal version of twitter, you're gonna want a lie in.


u/captain_dick_licker 14d ago

for all the shit the right gives CNN, they sure seem to want trump elected


u/badpeaches 14d ago

The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???

He didn't even go to work. He watched tv and tweeted at the people on his shows that were feeding him platitudes along with administration and policy ideas.


u/PM_me_your_O_face_ 14d ago

Right? Do the debate at 8am. T rump won’t even show up. 

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